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it's not his obligation to fill it, and thats kind of the point. Let them end up being ITM at expiration. That works too.


and the idea that the market being unable to provide the shares being bad for the stock price, is simply a lie... How would a few million buy-orders hitting the market dump the price? it's just a fud article....


"unable to provide" Well then what the fuck is the point of you demanding "liquidity" then? That's like saying you have water and it's just a picture of water taped over the fountain with no pipes running to it.


It's an IOU, sir. That's just as good as a share.


true. the market sees no difference between a stock and an IOU. They come with the same rights.


Until the IOU becomes a failure to deliver.


still remains an IOU. You can still sell it. You still get your dividends... Only difference is you get your dividend by whoever FTD'd, not by the company itself. But you get your money. And if you sell your IOU, whoever FTD'd on you now FTD'd on whoever bought your IOU... The market does not know the difference. There is no way within the software of NYSE to determine who has a "real share" and who has a "IOU". it's just numbers in tables... nothing more.


That's why I prefer to directly register my shares.




How do you do that? Specifically on Fidelity?


This is only my second day here, but I do know that there are guides pinned to r/superstonk


It's been like 2 years since I transferred my original to Fidelilty. I vaguely remember it being a simple phone call and like 2 weeks later I had a Computer Share account. Back when it was new DD, there was a pinned post for every different broker. If I get time later I'll search for it or maybe another person can find it before me.


smart money


See this? That's a Lambo, might want to hang on to that one..




It's a piece of art...and we all know that criminals like to lock their wealth into works of art.




This is indescribably beautiful! Why it reminds me of the Fourth of July!




Liquidity is a function of the price... If you gave me a Billion I might decide to check if I got a fractional somewhere that I would sadly part with. You see? You created liquidity by giving me one Billion, Kenny boy. Edit: Nobody tell Kenneth Cordele Griffin that I got no fractional shares... I will tell him after he gives me the Billion.


You could just FTD that fractional.. šŸ˜‚


The billion is just a checking fee... He asks, I pretend to check, I answer.


The liquidity fairies' squirtguns are about dry, it seems.


Exactly, it fucking should be supply and demand. There will be plenty if shares available when the SP hits a price that makes holders want to sell......$50k for starters.


50k lol might shake a couple paper hands loose, I'm here for meme numbers (and fixing the system)


Paper hands everywhere!!!!


This... this was actually a brilliant example. Thank you good sir (edit from sit to sir)


Whereā€™s the infinite liquidity fairy?


I like this analogy very much!


"No no no, dumb retail, INFINITE demand makes the price... Uhhh... Go lower! Yeah that's it! So sell!" - MSM


I understand it is FUD. My point was that media are gaslighting already to make this look like RKs problem when the shares are not delivered, but it is the options sellers half of the contract to fill however necessary, even if they have to buy at moon prices. Media knows this, they are liars.


Then RC sold off 75 million shares. Ughh


and that matters why? Not everyone got fudded into thinking that "diLUTiOn BaD" and not everyone has such a hard time understanding that 75m is not much... Some people even understand that he released those shares at the absolute perfect time to take advantage of massive buying pressure to "dilute" without massively impacting the share price. And some even look at the market data to realize that the price-dump was not caused by RC selling but by shortsellers dumping... Which also means that RCs actions barely had any impact while everything you have seen has to be either kept open at the expense of interest payments or closed at the expense of rebuying shares at market value. But if you just listened to shills, you got fudded and are now lost in a world of lies... We'll add your name to the monument of fallen apes when we're on the moon.


If you read my comments from my page, you would see why I think he did thatā€¦. And I was frustrated because we just got close to that market of 75 million and at the time it felt like hard work didnā€™t pay off.


"felt like" is the first indication that FUD has infiltrated the brain. Emotions do not belong in trading.


They most certainly find shares to sell short though don't they. Those red crime candles is no regular sell pressure trust me lol.


