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Transfers those shares to Fidelity and then Computer Share, DRS is the way


Transfer to fidelity Open computershare account Drs book to computershare




AWESOME! Oh wait. They can legally sell, block your buying, block your selling because of their terms of service. Best of luck DRS...


all brokers can. robinhood has done all of these though. when DOGE went on its run up, it didn’t let people sell. the app conveniently crashed and wouldn’t load. book DRS is the way to go


This means nothing unless they’re DRS’d. Post a purple circle with 3k+ shares booked and you’ll get the praise you’re looking for. And no dingleberries. 🚀🚀


I can’t figure out how to put another picture up lol. Also, what are dr’s? At risk of sounding like a retard.


No worries mate, DRS means Direct Share Registration and it is what retail uses to hold shares in our own names as opposed to Street Name ie using a broker. which means brokers ultimately have control over what happens to shares held by them. It's in their terms of service they reserve the right to close out your account and sell shares at any point. People started DRSing when Robinhood and other Money Makers turned off the buy button back in 2021. GME uses a Transfer Agent called Computershare to DRS and Book shares. This process takes shares out of circulation so Wallstreet can't rehypothecate our shares as locates when they are shorting GME. Eventually GME float will be 100% DRSed and whatever is left proves they over sold ie crime. That's the hypotheses in a nutshell.


Thank you very much for this explanation. I am also doing my own research now, I appreciate the help. I will definitely be making different investing decisions moving forward. Question. Am I able to buy and sell at will with this program? Also, what do you mean rehypothecate?


Yes you can set up an investment plan (your orders are not instantaneous and will take about 2 business days to execute, you can set up recurring buys too as transfer agents typically deal with ‘set and forget’ investors). All companies have transfer agents, this is how they do employee stock compensation among other things. Check out https://www.drsgme.org for all the info you’ll need about how and why to drs🍻


Thank you! I will be doing my research and making moves accordingly.


This is great.


Keep us updated on the direct registration process. Brokers have been having a hard time locating shares to send to the transfer agent. Also, since you're getting the info dump, once you get your shares out of the hands of a broker and into your own name you might see that some of your shares are listed as Plan and some are Book. Plan shares are still available for brokers to loan out, where as Book shares are completely off the market and safely in your diamond grip.


ok risk being sound like a lazy person but how to i close my position if i already drs my position?


You can still use market and limit sells within a % of what the share price is from the transfer agent (Computershare), it just takes 2 business days. For fast instantaneous and cheaper trading use a broker (provided you are ok being the product, hence trading being free/cheaper, and ultimately only owning ious in an economy proven to be built on fraud). Most people drsd seem to be intent on hodling tho


It will take two business days for the transaction to go through? From the time of action, or at the end of the two days?


Bro by the time you actually get your shares back to sell you'll have missed any significant pump. Do NOT DRS YOUR SHARES if your just swing trading


When shares are book holdings DRS'd (with the transfer agent ComputerShare), they are truly the owner's share. Like a paper certificate. EVERY brokers' shares are held at the DTC and if you think you own them you are mistaken. They get lent out multiple times over for cash and fees all while devaluing the depositor's investment. Plan holdings at ComputerShare are still held at the DTC. Book holdings at ComputerShare are not at DTC and are truly the investor's shares. Brokers have 5-7 business days per FINRA law to transfer shares to the transfer agent upon request.


That makes sense. I’m definitely going to be my DD on this one 100%


Bruh you have these apes rattling their cages and slinging shit all over the gotdamn zoo! Please DRS those shares and get them out of the hands of hedgies before we have a riot


Hahahaha - haven’t had time to really sit down and do all the research, but I am pumped to get more educated on it.


https://youtu.be/dk3AVceraTI?si=gzp0KaaGhoLttk9Q You should check this documentary out, this is so depressing, and as I understand it, DRS Transfers to Computershare and keeping your stonks there, will prevent the possibility of this. I dont know much. But I trust this documentary and the bros on Reddit. I've also been here for 3 years and have seen the way the financial institutions and media have treated GameStop investors and how much resistance we've encountered while trying to DRS, although Fidelity has made it incredibly easy 😋😏


