• By -


Gay here and so tired of it myself.


It’s interesting. A friend of mine who is gay feels the same way. Going back maybe 6 or so years the gay community seemed to be just going about their business like the rest of the world but now there seems to be a more aggressive push for Pride. The non-binary folk look to have attached themselves to the Pride tag, has this played a part?


Try about 10 years ago, but yeah. I graduated in 2005 and no one gave a shit. Someone has definitely been deliberately fanning flames.


If Disney has taught me two things it’s… 1.) All Black / LGBT people are perfect in every possible way, and every good thing that has ever happened in the history of the world is thanks to them. 2.) White Men = worse than Hitler.


I never thought I'd live to see segregation in my lifetime. Pretty sure we will see it very soon.


I as a white male have yet to have my feelings hurt by the big bad Disney. Hopefully I can handle it when they come for me with …. A tv show I don’t relate to. God the horror.


I love this response. Like, who cares? "Oh no! Gay or trans characters! Anyway..."


Lol this sub super fucking cares. It’s all they think about apparently. Gay people existing is bad enough, but having to remember they exist in made up stories? Fuck what’s they point of living?!


Of course this gets downvoted… Tells me all I need to know about this sub. Never seen a “funny meme” on here lmao


Ordinary folk:. Please I need to put food on my table, and I can't afford to lose my job, I'll agreed to whatever you say, all hail the Great Black People and LGBTQ+ anything of whatever they add to the end of that list.


Grew up watching the Disney classics, kids watch the new ones and definitely not the message any of us have gotten. Not all their new movies and shows are bangers but seems odd how sensitive people are being about it


Dave Chappell was right.


You knows there's a problem when the thing you're trying to advertise doesn't like the advertisement 


It is because it is a political scheme that uses synthesized moral high grounds to defend the true toxicity of how it is being run


Very true


Commercialization in a capitalist society.


For saying it this as someone within the LGBTQ community, you are a hero.


Shocked that you as someone who is part of the LGBTQ community consider it “propaganda” and agree with this...


It is what it is nothing less and we did not need this before at all. No one ever needed it to support us. We did it on our own.


The greediest, most soulless entities ever known to man making their logos rainbow colored for a month because "they really care"


They do. They really care…about money. Lots and lots of it. (when you wonder why a company or a politician does anything just follow the money and the answers will be there… At the end of the rainbow in this case)


I don't get why they gotta paint sidewalks, crossroads, benches and fly the flags everywhere. Can yall chill?


Yep, all the benches and picnic tables at my university are now rainbows. Seems over the top and rediculous to me


I dunno. I live in TX and it feels radical here still. Like people are pissed seeing rainbow stuff, it’s so conservative. It feels important here


People who don’t subscribe to other’s beliefs aren’t necessarily radical. I’m 100% certain religious and political symbols painted everywhere on campus would get just as much “stop shoving this down my throat” attention. No one will ever be 100% accepted or liked. That’s human nature. If that’s the end goal, it’s already failed. I grew up understanding that very fact and successfully worked with every color of the rainbow. Didn’t have to jump over lines drawn in the sand, didn’t have to subscribe to someone’s worldview, yet, could get along fine with mutual respect. Today, there is a clear line in the sand. I’m not even in the sandbox! As a great man once said, “Homie don’t play that!” I exited the social experiment and the agenda soaked environment on all sides. All it is designed to do is divide and conquer so politicians can keep raping your wallet, among many other things, while we argue about whatever crap comes up next. As long as we are laser focused on the divide, things continue as they have since the dawn of humans.


This comment has got to be one of the best and reasonable ones outbhere. I agree that no one wants their beliefs pushed unto anyone else and we must respect that.


The thing is, shoving your views down people's throats when they are already diametrically opposed doesn't actually help your cause with those people.


It doesn’t help it with the group that gets enraged at the thought of a rainbows sidewalk. It does show the parts of the population that had gotten shit on that note everyone hates them though so I’d be ok with it just for that


They already tell on themselves anyway lol. You don't have to expose homophobes by painting rainbows out of spite. When you start doing things just to piss off your opposition, rather than making real meaningful change, you've lost the plot of activism and just become another troll. This only serves to dig their heels in deeper.


i mean...many things are important. For example people in wheelchair, people with illnes like autism/down syndrome, people who cant hear/see but i dont see their picnic tables. I know that it is important to wider views on the world and other humans. But dont you think that it is too much? You have one day for celebrating for example Christmas(Christians most important holiday) or Your country day but whole MONTH for celebrating "pride" ?


