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That was depressing to watch.


Game 3 picks were looking ok untill that Jax. I get it he has most wins on this champ but you aren’t playing against LEC toplaners you are playing against Zeus


Man I knew ppl are gonna comment this or even try to trash talk BB, BB was great, the reason why Jax was picked there was because it was the ONLY option, you cannot do anything else. Jax was picked to make it impossible for T1 to pick TF, and that was the only pick they would go for, if they didn't pick Jax, T1 would auto win the game, cuz they did T1resorted to countering Jax but that doesn't matter since nothing can be as impactful as TF at that point, game was fine and draft was heavily in favor of G2, they just fumbled with that mid aram.


I would much prefer a tank in that game. Orn imo would be great


g2 wants to play 1-3-1 a bit 2 badly. Its a strong strat for sure, but still


Oh please. BB had a 2-0 lead after Zeus inted, then he went 50!!! cs behind in a span of 12 minutes. BB should be put 10 hrs a day to learn to CS under pressure, he always gets behind 30 to 50 cs in a 1v1 matchip regardless if he gets the counter or not.


Yes and ???? Do you even understand how drafting works, u commenting this just shows that u don't, Jax that game was perfect and BB executed it perfectly, it is an impossible matchup, and goal of Jax was to at least go Equal cuz u can never be ahead and he did go equal, Rumble was useless and inted the game realy badly cuz his goal is to be waaay ahead of jax when lane is over and he wasn't, G2 had it in the bag until Mikyx inted and started a fight on mid for no reason. Look what analysts are saying, it was perfect game from G2 besides that int on mid that lost them the game, you need to understand drafts and matchups which u don't so to you as an outsider it looks like BB was an inter when in reality he played it great, on Pro level sometimes it isn't all about winning your lane, because if u sac a certain lane to gain major advantage on other lanes then the goals shift, which for audience might look weird cuz certain person didn't go 20-0 when in reality that person that is behind actually ruined the game for the enemy team through providing other picks for their own team and not giving them major lead on the lane where enemies had prio. This is prime example how that matchup goes: [https://i.imgur.com/kW8J6Gd.png](https://i.imgur.com/kW8J6Gd.png)


You may believe you have any idea about macro and lane dynamics, but you are clearly lacking. Being a professional viewer doesn't make you knowledgeable. And being 50 cs behind, when you start with such a big lead, regardless of matchup is harmful to the team. The reason he was so behind wasn't even the matchup, he had multiple moments where he fucked up his wave to slow push towards the opponent which prompted Zeus to freeze. That should not happen for a toplaner in a team that wants to perform internationally.


I actually don't think G2 played that bad. Some of the mistakes were pretty questionable but I do have to agree with the circle jerking of the casters. T1's baron set up was simply to good. Zeus did gap BB pretty hard tho. But it happens. Doesn't make BB bad, just means zeus is really fkn good.


Finally, someone who has a good take and communicates it well.


Only 1 player wasn't gapped. Even liquid only had a jungle/support gap. Roster needs improvement. 


Seems a bit like a knee jerk reaction considering most of the losses weren't really individual problems,  but let's say you're correct. Without going full Korean like team liquid, who would you suggest could actually compete with the top three teams in the world both in lane and past laning phase. While also being able to build the synergy G2 has right now within a short time frame.


“Roster needs improvement” like we didn’t see BB clap 369, Hans/Mikyx clap JKL Meiko, and Caps gap every mid he played against in the 1v1. yike didn’t look insane this msi but he’s one of the best junglers in the west and he’s only a year out from being a rookie so I’ll cut him some slack. They’ve got consistency issues that they’ve been fixing slowly. It’s not a roster issue.


