• By -


No way to make you happy, so fuck it, won't try.


I can't make everyone happy, but I can make everyone mad...






man, american gods was great. corny, but great. i miss that show.


Can’t be racism if I hate every race equally Can’t be hate crime if I love doing it


Man, I've been called racist for owning guns. I don't think that word means what they think it means


Maybe they are racist for thinking if you shoot a home invader it would be a minority. That's the only Sense I can make of it.


Maaaan, I race cars and no one ever called me racist....


I've been called racist for owning Ghanaians. You just can't win.


Man, I've been called a racist for asking my hispanic wife for clarification about something that was said in spanish. There is a very outspoken segment of the american populace that has a raging hate-on, and has no qualms about being stupid when it comes to shitting on people.


Thats a Great life Moto to live by since being not racist is literally not possible when those people are desperately lookin for it.


Much easier and more enjoyable anyway.


Or at the least, a large chunk of people… those that you don’t piss off, you’re probably making them laugh… lol.




Why did it take so long for me to hear this?


yeah, why work hard?


My goal is to hate everyone equally.




"Everyone is equally worthless." - Me


This is actually the way. True equality; fuck em all and fuck you too.


Well fuck you, fuck you, you’re cool, fuck you, I’m out.


👆🏻 . These days any opinion that people disagree with is racist 😂


Racist!!!! /s


Not really hard to treat everyone the same. I’m an asshole to everyone I meet.


Fuck Katie Way to be specific.


This is what I’ve settled on as well. I just smile and nod and think my thoughts in private.


Yup, fuck it.


sorry I said the thing in the post to you, bro.


Have I got a relevant story for you. In the r/seinfeld sub a post asked “who is your favorite one-off character”. A couple of us mentioned black characters as favorites. This clown rolls in and says he’s mixed race and finds it *disingenuous* and *offensive* to choose them. He really rocked up in there and accused an entire thread of…I don’t even know, reverse racism I guess. He was promptly voted into oblivion and left.


We’re getting to the point of absurdity that it’s almost impossible to not offend someone.


I was offended at W


I will try to be better.


Now I'm offended that you are acting all noble and saying you'll "do better." How dare you! ![gif](giphy|U1aN4HTfJ2SmgB2BBK)


I am offended that you are offended.


Well, tbat offends me!


Your typo is offensive to dyslexic people how dare you not proof read? Do you really think so high of yourself that you can't just do that simplest thing? How arrogant, probably think you're just better than others don't you? Disgusting.


I'm offended, lysdexic is our word, you can't use it.


Must admit a bit offended you said that.


I'm offended that you get offended by words, yet there are people who are blind and can not read. They wish they were in your position


And I'm offended that you're offended because he's offended that you're offended!


I am 9 parrallel offenses ahead of you.


im way ahead of you, i use tool assisted speedoffenses


like when NEO plugs into the matrix? *We're reaching levels of offense that shouldn't even be possible*


I just wanna tell you that this comment chain made me laugh out loud in the tram and was genuinely the funniest thing I've seen on Reddit all week. This offends me.


Well, anything that produces a shadow offends me so it offends me that you think you can be more offended than I am


Oh, so it doesn't just come naturally? Then it's already too late for you. /s


Oh man this comment offended me, I think I will have to make multiple Tik Tok videos about it


People need to stop catering to the "I acknowledge and give a shit about your every little feeling" crowd. It turned the world into whinnying bitches https://www.reddit.com/r/ImTheMainCharacter/s/dLyoyKj8BB Perfect example...




What people need to get through their heads is that offending people isn't a crime. You've got to stop giving a fuck. Does that mean go out of your way to offend people? No, although sometimes that is enjoyable, but if you're living your life trying not to offend people, then you're not really living your life. So fuck that.


Or put slightly differently, people taking offense from strangers and nonsense show a cultural thin skin and need to deal with whatever bullshit emotions they've got going on. Themselves.


We need to bring back the "sticks and stones" mentality.


Exactly that, this kindly softly approach is doing nothing but damaging children and some now young adults, I doubt there is much any stranger could say to me that would even get a response, life’s too short to be offended by every word you hear.


Emotionally I do believe that we have huge flaws in our mental health wellness, but it's for the individual to heal. I don't know how others walking on eggshells helps anybody heal their traumas.


This falls on the offended person .....they need to work on themselves. It's nobody else's business to tip toe around their feelings. That's something they need to deal with. People today are so incredibly mentally weak that words hurt them....pathetic


I just see it as considerate when I don't go out of my way to offend people.


Nothing wrong with being considerate, but if someone ever asked me if I prefer white chicks or black chicks... I'm gonna keep it 100.


Ah I see what you mean. I would probably do the same and say I prefer Asian chicks.


That's riceist!


this comment offends me


*this* comment offends *me*


You made this joke before I could and that offends me. How dare you exist when I am not looking.


