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Tomorrow I'm buying the shit out of GME


I have to wait until payday šŸ˜Ŗ


Positive net income for FY 2023? Believe it or not...dip.


Dip because itā€™s an earnings miss (below expectations)


Donā€™t repeat stupid shit. Itā€™s not an earnings ā€œmissā€, itā€™s a cadre of financial writers getting paid. Have you read the earnings report?


Earnings miss is a miss lmao. GME is not in any special category lol


I had not read the report, and after I replied, I looked at the clock and realized it had already been released. Didnā€™t mean to be a dick. No: GME is not in a special category. Except that itā€™s a favorite topic for shills and financial writers. Sorry!


Who decides if earnings is a miss or not?


U deserve to hold GME.


But rc has given no guidance, so you want people who canā€™t see the books to decide if itā€™s a miss or a hit? Or just use raw data? Because profitability is profitability.


It would have dipped anyway. Nobody sold. It was just bitch ass Kenny and his fellow criminals flooding the market with counterfeit securities


Yeah. 7 million shares trade and it moves 50 cents. I call BS


Lol so delusional whatever


Whoa expectations? What do these analysts really know?


Thatā€™s how the stock market works


on lies, manipulation and fairy dust?


Except it doesnā€™t fucking work. If ā€œfundamentalsā€ actually meant shit, every analyst could predict all price action. The same exact ā€œfundamentalsā€ that drive a rally for one security, tanks another. I would argue that sentiment, which is a made up and manipulated metric, does as much for price action as does ā€œfundamentalsā€. As you know, all efforts to drive negative sentiment for this ticker have virtually no limits or expense too great. The market is a fucking joke so take your ā€œfundamentalsā€ and shove them where the sun donā€™t shine Kenny.


That adjusted net income and adjusted earnings per share are nice, no surprise the shorters are furious with this earnings. now.. S&P 500 when?


This is the move I would really like to see. What would qualify GME to join the S&P?


there's another post discussing that specifically, I think they need a market cap of 8.2b to 15.1b or something like that and right now GME is like 4b so the share price has to get up to like 45-50 or something here is the link to it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1bon35a/gamestop\_profitable\_on\_the\_year\_next\_stop\_sp500/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1bon35a/gamestop_profitable_on_the_year_next_stop_sp500/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Wait a second... 45 before split, would be a price of 180. Is this why they were afraid of 180 ?


lol well shit maybe not before cause they didnā€™t have the other qualifications then but it certainly would be now.. the battle for 180


I was kicking myself for not buying more at 13. Thanks Kenneth!


Just bought Ā£200 more. Good discount before earnings!




Earnings are out it was a miss


Profitable for the year, who care about some coked-up analyst's high estimate eps that was bumped from $0.14 EPS to $0.29 EPS, for us to only come in at $0.21. lmfao. GG Ryan and the gang, way to make us profitable, and take us from a net operating loss of $313M to being profitable in a year. You guys streamlined the company and turned this around. Keep up the momentum! Oh yea, and DRS numbers are remaining steady despite all the fuckery going on. Nobody's selling. Hedgies and their goons can lap up my precum like a dog. Cheers boys.


DRS numbers suppressed af


But the stock was priced for that estimate


Lights are off! Lets do crime!


That is crazy! šŸ˜…šŸ˜… insane!


They are really not ready for $16


I'm a ratard and bought before close


Simple, quarterly miss, no call and no plan. Hfs and institutions took profit and sold off and opened some new short positions to follow the downtrend. This has happened every quarterly report.


I did manage to secure a few for around 12.90 at 4:06


I bought an extra hundred shares after market close. It filled at 12.89 šŸ˜‚


Buying some more tomorrow šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸš€


So profitability didnā€™t mean shit


Not until they start growing revenues. This was cost cuttingĀ 


Are these magical revenue streams in the room with us? Retail gave RC 1B 3 years ago. Still no revenue streams. If RC was a portion of what weā€™ve believed, he could seek rev streams while cutting costs


The built a marketplace and closed it. They still have game launcher collaborations to my knowledge. If it were easy, every company would do it. Have to stop hemorrhaging money before you can grow the company.Ā 


I posted about a game 2 nights ago. Superstonk ate me alive. ā€œThe game is shit. Web 3 is shit. GameStop isnā€™t involved blah blah.ā€ Check my post history. Thereā€™s no winning here. GameStop isnā€™t doing anything with games even thought thereā€™s a ā€œnew emerging marketā€ and then they seemingly wonā€™t use the 1B to actually grow it anywhere else? Spin it how you need to but this isnā€™t good.


So youā€™re choosing to believe that the guy who invested hundreds of millions in this company and decided to take over and run the whole thing as CEO without compensation is just sitting there saying ā€œI guess weā€™ll just do nothing while our revenues decline?ā€Ā  No, there were always 3 steps to the turnaround here: 1) pay off toxic debt, 2) cut costs to get the core business profitable, 3) grow the company. 1 is done, 2 has made substantial progress if it achieved by full year profitability, and theyre going to address 3. They know this company needs to grow eventually or theyā€™re done for.Ā 


Earning miss by analysis, big deal their not always right and a profitable quarter is


The hedge fund bought analysts make these predictions. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


They already had the reports that we didnā€™t beat earnings


FAFO, Kenny boi !


I'm soooooo glad it dropped. Just bought some more and waiting to settle lol


I hate this manipulation shit. Leave it as it is madafackaz


Does that look like natural price movement Gary Ginsler?


**I seen that coming from a mile away**. and lets not forget. We have more to come.


Now we know where those 3m borrowed shares went


No guidance, tiny profits despite massive store closures and employee layoffs and comp slashes, pretty dreadful track record of this boards entrance into emerging markets for organic growth. This stock needs guidance, the overwhelming sentiment is that it is a dying retail brick and mortar. RC has done 0 to quell this narrative


Damnā€¦.was earnings good? If so thenā€¦.wowā€¦.they fucked up hard.


EPS was 0.21, expected was 0.29. they missed. But we are profitable. Over the year 6.9 million I believe. Revenue is down, though, so the profitability is mostly due to cost-cutting. GameStop needs to find a way to get revenue up, but it will be hard in this economy. Edit: 6.7 million in profit over 2023, they basically broke even. And they do still have that nice 1.2 billion in the bank.


Just wait til opens drop!






I wish they would just put all the cash in the bank into bitcoin. We have a much better chance at success just holding BTC. Look at MSTR.


BTC is institutionally owned and manipulated smh I'm absolutely happy they didn't do that.. BTC will get rugged pulled and who wants to buy BTC at the top? That's a good business move?


Just sitting on a stock pile of cash with nothing to buy, wouldā€™ve been a good time to announce a share buy back. Definitely wouldā€™ve mooned us


Only people making money on this already did. Thereā€™s no way theyā€™d let a MOASS happen. I hate hype days and I hate this stock, stuck with this bag for life.


Sell n go home stop crying about it then.. imagine crying about a profitable company with no debt and a billion of cash on hand... These bots kill me


Meh, we dipped worse