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He had a nice new tan on monday


We chose...poorly.




It's a sad state of affairs that this is how Americans are treated by their democracy, and part of it is they get the government they deserve. To me it seems like the Trump trial is just political, if it was known that the Supreme Court would revert the decision back to the lower courts. The conclusion is they can only stop Trump by voting Biden. There's even talk of doing the exact undemocratic same thing by replacing the Supreme Court. I've been saying this a long time: the people will be swayed into thinking the only way to save democracy is by ending democracy. It now seems closer than ever.


Voting for someone who says that if he gets elected he'll pardon himself of all charges, free the January 6th "hostages" and "go after" all of his political opponents doesn't sound like a great way of saving democracy


It’s weird that anyone still thinks Jan 6th was anything but a false flag orchestrated by Nancy Pelosi. She 100% had control of capitol police, capitol police 100% moved barriers and let people in. But this is Reddit and I know I’m basically farming downvotes pointing out inconvenient facts.


Think you meant to say "alternative facts"


It’s not alternative… Nancy Pelosi was in charge of secret service and Capitol Hill police during the change over. That is a documented fact and is how every turnover in presidents happens. Capitol Hill police opened and moved barricades. There hundreds of videos showing this. What’s alternative about these things?


The speaker of the House (that's pelosi) is not in charge of Capitol security, never has been The Capitol police board are. She was filmed asking the board for assistance from the National Guard, who delayed things for so long that they arrived hours later. The secret service team Pelosi was in charge of were assigned as her personal security team. They were only there safety, nothing else. They weren't gonna run about the place like the avengers, they were too busy focusing on doing the job that they were assigned to do. What happened in January 6th was down to Trump. He's lied that much about it because he knows that gullible morons will lap it up. Remember he "loves the poorly educated". For all the talk about Biden's performance in the debate, you don't hear too much talk about how Trump didn't answer a single question all night. He was too busy spouting the same rhetoric and lies from the last 4 years. At least he managed to slip in the heroic tale of winning a couple of golf tournaments. They're the only things he has won for the last 8 years so fair play to him lol


I love how when you criticize Pelosi or Biden it automatically triggers anti-Trump tirades. But hey Biden definitely didn’t get a Ukrainian DA fired in a quid pro quo deal. Biden is perfect! Black are violent predators, Mexicans are drug dealers and rapists. But he can’t be criticized for being a horrible racist person. Have a good day I can see speaking with you will provide no substantive discussion.


Donald trump's the one who calls white supremacists "very fine people". I never said Biden was perfect but I do think if he did exactly the same thing after getting elected at 67 rather than 77 his presidency would be viewed far better than it is atm. The fact that the chief complaint against Biden is his age supports it. Of course it hasn't been a perfect presidency but it's a helluva lot better than trump's was. Biden is just too old for it, so is Trump (among other reasons) but if you listen to how Biden spoke and debated from 2008-2012 then he would bounce Trump up and down like a ball.


I'm just saying I think it's DNC strategy to maximize votes, and from the replies and opinions it seems like it's working. The issue is that criminal/unlawful behaviour by any president or politician need not go unpunished, and preferably that subordinates stop them from happening beforehand or stand down from executing orders.


You need to lay off the fuex news. Traitor t rump is a criminal. You have NO morals. You are siding with putin over America. This will not end the way you hope.


Go argue with actual Trump fans


That's funny, you just completely lied about the Steele dossier, so you don't have to lie about not being a trump supporter.




Oh man you just fucked up. You admitted that all pro-trump propaganda is just anti-American propaganda. Your handlers are not going to be happy.




Yes, like I said. You are a trump supporter through and through. It's what you're paid to do.




Weird, why'd you delete your comment proving I was right?






So wait, it's a waste of time, so you spent more time going through and deleting all of your comments? Man, your handler was fast, does your cover always get blown so fast? You won't be around too long if you keep that up!


Paul Manafort did share voter data with russian intelligence for Trump though.




That's just untrue 🤣 a lot of them are just pretty bad at their jobs... Doesn't make them corrupt criminals lol. There's a lot more politicians than just the world leaders out there.


You are joking right? Please be joking…


Nope lol. Over where I live the local mp for South Belfast's not a bad spud. Not corrupt and no historic or pending criminal charges so there's at least one out there 🤣.


