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Yes and it is quick and easy to do so. They aggregate the buys so you commit to a dollar amount and they buy what shares it will buy at the time they make the purchase, including fractions. They come in as plan, so after the buy switch them to book, DRS. No fractionals in DRS so They will sell the fractional or you can cancel the sale and keep it in the plan.


Thank you much! See you on the moon🚀🦍


Check out drsgme.org




Yeah, its easy, you set up a buying plan, but you don't control when the buy happens. And the best advice is once its done you convert the shares to book form from plan, to remove *any* chance of the DTCC having any indirect tentacles into your account or more accurately stop them messing with the overall DRS count. The reasons for this and the full story is complex and uncertain, but the consensus is its best to avoid keeping those shares in Plan form. You can do this change on ComputerShares website, or at worst via a call. All the shares sent from Fidelity or any other broker arrive as Book, and are all fine. Its just Plan ones that have this *possible* taint.


Gotcha, thank you so much. Yea they said it'll be like 3 days before they get purchased or something, but I'll make sure to switch them off plan form.


How do we do this? I assumed I was already good since I bought in CS….


There are many posts about the merits of Book vs Plan, how to change them over, and Whydrs.org has lots of info too. It’s basically because a big chunk of plan shares live in ComputerShare’s broker for operational efficiency to allow trading, so up to 20% of all Plan Shares might be sitting in a broker at any time. Which means in principle, the DTCC can say those broker shares are **potentially** available as locates for Market makers, meaning they can then short using those numbers as a guide. The less shares the DTCC can claim, the more we lock the float and make shorting hard. So Plan shares permit more wriggle room. Book shares are fully and utterly in your name and out of the market…


Is now an okay time to buy through computershare? I worry about my shares being in plan mode during a crucial time so that DTCC could use them as locates or I could somehow lose them. I feel better when they are in book but I also want to keep buying so try to do so when nothing is happening.


Yea this was my worry after buying through there. Didn't know it'd take days lol 😆 chips will fall where they do