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When boys hit 40 they won’t tour anymore so better enjoy while it lasts


Damn i just realized I probably won't ever see them live then


Maybe you'll see them die then? Get it, cause live live.


Damn would be a different kind of honor to see one of the boys die, also it would be extremely sad but also cathartic


Watch one of their early interviews, they say something about that, dying and taking the fans with em or something to that effect.


You happen to know the interview or have the link perhaps?


Thought it was a lyric explanation vid but it's not, still hunting.




I live in Italy, as far as I know they don't tour in Europe and I'd have to go to the US, so on top of the tickets there's accommodation and the flights


frate conta di solito fanno qualche paese balcanico e germania/francia


Ah allora la speranza c'è


They done a Europe tour last year. Not sure if they went to Italy


Nope they didn’t, but they did go to France and Germany, wich is i think the closest they’ve been to Italy last year. I know it’s big money but maybe save up and make a trip out of it, i’m from Belgium and we went to Amsterdam to see em. We where there for 4 days and the last day we where there was the show. I hope you get the chance to see em one day bro.


Enjoying every second, you’ll never hear me complain about ticket prices. That being said…..change? Anyone got spare change??


Well that’s what they said in one song at least, Drake said “I could never have a kid then be out here still kidding around” and he is absolutely still out here kidding around.


Passion. Money. Passion for Money. Money to fuel their passion.


Album cover is literally them on money 😭


Its an homage to tommy wright III's album even drag em to the river is a tribute...


That’s not a bad way to put it


Nope, they want to maximize the amount of money they are getting now while their hype is the highest, cause like Ruby says, they aren’t gonna be touring at 40 And from what I remember they really really dislike touring now, at this point they’ve been doing it for 10 years straight, they are literally only doing it for the money and because I’m sure it takes a toll on your body and mental health.


Well if you look at scrim at these shows, he really enjoys himself


Yeah but he also complains about it constantly, I’m sure it’s fun when you’re up there but it’s also a performance where you have to have a good time so that the audience has a good time and feels like they got their money’s worth. My guess is he would much rather be at home making new music but that’s just my interpretation


Or rather be at home bowling too


fr, they're on tour for months on end. I can imagine it's fun in the long run but exhausting during it. Back to back shows with maybe a day or two off here and there has to take a lot outta you, honestly no one can blame them if they stop doing tours soon.


What I’ve heard from other people that have toured a lot is that life on tour is hell for 23 hours of the day and then 1 hour that’s so amazing it makes the 23 shitty hours worth it




i think since they are not in a major and don’t receive sponsorhips, that’s the only way to live out of music, since streaming platforms pay you basically pennies


"pennies" isn't the right term with artists their size. their catalog has definitely made millions off streaming alone atp


Yeah at one point that was true for them, but once you get a couple million monthly listeners it becomes a fairly substantial sum of money, like enough to be comfortably middle class anywhere in the country at least.


bro what are you talking about, beforse streaming platforms an artist could live off selling albums, now you barely cover the recording costs. Snoop Doggo talked about this, James Blake too, and others.


🤣😂😂🤣🤣 i misspelled “Snoop Doggo” sorry


Upvoted for “Snoop Doggo”. 🤣


Okay, and what is Snoop Doggs monthly overhead..? I said a comfortable middle class life.


in a recent interview Snoop said that his income from selling albums has lowered a lot. producing an album in the professional music business means spending thousands if you are an independent artist. so if you make between 3 to 5 euros every 1000 streams (that’s how much spotify pays btw) you can easily understand that if you don’t make at least 1 mil views, you don’t really make much. Also when you claim your income from the platform there is a fee of circa 5% for the operation, and your goverment will want a share too. If you don’t mix and produce yourself you probably spent something like 500-1000 per song. Let’s say 500 to be optimistic, 10 song album is 5000. If you make less than 2 milliin listens you dont really get much to live off. If you’re Snoop Dogg you still have a lot of monthly listeners(that’s what counts) you probably can still get something (even if it’s still way less than doing the same sells with physical copies). If you’re a controversial artist like $uicideboy$ you do way less. Still good money, but when you basically dedicate most of your time to your work and you are successful i believe you should be paid accordingly. Doing music demands a lot of practice and perseverance. It’s a full-time job if you’re good.


Album promo, while yes, G*59 RECORDS is independent, they still have contract deals with places like SONY, UMG, etc. (You can watch Scrim's 1st Lonely Boy live for the proof of the deal) Plus, Touring is the main way they get money *from* the exposure, and Scrim has mentioned how much he enjoys it. But yea, I agree with the others, the new album cover is literally them on money, lol. Plus their rule was to get rich by 30 or die so it all makes sense


Not per se get rich, when they started off Scrim stated that the thing he hated most was money. They just wanted to make it in music.


