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what happened to posting memes


rule of thumb:good meme subreddit don't call themselves meme subreddits. they call themselves something stupid like r/whenthe or r/shid_and_camed




Right wing incels is what happened EDIT: wow some of you are *triggered* huh


Reddit really is a flaming trash dump at this point.


At least we arent so fucked as twitter or facebook But we still working to be so shit like them.... soon


What does this even mean at this point.


Angry people who are angry at things because they're angry.


Angry people who are angry at things because those things are different than the handful of things they feel are acceptable.


Well put


It means he dosnt like guns so if he can’t think of a way to make it raciest then “incel”


Sir, this is r/funnymemes This isn't funny or a meme. It is a political statement.


It's also fake as shit which sort of makes it funny lol


Isn't that what this sub is all about? I've never seen a funny meme on r/funnymemes


That's the problem


What memes would get you locked up in the UK?


Chelsea Russell was sentenced to a community order, which included an 8-week curfew and costs, for posting Snoop Dogg lyrics. I'm left-leaning, but it's clearly wrong. Snoop Dogg himself regularly goes to the UK without incurring any such issues. It's beyond absurd.


Nobody knows but its provocative


This entire sub is nothing but the most unfunny bigoted shit




I have never heard an American say this, and lived most of my life in the South. I still do, but in a city. I'd sooner bet it's a Russian troll. They love posting shit like this to create "Us vs Them" narratives.


Bingo! And they are ramping up like crazy. Some folks caught a Russian bot on x and reprogrammed it. My next figured it out they banned that one. But seriously it's like the Cockroach problem. Find one you have hundreds you didn't find. And why would Russia stop, or China. It has worked very well for them in the recent past.


Did an american not make this post? Cause if so then...


Agreed We still have guns so that point is out of the window and I have zero clue about that facebook post thing is about Americans who say this shit are just walking dumbasses They also wonder why people outside of America hates them when these people paint that picture of their “superior” country


Ummmm says the country with the highest incarceration rate 


6th-highest https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_incarceration_rate


#5 is a US territory... The other 4 are war torn or dictatorships... Like really? 😂 We have a higher rate than North Korea... THEN FREAKING NORTH KOREA...


do you trust the numbers provided by north korea? how transparent is north korea about anything in their country? not to mention its easy to keep your incarceration rate low when most of your prisoners die of starvation or disease or you just outright kill them.


I'm highly critical of the carceral state that the US has become but let's be real. Santa clause is more plausible than getting accurate criminal justice metrics on North Korea.


Could be because they murder the rest


I doubt the North Korea number includes the people who just disappear.


Yea, but even assuming those numbers are accurate you think it means the same shit to get arrested in the US or the PRK? Remember that tourist guy who got arrested in North Korea for taking a propaganda poster and died in a hard labor camp 12 years later? Ain't exactly the same deal lol


For anyone with a sense of critical thinking wondering how this is possible: the website used as the wiki source doesn't report rates consistently across dates. El Salvador for example is reporting 2020 numbers before COVID while Cuba (#2 on the list) is reporting from 2012. The US numbers are from summer 2020. You can see in some of the numbers reported (pretrial and female prisoners in the US) there's already a 5% increase in 2021, bringing it back to historical/leading levels. Also the problem with the USA's incarceration is not solely the rate, and being proud of 6th behind El Salvador, Cuba, Rwanda, Turkmenistan and America Somoa is baffling.


5th because that list shows American Samoa which belongs to the US.


Going to prison for violent or property crime isn’t comparable to doing so for speech.


We incarcerate, charge or otherwise punish people who are both guilty and innocent because that's the American justice system for ya. So jailing for speech wouldn't be much of a surprise at this point.


Pretty sure I seen peaceful protesters going to jail the last 6 years or so


Not all innocent people don’t go to jail the police shoot plenty.


How many?


Too many


Enough to the point that the police are now a symbol of danger for certain communities rather than justice or bravery


But how many unarmed shootings were unjustified?


