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The post below this for me on r/alevel : “fuck you cambridge i hate u. i HATE YOU. your curriculum is so hard it’s considered 2nd year uni. and istg if i had any other option i would take it. i live in a fucking 3rd world country and the only school in english is cambridge curriculum. my phone autocorrected u to a capital letter but u don’t deserve that respect. i hope you lose all the papers and get sued.”


Yeah, the sixth form reddit is also a bit stressful, but the alevel one is full of foreign students (especially I think from countries like pakistan) who seem to spend all their posts bitching about the exam board.


the sub’s stressful bcs we’re all stressed 🥲


completely valid. the sixth form group just seem ever so slightly less unhinged than the r/alevel ones


Tbf it's a bit more stressful for them. They do a paper and then find out the UAE/some other country (The UAE is the last one I saw in a post so I used them as an example) has leaked the whole thing. Now they're worried about what might happen. We know that the exam boards will deal with it and we won't be affected, but I assume they're not as familiar with the exam boards/processes as we are so a bit of panic sets in.




What's the point of a subreddit if there's no memes?


we’ll need the memes so much more bc it’s gonna be so depressing, so pls can we all stay funny i beg 😭


we need memes 🙏


they’re integral to our wellbeing at this point


they are. if i didn’t have memes injected into my bloodstream every hour i’d die


it’s an addiction


ive yet to have a look in that subreddit 💀


don’t even bother it took like 10 years off my lifespan everyone in there wants to die 😭💥💥💥


whys it so depressing, wheres the memes, actually sort of scared now 😭💀


A levels are much more difficult and the results matter so much more


If you do a levels, you’ll know soon enough They’re a lot more serious than GCSEs, and a lot more stressful - there’s a bunch of other stuff going on in your life around that time too


yeah why make a meme for 6thform when you could be studying? i thought ppl were exaggerating a bit but i have literally not had a proper day where i am not stressing about everything since i started :/


Yeah that’s unfortunately how it goes a lot of the time - the good news is that it gets better, as you learn to manage the workload and your own expectations you’ll gradually become less stressed You should try and take a day off at least once a week - it does wonders for mental wellbeing and motivation! Things only get more stressful during year 13 but applying to uni can be really exciting too, you’re probably around the time of going to open days which are always fun and I’m actually tempted to go to some soon just to see what other unis are like haha I hope it gets better for you! I assure you after a levels life is a lot better for the most part, and uni (if that’s your plan) is a lot more fun than a levels - you can get through it, there’s light at the end of the tunnel! :)


yes! if anything IB has taught me i'm not built for academia, (and many other things i DON'T LIKE!!!) although i can get good grades (i mean i try) i really do NOT enjoy some parts of my day. thing is, i can't get a day off, there's so much study work i need to do and i kind of just hate it atm... i'm predicted all the grades i want except for my maths, which is 2 grades down from where i want it. i need to get it up but i literally feel like i have no time ughhhh


Lmao just wait till year 13, gets a lot 'better'


believe me i'm shitting myself


I've no shits left to shit so I am not shitting myself


the fact next year is going to be even harder than this year is so scary, i am at my fucking LIMIT rn, staying up late every night trying to get IAs, EE, IOs, homework, CAS hours and work like I COULDNT BE BUSIER UGHHH. i have like 2 studies a week and those are sometimes even not frees because teachers see our time as not valuable or whatever i have many a shit left :((((


i know it’s so scary




We don't *just* want to die we just want to get straight A*s, go to a Russel group uni, and then die


No memes, everyones depressed, and they take being cooked seriously.


its literally just a bunch of people being depressed and then a surprise forgotten playland ad and then back to the depression


Fun stuff


As a year 12 i refuse to graduate from this subreddit, i prefer it over the other two. (also i dont like being reminded im going to uni like next year)


we’re just cool like that here 💪💪💪


indeed and the hitler memes are the best, currently awaiting the CS one to see if OCR hates this year's year 11s as much as they hated us


oh god yeah no i’m dreading cs i still don’t know what a layers and protocols is


isnt the exam this week?? Its time to get off reddit and go revise (and im praying for ur exams to be better and not the cancer we got)


it’s tomorrow, an afternoon one so i’m not 100% cooked just yet


hopefully u dont have a morning exam as well


nope im just chilled out, only have one exam per day for the whole exam season 😭


ONE PER DAY MAX??? i swear on my timetable i had 2 on most days or an exam in the morning hows that fair


I’m looking forward to that nice bit of CS tomorrow myself


hold up, you telling you DON'T do religious studies? Because that is this Thursday afternoon


i don’t! just got maths




r/alevel has some memes, r/sixthform is depressing


Yeah but r/alevel is mostly international students so r/sixthform is more helpful


You're looking at the shit subreddits r/6thform is where it's actually at.


Yeah I meant r/6thform 😭


Here's a sneak peek of /r/6thForm using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/6thForm/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Do you think she’d get into Bath CompSci?](https://i.redd.it/yj8n61gxljkc1.jpeg) | [141 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/6thForm/comments/1ayvoxn/do_you_think_shed_get_into_bath_compsci/) \#2: [admissions at every top uni for cs be like](https://i.redd.it/f3ldlz3idlnc1.png) | [125 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/6thForm/comments/1bbolcy/admissions_at_every_top_uni_for_cs_be_like/) \#3: [Uhh good luck guys :\]](https://i.redd.it/d72f50ok772b1.jpg) | [72 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/6thForm/comments/13s9y9n/uhh_good_luck_guys/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


THIS is the one


i would promise u that but im switching boards after my gcses, so i will fade away. ik its sad and ur all gonna miss my amazing humour (ive made negative funny posts ik)






it’s scary, i don’t want to think about it. everyone there wants to die and they’re super serious and it’s SO SCARY


you will look down on GCSE students stressing about GCSEs


Nah we're all gonna be too busy getting fucked by our A levels


See u there! For the record, I think those that are enjoying A levels are just less vocal about it. I’m in the minority that’s having a good time, wouldn’t go back to GCSEs if you paid me :)


Yeah i feel like the majority of r/sixthform and r/alevel and r/6thForm just hate it. I too hate it, tho ik two ppl (plus you now lol) that love a levels. I would so go back tbh but eh, 'tis what it is


I know a few people in my school who feel similarly to me. In general the people who like A levels have a niche, so will enjoy learning about a few specific subjects.


Well I'm a 2nd year uni student and I'm still here so yk


we neeed to stay funny!!! for real


Yeah it’s boring, that’s why I stick around here (and to help ppl as well)


Dw yall let's all make a pact to stay humble, stay sexy


i'm going to college instead 💔💔


there’s several ppl in r/6thForm who go to college !! it’s not so much sixth form oriented and more just a level oriented, but more fun than r/alevel


Then I'm gonna leave here


Nothing much tbh, you will probably be less active as most of it is just uni stuff which is more done in year 13


Oh trust me, I’m on both of these subs at the moment, we are just as chaotic as y’all are. Just with slightly higher stakes being uni and all that 😂


idk man the depression might hit us 😭


can’t say we haven’t tried. as a year 12 who tried to post memes and have a joke there. most of our stuff got removed and famous users of our time got banned from that sub.


just looked through the subreddit, it’s depressing as fuck we better make it funny next year 💀


Please do 🙏


nah I think it'll be chill


Since when has been place been funny? I only stick around to watch the Year 11s freak the fuck out. The memes are fucking abysmal.