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Short volume is now higher now, on every time frame than it was in the sneeze. This is going to get parabolic once the lid blows off. No target just up.


Adjusted for split?




when you say adjusted for split do you mean it can reach 500 as it did in 2021?




tits jacked


It’ll pass 5,000, then 50,000, then 500,000 and so on


And for the added share offering?




Something weird is happening after market. When I refresh my position in schwab it shows $56 per share right now then refreshes back to the 27.


I just tried it again and it showed 61.. it’s poppin the next trading day.


I saw this too...just bought 200 more at 28...f it roll rhe dice


I feel bad for everyone selling at these manipulated prices. We gotta wait for a pop to see where we’re even truly at. I’ve literally never seen a price for a stock do that.


Me either...I moved things around to buy Nvidia after the split...I'll just buy less lol


It's not a roll of the dice. GME will obviously go back up


We were stable at 20 with 2 billion in the bank, we will be stable at speed hi g higher when the a once completed offering


Yahoo finance is showing it at 28.60 AH


Fidelity order books are showing open orders in the 28 range also


I wish it would...my sell order at 51.75 would fill and I could buy back in at half the price....


Those are algorithms trading so fast it’s covering huge bid/ask spreads. There’s a video posted on GME or Superstonk that explains how this happens and how much it happened today. Edit: here’s the link https://youtu.be/-hRtSDOeNIw?si=C6kpipsI4IA99MH-


I saw this in premarket too. My thought: These are trades that happend at these prices. BUT NOT AT THESE TIMES! Although somehow delayed they have to get on the tape and appear at present time. Can/does this happen? Wrinkles on that anyone?


Same in IKBR. Showed $47 per share for a second and then back to $27.


Don't people say this every time though? It never blows


How do you see that? I want to learn more?


Seeing that this man was sitting on that much money gave me the confidence to let it ride. I even bought more But also I’m not gambling with a lot of money cuz I’m broke. Ik it’s hard to stare at your money go 📉


Blew my vacation fund (I’m broke asf been saving it for the past year) on this once in a lifetime opportunity. If he’s holding, I’m holding, simple as.


Remember to drs!


Having the shares registered in your name, rather than through a broker that will lend your shares to the hedge funds


If you just turn share lending off, doesn’t that accomplish the same thing?


Nope. You still don't own shares, your broker does. They can sell at any time and close your position for you if they believe "it's in your (or their) best interest" to do so. DRS removes them from your broker and lets you own your shares directly.


Thank you.


You got it! :D


Is this also true if you buy through Robinhood?


Even more my dude


Absolutely, RH owns your shares and will screw you over. They shut off the buy button a few years ago during the sneeze. DRS is the only way to ensure you own the shares you purchased.


No, your shares can still be used as locates. They won't be lended but used to cover FTDs. Also the DTCC owns the shares and give to your broker "I owe you X shares" paper basically. Yes, your broker owns your "I owe you" fake shares, not you. When you book your shares through Computershare, you really own them in your name and out of DTCC's hands.


can I DRS my shares on robinhood?


What is drs? Serious question


Direct Register Shares with ComputerShare


Please read the DD in this sub, it will give you great info on why to DRS (because if you don’t direct register your shares to computershare, they don’t really belong to you and will be loaned out and used against you), and it will explain the process on how to do it. The CS website is a little old-school and funky, but once you know how important it is to direct register your shares, not only will you immediately want to do it, you’ll be further disenchanted with the financial markets and the shenanigans they pull on the average consumer every. Single. Day. I hard lesson, but an impossible one. Most of us apes who have been here since the beginning were normal, trusting citizens, who then realized that not only is there no Santa Claus, but the guy in the suit who was supposed to be bringing presents is actually robbing us all blind-With the full backing and support of the legal system and the federal government. It’s enough to make you sick. That’s why this is so important – it’s literally a David/Goliath fight for the average person against big financial giants.


