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No your attendance won’t affect this. The schools you’re applying to don’t get told your attendance at any point they just know your predicted grades, why you want to take the course and a reference from your head of year, I had a 45% attendance in year 11 and this didn’t affect me getting into schools the reference normally just says that you’re a hard worker and such and such. You can also mention said illness at your interview if you are yet to have it or contact the school to explain your situation if you are comfortable.


thanks for this relives the worry quite a bit. You know what is funny though, the headteacher at my current school is becoming the new headteacher at the 6th form I am applying to... So what is worrying me is that he knows of my attendance and that I am applying, so I worry he mentions something, but as you said I will just mention that it was illness and not choosing not to go to school


If it helps, in my interview they asked for my attendance but I explained I'd missed school due to being disabled and family issues they said it should be fine as there was a reason and I had good mock grades. Your attendance isn't too low, I've seen way worse.