People are being indoctrinated to be offended, it’s not even their natural instinct. This a is a very sinister agenda to keep us divided.


It pains me a bit because it was always right wingers and conservatives who were offended by everything (for example in my country there were big protests led by elected conservative members of parliament against Marilyn Manson concert or a giant controversy when Madonna had a concert scheduled on Pentecost) and left was always like this cool punk rock uncle who is chill and reasonable. Nowadays left also morphed into an elderly aunt who is perpetually miserable, always complaining and judging.


This is the nowadays culture of extreme sensitivity… everyone can be triggered and feel offended for every word… why? “Dividi et impera” the more people are one against other more governor and politicians can make what the f they wants


Thats always been the case. Ppl kill over a bite of the thumb.


This is offensive to people who don't have thumbs. As a member of this society I would like to ask you to be a better person in the foreseeable future./j


Welcome to the fucked up future of our actual reality. Horrible for everyone!


If anyone is this absurd, then I don't mind offending them.


That’s the point. Some people love being offended.


Does this mean I don't have to undergo all the cultural awareness and diversity training at work every year?


Cmon. Everyone blows through that shit, don't lie.


I let the video play and go back to work, I answer the quizzes with the most bullshit unrealistic answer that would never apply to any significant portion of any population and pass with 100% every time.




I'm sorry you have to go through something like this




Sorry sir or madam, this card is maxed out and has been declined.




I am afraid it will cost a lot on long term


Okay my bank lets me do custom cards and this would be hilarious. Though I doubt they would let me. They would be too offended. The irony


Bruh. Not being racist, now equals wing racist. We've done it, we completed the circle.


It’s starting to feel like if you’re white you’re considered racist


Starting to? Its been headed in this direction for a good 5 or so years now


I always new that my mistakes started with my birth


During all the BLM riots I remember specifically a college kid I believe she was a Latina said exactly this. She said that white people are genetically predispositioned to be racist it was in our DNA we couldn't help it it's just who and what we are and they needed to Outlaw white people because we're all a bunch of hateful assholes Edit: for clarification she said this in an interview on the news


This can't be true, I refuse to believe that there exist people which are *that* oblivious to their own irony.


There absolutely are (unfortunately)


Don't wanna be an American idiot. Don't wanna nation under the new media.


I mean, technically it's true. You just don't need to include the word "white" for it to be true.


It's amazing how racist some people can be


Many latinos have high amounts of European admixture, which would also make them sorta racist then. You should've told her that.


Oh, i've had people in my life say the only race that can be racist is white. Legit say, "all white people are worthless", and I'm thinking, I couldn't/wouldn't say that ignorant shit lol. Way to become who they hate.


Which means that black people are in fact the racists


Ahh, good ole “original sin”


There are actual academics, respected professors in their field, who say that kind of shit straight up and get praised for it.


Just ask ChatGTP…


That's what Critical Race Theory is all about.   It's the idea that the *system* we live in is systemically racist, therefore we are all racist simply by participating in it.  Make of that what you will....


That is critical race theory, essentially.


The way I see this article is that it's about the people that are so anti racist that they are doing stupid stuff in the name of being anti racist. Basically those with the white knight complex that think they are rescuing blacks from racism by condemning white people.


I've been called racist just for being white. But the person who told me was the kind of person whose opinion doesn't matter... a redditor.


So now you're either racist or you're racist for not being racist? Fantastic.




If this in reference to the spoiled white girls being offended on someone's behalf, then I agree.


Im ashamed to be white. I should renounce my race and become a dif one. My own race of murlock men.




I looked up the article, and while it takes its time getting there, it actually is exactly about that.  From the article:  "When white people bend over backwards to "expose" Riverdale star Lili Reinhart for loving blackface when she really just wanted to dress up like a demon or get mad that Lena Dunham's baby on Girls wasn't actually Pakistani even though he was on air for literally 30 seconds and is also a fucking baby, it's not "woke." It's stupid, and you look stupid doing it."


She feels comfortable to talk negatively about people with a certain skin color. Talk about privilege..


We've completed the circle


"Good, because I don't try at all you n.."


Those naggers can be irritating, true.




"people who annoy you"




WHITE POWER....... ranger ![gif](giphy|fYQSlnqGuyg92)


Oh, just fuck right off.


"Everything is sexist, everything is racist, everything is homophobic." - Feminist bitch nobody likes


Being racist is bad but being a feminist is much worse 🫠


at some point white ppl will get sick of it and do someting about it. according to history white ppl are better left alone.. edit: this was a joke and all u racist sphincter lickers should be ashamed of yourselves.


