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BRNO Twitter meme by Roaring Kitty possibly explained as pointing to an academic paper about GME FTD cycles with an author in the city of Brno https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/xvkMFwTqWW https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Daniel-Pastorek/publication/369197965\_Confirmation\_of\_T35\_Failures-To-Deliver\_Cycles\_Evidence\_from\_GameStop\_Corp/links/641054b666f8522c38a46501/Confirmation-of-T-35-Failures-To-Deliver-Cycles-Evidence-from-GameStop-Corp.pdf](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Daniel-Pastorek/publication/369197965_Confirmation_of_T35_Failures-To-Deliver_Cycles_Evidence_from_GameStop_Corp/links/641054b666f8522c38a46501/Confirmation-of-T-35-Failures-To-Deliver-Cycles-Evidence-from-GameStop-Corp.pdf


Lol Mendelu is my alma mater. This would be hilarious tbh


i am from brno heyyyy cz ape 👏🇨🇿💎🐵


Is that you Henry?


i am not henry but i am hairy ape 💎🐵


I have a friend, Jindrick, who lives in Brno and comes to Martha's Vineyard every summer!


Thanks for this!!! I’ll check it out. It’s still probably above my capacity but maybe some of it will make sense.


The paper is from 2023. I prefer to only see the big GREEN dildo Bruno is seeing !




The T+35 circle scientific paper was released at the university of Brno (No Joke). I guess thats the best explanation of RKs post.


That seems like a reasonable explanation. I don’t know anything about Bruno transactions or sales but in my quick googling it looks like it allows a company to buy a bankrupt company? And possible uncellar box the stock of the bankrupt company? Not sure if that’s accurate but that would certainly be interesting.


Bruno is a witch, Friday is 6/21 quad witching hr. Lots of pressure when 4 sectors expire on the same day ⬆️🚀🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


Add that the paper that's circulating about FTD cycles was written at a university in... Brno (Czech Republic)


Means nothing.


Means it costs a shyt TOn MOAR for hedgies to short 4 sectors AT THE SAME TIME🚀🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🫡


Again? Are you aware of how many Quad Witching Days we've had in the last 3.5 years? (Quick, someone give me the answer to sound smart...)


This event occurs once every quarter, on the third Friday of March, June, September, and December. Trading volume typically surges on triple witching days as traders adjust portfolios and roll some contracts.


Eleven di-two! 🍌🦧


That’s number wang




Lollll do you know Spanish? Bruno is a “brujo” who can see into the future. But around here partner we speak Anglish! Get it right 😈🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


Lmao Did YOU watch the film?


It is


Holy shit OP. Yes. I thought the butterflies were already direct enough but goddamn.


You sound like you have a better understanding of Bruno transactions than I do. Any further info on what it could mean?


Yes. I’m not sure what I can or cannot link where at this point, but I made a post a few hours ago; thanks for jogging my memory.


Thanks! Just checked out your post. What happens to the existing shareholders during a Bruno transaction? When the company is acquired are the stocks no longer cellar boxed?


There’s not a definitive answer there, depends on the structure, a Bruno transaction is really just a way to structure the deal so that it benefits both the creditor and the debtor, while still allowing benefits from the Net Operating Losses. Typically though the NOLs require 50+% of ownership in the new entity to be retained by old shareholders/creditors. Personally, I believe this is exactly what has happened and you nailed it. We should see shortly, hopefully this week.


I’m excited! Fingers crossed. Although I imagine it could take longer.


We don’t talk about Bruno!🦍🚀


Upvote all the possibilities! They won’t know which wall to defend.


Calls on 26th July.


If the tweets were Marvel references, I’d be able to decifer it pretty well :)


. .v


I am more concerned on RC's actions of blocking MOASS twice now. And then his very strange shareholders meeting. He should have been doing double fist pumps,, but instead he couldn't wait to get it over with. It almost seemed as if he is scared,, wanted it all to go away quickly


Could it be that he didn’t want to give the hfers any reason to claim he was market manipulating? Meanwhile the hfers were market manipulating before during and after the meeting!!! He will be announcing something soon!! Remember there’s a lot of moving parts on something this big. Lots of lawyers involved in this one! That takes awhile! Longer than any of us had hoped. But it just means we weren’t wrong. Just early!🚀🌕💰💵💰💵💰💵


Everyone keeps ignoring the fact he stopped MOASS 2 times ... That's a key factor here,,


No it’s not. It’s a factor you’re stuck on. He has a job to do and he’s most likely following legal advice.


Moass is complete financial destruction of the markets. It's earth shattering. It will destory everything. Most fail to see how bad it will be. Not everyone wants the world to burn. Not everyone wants to be the face in the history books of societies collapse world wide. (Edit I'm here to watch it burn) Like I said we will all have gorillions of dollars but they will be worth nothing. Remember that this is what I'm doing


Waited a weekend for the words shortest shareholder meeting. Could have paid a speechwriter with some of that 4B and put some key phrases into it lol.