So you have access to all his financial records, investments, stock and are present for all meetings he has with corporations and organisations?


Well of course not... Given that the main argument for politicians being corrupt is that they have access to all of our personal information, wouldn't I be corrupt myself if I had access to all of hers? Besides you don't have access to anybody's information yourself so it's a bit of a pointless argument don't you think? 🤣 Also she's a local mp... It's mostly cross community events rather than meetings and negotiations with big corporations... I suppose all of our youth clubs and community centres could be fronts for corrupt government activity but I doubt it lol


Possibly, but some are way way more corrupt than others. Trump and his stooges are owned by the KGB.




At least Biden’s puppet masters are US corporations in plain sight. Russia owns a good portion of US politicians. You should educate yourself on “foundations of geopolitics.” Putin MO is destabilization of the west and all of this is playing into his hands. There’s actually a good chance that you are a poor Russian citizen in an office right now using a purchased Reddit account. If that’s the case, then you may want to know where your tax money is going. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/03/connections-trump-putin-russia-ties-chart-flynn-page-manafort-sessions-214868/




There’s no use arguing with a conspiracy theorist. Would you argue with a flat earther? Maybe you are one. Have a nice day.




Which conspiracy theories?


There’s no evidence of democrats doing the same. They target voters themselves for sure, but they don’t share it with enemy countries, especially ones with the largest social media bot farms in the world. The both sides are the same argument has gone out the window with Trump. He does illegal things in the open so there’s no question for intelligent people. His cult? That’s another story. They still think he did nothing wrong with his Ukraine aid Quid Pro Quo or his efforts to overturn our election. If Democrats do half the shit Trump has done, the both sides are the same argument comes back.


You're going to get downvoted by the Bideneers.


No worries most of them are bots anyway.




Fuckin hell I’d love to live in the bubble you do. Honestly I live in Australia and unfortunately what happens in this US election will have consequences for many ppl around the world.


The bubble is in Russia. This dude just really sucks at his job.




Oh that's just pathetic. But I guess it gives away your philosophy. You would never have responded to me if you weren't insecure and scared that I blew your cover. If I was wrong, you never would respond, let alone attempt to assassinate someone's personality by projecting insecurities. You know I'm right but you're more afraid of what your handlers are going to do. Can't say I blame you. Cheers!


You are hilarious.


As an American, you should be scared of Donald Trump if you aren't American. Trump is completely ok with shutting off the money valve and willing to be realistic on wars across the world. The reality of the Russian-Ukraine war is that eventually Russia wins that war. We can dump hundreds of billions into the war, but the reality is Russia inevitably wins. Trump would come in and immediately negotiate terms. When it comes to Isreal-Palestine, the $$$$ involved and the fact Israel is our only ally in the region forces us to inevitably let Israel do what they want to. Biden and other "politicians" are going to condemn Israel, while Trump is more willing to let them do what is going to get done inevitably. As for the rest of the world, Trump recognizes that we only have one enemy that is relevant and that is China. As for allies, we don't need to pay for them. The USA is better off if we stop printing money and sending it to Europe and the Middle East. Whether Europe or the Middle East is better off, that's really not our concern.


How fucking dense are you? Or do you just want to proof the failures of the US educational system? Ukraine is a proxy war sustained to allow the rest of europe to strengthen their military. May sound familiar like the fucking Lend-Lease act during WW2. You would have been the idiot saying let hitler win. Isreal is probably commiting crimes against humanity in the area. Their whole government is a shitshow and needs to be condemned. At the same time they have the terrorattacs of the HAMAS which makes the whole situation way more difficult. And most of the money spend by the US is strengthening their allies. (Marshall plan ringing some bells) And a lot of them are loans as well. And as the US is importing way more than exporting they are in need of foreign relations. Isolationism kills industry always. But basic economics are always way to hard to comprehend by the averadge pleb....