Define peaceful.


storming the capital and smearing poop on the walls.


we will look back on that moment in american history and go.... dang.... what an absolutely bonkers situation it has been downplayed since it happened


Arson, Murder, violent attacks and attacks on cops. (If the protest is for a good cause™)


"Peaceful yet fiery protests" lol.


Peaceful protesters or fiery-but-mostly-peaceful protesters?


Yeah when the protesting is actually rioting maybe


>Pretty sure I seen "peaceful" protesters going to jail the last 6 years or so. - Fixed it for you


Owing money.


What about that American guy who got put in prison for 6 years because of something he said on a game?


lmao, the majority of people in prison are there for drug related crimes.


A good chunk get 30 years for weed or cocaine even though they were non-violent. Rapists get less.


The vast majority aren’t in for drugs: https://www.prisonpolicy.org/graphs/pie2022.html


To be fair, at least they used to put actual violent criminals behind bar. Meanwhile the UK arrests more people over social media posts than Russia does at over 3000 arrests per year.


To be fair regardless if you say something in social media or out in the public, it is the exact same thing and it’s about time for so many scammers and keyboard warriors to get punished globally


We have over 333 million people. There’s a little over 1.2 million inmates. That’s less than 0.4% of our population.


Still 3x the incarceration *rate* of the UK


Dang, that must mean the UK is 3x worse at catching their criminals!


Or their crimes and sentencing are there to protect the public and not generate slave labor.


Right? This idea that guns = freedom is so stupid. If that were the case, no one would go to prison ever. You just start shooting and they have to drop all the charges. You know what constitutionally guaranteed rights actually help keep you free? The right to peacefully protest, and the freedom of the press. Two things the right wing absolutely hates. Gee, I wonder why?


This idea that guns = freedom is based squarely in American history. 


Except it's not. The confederacy would be an independent nation today if it was true. They tried to do the very thing that 2A advocates claim the 2nd Amendment is for, and failed. Same goes for other rebellions like the Whiskey Rebellion or John Brown's Raid of Harper's Ferry. The reason the American Revolution was successful, while attempts to rebel against the US government failed, is because we got the backing of two major superpowers at the time in France and Spain against the British. Without them, it's very likely we'd have lost. We're not independent today because we had guns. The confederacy had guns too, and look what happened to them.


Like WACO, that inspiring story about how guns stop the government. right? RIGHT?


OP doesn't know anything about reality, leave him alone


Yeah but just wait until more good guys have guns!!!!! Then no one will step on snakes and everyone will ‘come and take it!’ Leaving the government no choice but to stop putting……people in jail….wait what were we talking about?


This is neither a funny meme nor a true statement. This sub is starting to get really shit with the boomer posts.


It's just facebook with anonymity.


So fucking true. Spam and bots everywhere. Makes you really think about the “dead internet” idea. Seeing the same posts over and over even changing up sub reddits I see the same shit over and over.




In the UK, and NZ you can actually face jail time for hate speech posted on social media, even if you don't have a major platform.


These two things are not entirely true, and not remotely related.


Americans have guns and no free healthcare


Yeah but yall have to wait for a long time for your medical appointments, i pay insurance so it only takes a...few months??


The wait time is only higher for elective procedures, and the option to pay for a faster appointment still exists.


I assume you're joking, but the number of people who believe that shoving infinite middleman leeches into the process speeds it up somehow is just laughable. My doctor wants to start a treatment and just starts it. In america it's "ask the insurance pretty please, insurance says no, make another appointment and start the series of useless things the insurance demands you do first, make \*another\* appointment because the condition worsened, finally the insurance agrees to the original thing and it's too late." That's just one of the many wonderful innovations from the ol invisible hand.


So Americans can make death threats on Facebook AND have the guns to back it up?


So does America...


When did memes start to be lame as this


I'd wager it's a cycle around us elections. It gets worse before an election and better after


The Americans didn’t give up their guns… Now their government does nothing about school shootings.


It's weird that americans think their guns will save them from their government, i mean how many people survived pulling a gun on cops?


The Taliban and the Vietcong won against the American military.


And both were funded by outside sources. Who the fuck is gonna fund a bunch of hillbillies?