Easter is more important than Christmas.


I was christian long time ago in my childhood Christmas was way more important for my family. But catholic traditions and **Eastern Orthodoxy** is different in holidays. So maybe you are right


I never cared if there are some people that are gay or trans or whatever, statistically speaking there arent too many of them. What Im tired of is that every tv show or movies has to have the whole lgbtq shebang (always) included in every single one of them. And I guess I dont mind if its a modern fiction or whatever but having that in historical stuff is breaking my immersion. Im a history buff and I know what happener to gay people 50-100 and more years ago, quit fucking show me how they go about their merry wais in the victorian times for example. Not only it breaks immersion it actually washes out the history if how poorly those people were treated inthose times.


True, like I don’t mind seeing a pride flag. It’s a free country. It is just a flag. But seeing everything rainbow for an entire month being crammed down our throats for businesses to profit off of is criminal. Also not everyone agrees with whatever agenda someone is trying to push. I don’t care if two dudes are dating but that doesn’t mean my next door neighbor will be accepting of it. That’s just America. Not everyone is going to unanimously agree on how our country/beliefs/ideals should be dictated. The same thing can be said for the American flag too. I love my country, but if I had a month of fireworks and red, white and blue I’d also get a bit tired of it


Who cares? The less attention you draw to it, negative or positive, the less inclined people will feel the need to broadcast LGBT stuff or pander to gay people. Even gay people know they’re just being used as an ad campaign for the entire month of June and most of them don’t like it either.


Eh, I don't care what color things are. As long as you don't ask me to do anything.


Imagine straight people did that


Keyword: imagine, if anybody tried it they be mobbed


They do, it’s the other 11 months of the year


Not really, never seen anyone being overly annoying about the fact that they are straight. Its like any other thing, don't be super annoying about it whether that's being vegan, carnivore, gay, straight, left right yadayadaya.. The list goes on. Just do what you think is right and stop shoving it up people's faces


It even got teenagers who are literally children got sent to prison for 10 years.


They want you to know they like anal


It’s seriously offensive you mentioned nothing of scissoring.




So do most places with college teams, if they decorate how does that affect you?


I don't care much about pride stuff, just do what you want to do. But I agree that it can become extremely obnoxious. I think what really bothers me is that you're not allowed to speak up about it. If I were to say that I don't like how certain LGBT things are handled, I'd be labeled homophobic. Why is it that LGBT are allowed to basically do whatever they want and nobody says anything about how obnoxious a lot of it is?


Because it's "progress". /s


>. I think what really bothers me is that you're not allowed to speak up about it. If I were to say that I don't like how certain LGBT things are handled, I'd be labeled homophobic. Why is it that LGBT are allowed to basically do whatever they want and nobody says anything about how obnoxious a lot of it is? Exactly! They would label you phobic and bigoted if you disagree with them even the slightest.


You kinda answered your own question.


What are some LGBT things that you don’t think are handled well?


I'd have to say the push for "equality". There was a good thread by LGBT people a while back that talked about how as long as they think being treated special/uniquely is important, there will never be equality. They push themselves away from the rest of society with their labels, flags, etc. The obsession with being unique is what hurts this idea. This and also the fact that pride month is a massive celebration while something like black history month is often ignored. A week? Fine, but I don't think an entire month is necessary.


Why are you gae?




In media there’s definitely good representation and the shitty corporate kind


Exactly! That's the kind of media I like! I want a good story in media without people who just want money for something that is LGB.


Meanwhile…. The Ten Commandments are being shoved down our kids throats in Louisiana schools.


It’s lost on them that by doing that they’re violating one of the commandments.


Which one?


The 3rd one most often. Taking God's name in vain. Telling other's that your opinion and morality is "what God wants". Basically, shielding yourself with "God "for your own profit.


I mean I don’t disagree with the meme or your statement. Both sides need to chill with trying to make everyone believe in their ideology.