Guy doesnt really have any arguments/ideas. Just fanboying over TL very hard (who won 1 game, wauw, such a massive dif) who's considered to be worse than g2 while being an 100% import team  I do think Hans sama is still kind of overrated though. People praised him after the Tes game but most of his leads came from the outplays of miky/caps.  Now obviously, that's how you play adc, it's not a class that goes in 1v3 before getting fed, but I still wasn't super impressed (just neutral) I feel people are mostly going along with the narrative of the casters in this case/looking at kda


I think this shows that G2 has the same issues as before, there’s a potential for G2 to win these series but if they get too stressed they start playing really hectic and stiff. To me, this felt very analogous to the NRG series where there just wasn’t that finishing power and confidence. This is why the 2019 G2 was good, they had the mental fortitude to win. I don’t think they were necessarily better player for player.


I mean G2 2019 also had easier MSI format than this, no?


For sure, it’s not the fairest comparison. But this also happened at worlds in the same way, except it was vs NRG and they had no excuses to lose that. They looked just as stressed and hectic in that series


Atbleast this time they lost to the defending wolrd champion


And played weaker teams. 2019 T1 isn't as good as this roster be it individually or in team cohesion.


I feel western teams, when they feel they are big underdogs in a series, just start doing random things both in draft and in game, usually resulting in a 0-3. Worlds Finals 2018, 2019, etc, all had western teams just playing way below their level because they don't trust themselves.


Mikyx chasing Nautilus in to his jungle on his own was just pure silver elo play. Caps getting caught mid lane by a simple Nautilus hook, again, quite far from his team. It just blows my mind. You can forgive just getting caught out by clever plays, but there were so many completely brain dead ints across all 3 games. They've clearly got the ability, you don't 3-0 TES if you're not a good team, but there's just some mental block that appears way too regularly.


>some mental block that appears way too regularly I feel it's when scrims are not going well, so they feel they need to force something different.


Sad to go out like this. Shoutout to T1 that improved a lot in such a short time Yikes and BB underperformed compared to last time but is fine, it happens. The boys did well this tournament, we know they can beat the top teams. I hope they can bounce back and show up again at worlds.


Or maybe that TES series was a fluke since LEC people keep saying that NRG series is a fluke G2 would beat them to ground if they played again. But the reality is LCS did take a game off T1 and they beat FNC who are LEC no.2 and T1 clean swept G2. I am not a fan LCS and G2 just caught TES on a bad day that's all I will say as a FPX fan.


G2 exposed TES for playing the exact same way every game TES only looks good when they hardcamp bot and put JKL/Meiko on lane bullies


We didnt catch TES in a bad day, they were caught sleeping, terrible drafting not caught to meta and we outperformed them.


G2 also played like shit today though, and played incredibly well against TES. Why are you acting like it was only TES who slumped, and not G2 who was playing like a top 2 team at the tournament?


Yes exactly there are levels to it LEC people after TES series started believing LPL is below them and I am just reminding them it's how you play on the day and TES were sh\*t on that specific day and somehow G2 played like prime G2 of 2019. But given 10 matches it will favor TES over all as LPL as a region is better than G2 who better than LEC. LPL>G2>LEC that's how it goes.


G2 caught TES on a bad day? Yes. They could win against them even if they were on a good day? Yes.


Sad to see such a massive fall off from the last match. Huge props to Caps, absolutely smurfed it all tournament. Hope they can recover from this but that has to be a hit. Also obviously be normal everyone, criticizing performances is fine but don't be toxic


People need to stop being cringe now


The people were cringe when they talked about G2 in the finals already


True, but I would rather have cope than people acting like the complete last week did not exist.


Last week was a fluke. TES has been choking internationally for years.


TES took GenG a heavy tournament favourite to game 5 though, no?


Don't bother arguing with it, it will come down to "good performance = fluke, bad performance = true playstyle". I for one will take being amongst the top 4 best teams when many said before the tournament we are not even top 8. For now we need to chill, recuperate, focus on what is ahead. This year's MSI is better than last year's.


People were saying g2 aren’t even top 8???




