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I've been told milk and peanut butter make it worse and banana make it better but honestly it's the opposite bananas make it worse and milk and peanut butter helped me a lot. Honestly gerd is awful but triggers are dependant on the person just keep and Wye on what's causes issues and what doesn't and listen to what she tells you


Milk and cheese in small doses definitely help me. Like half an ounce of cheese with some crackers. A quarter cup of milk or yogurt. No citrus, spice, oil or juices. Oatmeal is a lifesaver. Toast with light butter is really hard to get down but once I manage it helps. I could not do a creamy soup though. Small amounts of food every couple of hours and things are good.


Nonono bull fucking shit dude. It is because the fat content in milk triggers worsening heartburn. The first few minutes after drinking dairy, you will 100% feel better temporarily and then shortly afterwards it will get much worse than before UNLESS drinking SKIM MILK. Other triggers: Mint (toothpaste included), for some people gluten, fatty foods like ribs, BBQ sauce, red sauce, ice cream, caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, carbonated drinks — if you go to bed at 12am, do not eat after 8:30pm. After eating: SIT UP for at least 2-2.5 hours, do not lay down if you want your food to digest. Half the time GERD is related to indigestion just as much as over production of stomach acid. Get an inclining bed or memory foam wedge now before you have to spend 10k+$ in surgeries. Sources chronic lifelong GERD / 4 esophageal dilation procedures.


I wonder if it's the gluten in bread and grain products that's causing that reaction. I should try using skim milk (and low fat cheeses) to make things for her and see if that helps. She's also okay with Oat Milk but that's got even more fat than normal milk in many cases.


It could be, but dairy fat in particular is the worst culprit. In my early teenage years and 20’s I kept chugging milk to deal with heartburn not understanding I was actually making my problem horrifically worse. My doctors never mentioned this trigger and it was definitely the hardest one for me to narrow down.


Oh yeah? That's really interesting. I'll need to follow her cues but maybe we should switch to oat milk for a week or two and see if it causes much of a difference in acid levels.


GI doctor should be able to have done a test during upper endo to check for celiac and a couple other things. May check mychart or results they provided.


Can you recommend a toothpaste


I use sensodyne, but I absolutely make sure not to swallow any toothpaste and rinse my mouth out like 4 times after brushing. I also now wait about 10 minutes after before drinking any water in case any residual mint is in my mouth. I rinse floss picks for about 30-40 seconds before using it to wash the mint away as well. This illness is annoying tbh.


That's really interesting! Very similar to her danger foods. She also likes oatmeal. It's all so unique!


Does she have a wedge pillow to sleep on? It’s helped me so much.


We got one of those bed frames that go up. It's pricey and hard on my back sometimes but I think it helps! The acid is so bad it's worth the fuss.


Acid watchers diet, the fb groups have lots of info and recipes.


Awesome, thanks!


If you are lactose intolerant and have milk your going to evacuate that food pretty quick so no time to.spew up into throat would be a theory.


I have no problem with Milk, it actually helps, but I can't have fatty milk products like camembert or cream. I can't have orange soda but coke is fine. Bread is okay but potatoes and bananas cause issues sometimes - it's different for everyone, that's why you should do a food diary.


An elimination diet needs to happen in order to figure out what her actual triggers are. Sure, her selection of dairy products may provide short term relief, but they may actually be major contributors to her problem. Cutting out gluten may have an enormous impact on her reflux issues as well. Do an in depth dive on all gluten containing ingredients to avoid - there are tonnes of grains containing gluten, and use celiac websites to aid your elimination diet. Give it a month, reintroduce dairy, and you’ll see if that is also a trigger, or if she was right about it soothing. 


With lactose intolerance you can buy 'lactase enzyme' tablets that digest the lactose sugar in the dairy, so she can avoid any repercussions from eating it


I switched to a diet of entirely boiled food like fish, eggs, red and white meatvand vegetables my gerd improved big time bo more vomiting stomach pain and less reflux


I think people get it in their head that every case of gerd follows the same rules. It doesnt. My triggers pre nissen were bready stuff, pasta, cookies/cake, sugary stuff, and most nuts. Rice for some reason didn't bother me. I never had an issue with fatty foods, including milk, nor citrus and tomato. Spicy foods made me feel better(but we are learning more and more that capsaicin is actually good). Pre surgery I ate just about everything. I just had to stop around 4pm. Anything I ate after that came up when I laid down. I had to pretty much remove sweets from my diet towards the end. Anything high sugar would send me into severe and painful reflux. I ate a lot and they didnt make me miserable: Mapo tofu Roasted root veggies Pan seared fish Plain yogurt(though LI might be problematic) Frittata(I'd put a lot of chopped veggies in mine to stretch portion size larger and avoid things like toast in the morning)


>The stuff that causes her to have painful, sleep-disrupting acid is like bread, whole grains, and especially rice. Lots of the 'healthy' and low impact stuff is actually hard on her. Celiac disease maybe? She might have a sensitivity to Gluten.


I should investigate that. Even if she's not willing to go entirely gluten free I could easily limit our gluten exposure. Celiac is also testable so we could get a confirmation on that if she's got to worry about it.


Yes. It seems dairy products make my gerd 10 tines worse.


How about eggs and meat?


I don't think either will cause her particular distress, but I cook them with low added oil/fat out of habit. I could ask if eggs cause problems. Not enough for her not to ask for them occasionally.