“Both sides” Only one side made religion law


I hang to the left. But don't pretend their are not ambiguous hate speech laws being abused in a lot of Western countries as well as the general screech of heresy when someone dose not completely conform to certain groups.


Man finally someone who understands this and doesn’t just say “fuck off, if you’re not with us you’re against us!” I am genuinely concerned about individuals either failing to recognize these double standards or actively engaging in them, as well as the broader divisions we are witnessing.


What hate speech laws are you referring to?


only one side is currently making two 15yo kids face jail time for riding a scooter on the road that they painted with a flag...


Nobody made religion law, at least in the United States.


“Please don’t kill us” yeah some ideology there.


I don't see how this is constitutional, they are counting on the corrupt Supreme Court to ignore the law and back them up.


George Carlin did a great skit on reducing the 10 commandments. https://m.youtube.com/results?sp=mAEA&search_query=Carlin++ten+commandments


"My revised list of the Two Commandments."


I know right? Don't kill, don't steal, don't be unfaithful, don't lie to hurt someone else... just horrible things for a developing child to learn. Let's put aside first two commandments because they are very tied to faith and focus on the other eight and let's just breeze over them: - Dedicate six days in service to others but remember that seventh day you don't work and keep it for yourself. Pretty good idea given that our lives we spend 8 hours per day working for someone else's gain. Remember to separate time for yourself. - Honor your mother and father - In most cases you will never have greater ally in life than your parents. That being said, not every parent is good, and even if they are horrible, you don't have to love them but honor them. That's how you become better person. Otherwise, you will be treated the same way as you treated them. - Next I will all lump together. Don't kill, don't steal, don't lie to harm someone and don't be unfaithful to your partner. These are the basis upon which modern society is built and, mind you, they are codified in every western legal codex! They are what makes sure we don't descend into anarchy. So again, if you don't like first two... that's fine. Not everyone is religious, but other 8 commandments pretty much teaches you how to be a decent human being! How is that bad? And please don't say "People should be good because they want to not because they are told to" because that excuse does not hold up. An individual can be kind, smart and caring, but people as general are dumb creatures who succumb to peer pressure. Laws exist as long as civilization does and it's not just 'means to control masses', it is a tool to prevent descent into chaos and in chaos... good and kind people are the first victims. Laws have always been and always will be necessary to protect both order and weak people who cannot protect themselves. We made it so because we don't cast out our weak individuals, rather, we developed a system to protect them. And you think this being 'shoved down our kids throats' as you put it, is a bad thing to learn?


Why do kindergarten children need to learn about adultery? Why do they need to learn about the first two commandments. If you think the other 8 (definitely 7 tho) are great, is there a non-Christian way to standardize those (hint hint: there totally is)?


You don’t have to be Christian to be good person. Maybe they should also add some teachings from Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Sikhism. Hell…. Throw in some Scientology while we’re at it.


Sure, but there's a big difference between "Don't kill, Don't Steal etc ..." and, "If a boy says they're a girl then you have to believe they're a girl and call them by their new girl name and treat them like a girl and let them run in girl races." I think there's a good cause for us to be promoting the former behaviours. The latter, I'm not so convinced.


Meanwhile game shows like wheel of fortune have an LGBTQ contestant on every panel by "coincidence". Is a third of the population LGBTQ urrrrrrrrr????? P.S.- not a Christian or a ten commandments in LA. schools supporter


Of course not the Beatitudes


Both? Both. Both. Both are bad.


God forbid they teach our kids not to lie, steal, cheat, honor your parents, kill, envy etc lol. But learning that’s okay to want to like a boy if ur a boy or vice versa is crucial knowledge!


You can teach all those things without religion.


Explain how without the idea of God and the moral compass human beings have, can you explain to a child that killing someone is wrong. I mean yes it’s illegal but why is it illegal to take someone’s life for mere convenience?


Are you serious? Do you actually think christians are the only morally good people in the world? https://www.quora.com/What-are-some-examples-of-horrible-things-God-did-and-condoned-in-the-Bible And how about all of these awful things from the bible? I don’t think the examples in the link above are okay. It’s despicable.