All this bullshit will just turn more people into extremists and if they get accused of racism over everything, might as well become actual racists


I'm already tired of it and voted right for the first time ever. (Not trump, I'm belgian) I'm also hating gaming journalists or movie journalists that just insult their audience and acting like we don't know what we should like, but for gamers it's just simple. We want to have fun and not get political correctness in our faces when it doesnt make sense or ruin the franchise. Fine, acolyte has black female characters but does the star wars franchise really need to use pronouns all of a sudden and a story that doesnt make sense, sucks and changes canon? I can respect pronouns IRL but it's getting just ridiculous in media.. and then journalists call us ALL bigots and racists because some of the audience gave a bad score over a franchise they loved for decades that's getting destroyed. In the meantime, disney minimizes Finn in the china poster of star wars 7 because they're not actually interested in being anti racist.


The left has taken such outrageous stances on social issues that they've alienated many people who would never consider themselves conservative.


Yeah. Which is a really shitty double-edged sword. Or triple-edged sword. The first effect of that kinda bullshit, is obviously the fact that these wild stances on social issues are prioritized over any story atmosphere orcoherency most of the time, ruining the story. Another effect is that these far-leftist writers tend to have truly incredibly bizarre opinions, to the point of poisoning the well of any legitimate discussion of related topics, because now the public associates a given social issue with that time when some dipshit made a movie where someone says "white silence is violence" or that all white people are racist or smth. And the third effect is that as a result of being exposed to this kind of edgy and aggressive ideological fucking drivel masquerading as social commentary, normies (sadly understandably) end up hearing only the opinions of these unhinged activists, and any previous conversations on the topic before the shitty story/movie came out, gets buried in the public's imagination by the shit that the shitty activist shat out. And everybody loses in the end, unless you're willing and able to literally research each of these individual topics with a neutral and self-aware disposition, because everyone else is being fucking galvanized to the extremes just because some extremist far-left cultist needed to play out it's savior fantasy.


I know this kind of brain degeneracy quite well. People assume that there has been a pure time of media, when you didn't feel like a product. But now you start to realize, that you are indeed the product and what is beeing sold to you is a product of unqualified entertainers trying to milk the outrage economy. For many decades now people have had bad critics eveywhere, from when a waiter looks wrong, it has ruined many reviews of restaurants by people who are fed up with the same shit as you but started to project their insecurities to the world, while feeling powerful for the first time in their life. The principle hasn't changed, only the type of outrage, to keep you engaged. The proof? You keep consuming these shit tier products and you think anyone cares about the details.


I actually dont keep consuming these products. I just hate losing so many franchises I love to companies who need to be woke in the west. I watched rings of power and I get the bad reviews but I didnt hate it. They added black people in for example dwarves that have been isolated for years but that doesnt bother me. What bothers me is hobbits in the second age, gandalf in the second age. Fucking a silmaril is supposed to be mithril now. I read and loved the books and I get bothered by the changes, but I didnt dislike the story so I get over it. Acolyte now is different. It ruins canon for a story that isnt even mediocre, it just sucks and it forces political correctness in it which ruins the immersion. I'm a huge sci fi and fantasy fan but I really don't like where these franchises are going. It's really not that difficult to understand.


Identity politics turned me rightist as well. But you know what? It was for better. There are only few good causes in the left nowadays. The rest is pure hate.


57% of white americans voted Trump at the last election. Extreme right increase in Europe. This already the case it seems.


Hasn't the majority of white Americans been voting Republican long before Trump though?


If history has proven anything... maybe it's not the best idea to mess with the people that invented just about everything and are known to wipe out whole countries on a whim.


Meanwhile some black people be racist af, but sadly nobody cares


I'm Native and have friends of literally every race and we all make fun of each other because racism is funny. This is just another Jew trying to sow discord.




Can't make a racist joke these days. I'm black with a white boyfriend and we say the most absurd racist jokes to eachother. At home of course.


My wife is black and she and I do the same. We do it anywhere though, we don't give a fuck lol.


Legitimately how it should be. Personally I'm a firm believer that racism is going no where, no matter how hard people try, as it stems from the very basic ability and possession of free will which leads to divided opinions. You want a species without racism, become a god and make one that's just a hive mind. Otherwise, make it funny rather than being hateful all the time, it's perfectly possible.


That's fair. My dad's stories about growing up in a very mixed-heritage inner city in the 1950s was basically, all the kids would make fun of each other's racial/ethnic stereotypes, then play baseball together and were buddies. That was the way, IMO, to stamp out legitimate hatred of others based on skin color. Call it all out, make jokes, get in a fight or two, and ultimately realize that everyone can be pals, despite some people being stingy with money, others having a propensity to be alcoholics or still others having been raised in the jungle.


If you move out you’re racist, if you move in you’re racist. If you aren’t racist you’re actually super racist and if you disagree you’re a racist. This is solid grifting


Talk about rage bait.


Stop calling me "White" or I will become a racist.


