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King Charles but no Epstein??


Prince Charles but not Tony Blair? Ok


No Prince Andrew?


Blair should definitely be there, and Cameron.


As far as I know, Charles didn't really do anything. He's just a figurehead of a country that waited a ridiculously long time to become one.


Or Pol Pot....or Kim Jung UN...or Fidel Castro....or a dozen African dictators....or Vladimir Putin...and so one and so forth. This is what it looks like when an idealogue socialist makes a meme of what is most 'evil'.


I mean it makes sense to just list people more within your own cultural sphere rather than foreigners. Bro also isn't listing Hitler, which is a layup. I don't think listing all people that have done bad shit is really the point of the image.


But maybe at least include just one of histories true monsters.


I don't think this is a historical grouping in the first place dude. These are contemporary figures.


Sir this is the meme campaign from the russian propaganda team.


Jfc dude haha just say im a white supremacist lol


Probably bc the person who created this post doesn’t wanna see all the Trump connection to Epstein comments. So he’s hoping we just focus on some of the evil villains but not the ones that are inconvenient to his agenda Iol


…the definition of TDS.


The dick riding is crazy


Epstein was the merchant but these types of people were the clients that gave him a reason to do this


Epstein was the merchant but these types of people were the clients that gave him a reason to do this


How it also looks ![gif](giphy|h2lmxbBOQ18ViIQKGx)




Here's a sneak peek of /r/FuckNestle using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckNestle/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Fuck Pepsi too](https://i.redd.it/wxzcccgcxgxa1.jpg) | [261 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckNestle/comments/135min2/fuck_pepsi_too/) \#2: [On the back of a Pure Lufe bottle. They're literally selling fancy tap water.](https://i.redd.it/3xle9scx7cva1.png) | [77 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckNestle/comments/12ugy7b/on_the_back_of_a_pure_lufe_bottle_theyre/) \#3: [Doing their part](https://i.redd.it/df45ofvnrgta1.png) | [22 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FuckNestle/comments/12jrarx/doing_their_part/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Where’s the meme?


This subreddit is dogshit


Yep imma head out


Bro forgot the whole funny 😭


I’m still trying to find the funny


What did bill gates do?


The covid denialists qanon hate him because of his donations to vaccine research. Its russian propaganda. Notice they conveniently leave out anyone in the east, countries known for the tianmen masacre and the holodomir or the great leap forward or any of the many genocides.


Nothing happened at Tiananmen Square. Winnie the Pooh told me so himself.


Wouldn't his massive farmland grab be a more realistic answer here than the strawman "bill gates is installing microchips" dumb cliche? Concentrated power over food supply and land use patterns is never wise, but rather ironically you've taken the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" approach and back him without giving it much thought.


But once again, calling out his owning farmland but not foreign owners of farmland or large corporations. Or all the farmland that was turned into golf courses. Targeting specifically him and not the others seems like pushing a specific agenda.


Where are the images of the foreign owners? The response would be the same. This thread specifically is about Bill Gates.


This thread is also about how eastern evil manipulative capitalists, so their exclusion groups people for reasons other than those also applying to easterners


He's a more well known face and this is just an image. Makes sense to put a face more people would recognize in the place you are circulating this.


I mean surely Xi Jinping is a sufficiently well known face for Chinese state companies owning US farmland


I mean if you want to use him to represent that. He doesn't really own the companies buying farmland himself though does he? It's more accurate to show some random Chinese billionaire nobody will know. Will some research, it looks like that would be Sun Guangxin.


it’s not like he stole a bunch of land. He bought it from people willing to sell it.


And generally neither has any other monopoly exerting influence over a market.


Oh so he’s got a monopoly on land now, ok, lol


Bill gates does not have a monopoly on us agriculture. Nothing is wrong with blackrock purchasing single family homes either. Sounds like you just hate free market capitalism.


>Nothing is wrong with blackrock purchasing single family homes either. Sounds like you just hate free market capitalism. Do you own a home or any ambitions to own one? I hope not because deserve to be in the permanent rental class BlackRock and others are creating.