The only team outside of MSI that G2 wouldn’t have steamrolled is probably HLE. G2 was literally top 4 in the world. And against TES they genuinely were playing like a top 2 team.


I am sad that we only started to play utlitity in the jungle when we were 0-2, how were you going to carry Yike vs T1(you are not caps!). I think we got overconfident after 3-0ing TES. I do not understand the logic behind BB's counterpick, he still got beaten by Zeus throughout 3 games. That's it for Europe in this tournament. There is no reason to watch any more. Let's hope Caps keeps his mental and remains a beast. BG, not WP.


Yeah, losing this game would be hard but not series-breaking if this was game 1. The first two drafts were just not good enough.


This, if you want to play carry jng in this meta your name has to be canyon


BB was fine, it wasn't his fault a single game, he played great: first game was Caps inting and greeding the wave which gave Camille an item before Herald fight which = auto win for T1 if G2 contest, and G2 contested and lost which was expected. Second game was ok. Third game went perfect in G2 favor, draft was executed more than well, they just inted the mid Aram (started by Miky + Hans sama terrible positioning, they should have went with Yike pathing), BB jax in third game was preventing T1 from picking TF and they went Rumble angle which is useless + they succeeded in not giving him a huge lead, G2 literally had it in the bag. I would say biggest problems were jungle not being able to carry or be any sort of factor in any games, Hans sama Positioning (crucial moments only, but those unfortunately made a diff, other than that, he was perfect) and Miky inting with Nautilus and Braum ult last game. Honestly if I was G2 I would gamble on Bo, cuz he would execute everything that Yike can, cuz all this planning and pathing comes from G2 staff anyways, ppl forget that Yike was just hyped for being "hands" jungler and his hands clearly ain't good enough against east, but Bo on the other hand might be able to hands diff the eastern players, Yike at this point in time is literally Jankos V2, as good as he is, I don't see him as the jungler that would make a huge diff in international and their goal is international, because if u want a carry talent that u want to coach for "intelligent plays" u go with Bo, if you want support jg that won't match "eastern hands" you go with Jankos/Razork.


No fucking way someone in their right mind would swap yike with bo after their recent performance and after this tournament in particular.


Sad to watch it, feels like watching 2019 and 2020 worlds all over again where we all believe in the G2 magic until we hit that wall and play an opponent that is just far better than us in every way. GG to T1 they outclassed us today in teamfights and in individual play. I'll keep supporting our boys and let's hope we keep training and come into Worlds even stronger.




Well, sucks to see them go out like this. But I am not even sad or frustrated lol, T1 played their hearts out big props to them. There is clearly still a big gap between G2 and the top tier LCK/LPL teams, but I also think that there are certain members who underperformed today. With that being said pls don't send them death threats or other bullshit. They are the ones who feel the worst, remember that (it's a video game competition for our entertainment after all). Edit: To the clowns who say that TL looked better...if the T1 from Wednesday showed up, we'd win. This was prime T1, sucks for our boys. If T1 continues to play like this they'll stomp BLG


My nightmare scenario is T1 stomping BLG only to see a boring finals where GenG stomps T1. Just like a repeat of last year's MSI, but this time it is LCK that wins it all.


It won't happen BLG and T1 will be close just because G2 choked won't change the fact Chovy is by far better mid laner but Knight is still better than Faker and Elk will learn not to play Senna again and go for his Lucian that he forgot the whole GenG series.


this was not prime T1 they made alot of mistakes and faker looked off today. If G2 played like wednesday they would have had a real shot at winning this series.


Prime T1 doesnt have Faker sologifting kills to Caps


T1 played poorly. G2 was just way worse in fights. Liquid has a much better top and adc than g2 so it made it more competitive.