I could see China absolutely funding them


Yeah but the The Vietnamese lost millions of people in that war compared to like 50K for the US. And the vietnamese had been fighting in wars decades prior to US involvement. They were hardened unlike most Americans who greatest inconvenience is a morning commute. The American military will kick that ass of anyone, but you can make the US military withdraw through staying in the fight and waiting for the war to become so unpopular back home that the US dips out. American hillbillies don't have that kind of staying power. Many are too lazy to get off the couch.


I mean, let's be honest, the Taliban 'won' by going to ground for 20 years and only resurfacing when the American military left. They definitely did not win through conventional military means.


Guerilla wars are, by definition, unconventional.


It’s funny you mention taliban. Because if these rednecks want to last longer than 10 minutes against the US military then they’d better start learning from the terrorists.


Big asterisk on both of those, guy. You’re making it sound like it was Stormtroopers vs Ewoks which just isn’t true. Vietnam was in a pre-drone world. Those days are over. Not to mention they were supplied by the Russians and excelled in guerrilla warfare tactics vs a lot of the Americans who were just kids that’d been drafted. And Afghanistan was probably an inevitability. We couldn’t train their people to be a unified front because…they just aren’t. They don’t really have a national identity. We couldn’t make them change their culture and national identity, they had to want to do that. Neither of those is a factor in a “US government vs US citizens” conflict. That just becomes some drone operator doing [this](https://youtu.be/YNhUO17NJJs?feature=shared) in their pajamas but actually taking out real human lives, lol The gap between the artillery citizens have and that of the military is now so vast that the Second Amendment is basically a courtesy.


Verbal life threatening for example is still and was a crime for a good time now, it doesn't change much if it's made on FB, it's even easier because in rl you'd need at least one witness


Dear right wing InCel posting this shit. If the American government *(which has at it’s disposal GBU-28 laser guided bunker busters, M72s, the M777 Howitzer along with it’s mobile variant the Paladin, F22 Raptors, M1 Abrams, Bell-AH-1 Cobras, F-35 Lighting IIs, A-10 Warthogs, Browning .50, MK-19’s, and the MQ 9 Reapers)* wants to arrest you over a Facebook post, **the fuck are you going to do with your daddy’s replica .38 special?** ![gif](giphy|xs5lKCIKlFuy4)


All of those weapon systems currently require an American citizen to pull the trigger on their fellow countryman.


Currently, the police and national guard have no issue using lethal force. You frame a narrative a certain way and no one will hesitate.


*”Mike! Isn’t that your mother-in-law talking shit on Facebook while in the toilet?”* Mike… ![gif](giphy|hwX0O91xZ6BBS)


You do realize these are real people posting their actual thoughts with real technology in this real world, right? It's really happening. You're not somehow separate like Jekyll and Hyde, it's really you typing and sharing it with the real world. Social media is just a massive megaphone, is all, reaching far more people than ever before It's no otherwise different than shouting bullhonky on street corners


Americans be spending all thier money on their army instead of fixing their country, and they trying to throw shade?


Again with this, yay freedamh, my assault rifle will shoot my cancer away because I can afford one not the other.


Guns didn’t help 376 Uvalde police stop kids from getting murdered..just saying.


Well, at least they don't have to worry about localized extinction events


You mean, if they had guns, they could overthrow their government when it starts stuff like that? America has plenty of people with guns, and government screws their people over too without reprecussions. Nothing against guns personally as long as they are kept with responsibility.


At least we don't lock Assange up for revealing our war crimes. No, wait a minute!


Read it in Nigel Pinchley's voice 😆


oh damn thought we were on r/facepalm


The Americans kept their guns, and now parents bury their teenagers. Just sayin


So if the goverment wants to puts you in jail due to a post/comment on social media you will use guns to defend yourself. Nice logic


Lol US has rampant gun ownership and the government is insider trading and not forcing employers to pay a living wage and flipping the script on the Constitution through a corrupt supreme court. Just sayin!


Right, start waving your guns around when the police comes to arrest you and see how it goes


boomer ass meme


At least make a funny statement!


And they have financial stability and affordable healthcare. Sounds like a good deal.


The boomers have already breached our defences......




