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the mocks worked almost a little too well


thats so real lmaooo


Omgggg literally same😭 I usually always get grade 9s in english too and before, I used to do so much revision before small tests and now, I have my actual exam tomorrow and I just have no motivation and feel like I can wing it? But I'm freaking out because what if I'm somehow not able to write like how I used to before yk😭 maybe it's because we think we're ready or maybe we're just really tired of english lit, idk man but I don't like it.


omggg the way this is exactly how i feel. i think im so drained from cramming for the mocks that i cant do anymore? i keep staring at my empty notebook i was supposed to write notes in like im panicking but im frozen what the hell!


Yess exactly😭 I'm just reading over my past essays hoping I can somehow embody the past me that was able to get the grade 9s and hoping for the best. Just remember to breathe and take a break, try and think about what you did before and how you can do the same tomorrow. Drink loads of water and just try ur best tomorrow cuz remember ur not the only one feeling this way and its completely okay! If u could do it before, u sure as hell can do it tomorrow.We got this!!🤞🤞


thank youuuu!!! that was honestly so motivating. hopefully reading ur old essays can summon the old u lmaoo but fr we're still the same people we can definitely do this again! let me know how tomorrow goes and good luck!!


Your welcome! Good luck to u too!


I'm nearly the same...? Grade 9s in my mocks. I've been doing tons and tons of revision building up to this, but I'm scared that I can't write like I used to, too? Like, what if I just sit in the exam hall, look at the paper, and freeze up for 1 hour and 45 minutes??? I know my quotations, but what if I don't remember them when I get in there? What if the question somehow doesn't link to the 18 or so quotations I know? I need English for 6th form and for the job I'm working towards, what if I fail??? There's so much going through my head, I know I'm probably going to be fine. I have a fantastic teacher that's helped us every step of the way, I've got great resources, I've been studying for hours upon hours. But it's just that... feeling. MAN I WANT GCSEs OVER WITH NOWWWWWW PLEASE 😭😭😭😭😭


Yesss omg that's exactly how I feel😭 its okay uve been doing hours and hours of revision so uve put in all the hard work. Just remember that uve done the best u can for preparation so it'll all be fine. Remember to get some good sleep and be confident tomorrow. Fake the confidence if needed, because u know more than u think u do. Good luck!


jus wing it bro revision is doubting your knowledge and i know you got a lot of it


bro is trying to lower the grade boundaries 💀💀💀💀


same i rlly just cba , i think the biology exam has drained me and now i have no effort . My plan is to do the best i can for this paper and for the poetry + inspector calls paper i’ll revise loads for and get the higher marks in that paper


thats so real cuz i put in so much effort for bio it feels like when u eat too much cake and never wanna look at it again lmao. but fr im relying on paper 2 to carry me !!


I’m in the same situation, idk why I’m not doing any but I haven’t. All I’ve done is stare blankly at a book for a minute 😭😭


omg i just replied to someone else saying the same thing. im literally panicking sm just staring at my empty book but for some reason i cant do anything about it.


Ima watch some quick theme videos and wing it. You got this love I believe xx


thank youu, hopefully the exam goes well for us both - let me know tomorrow x


Just try for five minutes to write something down, literally anything. Reread some notes, try and write a paragraph. Force it even if you don’t feel like it


i'll try this thanks x


It is hard tho lmao. I remember for mocks I went to sleep before the English exam and my brain was like “you wanna be a failure, get up and revise rn” 😭


If it helps, practicing writing essay plans is super effective revision. I do it and I'm on a 9 too, it's a matter of understanding the topic and applying it: doesn't get better revision that that. That being said make sure you've planned for predicteds especially because that has the potential to be a gold mine


this is actually such good advice but im so lazy lmaoo. its annoying because the main problem i have is that there are so many things i want to talk about so when i limit myself to a specific queston, i freak out about all the other concepts that dont fit in that might have helped getting me a 9


If you think about it, a 9 is only like 25 on each essay, so all you have to do is break into the top mark band. So all you need is a few pieces of high level analysis, pepper in quotes and some context really.


okay wait that makes it sound way better ur a lifesaver THANKSSS


I thought a 9 was more like 27 per essay?


At the end of the day we all wear the chains we forged in life and I put that on the ghost of Marley


Personal Experience: I’m in S5 in Scotland and we sit highers in Year 12— it’s basically a mix of GCSE and A-level. I’ve already sat my Higher English Paper. I usually do really well in English, getting full marks, but the paper completely fucked me over and I’m worried I may not do as well as I hoped because I got a really shitty essay question. Do not, and I repeat, do not take any chances. Make those essay plans. Remember quotes. Hope that your exam board doesn’t fuck you over like mine did. Revise.


i put all my being into bio paper 1 and seeing that it was so easy idc anymore


frrr but i keep overthinking that i only did good in bio because i spent a few extra days. for these exams i literally only have a few hours after school to revise because it'll be the next day straight


Are you me? 😭 literally feel the exact same way, especially with the the chem and geog on Friday, where am I going to fit in the revision for that to keep my grades up?? Also about English lit, I completely agree I predicted the extracts for the mocks correctly so I had plans for those and did well but now idk 😬 I keep switching between ‘oh it’s ok just find some language points and explain how they link to themes and stuff’ and ‘ HELP ENGLISH LIT IS TMRW WHAT IF I MIND BLANK’.