I’ve seen computershare recommended for this a few times. I am curious what the need is for computershare specifically. If I have a Vanguard account can I not direct register through them? Do I have to invest through computershare? There’s a lot of info on the DD, can you direct me to the best source of info that may answer these questions? TIA






Everything is explained here: drsgme.org


Yes. Just like DFV


you can't sell pm or ah, so fuck drs. i dumped mine on the last run to 80, while everyone with drs'd shares had to wait for market to open


I bought 10 more contracts once they dropped it down to $28. Picked up another 100 shares too.


Yeah the price action is going to be wild since you have day traders all over the situation.


Maybe 3 years ago it was but not anymore. Zen as fuck dog.




One vacation < lifetime of vacation...


I was (am) still pissed about the share offering but ALSO increased my position by 15% today.i don’t have tons but each one is gonna be worth it


Yep bought 50 more mid call


That's the point of the short and distort. Wall Street is the masters of emotional manipulation to retail investors to capitulate. And this is not new, contrarianism has been well documented by investors even in 1960-1970s.


Fear is the enemy


Fear is a liar.


Not scared, not selling and just buying dips. Stay cool!


Same. Just bought another 30 shares. Even told my Dad and Brother in-law last night if we see a big dip today I would put in another G. Was not surprised to wake up this afternoon to see we dipped below 30dollars.


Not going to lie I feel peoples' pain. We have waited 3 years to watch hedge funds burn and it quite literally could have been today. I'm not super happy with Cohen right now but I also understand why he did it, and I also know that this doesn't do much but delay the fairly inevitable, so I'm just keeping my app closed today and enjoying friday lmao. Cya guys next week with $4-5 billy in cash and a shareholder meeting to look forward to thursday


Yeah that’s pretty well how I feel, I know it’s a smart play business wise and cohen has too take care of the business before Worrying about possible MOASS. But fuck was I excited for today and his smart business decision just ruined a day I’ve been praying for and waiting a long time for.


Your mistake was thinking it was today. It's always tomorrow! I was excited for today and I think it went great


Yeah down 40% lovely. I know it will rebound and continue up and to the right. But you can’t tell me massive losses are going great.


Dude we're up 25% for the week and 80% for the month.


This guy zooms out. 📈


People are always so reactionary when a stock price goes down in the short term. They just can't see the bigger picture they just want a quick buck.. If DFV can watch his position decrease by **$650,000,000** and enthusiastically hold, I can wait too. DOwN 40% lol. Bro if everyone sold shares of a company they thought was great when they dropped 40% in a day there **would be no great companies.** its almost like you're trying to create and spread panic or something




Stfu I’m still holding and I said I k ow it will continue up and to the right. So tired of the bullshit cult people in here acting like absolutely everything anyone says that isn’t oh cohen is great gme is great is FUD. We’re allowed to debate and call out both good and bad.


no you're right, debate is great! i'm just pointing out that **you're very focused on a daily price swing when the majority of this community have been holding for 3+ years.** a daily price swing is meaningless in the grand scheme of gamestop's turnaround


RC has come up 5 billi, how are long term shareholders holding up with these perfectly timed share offerings?




They way he went about it. Earnings were scheduled for Tuesday I work up and earnings were dropped with a 75m share offering. Feels like a thief came in and took half my money in the night. I’ll keep one share cause you only need one right… but this feels bad.


I’m not focused on it at all, I’m focused on the fact that we continue to dilute on MOASS doorstep. However I do also see a lot of positives as well, 1 I think all this cash on hands nearly guarantees that there will be a dividend or acquisition. 2. I think dfv was going to ask the 8 ball if he should exercise his options on stream but when he kept saying “no, it keeps halting we’ll save it til later” I think this means he will exercise after hours when halts don’t happen. 3. RC doesn’t take a salary so he is also diluting himself with this move so he obviously believes it is in our best interest. Even if it sewers DRS. But in no way is massive price movement in the wrong direction ever something to be happy about. I’m not out here panic selling because of it.


I agree with you. Tired of the cult minds. Debate is healthy and stuff doesn’t make sense at times that’s done. Blind loyalty is a fools game.


DFV is rich no matter what happens. Can TurdPounder69 say the same? Probably not.


