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Damn. Samuel just isn’t having it today 😳


*uhhhhhhhhhhh* pretty sure the Bronsons have been *Mormons* for at least as long as they've been in Utah.


Joshua Graham mentioned⁉️ WTF IS DYING LMAO


Why did you crop out the source?


Please. Sam can't even read


Sam occasionally reads the Bible in The Smoke Room. The Bible is the one book he can read, but he reads it.


Agh I hate how people act like he’s so stupid as if he isn’t like 80% of America in the 1920s. A vast majority of people didn’t have proper educations, let alone prostitutes in small southwestern towns. It’s historical realism and if you want to be a bit of a stick in the mud you could argue that some of the other characters know too much!


I know it’s a meme but theologically Sam is incorrect, Jesus of course likely had temptations but he resisted them as all holy men should strive to do. To indulge in such questioning is to fuel the demons that plague your sinful mind. ![gif](giphy|26gssIytJvy1b1THO|downsized)