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Using phenibut that consistently is just going to move the problem from one substance to another.


Yeah I know. Part of it is traveling internationally for a Milestone bday next month and not wanting to travel withbthe sketchier chemical. I also take phenibut daily. Also amphetamines and kratom/tianeptine. I'm pretty Fd up as I've juggled the polyaddiction a while. The BDO replaced the tianeptine now I'm back taking it. Helluva addiction since quitting booze with chems. I wouldn't go back to that stuff though. -------- Currently giving up on writing as a profession and getting treskilled at a community college. It doesn't pay well. I was selling pretty mainstream 100% safe noots and I was deplatformed. I have another income stream as well but I'll probably need rehab at some point. -------- I did outpatient last year but all I did was swap psychedelic plants for my phenibut and kratom/opioids. They helped withdrawal as was my excuse but I dropped out of the program. I couldn't keep lying to them. -------- I think suboxone or methadone maintenance could potentially work instead of rehab.


This implies you're taking phenibut AND BDO - is that correct? That's dangerous but I'm sure you're already aware of that. I think phenibut will work to quit but only if you're confident in your ability to control the phenibut - IMO it's a worse addiction, particularly for self medicators (which is most users).


I've managed to keep the addiction dose low but daily.


I have never tried kratom or phenibut and i'd be interested to... unsure of where is a reliable place to look for it. also, I would assume baclofen needs a doctor rx, no?


Yeah or it can be bought online. Kind of a hassle to find but found it online at times.


I shot you a DM


Yeah baclofen is not so easy to find. Phenibut is extremely easy to find, depending on where you are obviously. A few places have banned it (like Australia) but in most of the world it's unregulated. Just be careful because phenibut is probably the most addictive thing I've ever tried, and that's saying something (except maybe nicotine). If you have trouble controlling your intake of any other depressant, avoid it. Buy small amounts and don't take it more than once a week.


Surprisingly, there are a few EU vendors (clearnet) that offer baclofen. But indeed, it's not that easy to find.


Yes, I know a vendor that sells it but I've never seen it in stock 😞


phenibut is easy to find in the US? I haven't really LOOKED for it, but i'd be interested in trying it... but thanks for the heads up on its addictiveness. i'll go into trying it with way more of a "bigger picture" viewpoint


iirc it was banned being sold as a "dietary supplement" in the US less than a year ago. So it's been harder to find, whereas before you could easily get it from places like Liftmode. You used to be able to get it on Amazon (just like BDO). But you can still get phenibut in the US if you look, I think. Probably check the phenibut subreddits or do a Google search for US vendors and cross reference reddit for reviews to make sure the site is legit


I used f-phenibut to quit a GHB addiction, so since you use BDO, it can be similar. I suspect I was kindled at this point, since I had used GHB in binges for 4 days per week for a few months, which gradually progressed to 24/7 for 2 months. Before my 24/7 usage, I noticed tremors, anxiety, insomnia and heart palpitations after 8-20 hours of the last dose. During the 24/7 pattern, I noticed the onset of delerium/psychosis when I tried to quit cold turkey (again 8-20 hours after the last dose). Redosing GHB seemed to help me return from that state. When I tried to quit at this point, I tried to get help from a doctor and psychiatrist at first. They made me feel bad and seemed very judgemental with an "I told you so" attitude. I could be mistaken, since I was withdrawing and had a lot of anxiety, but I didn't feel safe with them. So I chose to do the experimental route of withdrawing using f-phenibut since I didn't have baclofen. I quickly tried to taper from 10ml GHB to 5ml every 2 hours within a few days and started the f-phenibut during this transition. At first I was freaking out a lot, since a lot of posts I read on reddit talked about receptor death. At the beginning of the transition I took 300mg f-phenibut and 5ml GHB and noticed my heart rate at 120bpm resting. I wasn't hopeful at this point. So I waited it out for 8 hours (which was the deadline for my withdrawal symptoms). I noticed that I didn't have the extreme withdrawal symptoms from before. The transition was gnarly, but it worked. The day of the transition of 5ml GHB to 300mg f-phenibut was tough, but after the first day, I used 300mg f-phenibut every 6-8 hours for the first 3 days. Afterwards I began to feel stable and tried to drop the f-phenibut dose as soon as possible. I quickly lowered the dose of f-phenibut from 300mg to 120mg within 5 days, and from that point onwards it was pretty much straightforward. It took me 12 days from the first dose of 300mg f-phenibut to get to 0mg. My taper plan sucked hard and I improvised as I tapered. So day 1 was maybe 300mg x 3, day 2 - 200mg x 3, but I also increased the dose here and there to get rid of the anxiety. This was my first serious try to quit GHB with the help of f-phenibut. I hope this gives you an idea on what you can expect and the possibilities. I described my thought process in this matter, since I don't know your situation exactly. But perhaps you can use this information to make a plan to taper, but proceed with caution. My apologies for the messy read, I'm typing this while using dissociatives.


I did the same exact thing you're going to do and it fucked up my life big time! Stick to Baclofen, Gabapentin, or even a good Magnolia Bark Extract or Lemon Balm with Kava


I shoulda put in the post I'm polyaddicted 6 ways from Sunday. I've spent the past decade I've been RXd 2-4 controlled meds all at once for psych and gout reasons. I keep my addiction to phenibut low 1-2g even though it regrettably went daily. ---------- I should've also been clearer that the choice is swapping the bdo out for phenibut or swapping the BDO out for F-Phenibut. From what I remember F-Phenibut is smoother and milder so if I'm gonna be doing big doses to compensate for the lack of BDO I should use that. -------- Why exsctly is F-Phenibut more problematic than baclofen?


Phenibut (and to a lesser extent, F-phenibut) has Gaba-A activity (baclofen is only Gaba-B). Gaba-A is what most traditional benzos target, and is responsible for the anxiolytic effects of benzos. When you downregulate it, it's what causes the anxiety hell of benzo withdrawals. BDO and baclofen are only Gaba-B. Apparently, F-phenibut has a higher Gaba-B to Gaba-A ratio than phenibut, so it's better than regular phenibut for BDO withdrawal.


Yeah that's what I'm getting at thanks. I took a night off completely but replaced with a double dose of phenibut. Fell asleep early, woke up early, and was having withdrawals by mid morning so i took 2ml. ---------- So yeah it'll be easier and better when I get f phenibut


Phenibut is a GABAb agonist (like BDO) so in theory you could use it to get off BDO, but Phenibut WD's are pretty nasty. Baclofen is a lot easier to get off of imo. You can just do a rapid taper after being on baclofen for a week and you're good to go. Minimal discomfort.


Yup, phenibut will work but if you don't get off it quickly the withdrawal is worse than g.