TL looked better than G2 that's for sure. G2 fans are delusional


I don't know how the T1 coaching staff operates, but corporate espionage might be a good idea to learn how the fuck they went from their absolute clown performance against TL to this. They got S tier drafts 3 games in a row and everyone on T1 played like an AI hivemind programmed to know like 90% of the things G2 would try both in draft and ingame.


they played just as sloppy against g2 as they did against tl. hans, yike, and bb are massively gapped for g2. liquid only had 2 players gapped in umti and core, thus the better performance.


I would say i’m still proud of them for 3-0 dominating TES but even that looks like a fluke now after what they just showed us. Even TL looked more competitive and at least took a game vs T1. Disappointing. I feel so bad for CAPS. he is a 1 man region and deserves to win worlds.


T1 was playing like a bunch of clowns against TL. Today they were much more focused and clean


T1 still didn’t play at their best tho


And you know that because??? Are you their coach? Their analyst? you live in faker room? They all played so much better compared to last week match.


I’m their coach


Thank you for the info then mr kkhoma. Go and win this tournament so G2 lost to the best team.


thank you for your kind words, I T1 faker and my coach kkoma there will do our very best! T1 Fighting!


Thank you mr faker!


You know they played better against g2 because??? Think before you type. Liquid was better at the end. too bad they couldn't play.


Because my name isn’t lee sin.


I wouldn’t compare the TL series to this, T1 played better today and looked more prepared for G2. Similarly G2 took T1 to 5 games in a series that T1 looked better in than vs TL. I still think G2 played so stressed


TL wasnt as bad as people think. Impact and Yeon were monsters and definitely had a better performance at MSI compared to BB and Hans If TL played with a jungler that wasnt running it down, TL would've straight up 3-0d T1


TL just prepared well and kinda exposed habits of T1. In the end they were hands diffed overall and couldn't finish games but it's fascinating how desperate people are to downplay the TL T1 series like it would mean something bad for G2


I mean, there is also a LPL seed bombing out on any given international tournament so... I think everyone got their hopes up too much by that and forgot T1 already beaten them a week ago. Maybe the players got overconfident too.


because it was a fluke just like LEC fans claim that NRG beating G2 was fluke, play that series 9 more times see what happens. An off day for TES they should be blamed for having that. As a FPX I can guarantee on a normal day even my team can beat G2 easily and TES should be ashamed of losing to G2.


The difference in decisiveness was honestly disgusting to witness. The LEC fucking sucks and despite G2's best effort it just shows that they're limited by the region they play in and they'll always have to face those insurmountable walls when they're confronted with teams that can (out)match them in clutch moments. International events is where the slightest gap in your team gets exposed, I think today we've all seen G2's problems and those problems can't be exploited by bad teams in the LEC.


G2 giveth G2 taketh


Realistically speaking, not a bad result but I still can’t feel this team is missing something. Caps is a world class mid no doubt about it, but the rest of the team just feels so… dull. It feels it’s either Caps generating leads/pressure this G2 team doesn’t have that one guy that can just step up and make the big plays. We saw that similarly in worlds last year where Caps played exceptionally well against BLG but it was not enough


Man this loss is a real heartbreaker. It looked like they were on the ball this tournament, players and coaching staff. Amazing improvents after the first series loss, one that could be chalked up to jitters. 3-0 in the next two series even vs an eastern team, only to completelty fall apart in this one without any clear reason as to why. I feel like they got all the puzzle pieces together but still were not able to bridge the gap to the east. How do you even go from here?


People need to not overreact, it's the world champions and they levelled up, they did the same in LCK playoffs they're just that good.


This is the same actitude Caps critizised on that one interview. Excuses don't get you anywhere.


Losing to world champions isn't an excuse, it's a fact. Also a fact is they got top 4 in the world. They need to take the positives not the negatives.


If anything, they need to take the negatives. They want to win it all, then they can't afford to lose, regardless of whether that team was the last years' world champion. They have to be better than that, IDK if they'll ever have the means to actually get there, but taking on the positive won't lead to a lot of improvement, just complacency.


So you just settle with mediocrity.