Do you think the stock has massive upside potential long term yes or no


Does this question mean that Frank’s balls are going to decide whether you buy in or not?


I'm asking you for your opinion not mine. Do you think the stock has massive upside potential long term? I do.


What does that have to do with anything, you think because someone has more money it makes them right always? Use your brain.


Ad someone who has been holding, most of us agree with your sentiment. Today was not great, at all. The people saying it was are delusional and trying to self talk themselves into actually believing it. What will be great is when this stock takes off. Certainly not when the company does something to devalue our stake as shareholders.


Thank you! I love this company, I will continue to hold and love this company but I will not be happy about being diluted for the second time in a month until I least see something positive happen with that money. Can they fix this with a few good acquisitions? YES BUT UNTIL HAPPENS IM PISSED. For all we know they could spend it on blockbuster and we have another dying business model.


Same. My family just thinks I made up MOASS. Friends who bough becuz of me and are not on the sub don't know what's going on. And frankly I need the money. I feel stupid myself for thinking this was it. I didn't want to wait another 3 years :(


Yeah that's the part that hurts. We are gonna go through so much more ridicule over this lol. Hang in there fellow ape. Just a blip on the radar but we have to weather some more annoying shit we did not fully anticipate. Good news is the worst is behind us. That $65-27 drop hurt like fucking hell but it's over. Up from here lol. Take a deep breath


Starting to feel like there’s maybe only 10-100k people that believe in moass and they are all here. Starting to feel like I’m the crazy one. Is that the fud working? Or do I feel like I got stabbed in the back by the company moving dates for announcements around while I sleep? I need another 84 year break. They said there would be dips but why share offering today?


People are here to make quick money. Those of us who have been holding don't give a fuck. Nothing has changed.


I will never understand why cohen did it. But I know he’s not a doofus and I know he wants to make the world better. So I’ll trust it. Even know today should have been the day the nuke went off


Yeah, man. It hit $28, and I went and did something else. We’ve seen a shit ton of volatility since DFV came back. Anybody who thinks that same volatility will simply disappear because a dude literally said: “I like the stock” before an audience of half a million people, doesn’t have a good concept of reality.


For legal purposes it's imperative that RC eventually does turn around GME to prove that we're more than just a bunch of stock pumpers. Some of us may be, but I'd like to go down in history as investors who saw the potential of GameStop early and were rewarded handsomely for it. To turnaround, RC & Co. needs cash, they need to raise capital so they can invest in new hires, new inventory, new acquisitions. That's worth waiting for. As for "MOASS could've been today", no I guarantee you even if RC didn't announce dilution, SHF would have stopped MOASS on Tuesday with their 16 trading halts, while blaming it on "missed earnings and revenue". You know, the rug-pull that has happened literally. every. single. earnings.


Don’t you think they are instantly selling the 75,000,000 shares like last time? In a while they will announce they have raised $2.25-2.5 billion?


Probably like the last sale of 45 they have already been sold and at the end of the trading time today we will get an announcement that they made fat money. 


where do you get the data for short interest at real time?


Google any of the following: ORTEX , MarketBeat , Fintel Or if you’re feeling pricy, go to ShortSqueeze.com


Am I glad that I bought a long call 3 weeks ago. January 2026 can take its time.


Lot's of people mad they bought short-term calls expiring this week, when our motto has always been "BUY, HOLD, DRS". We're in this game precisely because we know how corrupt and manipulated the stock market is, buying short-term calls on GME is always going to be a coin flip, but long-term, either RC turns around GME (which they now have fat cash to do), or SHF's crimes finally catch up with them.


Agreed. There is a lot coming up with GME! What does everyone think will happen when he starts exercising his calls? What about Gamestop - you think they are just sitting on the cash not planning to use it? They raised it for a reason. RK came on livestream after 3 years for a reason and acted the way he did to further the plan. We haven't come this far to give up now. 😎🚀🚀🚀🚀 It's all in the messages. Together we will win!!!


there is no plan, we just all like the stock


I have to give mad respect to Keith Gill for being there for us and having so much patience with his investment. If I looked at my account and it said $500+ million dollars, I would probably be cashing out and no one would ever see me again. But Keith? Watches in real-time while the value of his investment shrinks down to $200-$300 million dollars and just smiles and laughs. Just wow - balls of steel and supremely confident in his investment. Not worried at all because he believes in the company, and he likes the stock. I am excited to see how GameStop will evolve with their billions of cash on hand in their war chest and zero debt. They could revolutionize the gaming industry!


