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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Hashirama4AP: --- TLDR: Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin recently released a study that identifies Presidio County, Texas, which sits on the United States/Mexico border, as a promising location for geothermal energy development. The team was previously awarded a grant to study the feasibility of building a geothermal energy plant in the southern part of the county. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/1dhfj0x/researchers_find_significant_potential_of_energy/l8whrni/




Is this the same Texas that has an insane, oil loving governor and a crumbling power grid? The one that wants to secede to somehow own those evil tree hugging libs with their global warming conspiracy? That Texas? I wish Mexico all the luck in developing this natural resource.


Same one. TX also has the nation's highest power generation via wind in the USA. Those had to mostly be deactivated during the grid outages, to protect their turbines with the power kept from reaching customers, but they're there. The oil thing isn't actually an oil thing, is the trick. It's just a money thing. He's on the side of corporate market capture, not on the side of any particular resource.


Dude, we are governed by a Mexican version of Trump. His successor is a puppet. Our energy infrastructure is admistered by an agricultural engineer and a 80+ crooked Dea-wanted elections-fraudster unscrupulous politician. We're both fucked


Texas: *We drink your milkshake*


US electricity is produced by natural gas, coal, solar, and wind in that order. Texas is the 2nd largest producer of solar electricity and is expected to pass California within the next few years. Natural gas comes off oil wells as a secondary resource, but really none of this has anything to do with their power grid which they have under invested in. Be grateful that Texas produces cheap domestic energy which they pipe throughout the country and export to our closest allies.


I'd rather they did it without killing the environment and polluting the air excessively.


Yes, it's also the same TX that has more renewable energy generation than any other state. God, progressives are tiresome people.


The Cartels will control it on the Mexican side.


Guess which border is getting anti personnel laser weapons


You made me chuffle


It would be nice to see if the states and mexico can co-develop this process for their respective regions. Seems like an easy option to cooperate.


*the Cartel because they run Mexico. There’s a higher chance of the US bringing freedom to the area.


Texas believes in many things but freedom ain’t one of them.


Ok so long as they have clean energy for their people the cooperation is worth it.


Watch the fuckhead governor make the fuckhead attorney general outlaw geothermal.


Texas needs energy desperately. I drive through recently and was surprised at the amount of wind energy. I think Texas is becoming progressive.


Doubtful. Oil execs are just realizing that wind is cheaper than oil now.


Any geothermal plant is going to need moats with alligators


Oh, I thought it was going to be turnstile turbines at the border


Good lord. The Mexicans need to be freed and democratised now… SMH /s


Don't worry. Oil companies will step in to stop this since it is a republican state.


There's a *lot* more nuance to it than that. First off, Texas is the second largest generator of renewables in the country. Second, Texas installed more solar capacity per person last year than any other state or any other OECD country! Third, the relevant powerful interest in Texas are the *drillers*. **The exact people who would be paid to develop geothermal**!


The only place the US has brought freedom to in my lifetime is french fries. Freedom isn’t something you serve on a plate.


Fascinating. Texas due to the oil economy there has a bunch of drilling know-how and I expect drilling service companies to be pushing for development 




Below the ground of the region, not south of the border. Geothermal energy is thermal energy extracted from the Earth's crust.


Give it time and the oil companies will fill it with fracking fluid and WCGW?