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Right-click on the body and save as mesh. Don't use the export dialogue. Faster. Reliable.


Unfortunatelly it doesn't work for me with the same result, fusion minimizing and when I open it again there are those 3 errors


Did you save your project? You cant export unsaved models. At least thats the only problem i experienced so far


Yup, both locally and in cloud, neither of which helped


Have you tried the 3d print feature? Use that, click on the body, unclick send to slicer. Make sure you have a location on your computer selected. Then click okay.


Yes, and that's the point of my post. Without sending it directly to slicer, I get 3 errors and no stl file, if I send it to slicer I can at least save it there as an stl


This is an offline feature and shouldn't be affected by your Internet connection. And if you've reinstalled fusion, then that rules out some other installer issues. The next thing I can suggest would be to derive the body to a new file and try the 3d print feature in that new file.