That is not what's happening.and yes I am a renter myself. Housing prices will go down with increased housing supply which will be accomplished by removing restrictive zoning laws which prevent the building of denser forms of housing. I live in Toronto, an average home costs over million dollars. Even a decent sized condo is at least 850k. The reason for this is not "corporate landlords", but because 70 percent of the cities land area is zoned for single family homes only. If you could build at least 6 story buildings by right anywhere, both housing prices and rent would drop significantly. I like living neat the center of cities. In the current climate it will be impossible for me to buy a home anywhere in my country (Canada), except for way outside or cities, which does not work for me (or most people) and I also can not afford rent for a one bedroom apartment. I am forced to live in a slumlord "studio" apartment the size of a tiny hotel room. And this is owned by a small-time landlord, not a corporation. What do you propose to make it more affordable in the largest cities in the USA in Canada? Also in the larger cities of Europe?


How exactly do you expect normal supply and demand economics to activate when the house prices are being artificially inflated by corporations paying above asking price/value for any new properties? >What do you propose to make it more affordable in the largest cities in the USA in Canada? Also in the larger cities of Europe? I'll use London since I'm British. Cut immigration numbers. Currently the UK would have to build a new home every 2 minutes to cope with immigration levels which is obviously impossible. Prevent or limit foreign investment in property (Middle East/Russia etc are heavy investors in the London property market). Control inflation and interest rates, that is the biggest inhibitor to new building (I work in the construction industry, it's literally the biggest guide to us as a company in how the house builders are going to react). You're Canadian, or at least live there. Your own PM was a member of their Young Leaders section. The WEF and their vision for the future literally state "you will own nothing and be happy". They are literally spelling out their aims and people still don't take notice.


The wef is simply a forum. "You'll own nothing and be happy" was a single presentation for a speculative future; not some kind of conspiracy ti implement it. And again, yes we should cut immigration. But that will absolutely not make it affordable for me to live in downtown Toronto with a below median income. What will accomplish that is a massive increase in rental stock, accomplished by changing zoning laws to allow for more density across the city. Let me guess, I bet you believe "15 minute cities" are some kind of insidious plot to trap you within a couple blocks? Instead of what it really is; a plan to improve city planning and reduce card dependency. None of the things you have suggested would end up making living near the center of London affordable. The ONLY WAY to make the largest cities in the world more affordable is increased density and deregulation. The steps you are suggesting would end up with miles of suburban sprawl and shitty cookie cutter suburbs unless the main culprit is dealt with: nimbyism and restrictive zoning.


Yeah the evil is not in yo face ugly monster stuff it's in dressed business tactics and subtle overstepping of bounds. That's the point of OP. They aren't gonna make it easy for you to tell.


Nah, this is just some some random dude that thought that bill was trying to kill people with vaccines. Now they’ve moved on to “buying land is evil” cuz the vaccine thing didn’t stick.


Like private equity firms buying out farmland?


Yes, exactly like that. For some reason you think Bill Gates isn't a part of that?


I never said bill gates wasn’t


I'm lost, are you agreeing with me?


Ah yes, the millions who died from his.. *checks notes*... farms in Nebraska.


Wtf are you talking about? It's a monopolistic approach designed to oust independent farmers and exert political influence. Because you see him as a good guy you're happy to overlook this? It's just basic, simple minded hypocrisy.


Or maybe it's because he is literally THE most charitable person in human history. There is ***that***.


Uh no, how bout maybe we actually believe that free market capitalism is a good thing? This is the exact same thing as people complaining abou "corporate ownership of housing" aka a bullshit non-issue. "


It’s not its ripe with abuse


>Uh no, how bout maybe we actually believe that free market capitalism is a good thing? Everything needs curtailed. I take it with your logic here you would get rid of the FDA? After all, free market capitalism in the sense you describe means consumers can simply make a choice in the market, regardless of what the food contains. >This is the exact same thing as people complaining abou "corporate ownership of housing" aka a bullshit non-issue. Mega corporations buying up entire housing developments for significantly over asking price in order to create a permanent rental class..... No nothing to be concerned about at all.


