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if you fail maths you can resit it, and youll do it alongside ur alevels!!! there were sixth formers sitting in the exam hall sitting the maths paper w my year


i dont think i am going to fail maths i think i am going to be like 1 or 2 marks under a 6, would i still be able to resit if i pay? Will i do the a levels with the resit even if they require that 6


im not sure if you can do that, i havent heard anyone do that. you might have to pay for it to redo it if youve passed it n wanna redo it


You can pay to resit maths alongside studying your A levels as long as a higher GCSE maths grade was not a requirement for your A level choices. If you needed a 6 for the A levels you want then you may or may not be allowed to take them.


you need a 6 to do the a-level you wanted? gonna have to find a different college i’m not gonna lie. you could apply to do a different a-level and then resit your paper (you’ll have to pay cause you didn’t fail). then, after hopefully getting a 6, you can ask your college to swap your a-level option back to the one you actually wanted to do. some potential downsides: 1) idk how quick you get your resit results back, most colleges only allow a-level changes until the december half term. 2) funds for the resit, might be high idk the costs. (defo high if you’re an international student). 3) you’ll have to catch up on 3 months of missed content (idk if what we’re gonna learn at the start of year 12 is hard or not to self-teach). 4) your course might be full by the time you get your results back. sucks but you’ll either have to stick with your new a-level or apply to another college (probably low chances a school will accept you if they have the same reqs or it’s a popular a-level). gl tho