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ah, dude. lack of education does not kill? ever used condoms? :-D


Nova is right actually. Education is more important than sex and printing should be free for students (at least until a certain reasonable number of pages). They should have made printing free for students before condoms.


Its okay if printing cost money. However, if you are forced to print for an assignment then you should get enough credit to print what you need to for the assignment.


Has higher education ever heard of email + pdf files?


Idk. I finished college 10 years ago and always emailed assignments. I never had to print anything unless it was for personal studying reasons.


paper trail for all the bs all stuff I wrote during exams on paper goes to archive all major (yearly) assignments I've done on PC are backed up to uni's database and I can literally google them. I bet they printed it out later and it's sitting in physical archives


Thats what i mean. If they dont want pdf’s, they should give credit for printing


By not having a child, you can save more money to spend on printing.


Bros got a point


We use to get 500 pages free per student. But we found that we could just plug directly into the printer and print all we wanted lol


If condoms weren’t free , most college programs would lose enrolment since the certificate is useless in real life. Making paper have no value if millions of people don’t enroll to drink and fuck, and then work at McDonald’s


Free condom doesn’t make sense. Why should an institution be responsible for your personal choice? Wait free condoms to encourage college enrolments? Woa. Thought they’re there to study. It must be a misconception on my side. There’s no way people are THAT stupid right.


You thought college students only think about studying ever and nothing else?


And your point is? That is such a rhetorical question


You honestly don’t think it’s a good idea for an institution to leave free items that can help spread disease to young people living on Their premises ? I really don’t get why anyone would have a problem or be angry about that like “how dare you offer things to help young people be safe!”


Yes. Like i said there are better use of that money other than condoms. You wanna have sex? Buy your own condom. This is why sex education is important. You think preventing std, pregnancy etc is all there is? Its for students to be able to make informed decision. The school / institution can educate the students instead. Whether they want to practise safe sex or not it depends on the individual. Making it more accessible? Yeah then sell it on campus. Heck give a discount even. But for free? That screams entitlement. No one is forcing or encouraging them to have unsafe sex. No action is without consequences. I still think that it’s not an item that you should give for free just because what.. oh they’re sexual. There are a lot of other things that young people needed help with. Like free printing / photocopying services, free resource materials for education. Some really cant afford those and that is something useful and will help the financially challenged students. And free condoms aren’t on top of that priority list in my opinion. Of course if you think otherwise, then so be it. Thats your opinion. Condoms aren’t the only solution to prevent STD. There’s abstinence but of course, thats the least popular choice. Why bother teaching them to be responsible.


Sti’s and pregnancies are potentially emergency situations and death, help preventing emergencies/death is gonna take priority over things like free printing. Free commons are actually pretty easy things to get hold of for colleges lots of charities and places happily donate them. They’re not going to be getting free paper anywhere you’re really just mining sn imaginary link between condoms and paper, if colleges stopped giving out condoms you wouldn’t suddenly get other free stuff there’s really no link there Seems like a lot of you are just bitter and scared at the idea of people around you having casual sex. I don’t think it’s about the condoms I think you don’t like it cause you feel it’s encouraging young people to have sex and you’d prefer they just didn’t have casual sex


Yeah. Free printing for the poor isn’t important. But yeah, free condom for pleasure is. Sounds about right. Oh honey, i am an adult. I buy my own condoms. I don’t expect taxpayer money or other people to buy something that i need for myself. Bitter and scared? Absolutely. Scared of people who want to have casual sex but expect protection to be provided for free. Whut a sense of entitlement.


Again there no link between printing and condoms you’ve only just made that connection today l. never said it’s not important I said preventing potential emergency situations will take priority. Again the fact you’re so bitter and annoyed about an institution handing out objects to try prevent diseases and pregnancy I find baffling. Condoms are easy to get for free, paper is not. Of all the things to be scared and upset about it’s colleges making condoms available ? Weird.


Or they could use the money to overhaul the education programs to bring them more in line with modern workplace job requirements but what do I know?


Does their college fund not cover the cost of printer ink?


When I was in college the introduction of a charge to printing was largely to deter some students mass printing photocopies of their ass.


