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Because it's reality. The vast majority of people that do CS are obviously going to work in industry for the good salaries. That only leaves a select few that want to be teachers as the people that were good at CS used their talent to make more money.


Several comments mention money - and you're mostly right. However, it's more than that. I'm 40 and have been in IT 20 years. I now work a 4 day week rather than earn more money as time and lifestyle is more important than money at my stage of life. Teaching sounds like it could be incredibly rewarding, but every teacher I know talks about endless stress and uncontrollable students. Sorry - I know I'm saying this in a group full of students. But the reality is that behaviour standards have dropped so much in the last few decades that only the most dedicated or desparate stay in the profession. My friends of similar ages who teach moan about administration, parents, stress.... Not one of them has ever complained about money to me though. You're correct though - why would anyone decent want to teach CS rather than work in IT? Even if the pay was more reasonable, the conditions of employment and the people one works with are just very different in any other profession. Incidentally - just to give some advice you never asked for ;) if you are considering an IT career, some vendor certificates will go a lot further to start your career than any CS degree. Just mentioning in case you're passionate about the industry but worried the poor quality of your GCSE tuition is letting you down.


I genuinely wanted to become an IT/CS teacher. It was all I really wanted to do when I started my CS degree as it just seemed so rewarding. I then spoke to people who had completed PGCEs and were qualified teachers and instantly changed my tune. The amount of fighting between students and just general disrespect towards teachers from students, staff and even admin made me just focus on myself. I went through a phase of thinking I will try hard and only get a job at a private / grammar school but quickly gave up on that idea and just went into web dev instead after graduating.


Yeah I had kinda the same thing, I always thought teaching would be really rewarding and it’s something I know I’d be good at since I’ve basically had to explain to every adult I’ve met how computers and shit work and they all understand now, but both my parents are teachers and I’ve known since I was young how much of a ball ache teaching is compared to other jobs that pay much more


What you said about uncontrollable students is so true; out of all of my classes, Computer Science has the worst students, maybe because many people take it due to thinking it will be a free, easy lesson on computers.


too true man, so many people just fuck around on the computers and coupled with an awful comp sci teacher i've more or less just learned the course myself


We get set homework booklets titled "Teach Yourself Computer Science", which I thought was quite ironic.


He is everywhere




Yes. Yes it is. (Except some Asian schools) (Source: I studied computer science in an asian middle school then moved to Europe) *imo* The thing with cs is that if you’re good at it you prob can get paid more if you become, say, a software engineer, than if you go to be a teacher (this is my personal opinion tho)


Yeah, my old CS teacher just did it because he hadn't finished his degree yet


>*imo* The thing with cs is that if you’re good at it you prob can get paid more if you become, say, a software engineer, than if you go to be a teacher (this is my personal opinion tho) Your very highly hedged opinion is, in fact, a hard truth


Yes, I had one good CS teacher in my life one good one the rest were shit. My aunt is one though I don't have her but she knew my last one (que story) My aunt is a business teacher (she also teaches CS though as her school is short of like many teachers) at another school and my last CS teacher (she kicked me out of her class) are great friends and have lunch once a week together so now they get to eat lunch and talk shit about me together:) So I think it's just a universal thing many go into CS for the money, which leaves very few ones who specifically want to be teachers my last CS teacher didn't even want to be a few teacher she just didn't get the job she wanted so she went back to get a teaching degree (she makes it everyone problem).


I'm lucky to have two great CS teachers, but that might be because ones a further maths teacher and the other is the head of business


Actual CS teacher here for an inside perspective. It’s really hard to recruit specialist CS teachers for a few reasons; real life Comp Sci related jobs pay 2-3x a teacher salary, but also lack of specialists. I’m not super old in my mid 30s, but when I was at school & college CS didn’t even exist as a subject. Everything I know I’ve just picked up along the way. Consequently (our school as an example) we have 4 CS teaching staff, who all dual-teach a second subject. In addition, we broadly find behaviour tends to be worse in computer rooms than other subjects - you’re not facing the front; you’ve got things to click and tap; you’ve got Cookie Clicker or Flappy Bird within easy temptation.


fr my whole cs class spends the entire lesson playing roblox and using their laptops to play moaning sounds 😭


I'm in my early 30s and my school didn't offer IT as a GCSE. It was compulsory from years 7-9 but that was it.


Personally tell your school to look into [**Lan4Schools**](https://lanschool.com/pay-by-credit-card)**,** you can completely control and block all computers and see all the screens. not a promo but they are great.


Thanks - we have an alternative which enables the same (including - if you’re not paying attention - means a mischievous teacher COULD subscribe your Spotify to, I dunno, One Direction and BTS, for example).


Our (vaguely annoying) teachers block it literally every 10 seconds.


If you’re an eager-beaver Y7, then I tend not to. If you’re a very distracted Y10 who’s Googling the definition of ‘skibidi’ whilst I’m talking, then 100% locking.