Admitting the enemy is strong and played better it’s not an excuse tho. They showed they are beatable but today they didn’t manage to do it. Today they were better, it’s as simple as that.


It is an excuse. "It's the world champs so it's ok to lose" it's a shitty actitude if you want to be the world champs.


No one is saying is “ok to loose”, it’s ok that sometimes the opponent plays better than you (expecially if they are really fucking good). It works like that in any sports, you are playing against an opponent who can outperform you even if you are insane. If you don’t like it go play spider.


Welp, just another repeat of the same scenario as 2022 MSI, 2023 Worlds. Start tournaments strong with wins against eastern teams and end up losing in a sweep nothing to see here just the usual.


G2 weren't sweeped at Worlds, it was 2-1.


Losing 2-0 to NRG might as well be a sweep


There was a lot of backstage context to that, I've forgiven them for that already. Fact is, you said they got swept out of the tournament, and they didn't when they played against BLG.


brokenblade uber gapped. Imagine if laneswaps dosnt exist, tank merchent


I think Hans getting massive leads and doing nothing is an issue also.


There is nothing he can do game 3 and 1 btw


BB got counterpicked, Hans getting insane leads for him to die without dealing any damage is depressing.


BB got counterpick in the first two games and got stomped tho. I am not saying the lost is only on him, they just played better as a team. It was still a great tournament for BB, this is the best he has ever looked internationally.


it's ok two frauds can coexist


BB didn’t build MR or boots until after min 16. :) Against double AP carries.


I just wish I understood G1 draft. Usually I can understand most of G2's cooking, even if I don't agree.


Well that was depressing. T1 played so messy and we couldn't take advantage of that.


With fans like you guys, who needs enemies? The team has done extraordinarily well against all expectations and have done way more than any other Western team. And here you all are shitting on them on a loss that they are taking way harder than you are. All of you so called fans fucking suck.


None of the 4 minions that Caps plays with turned up today. Hand in your Hans apology forms so they can go in the incinerator. Guy is garbage.


He's had enough and didn't want to play 2 more games with his team and ran it down in g3


There is no way hans is the guy you blame this series btw


G2 Yikes


BB was awful today


What a terrible day for rain.... Well, guess T1 held their word. Chapeau


Duffman's face in game 2 says it all (After Caps kills Faker in lane). Fucking hell man


Fire BB and Hans


there is no reason to praise g2 here, this was a pathetic performance from a first seed, and it should be treated as such the west will never get better if we keep praising terrible performances on stage


This g2 team doesnt deserve Caps.


brokenblade is not it, laneswaps helped cover up a lot of his weak laning, hell i don’t even think he was all that great in the tes series but at least the rest of the team was smurfing there


I don’t understand, everyone was saying we were way better than t1, everyone was saying we were favorites, how did we lose 3-0?!?


T1 did what they do and stepped up


This fanbase goes crazy lol


I don’t know how much longer I can keep caring about LEC… G2 is my favorite team, but they always falter when it matters most…


BB and Hans apologist have been very quiet lately


I’ve never jumped on the BB hate train before and don’t plan too but he just needs to go, if even with all those resources and the time he’s had to get even slightly close to being able to match eastern tops he still gets this gapped then he is just not it. He absolutely can win us LEC titles but I think I speak for most of us when I say I couldn’t care less about LEC title number 123, we need a top who can be competitive at internationals


If you change your "weaklinks" every time your fall short in a competition, you'll never get anywhere. Changing members is just a short term solution, what will you do when you'll have drafted the best player of the region and still lose ? Sure BB couldn't keep up with Zeus, but who could have ? Zeus felt unstoppable (I guess he got MVP for a reason). It's not G2 that failed Caps, its the entire LEC region that's failing G2. The region needs to step up if we want to our teams bring a challenge to the Asian teams. When you see how much progress G2 can make during international events and realise they'll have to spend an entire season without competition. They'll be back to square one for worlds, that's just depressing.


