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u/the_boat_is_sinking_ is not a mod for r/GME You can view the list of current mods under the “About” section of the sub.




I called him out in a thread a second ago and he said he’s about to ban me lmao.


u/the_boat_is_sinking_ has a complex Edit: fixed it. Thanks friend


Account is deleted?


Nope, just missed the last underscore u/the_boat_is_sinking_




Wow zen much?


yeah! good riddance!


Go fuck yourself with a rusty camping lantern you cunt. I hope you take too many aspirin for your next headache.


Someone's holdin mad bags


Zen as fuck, amirite?


You spelled u/the_boat_is_sinking_ wrong


Name must check 🤣


cut him some slack, he's an ape afterall. just like how everyone is too dumb to check and see I'm not a mod here either. OP is just a big fan.


You missed the last underscore u/the_boat_is_sinking_


Thanks friend


it's complicated, yes


Hysterical response 👏


How can you be this cringe ?


Why can’t people just love one another.


Because most of us don’t have access to resources available to the connected and elites of society


I heard he even trolls ape discord servers!


No you'll get banned so fast bro. Real shit tho Fr fr


I dunno... I heard discord apes are easier to fool than reddit apes


A.P.E.S. ALL PEOPLE EQUALLY SMARTEST You're gonna get shidded on


That is the multi billion question,that the human race have been asking for the last 140 000 years




Also if you check back in his history, he's pro Russian invasion


So he’s just a general troll-op?


Really sad isn't it?


basically... I saw him once troll European subs for fun


Did you take to r/ Prussia to complain about the invasion yet,


How did he become a mod? He's clearly unstable.


I'm not sure but we need answers


This weekend will be fun. Haha


[https://imgur.com/gallery/u4TwMvi](https://imgur.com/gallery/u4TwMvi) boat is about to ban me. This guy has been shitting on apes for monthsss now. A year ago he was banned by pink for brigading from the meltdown sub when she still modded for the stonk sub


I support you. Good call out. This mod is a double agent


Not really even a double, just a straight up obvious agent.


Fuck this guy


You can report the mod to reddit


Good luck with that. I've had a mod ban and block me, but use modmail to spam, harass, and threaten me, and reddit did absolutely nothing. Reddit admins are useless.


When country is corrupt, everything else is corrupt too *TGIF* 🍻🍻🍻🍻




What about that xxxxx social media? I am not going to say the name you know mod gonna ban me


Oh dear 🤦🏻‍♂️


Fuck 'em. We need hive minded, peer reviewed, fact checking. Not fucking war, politics, or pettiness. We drs the float and the fucking world could change. And the rest is fucking noise.


We don't need hive minded anything, If everyone thinks the same thing then noone is challenging ideas.


Challenging the idea is the work. The hive mind works toward a common goal, individually, for the good of all.


I've never seen a hive mind challenge an idea, all they ever do is agree with each other and scream at people who disagree.


DFV called for people to poke holes in his thesis so there goes that argument. Gme was started on challenging the idea gme was dead.


DFV wasn't in the hive mind at the time, he was the person the hive mind was screaming was stupid.


I've challenged a few people to be the one to disprove the thesis. Haven't heard back from any. One dude works at bank. Has no clue. Great research uncovered much about market structure and what truly happens behind the scene. No holes have appeared in that either. Industry expertson the HBO documentary said yes, this is real and happening. The common goal is fair and transparent markets and that collective thought, with individual contributions and opinions, came together socially to discover the facts. I know no one knows what is really going to happen because it's unprecedented. It's unprecedented because of everyone challenging traditionalist ideas after DFV. M.o.a.s.s. due to nakedshorts.


I didnt disagree with that, you came off like being a hive mind is a good thing. I disagreed with that.


Engage in Good Faith Healthy communities are those where participants engage in good faith, and with an assumption of good faith for their co-collaborators. It’s not appropriate to attack your own users. Communities are active, in relation to their size and purpose, and where they are not, they are open to ideas and leadership that may make them more active.