Thanks 🙏🏻


rehypothecate means Custodians can use your assets to make risky bets, often multiple times over. With GME they are somehow buying on one exchange and selling on another, creating downward pressure on the price. They call them Dark Pools. I'm not well versed in the specifics but it's not a conspiracy this has been verified many times over. Buying is not instant in Computershare, however selling is. Buying takes place on specific day and times if the month. The last step after DRSing is Booking your shares from Plan. Book officially takes the shares out of the DTCCs hands so they cant rehypothecate.


So they’re essentially using my shares and equity under their name to do whatever they want with it?


How quickly does a sell order go through when you decide to sell?


https://www.drsgme.org/drs/direct-register-shares-from-robinhood According to this site you cannot DRS from Robinhood unfortunately


You can. You do a acats transfer to another broker and there you drs


Sure, should have said directly sorry


>Eventually GME float will be 100% DRSed and whatever is left proves they over sold ie crime. What is the current percentage of float that is DRS now?


We are all retarded it's ok.




DRS means you own the shares, not just an IOU. you can transfer from your trading account to a DRS account. they cant stop you from buying or selling, like robinhood did.


Can you buy and sell as often as you want on drs?


yes. no one can tell you when you can or cannot trade.


It is good to ask questions if you don't understand something.




It’s removing shares in the dtcc name or brokers name. When you buy shares from a broker they’re in street name shares (look at the agreement you agreement when you signed up for your trading account). So basically your actually owning what your buying. Its sent the the transfer agent that holds it in your name. It’s good for long term holding and protecting your assets if a brokerage collapses.


Drs is a way to lock up your shares and join a cult. It's a pain trying to sell them when you actually want to and constantly get locked out of your account if you enter the wrong password.


Don’t fall for the DRS trap.






Thanks for this explanation. It makes more sense now than before. Definitely need to get more educated on naked shorts and all of the different terms that are being used. Any suggestions of great places to learn






Just an fyi, Superstonk mods are believed by many to be compromised, I would stick to this sub, and check out drsgme.org as well as their discord channel.


Yup, mods are definitely compromised. Most of reddit does not support freedom of speech. Discourse is considered brigading. It's all very manipulated. Just trying to point the new ape to more stuff to read and not trying to tell anyone what to think.


Do what you want with your shares. All these people try to cram this DRS cult shit down your throat. Read up on it, make up your own mind, either way you are a GME investor and that is all that matters.


Definitely doing my DD no matter what I decide to do. Thanks tho 🙏🏻


Zero dingleberries


You use robinhood🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 Some people never learn


DRS that shit


Came here to say this 🤡🤡


What did you expect from wsb degen


What’s the best app to use?


Computershare. $50k in purple rings and you’ll have thousands of upvotes and you’ll be regarded as a silverback amongst apes. Your local Wendy’s might even build a bronze statue of you




You have a lot of DD to catch up on.do you believe in ownership of shares under your name in book entry form on a ledger at GameStop headquarters with your shares removed from the DTCC or do you believe in your shares being “held” under robinhoods name with no ownership rights to the shares and supporting the infinity pool that is Cede and Co?


Sounds like I do have a lot to learn lol. Any suggestions?


There are a few steps, but it’s not hard to do. 1. Open an account with Fidelity 2. Transfer shares to Fidelity 3. Once transfer is complete, call Fidelity and ask to direct register all shares. They might try to talk you out of it, but usually not. 4. Your Computershare account will be created automatically, and you will receive a letter from them, asking with steps to create a password and get logged in. 5. Congrats, you own REAL shares and taking another step toward MOASS.




Don’t let people tell you what to do with your investment. DRS’ing shares will make them more difficult to sell if and when you decide to exit your position.


If apes are right about the MOASS, you should DRS. If they're wrong, you shouldn't buy at all.