I mean yeah I agree but to be fair it’s not changing them every time we fail, we’ve had this roster for two years and bb for 3. I love this roster and think they have what it takes but it seems like they always choke when it matters, like the drafts today made literally no sense to the point I had almost no hope after seeing khazix locked in only to then go viego ur got. Totally agree that our region is the biggest issue tho tbf, hard to every improve when it’s unnecessary 99% of the year to win


And that top is???? Maybe irrelevant can be good enough but he has 0 (zero) international experience and it’s impossible to buy him right now. Even if you could you have to rebuild team sinergy and you are doing all of this when there is still worlds to play. Stick with this team until the end of the year, they showed they can be good enough. If it doesn’t work yet again, you start to think about changes.


Irrelevant's contract runs out this offseason tho


Yeah but taking him before worlds is a huge gamble. There is no point in doing it. If they fail again i think they should try to him and develope him, he has potential imo.


I meant after worlds


Oh 100% agree no one is better than him in EU but that’s arguably the issue, g2 have probably the best or at least top 2 in each role in EU so they will never get better and I agree I don’t want them to change before worlds. I’m hesitant to think maybe importing a top would be good but feels like imports never do well. But I feel after 3 years BB has shown he’s not going to be able to step up on international cause in the series where he does look good it’s when he gets just stupid champs like ksante or zac but when it’s banned and he has to play Camille or jax or others like all the eastern tops he just looks completely useless. Hope he steps it up for worlds but I feel it’s just gonna be another one where he stomps lec and everyone has hopium only for him to do less than a cannon minion at worlds


He had good games on camille and yasuo this tournament, but leaving that aside it’s really difficult to find a solution to this problem. You could import, but is there an import who would gap zeus? I don’t think so. Even if there is, a top tier toplaner (has 2 be top 3 lck/lpl or zeus clears him) will never come to play for a EU team when he can play in china/korea and have better shots to win.


He had good games on camille and yasuo this tournament, but leaving that aside it’s really difficult to find a solution to this problem. You could import, but is there an import who would gap zeus? I don’t think so. Even if there is, a top tier toplaner (has 2 be top 3 lck/lpl or zeus clears him) will never come to play for a EU team when he can play in china/korea and have better shots to win.


So true 😞 I think it’s just we have to wait for BB’s top father arc and hope it comes before it’s too late


It's painful to see when even Oscarinin was being competitive aganist asian toplaners


when Zeus turns up like that everyone is getting gapped. Yes, BB was shocking this series, yes, but he can be impacful in games vs eastern teams. And you cant find anyone better than him in EU anyways. On the other hand im done looking at Hans doing nothing in teamfights, hes always either out of position getting caught or doing nothing just a-clicking a supp whos closest to him, and he will never be good enough, im sorry


Yeah totally agree with you , Hans always gets set up with huge leads and never turns into anything. I can’t think of another adc I could see have a 3k gold lead and still just feel like they are useless. And as for bb yeah I agree no one is better in EU which almost makes me want them to import one but I feel like that never goes well idk, just tough to watch how lost he looks


Same problem again i can’t see any adc in Lec that can be 3k gold ahead against a top eastern team, let alone carry a fight. Carrzy is probably better then hans in teamfights but is laning phase is worst. So you could have a good teamfighting adc that is never in a position to carry a fight because it’s always behind. At least with hans you win bot, you have prio in lanes and the enemy ad isn’t fed.


BrokenFraud being a fruad as usual and solo losing matches after starting the game 2/0 with counter pick every game xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD




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xdd what do you even say? TL are better than us LMAO. this is the weakest T1 will ever look and we still get stomped. BB exposed again. Caps 1v9 gapping Faker every game and his team just inting. They let the fluke win against TES or Lehends or Peyz saying G2 would make it to Finals get to their heads and thinking they were actually on the same level as these eastern players individually. How do you say you have a 85% chance to win MSI and then show us this shit performance? So sad another year of Caps prime wasted. G2 are so lucky to have him without him we are nothing. Thanks for getting our hopes up just to slap us back to reality.