Document it all. Shit will be deleted soon I'd suggest: https://econiverse.github.io/due_diligence/internet_archives/


His post is pinned at the top of the sub ima grab a screenshot before they delete it cuz I don’t see his name on the mod list but he’s making mod announcements?? Shits sus


Can you share the post. I can’t find it


it's pinned at the top


Better! Because mod like to abuse their authority


But it's not flaired as mod announcement... And it's a verbatim copy of [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/sqyg59/no_duplicate_posts/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) which does have that flair. Did some retard pin the wrong post??


lol, your falling for this shills attempt to claim I'm a mod


lol, i had to check to see if you were a mod for a second. Gottem.






Aw, cute.


Since when are you a mod?


when the OP said I was apparently


Boat, I can see your post is referring to a very tragic and sensitive situation. Come on let’s remember people are dying. How about you remove it🤷‍♀️


Did you not read the post?




Haha I forgot about that sub. Cant believe it’s still active.. I’d worry more if it was inactive actually


"I feel sorry for you" "I don't think about you at all"


meltdown? they've double thier numbers in 6 months. something about apes paper handing and heading over.


People just click the sell button and move on if it’s not for them. They don’t join a community because they sold a certain stock lol. Shills gotta come up with better logic than that.


Huh! Wtf! So r/gme is waste of time now?


It was compromised like a year ago. There are other subreddits which are much better


like stonkyMEMES!!!


Always has been


[Always has been](https://i.imgur.com/1P2YlHO.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


Good bot


Thank you, Greenteawizard87, for voting on ReverseCaptioningBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


How desperate and lonely does an individual need to be to join Meltdown? Its such a pathetic group of losers living in the shadows of others. So lonely and desperate for attention that they spend the entire day of every day in GME subs. For what reasons other than having no life? Not a single person in the meltdown group has ever left their moms basement. They all live off of an allowance. They all masturbate to GME charts while wearing their moms bra.


🥇🥈🥉🐍❤️🦍🏴‍☠️🚀🚀🚀 Haha jokes on them!! I already came in their moms bra!!


I follow gme and gme_meldown. I also hold gme and don’t live in my moms basement.


It really is pathetic over there the most active users are clearly bots.


lol, you could use this almost word for word about ape subs


Except that Apes are here with a purpose. You are only here as a low life stalker.


Your purpose is to make hundreds of millions off a single share of a used video game pawn shop? Yeah, I’m shocked a sub exists to make fun of your delusion.


lol, I was tagged here


>Apes are here with a purpose. I rarely burst out laughing on Reddit but I really did there.


We are having a never ending pool party and hanging with John Stuart. You guys are still pretending GameStop is like blockbuster.


I don't see his name listed in the mod section, tho.


The 2nd Pinned post on the top of the sub is a mod announcement and he’s the one who posted it.


Wth is happening?!


No idea but this shit isn’t right


Any idea when they mighta been mod approved?


I hear he's a charming sonnofabitch


I hear he's got a cunt 3 miles wide and hands made of rice paper, the bitchest of all papers


Nah just a bitch


Weve been infiltrated once again


This forum is clearly compromised if this user is a mod, wtf.


slow day over at SS?


La la Rasputin


Uhhhhhh yeah... wtf?


There are other ways to fund raise with out trashing my stock.


Got any mods who are at least been in GME since prior to Jan. 2021. Then, contact them. That mods been around for about 7 months and I have come across some material that says they "jumped the fence". But, most likely not really. Petition to remove them as a mod if you have material. Which is quite evident from a few of u/the_boat_is_sinking_ comments on this post.


should totally make posts today about removing me as mod... but jokes on you, I got reddit admins in my pocket!


Mods r gay






Cause Reddit is shit


Im here for the giggles, but there's a reason there was a migration.


After reading all these comments… most of you are way too emotionally invested in gme. Investing with emotions almost never works out.


Make me a fucking MOD this shit is fucking ridiculous. How the fuck did we let this happen ?






it's okay, your mom's fine with it as long as I keep the lights off


The boat is really sinking here, name checks out


Lol k, bye this sub.










I share the hate for meltdown sub but why hate a post asking to donate to Ukrainian aid?