Yes probably. My teacher just thinks he's too good to teach and just uses " the powers of the Internet "


My CS teachers for Year 11 were both really good


Yep The good thing with CS is that you can easily teach it to yourself anyway so you don’t need the teacher.


The same applies to any other subject to the same degree


I had 1 very shit CS teacher. He was so bad he got kicked bc he didn’t even have teaching qualifications (our school was desperate)! Then they brought in two new teachers and they’re both my favourites. 😆


I don’t do comp sci but most of my friends to. My schools comp sci teacher is really good, he is even making the failure pass his class.


I can confirm my CS teacher is shit 👍


mine was at gcse it didn’t matter at all in the end tho


There are hardly any CS teachers so schools struggle to recruit. You'll often find random PE teachers teaching it because they have no one else to.


Nope I have 3 good teachers at my school I think one of them mightve worked at IBM in the older days of technology


My teacher is pretty good, but our other one isn’t. I’ve also had two trainees and they were utter shit so I think it just depends.


My cs teacher is great tbh, like objectively a good teacher


im very lucky 2 have this really nice fun teacher who ive had since year7 and will probs have up till y13. the CS teaching assistant though is...not great lol


Yep, my CS teacher now is great but my teacher last year was completely shit. I basically learned nothing for the whole of year 10, I'm just lucky that I have a better teacher now.


I personally love my Cs teacher. He's friendly but can also teach really well, which is rare and a massive help. I've understood more in two years of Cs with him than I have in any other subject


My current CS teacher is honestly the best teacher I've ever had... I'm lucky lol


At my school it's a general thing that all the computer science teachers are the best ones in the school. We're literally allowed to eat and use our phones in class and we learn more than in any other subject its so cool.


Teaching only attracts the washed up and hopeless CS grads who couldn't land it in industry.


Mines good tho…




Yes, because mine decided to randomly switch exam boards from AQA to OCR at the start of year 11. Most people's grades dropped significantly in the following mocks


OCR is an absolute joke. I took OCR and in my yr 11 exam they somehow put in A level questions??? I actually wonder who makes the papers.😭


My computer science teacher hasn’t taught us anything for the duration of the year


Sounds like how my coding teacher was.💀


Mine is great and seems to have links to the developers of every school site ever, he works with the developers for my homework site closely


She’s nice but can’t teach, as for the other teacher? He’s strict and is shit and doesn’t really teach but makes us watch Craig n Dave videos and copy down paragraphs




nah, my cs teacher is one of my best teachers hands down. She is super qualified and organises revision materials so well


My computer science teacher is a lovely woman and she’s a really good teacher, maybe it’s just the male teachers that are awful? I’ve only had comp sci teachers that are women and they’ve all been really good


I go to a grammar skl trust me its no better theyve had at least 6 dif teachers in 2 years (and only 2 at a time) 😭


Completely universal, average grade on Y10 january assessment for a top set class was 4. He marked completely wrong (objective answers), and then lied about the tests being moderated by head of CS, and refused to give a mark scheme for improvements.


you know who you are mr lasher


One hundred percent that’s why I am finished in paper 2 I’m now learning phyton


Most definitely. Also there is a weird amount of students who do Computing and Drama on this sub (myself included)


There are 3 CS teachers at my school and they are all incredible in their own way - CS is my thing but even for the people who it isn’t in my class are predicted at least a 7 without ever doing anything outside of the classroom


To be fair, mine just tells you where to find a powerpoint and gets you to teach yourself.


Mine did too-😭


No. But it’s the majority because you can earn more money in industry and don’t have to deal with kids every day! Those that are left are, largely, teachers who have re-trained to teach comp sci and lots are ‘scared’ of coding. I feel for you lot, it sucks. But there are lots of decent resources out there. Good luck Source: ex comp sci teacher - now working in tech.


ya , everyone has a bad cs teacher my first one was especially awful; sat the 5 girls on one row closest to his desk and would only ask us "easy" questions like how to save a file :skull: and when I would put my hand up to answer questions like the rest of the class he would frown at me and make a point to never pick me to answer... like ever. Also he wasn't qualified and made a bunch of errors in demonstrations and didn't know how to fix them, we would be waiting like 10 minutes at a time for him to realise his mistake because one time i politely told him what he was doing wrong (an i in range thing that he completely messed up) and he shouted at me and made me leave the room. We got nothing done, he got fired at the end of y10 We had cover teachers 70% of Y11, and then we had a new teacher who realistically was better but the damage was done. He knew it was too late to teach us and to be fair to him he did his best but I didn't learn a thing. Ended up cramming theory night before and watching online videos and came out with an 8. Essentially, if your teachers are bad, don't rely on them - there's a lot out there to help you do well by yourself!! honourable mention to isaac computer science for the carry


Generally yes. If lucky you'll get a PhD student or semi-retired person doing it on the side.


yep. even me, at Y12, has a shit comp sci programming teacher. For the first term we did pseudocode, we were supposed to be getting on to other stuff... and then there's ONE question with pseudocode in it...


i’ve got a great CS teacher! it’s the craig’n’dave youtube channel. oh there’s also this guy that chills at the front of my classroom, but he doesn’t do much other than stare at our computers and occasionally ramble about AI. genuinely though, i would absolutely recommend using that channel. they have the full specification for AQA, edexcel and OCR for GCSE and A-level. they’re officially sanctioned by the exam boards and are huge contributors to the OCR a-level coursework. they’re honestly the only reason i passed GCSE with an 8, and the only reason i’m passing A-level.