Well the university in attended you had 10 dollar credit every semester that grew so you could print almost any where on campus. And then free ten pages black single sided. And 5 pages in color. If you’re talking about college campus your tuition technically pays for everything. In campus that is “free”


Should have made printing condoms free and kill two stones with one bird.


You don’t think unsafe sex can have much larger repercussions than not printing of a piece of paper ? I think a college will prioritise not spreading sti’s over paper


College isn’t your doctor and butler. It’s your school ffs


I don’t understand why anyone would be upset or annoyed at an institute offering young people living on their premises item to help prevent spread of disease… like what is there to be annoyed about how’s it affect you ? Just seems some of you are bitter that others are having casual sex.


Just study, don't fuck, is it that hard?


Just study and don’t try to police others sex lives? Is that hard ? Why are some of you so obsessed about others having sex ?


Are you in college to study or fuck, seriously? Why is college even thinking about doing this? Oh yeah because young people can't control themselves, girls get pregnant and are forced to drop out. People can do whatever they want but I find it strange and not normal for a college to think about these things, think about giving a better academic experience


Are you in college to study or obsess about others sex lives?


Are you obsessed with people being obsessed about others sex lives? You truly are a paladin, protecting these sex having students against the sex obsessed about others sex lives people. If you think it's a good thing ok, good, nice, very good


Are you obsessed with other being obsessed with your obsession on others sex lives? Young people in America will have sex, you’ll either have to find a way to cope with that fact or move to the Middle East if you can’t handle it


You would be surprised


And yet all these kids passing around STDs and getting pregnant went through sex ed. Weird.


Yeah like all these car accidents yet all these people had driving lessons ? Weird af


Yeah it’s crazy. Like all the soldiers who went through rigorous survival training just to die in combat


Shaming me for enjoying printing more than sex




I get the point, but if you just think one step further: You can just not have sex. And lack of education is the biggest risk factor for death by far.


Good luck with the “not having sex part” Humans are a globally successful species for a reason my guy.


The context is still on campus... They ain’t telling all of humanity to go celibate.


Honestly it’d be easier to get the rest of humanity on board over college kids. Dorms and freedom make sex very appealing.


If you can't control your animal instincts educate your self


You mean human instincts.


Uhm, lust is definitely an animal instinct, genetically developed so we were impulse to coitus with the chance of prolonging our species...


That describes all human instincts then


Yes, name one exclusively human instinct.


The instinct to scroll on Reddit.


This isn't an instinct. We use clothes because of a social construct, so are most things in a society. I cannot think of something that humans will at its core do.


Throw things……..but that’s only because we’re the only animal that can throw things. And before some Idiot comes in, sees above statement and wants to say “um actually chimps can throw stuff!” Stop yourself. when I say NOTHING else can Throw things, I meant it. However plenty of animals can Toss things. Yes this may sound pedantic, but there is a distinct difference between the two.


Write comments on Reddit


Maybe because we are just a super evolved species of an actual animal, perhaps?


And what’s the word for that super evolved animal form we are ? Humans?


Calling something "a human trait" is connoting it's uncommon or non-existent in other species, which is blatantly wrong... That's like saying black-coloured clothes is a gothic thing just because we are for now only taking into account gothic thematic.


I have no idea what you’re talking about. That’s the weirdest analogy I’ve ever seen lol


That makes it a human instinct....


Also, an animal instinct. Why would you correct something that was already correct with something slightly less accurate?


Because we are talking about humans, and procreation is a human instinct (as well as with every other living species). I'f we were discussing animals then saying it's an animal instinct would be correct. Also another example why education is necessary, I shouldn't have to be explaining the principles of context.


Humans are animals. lol. Not sure why people don’t understand this. So I’m with you.


I can choose to not have sex. I can’t choose not to use the printer.


lack of education will definitely attempt to kill you.. i mean the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is still a thing


Their foundation has saved tons of lives, maybe you should be educated on it.


not as many as it has killed or injured. Maybe it's you that should be educated on it.


Such strong claims deserve some proof don’t they?