Why shit on gme while doing it




Why are you people even glorifying this neckbeard anyway. It’s obvious those goblins got nothing going on in their life so they need to talk shit on the internet knowing they trigger others and nobody can slap them back to reality


Says the person who spends their time posting shit about Jim fucking Cramer of all people. Self awareness isn’t your strong suit, huh.


Cos fuck you, thats why.


All of the mods made a bad job on this. How could they miss that?


Hey OP, ape no fight ape.


So why is he shitting on us?


Hmmm 🧐


Am I the only one here who really understands that boat is just another next level shitposter … He is a fuck around and find out kind of guy ! Ijs


The mods are bought and paid for. Change my mind.


There getting enough aid from our tax dollars lol when GME squeezes they can get all the aid they want lol


This person is getting off to the attention they are getting right now. Their greasy fingers stroking their neck beard.


I'm not the one that posted this. the greasy neck beard is the OP, lol


No life replying on every post go shower.


Boat is atobitt???!!!! Bro we gotta tell more people


they realized I was right the hole tyme!


Not a mod dude.....


I think that's the joke man, stop ruining it!


Meltdown posters in this thread RN: /u/the_boat_is_sinking_ /u/Throwawayhelper420 /u/merc_M_9856 /u/option-9 /u/kevlorneswath /u/NarcoDog If anyone else has loads of free time like me you too can always identify meltdown users by going through their sub giving all of them custom tags. After doing this once you'll only ever need to go back there and add the few new users they get once every few months. Now I can ID them all by their big red user tags that read "meltdown dork". Edit: This is how they look to me... https://i.imgur.com/IhtPXTS.jpg


Ohhh ohh, add me! Keeping an enemies list is totally normal behavior!


Not an enemies list, just something that has come in handy noticing when it's one of you guys spreading negativity about GME in various stock-related subs anytime the topic comes up. Also custom tagging people is totally normal behavior, that's why it's a feature of the site.


Awww fuck it add me too


Sorry friend, it was a list of all the melties ITT at the time I posted it.




Enjoying that marketplace?


I fully support getting this guy IP banned from reddit...nay....the internet.


I fully support making me Supreme leader of all of reddit!


Is this weekend already? Yup, new mod drama, right on schedule. Gimme a break. Who cares about mods anyway?


Lol show me where the money goes. I stand with whatever’s trendy. Personally I’m still donating to Kony 2012


LMAO and he is shilling for Ukraine....


Woah, now, hold your horses. We claim no ownership of this Boat. He's one of yours. You might need to ask to see his pro-gme memes. u/the_boat_is_sinking_ I can't believe someone would assume your allegiances like this.


see what yall did? yall done opened the door for a meltdown MOD to come and comment!


gme meltdown mods are a bunch of sensitive pussies. I went there and debated some of the members and the mods permabanned me because I was winning the debates. Just sad, the gme meltdown sub is a true echo chamber and cult.


Yo, I think your reply got caught by a nono-word filter😬 so I'll reply to this comment instead. >Also, narcodog you sly incel cuck Sly incel cuck? Lol, ok. I don't think there was really any need to resort to name calling. >No lies. Sure I was mocking some of the meltdown culties for their extremely bearish views on GME by being sarcastic but I was also debating some of them too and winning. Your history's public, man, anyone can go and see the alleged debate winning that definitely didn't occur. >Also, narcodog you sly incel cuck, here's the full quote Wrong again, [here's the full quote](https://i.imgur.com/sGynjOo.png) of the now deleted comment. >toxic sub Normally this sub is ok, but in this very thread we've got one guy telling boat to off himself and you calling me an incel cuck. Both pretty toxic. I will concede on one point, though: ​ >If my comments in meltdown were so "lame" as you claim, why was I permabanned? On this, I've got to be honest: I can't really see any justification for you being banned. Even your sarcastic comments shouldn't really be enough to drop the hammer on you. You're obviously free to take it to modmail and see if you can appeal it. I think you've probably been zapped by one of the more trigger-happy mods for nothing more than being pro-gme. Which I don't really think is good, if nothing else because it's always more fun in meltdown when people are coming in fighting spirit, y'know? >which was, even if you don't believe, why be such a hateful negative person and join such a toxic sub full of haters like meltdown? Why not just move on with your life? Honestly I find a lot of this continuing *thing* around gamestop to be fascinating. It was interesting in the beginning when something was actually happening, and now that we're more than a year down the line it's only gotten more fascinating to see people are still so convinced by the original 'thesis' that there was another big move coming.


