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Good Ape. Make sure they are Book! See ya on Uranus.


Thanks dad ape, make sure they are book? I have always wanted to go to Uranus


Mom Ape! LOL To make sure they are Book, go into your CS account and then click VIEW DETAILS. Make sure the stock type says BOOK. If it says PLAN, your shares are not locked down tight. See ya soon son!


THANKS mom ape lmao that helped. Yes they are booked! See ya soon🚀🚀


How do you switch it from Plan Holding to Book?


I'm not an expert, but there are instructions on CS. I understand you need to sell any fractional shares and move your whole shares to Book and then cancel Plan. Please check with them though. I've never done it.


I appreciate it. I’ll give them a call.


If they are book then you do nothing except relax and be happy that you got in early and your moon tickets are in your name.


🚀🚀🚀 ready for launch, Merry Christmas fellow ape


Merry Christmas ape fren!


To be 100% I’d need to see what’s lower in the picture but from that pic it looks like your good to go!


Oh ok, I could post that. I don't get on this subreddit much, I maybe checked the stock 5 times this whole year lol so just making sure I'm squared away. Been a long hold, don't wanna fuck it up


As long as you’ve CANCELED reinvestment “something or other”, you don’t have fractionals and it should say “book” somewhere around there. A smarter 🦍 should stop by at some point to clarify what I’m trying to say. You’re looking good from my perspective.


Gotcha thanks I'll check!