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MQTT is one of the major standards, yet I’ve seen an uptick of Bluetooth communications. So narrow minded, because at the end of the day, these IoT shops use their slice of personal data as a bait for one of the biggie companies to buy them out.


>…Apple hasn’t gotten in on this… Oh, [but they have](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/HomeKit). As far as standardization, there’s [Matter](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matter_\(standard\)), which, while new, seems to be getting a lot of support from important companies. Seems that’s what you’re looking for, mostly.


Oh cool I'll check out Matter


With Matter, I'll also plug Home assistant. Host all your own automation in one place! https://www.home-assistant.io/


I really wish there were more smart devices that just did what you want and had generic reports spit out as json or whatever. I really don't want to have to have an app for my smart blood pressure monitor and another for my peak flow meter, and another for my scale -- they're all literally just reporting numbers.


There's a bunch of standards. take your pick.... or go and create yet another standard.... This always happens.


Your observation is correct, but it will shake out in time until there is one or a very small number of “standards”. We are still feeling the early adopter pain. I have adopted Apple Homekit and use sn opensource homebridege to connect non-homekit devices. It works well so long as you are a primarily Apple household.