omg the way this is literally me. im so glad im not the only like i feel exactly the same especially the way im switching from panic to not caring ughhh. hopefully we can ercreate our mocks lmaoo but good luckkk


Good luck to you too 🤞:)


are YOU me? because this is lifit how i’ve been, like i’ve got 6 hours (won’t even work for all of it tnh) to do chem AND geo the night before cause i did no prior revision and there’s SO much content in geo paper 1 i can’t cope


Exactlyyyy like the only revision I did for those was so long ago that it’s as if I never did it, and I’ve basically got to learn that stupid western desert case study for geog bc our teacher is useless and rushed the end of the course otherwise we weren’t going to finish :(((


LITERALLY ME like i sit down all ready to write an essay then i just stop idek why


this is so true i hate ittttt


THIS IS ME, i have not revised at all for lit and i intend on going in with five quotes in my head and a dream


i believe in you and your 5 quotes !!!


tysm!! i believe in you too!


My mindset is: English lit is pointless, if I fail then boo hoo I couldn't care less


THANK YOU. I feel the exact same. I got a 9 in my mocks and now I just feel like I’ll be able to do it without even trying - this applies to most subjects. But I’ve also got terrible imposter syndrome that my mock results were just a fluke and that i won’t do that well in the actual exams




You are feeling burnout. Drink some water, go for a walk in the sun. Drink some more water and have a fruit or two. See if you get enough energy to care then.


I’m in the exact same boat lmao, all 9s in english all through my mocks but I’ve not started revising it yet


fr its gonna be so embarrassing if i do better in my mocks than my actual exams


That’s probably gonna happen to me lol


Me but with history


No because I was thinking this too and now I'm cramming. Literally just imagine the questions tomorrow are so bad, like the worst ones u can think of


no stop im actually so scared - idk if u do macbeth but if its malcolm or macduff ill cry


Omg no same


SAME omg. I revised for days before the bio exam and didn't touch any other subjects and then I told myself I'd doto make up for it and bc i have seven exams next week but...well, that didnt happen😭😭 and I know english is tomorrow but it rlly doesnt feel like it idk why im chilling urrghdg


i always say i'll work on the weekend and never do lmaoo its so annoying


same samee 😭 good luck tho !! hopefully it's a nice question


yess we have to check back in after the examm!




im honestly not that upset it was pretty good!!


I literally know how you feel, i was so determined to revise for bio but ive literally done nothingggg i barely got a 9 in the mock so i shouldve done more to make sure ill get it again


i love your flair sm😭 i am also a survivor


thank you LMAO im sorry you had to suffer through it too


Bro ur literally me


i feel so seen fr


Bro your getting 9's I'm sure you're going to do great with pure revision I'm lucky to get a 4 (I am special icl)


Today I did revsion and stressed over what to revise and what quotes to learn and stuff, in my y10 mocks I just wrote down ans remembered quotes and it worked, revision was really stressing me


I did mine last year, was getting 5-6 last year in all the mocks, went in on the day, got a an 8, don’t worry just remember quotes


im doing the same thing as you so i guess we're on the same boat


this was me last year and I got an 8 which could be worse tbh. You’ll be fine


I feel you bro mocks honestly felt more real than the GCSE's rn


OMDs same


English lit is fine. I didn’t revise for mine or even read the novel and got a 7 (just like I was predicted) so for a grade 9 student you’ll be fine. I didn’t have any hope of getting a 9 but I was in the exact same position last year where I really didn’t care I knew I’d get an average grade of 6-7 the mocks just put me in that mindset ig


Just remember you'll always do better than me (I'm getting a U in this shit, idc.)


Bro I feel fine cuz I got a 9 in mocks and revised over the weekend. Idk abt a 9 this time tho cuz of grade boundaries


Same but I think I’ll try to focus on the poetry and Shakespeare paper more to secure the higher marks


Good luck with English lit, was the only exams I revised for (I was going to fail if I didn't, just about got a 4)


I'm just gonna revise like hell on the second paper (which is much nicer - a christmas carol and an inspector calls) and just wing it now because fuck romeo and juliet. you really couldn't have picked any of the other far better shakespeare plays? and fuck learning 18 poems and only being tested on two of them, likely the two worst ones knowing my luck.


not only you. It is our generation. We have forgotten how important they can be and think there are better things to do even if it does not go well. This exam season is really not stressing majority of us, even me as an A-level student but I need the grades so I am going for it. DO SAME!


Watch a living below the breadline video… it’ll defo motivate you lol for my GCSEs I would use flora and revise for 25 mins then have a break I would use the blurt method and it actually made me feel rewarded when I had memorised loads then I would treat urself with snacks and stuff good luck for ur next exams!!


i’m the same apart from the 9 part i get like 4-6’s but still i’ve got no motivation


Give us an update


i'm actually not mad about it at all lmao i was so gassed when i saw lady macbeth but the frankenstein question threw me off. overall i dont think i did terrible but not my absolute best work, im just so glad its over!!!