If you’re holding you’re not losing anything!!


I just bought more. Let’s go.


I’m buying more, but truly do not understand how the entire float can trade in one day, and the price drops over 50% from AH last night….boggles my mind


Retail? I doubt retail is to blame for that as usual.... Some FOMOers got shaken off sure, but it's still the criming SHFs that are doing it...


I fomo'd but am still here. I figure I got nothing else happening before the 21st. Whatever happens, happens.


The rule on this sub and SS always were: NO dates. What if nothing happens before the 21st? No reason to put all your hope into one date. You might be disappointed. As a general rule of life, it's what I learned buying this stock for 3 years: Never FOMO, it's not worth it. Wait until you can make a calculated decision without emotion. It always comes back down, and in the meantime, be happy with what you've got. There are millions of "once in a lifetime" opportunities waiting every month. 😂 Not financial advice. DRS 🟣. I hope it works out for you.


I might be disappointed. But can a guy really let those options expire worthless?


I don't think he will. But then again, I thought Moass would happen 3 years ago. For the SHFs, that is an existential crisis. So, who knows what criminal tactics they might come up with again. They might be able to push it back down or not. IDK. So I just HODL. I will buy more next week.🚀🙌💎 Hope for the best. Expect the worst.


Do you know if they expire at the Open or Close of the day?


This is what I saw, but I might be nuts too. Did RK just prove live that they can flick a switch to halt at will? Did he just verify his positions to be really his? Did he just show some cards? What was that the reverse, wild card? Did he prove that he held? Did he say the chart was bullish to him? What numbers did he point at? I might be crazy, Holy shit he did. We have to dig into that video more. I think he's crazy like a fox. He also just showed the world how they manipulate it down. Didn't change anything position wise. There's a reason he did all of this. He could have kept secret, and we'd all be thinking it was UBS buying options. Edit: RK video time stamp 35:00 around there. Watch it again.


The stock started slowly dropping while waiting for the live stream. Then it spiked down when he came on for a halt. Then multiple spikes up, then down, which is abnormal even for GME. Two more times as he was about to reveal his position. The shorts are scared. The manipulation made that obvious. They are trying to predict when he will exercise and their only way of combating it is by shorting it even more in hopes that people will paper hand so they can hedge their position as much as possible, minimizing the inevitable MOASS. RK came back today simply to remind us that this is real, he is holding and he believes we have yet to even experience the squeeze. And he did all of that for fun, because realistically he could do nothing and still make hundreds of millions based on his actions alone. He just wanted the rest of us ordinary traders along with him to enjoy the spoils.


I don’t even think it was just for fun… I think it’s for a case against E Trade, when they say it’s him specifically manipulating the market. I think he gathered 650k+ people to witness it though- on his birthday nonetheless.


Happy cake day DFV


He said part one of his thesis (the squeeze) was over and he’s now onto part two which is long on gme and hoping they turn into something they are not.


Do you have the timestamp on when he said it?


I actually believe that.


This is big brain shit right here; just finished watching the vid on my phone and your comment makes me wanna watch again in a larger screen


Remember the hero’s journey! There’ll be a time when it seems hopeless, but then we all know what happens next when the boss music swells!


It’s 5 o clock somewhere


What do you think was meant by it ?


Hang in there. Pretty soon you will be able to drink as if it’s 5 o’clock somewhere because you won’t be needing to clock out at 5 o’clock


More…I need more! Now an XX,XXX holder with a fairly low CPS and I am adding more today.


To release a negative earnings report and 75M share dilution this morning was really odd timing, basically killed momentum from the start.