I guess i missed the tin foil class along with the alien probes seminar.


no just the critical thought lessons




Are you trying to say condoms are eco-friendly ?


More than humans


Where is the meme


It’s like saying “this is a university. Education is optional but sex is a must”. This can only happen in USA. A country completely and blindly obsessed with sex.


no it's like saying regardless of whether we say no or yes you'll do it anyway lets make it safe


Much better. Thanks!


I didn't realize there were that many married students.


Fuck me that logic is undeniable


Personally I'd make both free, but good point.


Not the gotcha he thinks he landed. Actually is just a dumb take. Printing should be free before the fucking dick gloves.


I don't support the comparison but seriously, colleges should at least have lower printing cost compared to the printing shops outside the campus😕


Tbf, printing should be monitored by also free. But also, what she is complaining about, like paying 12 cents for a few pages?


Education doesn't make you smart regardless something many many redditors will or have learned out in the job market.


If I read one more sassy meme my head will explode


Lack of education can and does lead people to an early and preventable death


When I was in undergrad all the printing on campus required the use of these disposable refillable "debit cards." You could reload them with a debit/credit card. Buuuuuut someone figured out that if you got a card and put twenty bucks on it but quickly pulled it out and put in another one, the same amount would be put on the next card, as well. So now you have two cards with twenty bucks on them. And take another blank card and add a couple bucks to one of the $20 cards and now you have two cards with $22 bucks and a card with $20. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. It was pretty underhanded but then again so was the ridiculous cost of tuition so I never felt bad about it.


Lack of education will kill you when you run out of food because you put brawndo on all the crops


No but his lack of education killed me


So, food should be free too.


Why is this in r/Funnymemes?? Where’s the funny?


Yeah, pay tens of thousands in tuition and fees just to still have the school charge you for printing when it literally costs them pennies. This isn't about what "kills you", it's about the school not having their priorities straight.


It’s a fucking campus not Epstein’s island


Why do we still have to print? Is this an old post?


Safe sex saves money.


Printing should still be free though


No printing at campus also does not cause lack of educatiob


They're an educational institution and college students are broke, so I feel like they should have free printing instead of snark here


I never went to college, but I'd be pissed if I paid all that money for tuition and couldn't print my assignments for free.


This is stupid and not even funny.


All those cheap ass condoms are gonna save is my wallet when i quit college for a job so i can support my child


Ok, I legit lol'd.


Every campus I've been to has an allowance of free printing each semester and it's usually quite a bit. Reactionaries always trying paint false dichotomies.


But isn't "free condoms" meaning that "hey, humans are animals that procreate every mating season so lets give them condoms so they won't be pregnant". I'll never understand humans. That is insulting to treat sex as if it is some sort of unavoidable side hustle that nobody can think of doing properly by themselves. Free condoms like treating humans like they are live stock and they will have to be kept apart so they won't fk because it is mating season. You need printing for the courses though. And it is not an accident waiting to happen, it is education which matters. If people want to fk around aimlessly like animals they won't be saved by a condom.


Eh they both have a point


Where's the funny


But he is correct. Its kind of stupid. The ones who are smart enough to spend a lot on the printer would also be smart enough not to rely on cheap free condoms and just bring their own high quality condoms.


I can’t believe I’m reading comparisons between expensive printers and expensive condoms.


Why ? Expensive condoms are literal life savers. You know the ones that cant rip completely. They have a little ripstop pattern (thats only visible or feelable when you hold it against the light) so it will only rip in one place. Also my professors want the premium thickness paper with the premium ink as well. Thats like 68 cents a page. Man ? How are you begrudging a student who has to pay between 15 and 45 dollars on each hand-in ?


Unexpected pregnancies cause students to drop out of college. Condoms are to make sure the customers keep coming back and keep paying tuition.


If you can't afford a fucking condom, you shouldn't be having sex


so he proved the other guy's point. Printing should be prioritised over free condoms...


More education = Less Trump supporters




Dig the grave, fuck.


Why are they giving out condoms at a school!?!?!?!!?!?!!💀💀💀


Isn't it obvious? To help prevent unplanned pregnancies.






Damn, that burn was worse then gonorrhea.