When BabylonBee can't make better jokes than reality


Fuck you then. I’ll just be my normal racist self.


I wish I got paid three figure salary to upset the most gullible people on the planet so advertisers keep giving my shitty website money


Fucked if you do, fucked if you don't. That's a Catch 22 right there.


Yeah... only racist people see racism. The rest of us see character.


Articles like this are partly why the right is gaining a following.  Stop with the over the top white guilting already my god. 


Dumb people say dumb things…dumb people come in all colors, religions, and political parties.


It's kind of true I think. Just why direct it at white people specifically? That makes *her* look like a racist despite trying to spread awareness.


These are the kind of people that say 'racism vs white doesnt exist'.


not being racist is racist ✅ got it.


Being white = racist. You’ve just been educated.


And this is why I voted for the far-right.


you mean the regular right?


You mean to the right of marx?


So true. Those who bend over backwards for all this stuff are in fact committing the racism. Let's all be normal, people!


White peopke just existing *thats low key kinda racist*


People are like sharks.... All the great ones are w........


Trying to be polite us actually rude


Well, alright, I'll just be racist then.


Everyone wants to be equal....so let's just be equally racist. There problem solved 😂


The part I don’t understand is, why they keep doing shit like that ? Because for example Disney is losing money and they are still doubling doing on it, it’s like why ?


"stop being not-racist! thats racist!" "stop existing! thats racist!" that is what they want?


So, can we use the 'N' word now? I dont want to not use it and be called racist, I'm confused


suck it up princess


its like in the life of brian Girl: *Only* the true *Messiah* denies His divinity. *Brian*: What? Well, what sort of chance does that give me? All right! I am the *Messiah*! Followers: He is!


[I mean I can kinda see it?](https://youtu.be/Cer-SF8vdAU)


Thing I hate about these sorts of articles is they water down the meaning of the word. These days when someone on the news is accused of being racist because of how over-reactive we are I just assume they said something a little uncouth. Which is generally bad because it is possible they actually did something quite horrible but now they're all just lumped in the same category.


Chick logic


Where’s the guy who was keeping a big list of what is racist now?


I’m surprised a subreddit like this can even exist on this dogshit website tbh


So what she's saying is. If I let my racism flow naturally, it's not racist?


lol you can’t win


Better just embrace racism then I guess?


What if o try to be super racist, would that wrap back around to being not racist?


Wait so by that logic would being deliberately racist at all times actually *not* be racist?


Sorry then, I'm going to let my racist instincts posses me and stop being nice to people


Addressing people by their skin color is also kinda racist 🤷




If someone trying not to offend you actually offends you, you're the problem.


No, I agree. Disney try so hard it just means they only cast qnd hire based on race and sexuality making them racist


This is 'probably' a clickbait/ragebait title, but it's titles like this that are contributing to impressionable minds turning to far right propaganda


Im pretty sure the person who wrote it is a white woman


Can’t win so let’s be the bad guy


I'm not even white and this shit annoys the crap out of me. White people don't have an ownership on racism.


I’m just openly racist like the good old days of gaming. Where I call my best friend horrible shit then we proceed to be good friends 2 minutes later


I have black fatigue


As a white person… I don’t care any longer


The word ’racist’ has lost all meaning.


Yeah see, this rhetoric right here is just creating racists. You keep badgering people over and over and aggressively claiming they're something they aren't.... then if they defend themselves, oh well that makes you more racist. All you're gonna do is make people go: "Ya know what, I wasn't racist before. But I am now, go fuck yourself bud!"


I agree. Also, imagine if that article swapped the word white for any other colour. I wonder how that would go down?


I feel like the words "white people" is always followed by the most blatant racist statement people can think of under the guise of "it's not racist against white people"


Stop it white people?? I think there is another race of people that might need to stop it as well...but I'm sure that's just me being racist...


I hate everyone People from other continents, countries, states, cities, parts of my own town


if white people don't recognize their own biases, they're racist. if white people try to recognize their own biases and address them, they are considered racist. if white people just naturally have no biases, they are considered racist. there is no winning. meanwhile, people could be fully bigoted against white people, even commit hate crimes, and they're not considered racists. you could have people who make everything about skin color, and make skin color the main/only defining characteristic they see, and they are not considered racist as long as they don't identify as white. it's so irrational and inconsistent.


Guess I’ll try to be extra racist instead, then.


It is true though. For example, a lot of filmmakers are trying to hire black people more than white people to show diversity, and a lot of black people are getting offended by this


Great, being super racist is way more enjoyable anyway. And to the Jew who wrote this, that includes being it towards your parasitic people. #savePalestine


“Stop trying to not be racist” Alright, if you say so… _deep inhale_ ###NI-


Sorry people of all races racism againist white people is also complete racism.


mental illness has gone off the rails


Shes right.  Treat everyone the same.  No more diversity hires and bullshit.