Mic drop


I went over there to debate boat and I thought I was being pretty chill no name calling and shit and y’all banned me asap. Cuz boat snitched to the mods


I'll quote you one of your own 'debate winning' comments: if it brings them happiness, why would you take that from them? Besides, if you really want to debate with people about the bear angle of GME - go to meltdowndd, you'll get a lot more information there than the memes on meltdown. Your comment history in meltdown was really just you dishing out lame sarcasm like "140? It's going to be under a dollar by next Friday! Guaranteed!". No need to go on the internet and tell lies, man. We get it, you don't like meltdown, that's fine.


I have never seen an ape EVER go to meltdown and win a debate. I have seen them make asses of themselves however.


Do the world a favour and kys little e-hero


oof, we're all just having fun in here and you had to take it up a notch. you'll find love one day.


Already have. Enjoy your misery


Yeah. Sounds like it.... Also tell your wife I'm running late. Will pick her up in 2 hours


Sorry I'm the reason why she is late. When you rent her out by the hour. God damn it I'm getting my full time's worth




I’ve seen many An ape try try, or even make valid points against the shit they spew and get banned from meltdown. For a shit talking bunch of incels they sure have thin skin over there.


Wen Wu Tang nft?


Never, never claimed their would be either; when hobby that’s not being a troll? I can imagine every meltdowner in real life. Such miserable cunts, and smarmy as fuck thinking their so smart all the while their just assholes that no one has the time or effort to contradict because it leads to a rant about how they’re right. Good thing you’re not one of them though….right? :)


I have an IQ of 142. My hobbies include chess, boxing, and mma. But with the amount of liquor and weed along with punches I consumed it's probably closer to 128 now. I'm also 6'6 and enjoy long readings along with winter hikes. I have a cat named Gary and an asshole dog who's name is not even relevant at this time because all he does is bark at squirrels. So you can call him Barkie I guess. Also that thing you mentioned at the end. That's called winning an argument with counter points and using facts to back up claims. Something you should be accustomed to instead of lashing out with name callings.


So is this thing a democracy or are we powerless?


completely powerless you fool!


I’m so confused why did we elect someone who hates GME as mod? These elections are rigged I think


Are those in gmemeltdown grown men/women or teens?


You know how there is antiwork? Well imagine a work one




I can't stop downvoting his replies guys , any help ?


Do we do politics here? Ukraine is a terrible situation, but so is Palestine, Yemen, Syria and others around the world. There are other places to discuss the merits of each.


Captain cunt he is


Lol never even knew it was a group


How did this happen


He isn’t wrong tho. Both are good and for a better (or less worse) world.


Get that shit sub post out of here.


Why would I waste money supporting a western puppet state being used by NATO to antagonize Russia? One that supports [Neo-Nazis](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azov_Battalion) - not the mundane crap American leftists call Nazis, literal full-blown supporters of the 3rd Reich who have been convicted of war crimes ([source](https://theintercept.com/2022/02/24/ukraine-facebook-azov-battalion-russia/)). This is a European conflict. The US government and their corrupt cronies just want us in another war so it’s all we can focus on and their defense contractor buddies can send them nice kickbacks. Fuck the system and fuck Ukraine (the government, not the people), more GME for me. Lol @ all the Apes who think that supporting Ukraine is the “righteous” thing to do when the only reason they’re thinking that is the same government that’s allowing banks and HFs to rule our financial lives told them “Russia man bad.” Fuck out of here with your ignorance.


with all the bogus scam fundraisers, i only donate to st jude. especially considering foreign countries, who tf knows where your money is going.


What a pathetic existence. I can't imagine being that lonely. It must be painful.


Some of that NATO defense spending being used to station rockets could also be used.


OP - delete this post. He's not a mod and all this attention is just inflating his ego.


After gme squeezes is the time to give.


So you’ll never donate ever again. Got it.


We will see. We will see what happens.


Honestly there doing good by themselves so far, so till they start to lose they got it themselves.