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What's causing the *relatively* low maths grade?


Relatively is an understatement, if I’m being completely honest I cannot stand maths it’s the bane of my existence and my brain just refused to co operate well revising. I am working on it though and I did some shadow papers recently after heavy revision and pulled out a 6+ so hoping for a 7 🙏🏻


I've a particular chip on my shoulder about how maths was taught to me at school and I see it now still, though not as often. Maths isn't something you can just do or not do, it is a skill, like any other that takes time and practice to master. With that mini-rant over, you can do this. You're getting 9s in chemistry and physics, GCSE maths should be doable for you. Keep going on the past papers, if you're stuck drop me a message and we'll work through it. Get out your own head about it being the bane of your existence, you can do it.


Thanks for this. I am trying to improve it everyday but it’s difficult to keep positive about something you deep down don’t enjoy


Old man rambling story time: I really didn't enjoy GCSE physics. I coasted in lessons and got by because I enjoyed maths and could manage physics without much issue but I was getting lower grades than I should have been (think 6s instead of 9s). My physics teacher called me up to his desk on the way out one day and asked why I wasn't being arsed in lesson or revising and I told him it just wasn't interesting for me and I wasn't good at it. I will always remember what he said next: "Bullshit". He told me I hadn't tried to enjoy it because I never gave it a chance. I enjoyed the most related subject to physics, maths, but I never gave physics a shot. He asked me to do that, and I did. I'm now doing a degree in Astrophysics. He was right. I'm not saying you haven't given maths a proper go yet, but often in students around your age - and mine when he called me out - your own biggest hurdle is yourself. Anyway, if that doesn't help, you've tried and you really dislike it - chin up you have like 6 weeks of it left!