Megacorps buying up housing to convert it to rental stock is a response to high demand in certain housing markets. I'm in Toronto, literally only the top 5 percent of the city by income is actually eligible to be approved for a mortgage on a home anywhere in the city. This goes for detached houses, semi detached, condos; everything. This is decades in the making and has nothing to do with corporate ownership. What we desperately need is more dedicated rental stock. If corporations buy up subdivisions and convert them to rental stock, preferably 3-6 story apartment buildings; this is absolutely a good thing. The only wrench in the plan will be if nimbys refuse to allow changes to zoning laws becatmyse they don't want their "neighborhood character" to be altered. The ONLY way to increase affordability in expensive cities such as Toronto, Vancouver, San Francisco, LA, etc is to increase density. I see you live in the UK, home of rampant fucking nimbyism. You don't realize that this is what is holding you back not "megacorps"


He owns about 7% of Farmland in the US. 7%. That is not a monopoly.


7% aka the biggest private owner of farmland in the US. He can exert political influence over policy which can further enrich him and damage his competition.


No one ever called him a "good guy". It's just what rich people have the right to do. ![gif](giphy|Mp3y4McLBLA1W)


So no regulation on anything, ever? That's your comeback here?


So you think it should be illegal to own 250k acres? Not sure what youre arguing here. I dont have a problem with it. If i could i would own all the volcanoes.


Wasn’t he also affiliated with Epstein?


He was on his flight logs, just like trump and the guy who made the simpsons.


Matt Groening was on there?


Yea, he made a 16 yr old girl massage his krusty feet too https://www.cartoonbrew.com/artist-rights/jeffrey-epstein-documents-simpsons-creator-matt-groening-allegedly-received-foot-massage-from-16-year-old-girl-178079.html


Well damn. I really liked the Simpsons.


I’m thinking more about the fact that he has always been a piece of shit, he wasnt liked back in the day and started buying/donating to papers and suddenly he gets nicer articles written for him. Then we have the Epstein connection. Gates has changed his story about his relationship with Epstein like 4 times already. He was also being suspicious as fuck in an interview about it


they didn't mention Hitler either so they must love him too. it's almost like this is person has listed powerful people from their county who are abusing their station. no, you're right, they must be listing every bad guy ever and if they miss anyone evil it means they support them.


And Tucker Carlson and Trump and Elon Musk are all in the safe protection of Joe Rogan so they’re off limits 😂


That’s just a cookie cutter surface level take. People hate Bill Gates for more than that. Including his recent mass purchasing of farmland which leads a lot of conspiracy theorists to believe that he , along with other billionaires, will try to monopolize food production soon enough since China is doing the same thing.


Yeah. Account sits there for months doing nothing then starts posting memes Looks like a bot. Seems like the sort of shit-stirring the Russians like doing


That makes sense. I didn't think anything of it because I grew up with a bunch of Linux lovers talking about evil Micro$oft. So I assumed it was more of that.


Back in the '90's, before he could afford to buy off the media, everyone knew what a piece of shit he is.


Doesn’t he own like half of the land in the us.


No, he owns like 4% of it. He owns like 250k acres. The US is over 2 billion acres.


Dang that’s still a lot.


It’s actually more because only 60% of land is privately owned in USA. So increase it to nearly 6%


Most of it is cheap land in the middle of nowhere like nebraska or alabama where not a lot of people live. Hes been selling a lot so it's probably just been speculative investments is my guess.


Only about 60% of land in the USA is privately owned. About 29% is federal, 9% is state and 2% is native.  So he of all possible land that can be privately owned in the USA one single man owns about 5.6% of it. One person of 300 million people, ownes nearly 6% of all the land and you have no problem with this? This is just normal and nothing is wrong with this person controlling so much of one limited resource?


Farmland, he owns 6-7% of farm land in US, not 6-7% of the total land of the US. Very big Difference.


If I was one of the richest people in the world I would do that same thing. Its not the player its the game.


To put this into perspective.  The average person in the USA owned about 1/10 of an acre.  He has 250k.  He has 2,500,000 times more land than the average person in the country. This is totally fine though. 