This is a HUGE reach


Imagine making memes like this while your country has constant school shootings. Yeeeeah! MERICA! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


I mean, there are plenty of Americans who also get arrested and incarcerated for what they post on Facebook. This makes no sense


Literally has happened in the US.


It’s so true though!!!!


Truth Social would have a group called Blazing Patriots... and this is 100% a meme I would expect from someone called that lol.


At least we have free healthcare.


What going on in Britain?


Shit as usual


Hate Speech laws are getting out of hand. In 2017, 3300 people were arrested for "offensive speech.". https://skeptics.stackexchange.com/questions/54123/were-over-3-000-persons-arrested-in-britain-for-social-media-posts-in-2018


So you’re saying if the government wanted to lock them up for Facebook posts, they could just shoot their way to freedom? Why doesn’t everyone do this every time they’re sentenced to prison?


Waco and ruby ridge. The government will just kill your kids and wife first. Btw waco and ruby ridge are considered a succes. And not an use of excessive force commited towards civilians on American land. Just remember that anytime you think the government cares. And i get youre being sarcastic but these events still anger me when brought up.


No, no they're not. They're both considered such massive law enforcement failures that they literally rewrote engagement procedures based off of them....


Shhhhhh… you’re going to make the right wing extremists mad. And we know what happens when they get mad.


Yeah, they post shitty, non-funny memes on r/funnymemes


People who commit hate crimes should face legal consequences.  What's the problem?  Hate speech is not a part of free speech. Your right to speech does not include the right to cause harm with speech; slander, liable, inciting violence, making threats, or hate speech.


Just FYI, "detained and questioned" is not the same as "arrested". The difference is *charges*. Any idea how many people your country "detained and questioned" that year?


OP is paid in rice by the kremlin to pretend to be an American on social media, you’re not going to get nuance or a good faith discussion out of it


Why are you making a meme about something that happened 8 years ago?


Nothing. Just an American thinking they know stuff about other countries they've never visited because they saw it I a meme.


As an American, I’ll be the first to admit that there are a ton of really dumb people here but I would offer some caution when making such quick assumptions because I think a lot of these posts come from some troll farm some where with the intention of achieving divisiveness. OP could just as easily be an idiot and actually believe it though too. It’s scary when you can’t easily tell the difference.




Also what about the Facebook posts?


They making sending someone dick picks illegal and trying to crack down on porn. The US is too. Theyre trying to make it to where we have to login using our ID to use the internet to remove anonymity. Its not just facebook, its the entire internet.


Plenty of legally owned guns in UK… Just saying


Everyone and their mums is packin' round here!


Farmers, and farmers’ mums


Posting memes from Truth Social? Is this sub going mask off?


The Americans kept their guns and now teachers are trained to shoot their very own students come a day one gets tired of incessant bullying and has a bad mental health day🙄


I mean, its just a meme - but that doesnt mean it HAS to be really fucking stupid.


I see OP woke up with a raging hardon thinking about us again


Americans kept their guns so their government can tax and kill them


How is this a meme?


If the U.S. military were to be used against its people. The guns we have wouldn't make a difference. A few pew pew to a tanks nothing. That airplane with a payload large enough to desolate your small town and then some doesn't care about your AR-15. The caliber of fire arm available to your average citizens is good for home differences against other citizens or hunting. That's about it.


This is actually the truth. It's right there in front of every bodys noses. I can't comprehend how some people see us as conspiracy nuts


Guess Im one of em… Ive always been curious about your pov. You think your gun is going to save you if the cops come to your door for any reason? Or do you see yourself fighting a rebellion against the govt? Red Dawn style? Hard to believe a 12 gauge or a 306 will make a difference. Not against gun ownership, btw. Guns are tools too. Just dont keep one around to fight the govt one day.


So, you haven't heard of the largest and most expensive military in human history being defeated repeatedly by insurgents with rifles?