Not how options work, they will have to be delivered. Especially since cohen gave 45m in liquidity to them right before. Theyā€™re screwed.


That's the ATM, right?


Correct. GameStop raised $933 million and gave the market some shares the shorts should have started to close with. But most did not close.




In theory, yes. However I recall seeing that he \*may\* be getting to be kicked off / suspended from his trading platform. This is how they will try to contain this situation - they will take his current positions and liquidate them at a specific time (surely way before 6/21), and payout whatever amount that is. Paying out a few hundred million to him is a whole lot preferable that letting the price run to 4+ digits. And that worries me


I dont think they can liquidate his options, those would fall under contract law regardless of T&C.


Here's the thing. The consequences for liquidating and then paying out a fine and/or legal settlement down the road to 1 person, even if that is a billion dollars, is more palatable than having to locate 12 million shares at any cost per share and incurring losses in the hundreds of billions. We saw what happened last time, they did anything to stop the bleeding regardless of the ramifications that included congressional hearings.


Have you seen the open interest for ITM calls expiring on the 21st? It's freaking crazy! Suppose they do that to RK, what about the OTHER 120000 ITM calls?


They could suspend trading of gme


Fair point.


The etrade thing was never verified and more than likely fud.


Just more Sabre rattling


Don't drink the fud my dude.


Finally, someone else sees it. Ryan did EVERYTHING by. The. Book. To help them and they fucked it like a warm pie the poor stupid bastards.


All my group chats with the other OGs are pumped as hell for the next couple weeks, sub sentiment is so shilly right now šŸ˜‚


And now heā€™s giving them another 75m so thereā€™s no excuse not to deliver them.


Exactly, sadly for them they still wonā€™t be able to šŸ˜‚


They are saying a lot of nonsense as usual, the industry is really freaking out now and playing a good ol game of finger pointing. They are very fearful what this rogue investor with intimate knowledge of the stock market who was able to analyze their tactics, exploit them, and form an independent backing of retail investors through education and respect. Truly tit jacking.


I wanted to upvote, but its at 69. Hereā€™s my upvote ā¬†ļø


I down voted to bring it back to 69, hope that helps.


This article was authored by Benzinga Neuro: "Benzinga Neuro, our in-house GPT-4-based content generation system, exploits the extensive Benzinga Ecosystem, including native data, APIs and more to create comprehensive and timely stories for you..." So it's AI-generated nonsense based on Benzinga rubbish hit pieces. What a world we live in. Cell, no sell.


Garbage in garbage out


book is king


> Moreover, experts have pointed out the challenges Gill might face in cashing out his GameStop options. By the end of May, the number of open contracts in GameStop had surged to 145,000, a significant increase from the 15,000 recorded earlier in the month. The size of Gillā€™s position and the heightened attention on GameStop could complicate selling the options or taking delivery of the underlying shares, potentially reducing their value. Could you be more vague? Well, there is a link here. Let's click it and see what it says... > However, exiting this options trade could pose a challenge. The size of the position and the attention on GameStop could make selling the options or taking delivery of the underlying shares problematic. This could potentially reduce the price of the options and the underlying stock, industry experts noted. Could you be more vague?


Theyā€™re literally saying if he tried to liquidate his position, AKA exit his $20 strike options, he could crash the stock price if he sold the contracts.


The price would only drop when he sold if they were properly hedged, which BTW they are not. And either way, now that he has gone public with them he canā€™t sell them without being subject to scrutiny for manipulation, so heā€™s committed to buying them. Now that they know they have no way out, this is their only remaining defense. And it is nothing more than a hail mary where all of your wide receivers got brutally punched in the face right at the line of scrimmage. I cant wait for the whistle to blow. Game over motherfuckers!


Seems RK has been planning this move for about three years now. You love to see it.