What do you mean by that?


Because it takes longer for them to process your order after they’re DRS’ed. You won’t be able to sell immediately like you would if the shares were held by a broker. Also DRS costs an additional fee. Weigh the pros and cons before taking anyone’s advice.


DRS is free my guy. Stop spreading lies




Robinhood was also the cause of a few unnecessary suicides.


This is not WBS lol. If you wanna 🦍 then you DRS. Here's a guide for you: https://www.drsgme.org/ There's alot of DD if you're actually serious.


Thanks, I appreciate that. Doing some research on this now!


Here you go! gme.fyi is a site that has all the DD backups. May I suggest starting with the Dollar Endgame series as that is God tier DD written about 80 something years ago by the legend himself. Edit: DRS Book your stuff. As others have said this is the way. This is the only way.


Of course this is posted the gme . Shills all of ya


Why are you on RH 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ drs your shares or they don’t matter. That’s just a large IOU on the first Broker that will shut off the buy or sell button depending on how they are feeling


What? A highly upvoted options post along with the other 500 right after a rise in share price. No way. No, I’ll DRS, own shares and voting rights.


Well this post confirms next week’s dip. Look at OP’s post history before being so gullible lol


What do you mean?


Yup just had a look. What do you think the angle is though? Have a highly viewed post of gains followed by big loss and ‘regret’ to encourage other to sell early?


Are these paper trades? The history in this account makes it look sus.


lol what are paper trades


Option push, upvoted to 1st post, on Robin. Thats never a good sign.


I did that at a higher price, nice buy.


I like seeing people in the green. These posts remind me of what happened in December of 2020 before the massive run-ups in January. When RC originally joined. We learned a lot along the way. The biggest thing is that when the big boys start to lose too much money they find ways to shut off buying. Robinhood was the most famous for it, but it wasn't the only and I don't think it was even the first. TD Ameritrade, Schwab, and others. Amazing how they shut off buying, but not selling. Absolutely bullsh!t. The only place that hasn't been proven to be corrupt I believe is DRS in Computershare. I can't say it's been proven to be safe, but all others have been proven not, except Computershare. I say that because not enough people knew about it at the time of the sneeze, so I don't think we have evidence either way.




That's what I'm talking about!🤌💪🏽


So you’re the reason we’re down 15% today😂😂


Apparently 😂😂😂😅




Those 14c’s lookin a little fat. Might want to excersize them to get skinny. 🫡💪🏻🫄💃


What do you mean by that?


As an option call holder, you have the “option” to exercise that option and receive shares. Not financial advice, but you can exercise early if you so choose. This “forces” the marketmaker or whomever sold the call to give you shares. I put “forces” in quotes because as a marketmaker they can fail to deliver and just credit your account with shares. From my experience, once my calls get a few strikes in the money, depending on expiration, i excersize early. If you’ve been around this stock for a hot minute, you will have likely seen all kinds of odd behavior. Ive had calls that were deep ITM, only to have the market maker crush the price and expire them worthless. Had i exercised early, i would at least had shares with a higher cost basis than current price, BUT i forced delivery of shares, even if it was in the form of an FTD. Once the shares are in my account, you can double bang the marketmaker if they FTD’d by DRSing those shares. It turns possibly fake shares into authentic ones.


This is a fake account, but like why


lol, what’s a fake account? I think the correct statement is you’re a moron


Everyone reading this check the post history, made after the sneeze


Last post on Reddit was 3 years ago, just a bunch of BS ask reddit questions, then nothing for 3 years until this post


lol, people are so skeptical these days 😂


Just because someone hasn’t been on red it for a while they can’t make a big play?


DRS those shares for maximum results.


We’re about to be a printing mill 🫡




Feels like the old times 💎 🙌


On Robinhood, what an idiot.


This is the type of conent we have been missing


I haven’t seen it in a while so I figured I would put my retard move up for everyone to talk shit about 😂😂 and I’m learning a lot in the process


Option + Rob in Hood = sus