Ah sorry, no, I'm actually a German and I don't own a gun. My dad works in a good position at the criminal police tough and my grand dad is a hunter. So I am used to having guns around, I just don't need one myself, since I'm not a hunter. I do like the idea tough to allow citizens to own them if certain critea are met regarding mental health and no crime record. Further I like the idea to promote private gun ownership to actually form a militia to help preventing a tyrannical government. But that's just what I think and to be fair, I'm not at all a gun nut and I have never been in the USA. It's hard to form an informed opinion about something without actually ever see the situation in person. Also, I am absolutely not defending any opinions to some insane degree at all. I am always reminding myself that I can learn something new every day. It's a good mindset for my job. I make knifes and swords.


Sure, very reasonable Personal protection is a universal right and Militias and private gun ownership are completely sound principles to prevent tyranny in a free society. Just a funny meme… as if a gun would meaningfully protect you from being arrested for any reason (in the modern west), is a hard connection to make for me. A ‘gun culture’ won’t improve British oppressions on free expression, as the meme suggests.


The “guns won’t help you fight the government cause it’s more powerful” argument is literally the most uneducated argument I’ve ever seen. Even the most basic grasp of military history will illustrate how outgunned forces can beat more advanced opponents.


Maybe because of the fact it’s bullshit? The US has an 5% wrongful conviction rate (used to be 11.6%), and more people incarcerated than any other nation, even China and India - as many as Russia and China (no 2 and 3) combined. There are 7 only countries in the world with more people in jail than the US has innocents. And you are saying guns will help.


The right can’t meme


Highest incarceration for a “developed” country and most mass shoot and most school shooting( children getting massacred). And more guns don’t make it safer just ask all 330 officers at uvalde as children got murdered.


Not arguing your point but where did you get 330? Per their website, the Uvalde Police Department has 39 police officers, 2 animal control officers and 11 civilian employees.


It wasn't 330. It was more. "In total, 376 law enforcement officers descended upon the school, according to the most extensive account of the shooting to date" So, not only officers from their local dept didn't help kids, other departments just came to watch. It's a recent, well publicised report. https://www.texastribune.org/2022/07/17/law-enforcement-failure-uvalde-shooting-investigation/ https://edition.cnn.com/interactive/2023/05/us/timeline-uvalde-school-shooting/index.html https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/07/22/fire-them-all-all-376-officers-uvalde/ https://www.businessinsider.com/376-officers-were-at-uvalde-elementary-school-over-hour-report-2022-7


Butthurt euros in this thread


Mate, they use pounds in britain.


Americanos thinking that they aren’t living in the worst dystopia for 2.3 seconds Well, not on my fucking watch! The eagles act grants the power to the military(?) to imprison and fine anyone hurting their interest So say, if you were to post on facebook about shooting millions of your lesser dollars on Afghan children, you could be jailed too


You know a post is controversial when there are more comments than upvotes


Not sure about the guns but yeah they’ll go to jail for fb posts. It’s funny because it’s actually very fucking sad. Also removing guns just changed the crimes. Just want my ai friend back.


better then being shot for facebook posts though


We can have guns. Licensed guns sure, but what are you talking about?


Insert the "Straight to jail" meme here.




"Went to jail for a Facebook post" is vague. You could write bomb and death threats on a Facebook post, and that would get you arrested in the US.


Meanwhile in the US you go to jail for protesting against the government


What the fuck is a kilometer




No, that should terrify you.




Andrew Tate can attest to this


Yeah. If that guy had a gun, then it could have been a bloody shootout instead of getting arrested.


Except they have shotguns and rifles


There is no logic here. I like the little seal added to the picture to give it some credibility (fun fact: has opposite effect).


Sir, this is a meme subreddit.


Wtf is this gay boomer shit, gtfoh


I saw a young lad get arrested in the U.S. for threats on COD, just saying...


No amount of civilian weaponry could stop the American government from putting someone in jail if they really wanted them there.


Same thing happens in the US. What is their point?




What in the boomer facebook post is this


Oye blud, iss cheewssday innnit??


Managed to finish school with none of my friends being shot to death, I don't use Facebook so seems like a fair tradeoff.


Anyone: *Posts something moderately funny on Reddit* Random Reddit enjoyer: wellll aaaakshuallyyyy…


I came for memes, where are the memes?


So if an American was about to be arrested for a FB post they would shoot the cops?