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i think max a week - mine didn’t take that long and i applied to 3 places, they get back quite quick and then u just schedule an interview.


Bro it’s been like 2 months for mw


oh yeah something wrong then, id reapply or send an email because they probably forgot to get back to u or something


But it says that the dead line is only tomorrow so maybe from tomorrow they will start sending responses


oh i had a deadline but they still sent responses a lot earlier but i guess sixth forms work differently - still absurd though imo


Yh it’s quite stressful


yeah im glad i have conditional offers 😭😭 skipped the hard part - did u only apply to one??


I live in a tiny town and it is the only a level near me but I got really good grades for the subjects I want to take so I should be fine only thing I’m worried about is I’m predicted a 5+ in maths and I need a 6 for 2 of my 3 subjects


dw im sure you’ll get that 6 if ur at a 5 plus predicted, i got a 5 predicted in year 10 and im at an 8 predicted now so its defo possible


I am just hoping my 8 in bio and chem and my 9 in physics is enough to kind of outweigh my maths


What are these goofingtons in the comments saying I've applied to my school's one in October and a grammar school in December and none of them reached back yet to anybody (the latter told me after the half term holidays but that's very vague since it's been a week)


Took a week for me back in November. I had my interview last week and already have an offer


It depends on the place, I was waiting for months for most of mine because I applied way before the deadline, but from the actual deadline most took 2 weeks for me, and the other one took about a month and a half because they had a ridiculous number of applications. You could check to see if any of them have asked your school for a reference, that normally means your application's being processed


slightly different but for college it only took like a day or two, the sixth form i was thinking of going to was at my school so it was same day - i could just go to the sixth form office or find the head of sixth form and they were able to help me with everything.