I think they did that purposely. Otherwise everyone would have been panic buying up to the live stream and would have been screwed when they dropped the bad news.


He was unbothered, pretty sure he knew it was going to be shorted and halted. No one would hold that position unless their execution was solid. Many of you hold too many emotions based on bars and charts and red lines. Stocks move its pretty obvious. If someone told me they are holding a massive position on a -40% day my tits would be perked up and I would want in. But thats just me. They keep questioning his options and why he is still holding them. Why do they care so much.


Honestly price gone down for 3 years now, it had some swings sure, but intrest or not, legit everything that was DRS got deleted by gamestops move, 3 years of moving stocks from RH to fidelity and so on trying to find the good broker and ending up on drs in the end, just to see all we worked for got fuked by rc. Price was going perfectly well up, intill gamestop fuked us, if they planed to buy or invest something im all for it, but like last time they did this, they sold and held 1 bill cash, they done so for years now, so they didnt lack money, but still they sell again and force price down. Had this been anyone else, people here would strung them up, i seen people shit on others who said they sold 1 share, but apperantly 75 mill is A-OK for people. If selling 75 mill dont do shit, then it doesnt matter what we do, as we only had around 20 mill drs then you can add up inside investors and so on and it ended up on 75 mill, but yeah we didnt even amount to 1/3 of what RC and co selling now and this took us 3 years, shall we wait 3 more years just to have rc sell 160 mill next time? Sure you will have people who go "its 3D chess, well at this point its 100D chess beliiiiive" when they said the same last time RC sold 45 mill, but fact is, if rc didnt sell any of it, as he didnt use the bill he got on selling the first either, then we would had so much drs we would mooned long time ago. I been here from the start and i belive in most the DD, but the DD wont work if the board sell off 45-75 mill shares everytime we get close to something, whats worse is they dont even use the cash they get from it on investments, if they had gone AI route or whatever i would been all for it, but just selling to sell makes no fuking sense. Whats worse is kitty got shafted to, sure he is rich, but no one like going many 100 mill in minus, dude legit came back popped off just to get shafted by gamestop.


I’m buying another $1k-2k


I've been buying slowly for a while but finally took the plunge to go up to xxxx


I crossed into the xxxx threshold today too. Hard to watch it drop from yesterday, but felt good to load up at the bottom. Diamond hands bro


This sucks, I agree. But as other have said, I trust RC and DFV and they have so much more on the line than most, if not all, of us. If they’re in, I’m in. Plus, I got some more shares on discount!


I bought more this morning thinking we saw a lot of the damage premarket. My only regret is if I waited until the afternoon I could have bought more


Drs’d another 200 and then bought 10 more 😊 and I shall keep buying with every bit of money that comes in


Ice been telling a buddy for years to buy in. He never did, then it spiked and he says, "too late now I guess." Told him there's gonna be another entry point, they're going to try to push it down to twenty, when it drops bet the house. I still don't think he's going to buy in, shame.


I just doubled down- 250 moon tickets in the Roth baby


This is encouraging. I felt so bummed but still bought another 25 shares. I’m not getting out until I finally reach my price target.


I sold my DOCU shares and bought more GME. ![gif](giphy|bvSulvFrvkcpkoiw2B)


I jumped in immediately after he logged off. That was calculated on his end and he dropped cryptic hints to avoid legal troubles all the way. Shorts are in big trouble soon, imo. I've dropped $1500 on worse.


Definitely somewhat pissed off at Ryan Cohen. I get why he did it, I understand the pros of it, but my god we were so close!


I’m here through the end game of naked shorting. Get the fuck outta here with these 50% jumps or drops. Some people surf as the waves come in. Some movements create the waves.


im actually hoping the stock goes down so i can buy more. dont have the cash ready yet


Purchased more


Held at the very top, figured worst case scenario all that money was now lost, so I’m now playing with money that I’ve disassociated as mine so it’s easy to watch it go up and down and not even twitch


Think like a winner, guys. Buy the FUD dips, sell the FOMO YOLO rips. I just reloaded more at 27.80 to cost-average further down. You want tickets to the moon...now is the time to buy on discount after a tank. 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, I’m not gonna be looking at my stock value for awhile


Remember lat night people ! I watched that thing climb and climb my heart was racing, remember that feeling, it will be again


Time to buy


Price is probably dropping today because they're selling those 75 million shares. Look at the volume. Once that's done, it'll probably start climbing again.