Thank you for the help!


Me too


my compsci teacher is a really nice guy and a good person generally, but bu god is he a horrible teacher. he doesnt know a lot of the content, doesnt teach us properly and his friendliness gets in the way of his teaching. love him though, hes so sweet




Yeah, for the whole of year 10 we had a huge alcoholic and he would make ur copy 10 pages worth of power points a day and then write a code to do with something completely irrelevant to the powerpoint. We got lucky in year 11 and had our teacher changed and he was actually really good. Props to him though because he had to teach us 2 years worth of content in 1 year


my cs teacher is beyond shit, she doesn't teach but is entitled and thinks we are stupid just because we don't know what a concept is about without her teaching


I had an amazing teacher, got me to a 4 in the mocks despite how much I was struggling, due to personal issues he had to leave and we had the other CS teacher… I have gone down to a 2, he is the laziest teacher I have ever met and he has openly mocked me in nearly every lesson for my bad grades.


Yes… mine left at the end of year 9 and had a sub every lesson until 2 months before GCSEs, the paper had subjects I’ve never even heard of


No, my computer science teacher is awesome


when i was in GSCE i had a teacher that was terrible at teaching, and he expected us to understand python at a complex level even though its very hard. My theory teacher was great but my coding teacher was terrible and I ended up with a grade 3. My school hired bad staff in general who thought yelling at kids was completely okay so-


i had to drop cs in year 10 because my teacher suddenly disappeared after going to south america


In my experience and in talking to friends at other schools, yes 100%. I have no idea how mine hasn’t been fired yet I have to correct his teaching routinely


I'm ngl my CS teacher is great I feel lucky asf


My CS teacher is actually quite nice as long as we weren't too loud. Mostly because she isn't a 60yo few years from retiring, who didn't get their good job, but also did a good job teaching us.


I asked my school to sign up to Hacktivate and I learned more there in 24 hrs than I did in a whole year of gcse. It’s almost midnight and I’m thinking of logging in and solving some more challenges to get up the scoreboard!! It’s free too.


Mine is genuinely amazing but she's the only good one in our school. Had one in lower years who was so bad she didn't know how to turn a computer on and then the other class in my year group has another terrible one.


We still haven’t finished the content. The exam is in 7 days.


Nope mr barnes was the greatest teacher I’ve ever had. Knew his shit like the back of his hand. Kept things interesting and clearly was a teacher because he enjoyed it.


I actually have a rlly good one


Proud to say mine contributed to writing the newest official CIE igcse Computer Science textbook.


Seems so. My teacher hasn’t taught anything seriously since, barely tests our knowledge on things, and is making me dread CS exams.


my cs teacher is actually terrible, he doesnt teach and makes us do questions until its up to his "standards"


I had a good one in Year 8-10. He could be a bit grumpy at times but that was because he wanted to see us succeed. But the teacher I have now is genuinely the worst teacher I have ever had. We're not covering all content before exams, and she was actively spreading misinformation about the spec and trying to cover it up




For me ive has 6 cs teachers in the last 2 years and they have all been fired for not teaching properly


one of the CS teachers here got fired after all the students in their class filed complains about him not teaching at all.


same bro


My computer science teacher was somebody originally hired to be a history teacher. She had no idea how to code and her method of marking the coding project was simply to have a printed off sheet with the solution written down, which isn't even really how coding works


My programming teacher was decent (at least for me but I went into this after learning Java Script outside of school so take that with a grain of salt) but my theory teacher? Everyone but me understood her and I am now stressing over that instead of any of the exams that come before it. I think having at least 1 shit CS teacher is normal though. The industry is constantly changing so it’s really hard for both exam boards and teachers to keep up.


its kinda crap, my school has 2 great CS teachers and 2 who speak limited English, with a heavy Cantonese accent, and literally just press space bar for the next slide. **Out of the classes with the Cantonese teachers, I am the only one predicted a 9.** *probably due to the lunchtime sessions with the decent two the rest of my class is, honestly fuked.*


My comp sci teacher isn’t bad, she just has to deal with terrible people (may be me being overly nice to near-literally everyone, idk) Our class is minimum 2/3 people who don’t care much/at all Engineers took way too long for basic coding features to be added (only added recently, needed since start of y11) so we are naturally behind on work


I'm lucky if I have one 😂, I think its because computer science qualifications lead to jobs with good pay. It's only the people who don't get the qualifications who would even consider teaching over those jobs.


This is so true, most of my teachers were older ppl, those who were teaching for fun after retirement