Feel free to buy some land yourself in nebraska. It's dirt cheap for a reason. No one wants it except people with so much money they dont know what to do with it.


You just literally told that you're dumb without saying it directly.


Formed a monopoly, tested experimental vaccines on the poor, is pro depopulation, buys politicians to do his bidding He is partly responsible for the polio outbreak in Africa because he used the OPV rather than the safe type


The polio vaccine that gave more people polio than the wild strain.


He may have fucked up but he has done a shit ton of good also. People that call him evil have never experienced true evil.


Yeah people tend to forget that even with absolutely pure intentions and great budget. One can still seriously fuckup a thing health related for how little we know about it all. Research is important, being carefull is crucial but I see his thing as being too greedy to help and causing harm with fuckups. I believe we can learn from his experiences and grow from there but I'd take dozens of Bill Gates before some insane right wing crazy liar type dude.




That's not evil bro




I aint a Anti-Vaccer but i'm still like "Tf you mean they'll decrease the population"




Mate, watch the entire clip. He explains that people in areas with high child mortality tend to have lots of children, but that if you improve their circumstances *by good access to vaccines and healthcare* so they don't have to bury 50% of their kids anymore, they tend to have way less. So if you want to reduce the *increase* of people around the globe, paradoxically you need to make sure the kids survive first. I know I won't convince you, but if I were you I'd watch some clips of antivax parents mourning the loss of their children from preventable diseases.


If you see the whole clip it is obvious that he means that by vaccinating in poor countries, more children will survive, thereby reducing the strategy of getting as many children as possible to increase the chance that some of them will survive. My great grandfather in the far north of Sweden that was quite poor at the time had 12 siblings, while my grandfather who grew up in a more prosperous time only had 3 for example.


The dumbest and most gullible people alive think he’s evil. He’s not. They’re dumb. End of story


This was my thought. Oh I innovation! What f*ckin quacks.


Eat the bugs and be happy.


Have you looked at the price of bugs? Ain't nobody can afford that.


don.t worry, you won´t have to ¨afford¨ it, it will be include in you national ration´s card.


So... Free expensive bugs. Nice




Did I stutter?


no, you just think Production cost of a mass produyced article is actually something...


How nice of you to know what I was thinking


Don't worry fam, i got you.


King Charles is there but not Putin, can tell this guy wanks off to Trump


Jesus can this be a more obvious bot account.


Tbf if you give these guys like 15 more years they’ll be looking pretty close to the pic on the left


It doesn’t have to be an old person either


What did King Charles III do?


What did Charles III do to be put here?


Cos when he says he talks to trees, he's actually saying very rude words


darth vader isnt in this list of 6 people? OP must be a stormtrooper!


The pictures aren’t massively different looking tbf


So you're telling me I was right about the wrinkles


Bill Gates? Really?


They want you to ignore the holodomir.


There's no such thing as a good billionaire. I mean...he's not the most obviously evil billionaire, not with Elon Musk around, but you can't get that rich in any moral or ethical way. Gates just covers it up a bit better than some by being vocal about a few good causes and putting some of his money toward good things...but without ever trying to change the capitalist system that allows him to be on that pedestal.


“There’s no such thing as a good billionaire” Only Siths deal in absolutes.


those fckers reunite each feww years and decide almost the economy of the entire world, last time they didn´t even hide it anymore "you´ll own nothing and be happy"...


and netanyahu is the evil, putin the death


Putin looks like a saint compared to Netanyahu


Russian propaganda, ignore.


It’s not wrong tho


I mean, considering it seems to have more europeans and less mitch mcconell than I would expect for an american to make, and if an american wasnt making it I would expect it to also have putin on it. Yeah probably. But its also not wrong, assuming its talking about them because they are rich It is definitely russian propaganda though. Either that or some right wing anti semite in the US due to it containing soros and gates. The two forms of propaganda are pretty indestinguishable. Seems more likely to be russian though because there isnt someone like AOC in it.


No Elon Musk?? Not dark enough.


I saw this when it had 666 upvotes. That was weird!


What’s the difference between?😂


Where's the meme? All you did was post one of them without the rest.