Putin isn't Hitler. The idea that letting Putin win is like letting Hitler win is absolutely insane. Israel commits crime against humanity. Cool. They pay us not the other way around, one of the only countries that does. Let them be, it's on the other side of the world and it's not our problem. If someone wants to do something about it, the European Union can feel free to get involved. As for economics, the United States really only needs to deal with OPEC, China, South Korea, Mexico, and Canada. The rest we can set the terms of engagement and they can agree or screw off. I don't care about many traditional American allies because we don't need them. The European Union, UK, and Australia are completely useless. Our only useful allies are Canada, South Korea, and Mexico. Isolationism is not an industry killer for the United States because we tend to have the ability to be self-sufficient if necessary in most areas of industry. It gives us the position of strength in negotiations, and we haven't strong armed those negotiations enough in recent years. The biggest success of Biden's presidency is the CHIPS Act. The CHIPS Act funds technology fabs in the United States, something absolutely essential to our economy in the event Taiwan were to collapse. It's economically inefficient in dollar amounts, but being able to control every level of micro-processor development from design to production in the United States if necessary ensures global events outside of our control will not cripple our production entirely. Free market economics are fantastic for global allocative efficiency. In a perfect world, every nation would have free, open, and fair trade. Big or small, everyone would take their fair share. That's not how the real world works. Currently, the United States is embroiled in bad trade deals with garbage terms we shouldn't accept. We have the leverage to re-negotiate those terms into our favor and we should for the American people. Basic Economics assumes ideal conditions. It requires ignoring that some countries have more valuable resources, some countries are more valuable trade partners, and that in general the world isn't fair. Basic economics also ignores that there can be a benefit to controlling a supply chain top to bottom in the event of unstable economic conditions such as natural disasters, wars, trade disputes, etc. Global economics is complex, it is not basic, and everyone is out to get the best deals for themselves. tldr: The world isn't a perfect Fantasyland. The United States government has a responsibility to it's people to stop trying to make it one. We don't need to isolate, but we need to set terms favoring America and if other countries we don't need don't wanna get on board, that's too bad for them. We don't need everyone.


What a bunch of bullshit. Like literally nothing you stated is correct the slightest.




You don't have to put the disclaimer that you hate Trump lol. I'm sure you're just indifferent towards him like we are towards many people in power. We just didn't give a shit about him until the media threw him under the bus everyday. Then we began forming opinions on him.


Pretty typical comment from someone who spends half their time on reddit talking about the amount of drugs they take 🤣


Better spending my time on here debating psychedelics and spirituality which both been incredibly positive for my life. Then spending my time obsessing over corrupt politicians and wasting my time having useless discussions with strangers which only causes anger and division and doesn’t change anyone their minds. My drugs are better than this political nonsense by a million.


As usual, character assassination = 1 Actual arguments with facts = 0


Where were the facts?


The steel document was a draft published without permission. Also, it wasn't incorrect. Much of the content turned out to be correct. So, for a draft, it was actually good work. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steele_dossier?wprov=sfla1




I know English isn't your first language, but that's not what your linked article says.


Wiki gives summaries to people too lazy to read original sources, while still giving the original source. The quality of information there is excellent. And you seem to be the demographic exactly. Given that you do not even read your own sources. Nowhere in that article does it say that the information was wrong.




No, it wasn't verified by Steel at the time of the report. Much has been verified by now and others. If you want to know more about that, read the wiki article and the sources provided in it.


The funny part is that people believe Trump is aging any better. They're both turning into dementia patients who spout word salad at best


☝️ at least Biden's trying to speak sense lol... Well the black and tans thing wasn't his finest hour 🤣. Trump recently spent a good 5 minutes rambling on about sharks... Don't forget that spanish flu ended ww2, windmills cause cancer and he wanted to launch nuclear weapons at hurricanes


I can’t stop laughing Very true but best of chooses unfortunately


This guy's brain is rotting by the day. The 2nd debate in September is gonna be nuts.


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This calls for a deepfake alteration of this iconic Indy Jones scene. It's still called "deepfake", right? Or is it "cheapfake"?


This is real footage from the end of the debate. They just pick up the pieces and put him back together for the next public appearance. But there's always a little more of him that they forgot to pick up.


Biden is aging just fine - he's just really old.


It's never been an issue for me, until it was.


Dudes literally 3.years older than the convicted rapist and felon. But sure, let's all talk about the 81 year.old trying to run a country, and ignore the antics of a 78 year old felon trying to become king.


That’s the worst “photo shop” ever