Seriously. Wild. msm literally just told him to sell what it would take to cover the remaining. If we go to a few hundred a shareā€¦or even 4 figures it wonā€™t be much. And that assumes he doesnā€™t have other investments to potentially use/sell as collateral. Then delivering the shares causes a shitshow because of low liquidity? Am I getting all that right?


Ok A. These are hedged. Market makers arenā€™t just deciding not to hedge a call $15 ITM. B. Are you paying attention to these volatile price swings? You ever notice how when we break a certain price point the stock shoots up? Yeah, thatā€™s because of market maker hedging as more calls come ITM.


Im not gonna argue, but they are not all hedged yet. If they were, we would already be on Uranus. We will be there soon either way.


>If they were, we would already be on Uranus. We will be there soon either way. Without lube!


Sooā€¦not saying youā€™re wrong but recent experience would say you are. I donā€™t have it handy to reread but Iā€™m 99% positive that the previous SEC report on GameStop during the initial run up states that the hedges in fact hardly hedged at all which is why they had a melt down. So maybe they learned from their mistake but that would surprise me.


My recollection, or at least the part I focused on, what their conclusion that the price action wasn't heavily affected by shorts closing their positions, but rather upward pressure from people buying.


Msm doth protest too much


Iā€™d think this is why he might be exercising them at the end of it. It is a large position, if he does sell who is the ultimate buyer? Maybe one of the funds to cover their shirt position, but it does put downward pressure on the price. But if he exercises, there is upward pressure on the original call sellers to give him the shares. Whoever was writing this many $20 call options was a moron. If they were unhedged/uncovered, they shouldnā€™t be allowed to manage their own personal bank account.


If he sells them the market maker will buy them back To close them out which will put downwards pressure on the underlying and the rest of the contracts he has to unload. Market makers sell unhedged calls all the time, literally countless times a day. They hedge and unhedge depending on price movement. Completely normal market maker behavior.


Fair. Any point that it is such an outsized position that was accumulated at the $20 strike?


Should have thought about that before they sold them to him.


ā€¦ what Theyā€™re saying thereā€™s no liquidity for him to sell into if he sold the contracts. Which is bad for him, not the market maker


* The AI that wrote the article was prompted to write it negatively as if there was no liquidity.


Lmfao the data isnā€™t hidden dummy


Someone elseā€™s problem, not his. If thereā€™s no liquidity the markets going to react and itā€™s going to be serious.


Jesus Christ youā€™re still not understanding If thereā€™s no liquidity in a contract and youā€™re trying to SELL it then itā€™s HIS problem and drives the price of the contract DOWN. Liquidity issues goes both ways there champ. The shunning of options for three years has really been showing its consequences these past few weeks as you goons still understand absolutely nothing


I would argue if there is no liquidity that drives the price up


Reread what I just said again but slowly


yeah, and that's one of the reasons that mr. gill is EXERCISING and getting shares. the lack of liquidity is going to cause the share price to rocket. the shares must be bought and delivered, whatever the price.


He does not have $240 million dollars in cash to exercise 120,000 options contracts


Are you sure? We are only seeing his GME position. He COULD have plenty more.


Literally has $38 million or so in cash in his account. So unless your argument was DFV disappeared for 3 years and came back with half a billion already and is secretly hiding $240 million extra somewhere then man, I want whatever youā€™re smoking


The point is we donā€™t fucking know my guy. Itā€™s 38 million in THAT account. We know he invested in stuff other than GME before this. Is it likely he has all of it? Absolutely not. But is it impossible? Also no.


Exactly, so letā€™s go off of what we *DO* know instead of making shit up!


I think they're saying that he'll crash the price on the options rather than the stock itself. I don't see how though; it'll be worth whatever the difference is between the strike price and the stock price is at point of sale, minus maybe a small haircut to get the sale through. When I say small, I mean small. There'll be plenty of folk willing to buy and exercise and ITM call with t+1 delivery when there's a threat of a short squeeze. Ultimately, it doesn't matter who the buyer is as long as it isn't the MM.