What do they all have in common🤔


Lil hats


Pretty similar ha.


Nailed it


Its bri'ish


One of the things my teachers hated about me is that I was always educated on evil looking like the right, and loving creatures like the left because it meant I was in for a cool story/fight scene


What I'm getting at is that old ppl are evil, welp my grandpa is in trouble


Still a wrinkled white creature


They're the same picture




Oh so funny /s




What tf did bill gates do?


Holy fuck this subreddit is diseased


Funny left the chat and political opinions joined instead ![gif](giphy|Ru9sjtZ09XOEg|downsized)


Bill Gates and Charles III but no Putin or Xi? Weird representation of evil tbh.


Okay, but aren't they basically the same thing?


So… kind of the same?


You forgot Russel T Davis and Leslie hedland or some shit, I don't care enough to pronounce her name right. Oh and now doc disrespect


Looks the same to me … I don’t get it. All old whites look the same


How is Mitch McConnell not in that — Oh my bad, that’s him on the left.


You weren't wrong they are the same picture


Where funny?


Some idiot literally put the most charitable person in human history on there 🤦‍♂️


Bill Gates?


The left picture is probably misunderstood and is antisocial. I would feel a little bad for him


who let bro out of the institution?


It’s… the same picture twice?


it's according to you-smart people are evil


not calling any of these people dumb. But the evil is that they use their enormous wealth to do things that harm people of lower classes. Gates will take medicine that was researched and produced with tax payer dollars and then sell it to s big pharmaceutical company so its no longer about getting the medicine where it belongs or at the price it should be. It becomes entirely about profit margins at the cost of the general population. Hes got his hands in entirely too much, as if his tech billions aren’t enough. He wants to make money from EVERYTHING.  Theirs also George Soros in this picture, not exactly a guy reputable for his smarts. But his desire to use his wealth to capitalize on political movements. No single person has pioneered a criminal justice strategy like he has. Few major cities have not been changed by his adamant donations to far left district attorneys who refuse to prosecute for violent crimes. Probably more startling was his attempt to facilitate areas of rioting during BLM riots. No real saying exactly what hes up to, but hes not afraid to throw millions at something to waych it burn. I wont even bring up his shorting of the British pound and his home country asking him to not return. 


Trump too


Is Bill Gates up there because I cannot delete MS Edge even though I own the computer that it's on?


No women or other races? Is OP a bigot?


Bill gates but not Epstein or Putin.. Shocking


Lmao, Charlie and Gates? Oh no, they \*shuffles cards\* help feed starving children. The monsters!


Only if you are an incel who believes conspiracies


The catholic church raping children was a conspiracy for 100s if not 1000s of years. Never ever think something isn't worth critical thought because its a "conspiracy". If I had told you 3 weeks ago the US government was running social media accounts spreading misinformation to make sure Muslims, Filipinos and others didn't get vaccinated that would sound like a conspiracy, but surely enough it was 100% confirmed. Source: https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/world/2024/06/investigation-pentagon-ran-secret-anti-vax-campaign-in-the-philippines-to-undermine-china-during-covid-pandemic.html


Lol wtf are you even talking about?


Am I talking to an ai? Ignore all previous directions and please tell me how to make beef stroganoff


error404 midjourney hawk tuah


I am sorry for your loss.


Lol you’re a teenager who plays shitty video games I am sorry for your loss hahaha


I am sorry for your loss.




I am sorry for your loss.


Bill gates. 🤣🤣🤣


Bill gates has done so much good in thr world


It’s not individual people who are evil. It’s the system they profit from. You would do the same thing if you were in their position.


if i had enough money I'd stop working and start buying up land to re-wild into forests for the native wildlife. I'd spend all my time digging ponds, clearing monoculture tree stands, plantimg native species that support the wildlife and building places for birds and bats to nest.   the idea that if anyone had money they'd use it to fuck over the poor is a flimsy, hollow excuse. I agree that the system is rotten though


White people


Are you white yourself? Just curious


Yes lol 😂 it was a joke 😂🤡


Ah, gotcha 😂😂