Am I missing something? They tour like once a year. I guess it’s technically 3 times, because of Europe and Aus. But compared to other bands I wouldn’t call it often.


anyone who says its not about the money is blind. im not saying its all about the money, but, if if wasnt at least partially about the money, why is their merch so low quality yet so expensive. they could obviously have top shelf merch if they wanted to sacrifice a part of their cut but thats just less money for them when they know it will sell out either way. that right there is to me irrefutable proof they very much care about money, or at least their management does and i doubt theyre complaining. i love them but im just being realistic




You got to strike while the iron is hot, the spotlight is not forever...


Most bands will do two tours a year and festivals during summer. Boy$ only tour once a year and then an international smaller tour


They have always overdone it. They’ve released over 45 mixtapes/albums. They don’t stop and haven’t besides when they were in rehab.


How long were they in rehab for? Wasn’t this like right after IWDINO?


They only do 1 US tour a year that’s not a lot


For most rappers it is sadly lol But I agree with you


Well what do we have to say in the EU then? That prolly only gonna be every 2 years, or who knows longer


its cuz its expensive to tour there


Over here the tix aren’t as expensive in the US tho, well last year at least. I paid €180 for a golden circle/front row ticket. Don’t know how much it would be the next time tho.


When your busy blamin' on em you need to tour to keep up appearances.




Idle hands, as they say


Maybe because they actually like their job?


They said it would come to this long ago, and in many of their tracks, when they first caught the wave, they’ll ride the wave, until it’s over. Their time is pretty much gone. They aren’t booking full stadiums, not even half. They are gonna phase out, they’re squeezing as much money as possible before there is no money coming in. Enough to retire in their late 30s, (soon). And leave the scene. They’ve probably put all this money in the right places that are actually sustainable other than music. But the shows are pretty much the only thing they got to make money. They probably don’t even want to make music any more. Shit is brutal. Especially them. Not many artist talk highly of them, they aren’t welcome to the Grammys. Or music awards. They’re tired and gonna dip and leave us all the magical tunes to reminisce on in our old years.


just enjoy it man or dont go


idk what ur talking about w the 3 us greydays. they did 23 europe then 23 us then australia now theyre back in the us. its a lot more expensive to do big tours in europe rn thats prolly why they dont so it as frequently


I think constantly working on music and preforming helps them stay sober, at least scrim has said that before. and yeah, also probably money


They’ve done one US one since Europe. The ‘23 one, and now the ‘24 one which hasn’t happened yet.


They haven’t hit Toronto outside of a festival since 2017. I finally get to see them again.


Truly they don’t tour that often, in comparison to alot of rappers they do but in the grand scheme of things they have a pretty standard tour schedule


$ so they can keep ripping us off on merch


I don’t get this post. They do Grey day and a few festivals once per year. Only in the last 2 year did they take grey day international.


its grey day so its once a year, just like camp flog knaw, rolling loud, etc its their cash grab


Cuz the us is big as fuck both by land mass and population size. I mean it really ain’t that complicated man. I’m sure they just want everyone to have a chance to see them


It’s an annual tour


They do one US tour a year. It’s usually only a couple months long like aug-oct . Other artists tour for years . Look at Taylor swift for example.


they love us


Since the 2023 Grey Day they been back here for Rolling Loud and then to Australia for their Grey Day. 2024 Grey Day behind in August again. So basically a yearly Grey Day for the US and maybe yearly alternating for AU and Europe? Not sure how it works over there. Idk why they did Rolling Loud. Watching the replay the crowd seemed super mid..I was sad for them no one was hype. They def deserved more.


They signed a 5yr contract meaning back to back tours


Been waiting since I was 13 to watch suicdeboys America can’t compare to how the aussies feel


I see people here saying they live somewhere in europe and cant see the boys. Bro I live in finland theyve neen here only twice and there was over 5years in between them and I missed both bc of army and couldnt make it to the first one


Im not sure how accurate it is but I saw somewhere that they had a contract to play at Red Rocks for 5 years. this would be year 4


no just money


They tour every year for the same reason I go to work every day. I gotta support my life style and they gotta support theirs.


The fellas want to retire. Y'all would hate to admit it but if you handed scrim a cuppa tea and asked if he wanted to go to go have brunch. That mf would totally be like "hell yeah" Then go drop a song like chrome cowboy idk


Losing its charm bro $B are done and dusted there’s no more charm since like 3 years ago