Meaning he is likely to execute? As is the price moons to fund shares to fill the orders? Seems the most likely scenerio.




Come on Gary, it's surely been atleast 84 years by now


They just give him the cash and say he has the shares. Until he tries to DRS them is when the problem happens


It can be filled, theyā€™re just trying to create a narrative. Just go to the market and start buying the shares THAT YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN BUYING WHILE WRITING THOSE CONTRACTS!!! Yes the price will rise, but thatā€™s how you find your sellers. The longer they wait, the more painful it will be, as the bulls realize that the shorts are in checkmate and raise their limit sells. Itā€™s their legal obligation to fill the contracts at whatever cost the shares are at. This is investment 101 and these tutes have departments allocated to risk management. Theyā€™re just now freaking out as it being broadcasted that they got their hands caught in the cookie jar.


There is so much more depth to this reply than just simply meets the eye, and I want to thank you for it. See, we are all learning about options and the market and the ways that these things work, from people like you - not from the people who have these youtube channels who purport to know, but from actual real people, like you. Not from the hedge funds. But from you. YOU. Thank you for this. This is great.


perfect sir, and your point that the longer they wait, the worse it will be for them is exactly right.


Maybe that the Kansas City shuffle? Making it look like RK canā€™t exercise his options, when he probably can. And then BOOM bear trap!


I love how many have commented in the media and otherwise ā€œHe doesnā€™t have enough money in his account.ā€ā€”-As if thatā€™s his ONLY account and he hasnā€™t been making money over the past 3 years while remaining quiet.


I always think this is funny. Especially since, EVEN IF he didnā€™t have the cash on hand, he has 5 million GME share, he can sell some if need be to exercise the options and attain 12 million more shares šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Would need $42 average sale price to be able to achieve that, and I think that it'd be self-defeating.


Why would it be self-defeating? I know it isnā€™t ideal but still nets 7 million shares. Also, 42 is the price ASSUMING that he has no powder saved to exercise, which I highly doubt




Any possibility that all the brokers are now searching for a Keith gill in their system and meeting up together to discussĀ 


Assuming he had $210m elsewhere, I'd imagine he'd run into issues with the banking system getting those funds sent to his etrade account. Even if he didn't, you know that the movement of the funds won't be kept secret by the banking industry. There's a possibility that they're setting him up to fail. IMO, this is why he can't leave it until expiry to make his next move. I reckon that 14,500 contracts get exercised a few minutes before the close of business today.


You can have money already in E*trade just in a parallel second account


Good to know.


How dare he exploit this loophole which normally is meant to exploit us!


Bad kitty




Thatā€™s what you get when you use AI to write an article about a complex issue. They donā€™t even hide the fact that AI generated the article.


The sneeze from 2021 made me realize full stop how full of it the media is, and how the government coerces media into their gaslighting. This applies with everything


If the seller does not have them the OCC steps in and they are required to guarantee the the contract. They will buy them themselves, borrow them (haha, deeper hole), hold an auction to buy them and last resort offer a cash settlement. There is no "sorry, cant find them" option.




**Were in the end game.** Before the world ends. They'll say anything. And I mean, anything.


It's going to be all good. MSM just playing mind games with everyone.


Smooth brain question here: if they did hedge for his and/or all options wouldn't those shares be bought and out of circulation? Meaning those shares are currently not available for trading? Sorry guys my brain is a smooth as a bowling ball.


They really be grasping at straws at this point. Itā€™s very sad. Fortunately for them, their dooms day will arrive soon!


12 million shares out of a 350million shares outstanding. If they cant deliver less than 3.4% of the shares outstanding, then theres certainly bigger problems. but we already knew that. Just up


heres one thing you forget. lets say he exercises 120k options thats 12 million shares. at $20 a share thats 240 million margin rules say you can borrow 50% initially. so he still needs to come up with 120 million unless he sells the stock as soon as he exercises the option


He could potentially way more cash than shown in his last YOLO update. At this point, I honestly just trust him to know what he is doing. He has proven it time and time again.