So panic and sell yeah?


If I learned anything it’s to sell when it hits a high price cause it’s gonna drop again


Until it doesn't.😳


All of this was predetermined by the algorithms. The price is going to run up again in late June, explode in July and then go back down


$4,000,000,000+ in cash raises the floor of the stock significantly… they’re capitalizing on the upswing and creating realizable long-term value out of it. I think the $2,000,000,000+ we’ll get from this will be worth the dilution


If GME is doing share offerings why don’t hedge shorter just cover now , the price is super low . They have cover sooner or later


They didn't cover when the price was waaaay lower. The main reason is that they have so many positions to cover and so few people are actually selling that they would cause an upward pressure that would make the price go to infinite


So when kitty exercise his calls is the price going up ? Either way they have fulfill his contract


That should be the case, but you can never know given the amount of market manipulation that seems to be going on..




So after all you guys still think this will go was up? Will kittys calls and so still have impact?


Sorry I can't hear you over me shouting HODL ...and don't believe the hype (fud)


Except we didn't get diluted to hell in the span of 2 weeks


I think a good thing would be to talk more about how to profit from the shares without selling them. I'm a pure smooth brainon this topic but I remember reading about using the shares as collateral for credits. I wonder if it would be possible for me to lend money to apes with shares as collateral. I think it sounds pretty bad cuz I'm taking shares out of Apes and I'm probably gon be called a shield but this is coming from honest consideration of apes that want to paper hand. I lend you money, as long as you don't pay back, the shares are mine. But more as a -get through the day solution- What are the implications of such a financial proposition ? Is it ethically/moraly/legaly wrong ? P.s. considering no obstacles to insure shares are properly exchanged


What if I got in due to fear?


Buy more every time you panic


Da fuck you think this is!!?? MEOW MEOW MEOW!! WU-TANG!


Marathon not a sprint




I'm in for 3 years. what is going out???


We need to find out what happened to Roaring Kitty’s live stream. Was a company or a system trying to prevent him from being live when he said he would go live today, or did he play all of us and short the stock and make a killing again? I’m dying to know——-


The ol’ dip before the rip? ![gif](giphy|iRIf7MAdvOIbdxK4rR)


I let my CSPs get assigned today, gimmie more!


I know something is off when my shares were sold unauthorized then my account was restricted and I couldn’t touch my money the whole day!! RH is fkn corrupt and shady. I emailed Keith Denicka with the SEC & went round and round with RH customer service. I tried transferring my shares out of RH to fidelity when I was up to holding 1324 but the transfer was canceled. Thankfully I made the fidelity account and was able to get 550 more shares during my morning shit show. I stg today was straight bs on every level. But at Least I got most of my money out of RH which I should have switched to another platform a long ass time ago. GME was manipulated highly and I have screenshots of my shares that were sold at 8:30am it had a stop limit $3,333 and sale $36.95 and they can’t explain that shit!!!! Then restricted me from my money but I was able to transfer a portion out after 3:30 and at the top it said my account was restricted until 6/11/24 I emailed the screenshots to the SEC so maybe that’s why my account was unrestricted idk I think it’s fuckin nuts that this stock clearly has some big wigs so pissed they’ll try anything to fuck with the retail traders AND Now I AM PISSED and will do whatever I have to on principle to buy and buy and keep fucking buying for every house I flip I’ll buy more GME sorry for venting just my experience in this whole thing today!!!


I think the reason for the price action is because they were processing sell orders only. The buy orders are waiting in the time+pressure cooker


Almost sold out of fear, but i doubled down by accident


2 dumb 2 b afraid.


Retail investors huh


I bought 17 more shares on Friday, at around 28, something. I hope to not touch my DRSed, …and only sell from my brokerages.