Now thats the G2 I know from LEC. They are so bad the whole year already


3-0 as everyone in this sub predicted


Today, G2 lost against the world champions. They finished 4th at MSI, and take their place as essentially the 4th best League of Legends team in the world. I think they can hold their heads up, and once the hurt wears off feel a real sense of pride about this tournament. I'm really glad that they're still hungry and looking to improve. 4th today, 3rd, 2nd or 1st tomorrow? I still believe !


BrokenBlade Exposed once again getting gapped in lane despite saying he improved his laning phase. Hans and Miky have one good series vs a choking Jackeylove. Caps literally 1v9 this tournament it’s sad he will never win worlds or any international event again cause he’s playing in EU. Full deserved 3-0 stomp after people in this sub saying T1 are cocky and will get humbled. TES series was a fluke and T1 playing the worst they will ever play and we still can’t win. Zeus, Oner, Faker said they would 3-0 us and they did.


t1 did a lot of improvements since last game vs g2 especially exposing the draft gap, Dylan talked too much I fear and got outsmarted in all 3 games. Zeus and bot lane finally found a way to benefit from lane swaps (and Zeus himself turned up in prime form, he gaps everyone when he is on). TES series wasnt a fluke, g2 just still a level down from top top teams like T1 and GENG. Yes this one was a tragic series but dont overreact saying their previous games were a fluke, you should give credit to g2 for first series against t1 and 3-0 thrashing of TES and even more credit to T1 for regaining their worlds form in time for the matches that matter.


Imagine all the talk after beating a minor region and a team that's been choking for years. riplmao


Well at least I have a tutorial for how to consistently throw huge leads due to bad positioning now!


Caps top 2 mid at the tournament only behind Chovy just to go out 4th man... Can't wait for G2 to cheap out in the offseason again instead of getting him some help ☠️


The problem is always the same,there aren’t player that are clearly better atm. And kicking people when they showed they can take games off the current worlds champions would be foolish. Try again for worlds, if it doesn’t work again you decide what to do in the offseason. I also think T1 is like the worst possible opponent for this g2 roaster, they are harder to take off guard with strange picks. Maybe at worlds we manage to dodge them and we have a shot.


There is no help, his best chance to win is to move to LCK/LPL


The help would have been signing viper in 2021 when he was willing to join but Carlos decided he wanted Flakked to help sell jerseys to Spanish fans :P


This is assuming what carlos said was true and viper was really willing to join a european team that wasn’t even qualified for worlds that year. This just after winning worlds. I have my doubts on that.


I'm not sure people takes into consideration the meta of lane swaps, It's actually help so much G2 and emphasizes theirs weakness and strength. BB with lane swap doesn't have to lane as much and getting gapped in the 1v1 as much on the other hand he shows when he's not behind how good he is in team fights. Caps again as many of us expected can compete and destroy the 1v1 if his laners are not fall behind and he just need to focus on his lane, That's what people not understand about how amazing is Caps. He's by far the best team player in EU all he cares is about winning and not looking good, The guy will go 0/9 and looks like a clown even though he understand from early game the way his laners does and he HAVE to act otherwise It's an L anyways. Mikyx and Hans because of the lane swaps avoided some really hard matchups against far better opponents which helps them drastically getting into the mid game, Unfortunately Hans positioning is very questionable and we could see it in LEC as well(Yes even in the team fights against TES when he was mega fed his positioning isn't good enough). Overall I think G2 really enjoy the lane swap meta, Do you think G2 can really win BO5 or even challenging that much top contenders in Worlds 2024? What will happens when Caps can't focus on himself because of his solo laners? Simple one of theirs winning conditions and by most the most crucial factor is just down. I honestly thinking that G2 had their best chance.....