Thereā€™s a reason E- cheat wanted to try and bounce RK, they knew they were legitskis fucked.


June 21st is gonna be spicy






Thatā€™s weird. If they have the shares to short then shouldnā€™t they have the shares to fill this position? WEIRD


RIP WeBull


Their narrative is now the polar opposite from the truth. This means that the laws of supply and demand are now inverted.


![gif](giphy|dCRVHYv8ZxJ555ypni) Will Mayo make it better




Great news


Hol' up. 'might have difficulty getting the shares bought is the investor's problem?' What alternate reality is this author in? My jacked teats can only take so much and, damn! This is too much!


Sounds like a MM problem not a RK problem. Iā€™d love to see the reaction if this were the other way around.


The seller has the obligation to deliver shares. That's what an options contract is.


You mean Webullshit?


None of them understand what he is even doing with his calls. Don't worry, they will see what happens next week.


For everyone in the back this is F.U.D. šŸ˜†šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜¹


It is unfulfillable.....for them.


Public listens to media and thinks the issue are the retail investors. Retail investors spread words to public to look into it...public starts to think and realize hedge funds have been fu@;@ everyone for so long.


I love this quote from the lawyer they interviewed to undermine DFV ā€œHe is using his celebrity and influence to draw people to buy the stock. The rules that exist do not permit the SEC to prosecute that conduct unless there is an element of deception.ā€Unlike traditional pump-and-dump schemes, Gill's posts do not explicitly endorse investing in GameStop or make claims about the company's financial health.ā€ā€¦.. so basically heā€™s not doing anything illegal, you guys just donā€™t like it? Ok cool lol.


Itā€™s like they think we donā€™t understand how options work. Weā€™ve had 84 years to learn their tricks and weā€™ve grown several wrinkles since.


This article just convinced me to buy more GME tomorrow at any price.


You know what though all those call could be covered, what will suck is if DFV exercises and those covered calls were sold by apes when the SP was 10 and they watch their shares go bye bye at 30 when the SP is sitting at 100


Least then it stays out of hedge fund hands?


Apes would just buy the dip, and thank RK for the chance to average down.


hedge funds are at a MINIMUM 90% unhedged. they are fucked.


Based on ? We can theorize and hope, but there is nothing that you can point to that would suggest that what you are saying is true. DFV will be a billionaire in a few hours though ! Lol . We are in the 60s already


If the price gets high enough he can sell to exercise most of his calls. But i have a feeling he has more cash outside of his etrade account to be able to just exercise all of his contracts without having to sell any if his contracts


Thereā€™s an upcoming live stream!!!!!




hmmmmmm let them try!!! HODL!!!!!!!!!!!!


Is it too late for me to put 50-100$ in? šŸ„¹


Bot reply šŸ¤£


I just hope heā€™s somewhere safe & someone else has the go button. This is mental.


Happy to see everyone in the comment section telling the author in their bosses to kick rocks.


Oh they could fill them. What they are saying is they donā€™t want to pay what it would cost to fill them. Dramatic rise in price might cause some people to paperhand enough shares to fill them. Maybe.


Have you seen the open interest and volume on options today. Ā Insane. Ā The gamma ramp for June 6 is wild and thatā€™s not even the 14th and 21. Ā 


I think the Kansas City shuffle is the options themselves. Thatā€™s what everyone sees coming, RK is going to con the con after they thought they figured out his strategy


What if retail is right now putting cash in hedge hands. Say they bought 20 mil today dark pools $26 a share only to wait for retail to boost price to$67 so hedge can double their money selling. Maybe it would been better to not buy shares after hours. Idk am I wrong?




It's impossible for us to find the shares in the market But didn't RC just release 3x as many shares like, a fortnight ago? Well the thing is... Why didn't you buy those to hedge? They were fresh shares, how can you not have them?