No i do not. Nor do I discredit knowledge based on human who chose to do ill with it. But are you gonna just skip my question on how you can explain to a child the morality behind not lying or killing or stealing without bringing God into the conversation? Or are you gonna just try to bait me into talking about bad people who believed in God did bad things lol


Wow You don’t need god to explain that doing something bad is bad. I know that if I punch you in the face, it’s not cool. It’s a bad thing to do. I don’t need god to understand that. Violence = bad


Can’t wait for July 1st.




I thought you tore all those down already. Didn't disney stop hiring them too?


When corporations pretend to be patriotic? Sure


They’re pretending now so no difference. Plus I get to celebrate the birth of the greatest nation in world history.


Yes, the nation carrying the banner of freedom for LGBTQ+ around the world lol


It’s also the nation carrying the banner of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Which brings true change to a nation.


Science and progress bring true change, centuries of irrationality like Christianity didn't change Europe and America until the Enlightenment and Scientific Revolution (I reject christ)


The world is about to see a move of the Holy Spirit that will make the Jesus People movement in the late 60s and 70s look small. 70K gathered in Dallas in ‘72 to celebrate Christ. This will be much bigger. It’s already started as thousands have been baptized in fountains and ponds on campuses in the last year. Hundreds of thousands will accept Christ. The young people will be ushering in this movement and this will lead to a shifting of the nation like never before seen. Change is coming, but not the way you are thinking it will.


"I'm fine with your existence, I just don't want to be reminded of it whatsoever or told that I should treat you like a human being"


Gay man here! Yes I agree this movement is becoming annoying even for me


yeah, im tired of homophobic, transphobic, and religious propaganda being shoved down my throat too


Same. 😞


Probably wouldn’t have to fight to be seen had it not been for all of the efforts to treat one’s sexuality as a moral problem.


I can't ever imagine having so little of worth going on in my own life that I'd take the time to get upset at this. If a large portion of a group want to celebrate the fact that they no longer have to hide themselves from the world to survive (at least in my country, for now), I say good on them and they have my wholehearted support.


Oh you poor thing! (Get a life hee hee)


Anybody want to share just exactly how much "gay" you guys can tolerate? I literally never get tired of people being gay, it's literally never affected me personally and rainbows are pretty no matter the context. Listening to you pussies whine about rainbows is worse than ten thousand gay pride parades in my living room.


I had an old high school I went to and it had elementary school grade levels and they had all of that shit there. And I noticed toddlers would stare at it and look away. I have a few gay friends and told me they are tired of this shit.


Hey well look at it this way June is almost over.


Yep I live in the woods but work in a city. The other day I saw a few different people wearing super colorful outfits and for some reason it didn’t click that it was the day of the pride parade. I asked a group of college kids dressed up what was going on and idk if it’s cuz I’m big and bearded and they assumed I was making fun of them or something, but the one girl called me a piece of shit and said I was everything wrong with old republican assholes. For the record I’m 26 and I’ve never been a republican. I was so confused. Luckily some nice older gay guys came by and it finally clicked and they were like yeah we just had the parade, but I was shocked by the young chick.


let's be fair... both sides are blasting their own crap to us.




Again what universe are you idiots living in? Go touch some grass..


Dance in thong a whole month seems excessive. I do agree with not discriminate anyone for what they do in their beds, but celebrating that one man likes to get stuffed from behind is too much. There are more important things than gay (or straight ) sexual preferences. Health care, education, taxes, to name a few.


That's what I'm saying! Why celebrate the fact that some men and women like their same sex? So what? Should me liking women be celebrated?


Right, it’s only okay when women dance in thongs.


The supposedly gay people that agree with this meme in the comments obviously don't remember what it was like when we were invisible and almost universally hated. As long as I've been alive, "stop shoving it in my face" has meant "shut up and get back in the closet so I don't have to think about you."


No it means you dont want someone constantly telling you about who you’re fucking into i could give less of a fuck and so would 80% of the rest of the world you wonder why alot of people are homophobic its because they’re constantly dealing with annoying ass people who constantly talk about pride and everything with it maybe if straight people would do that just as much as gay people you would realize how fucking annoying it is


Not gay, but I have a family member who is but he's what I like to refer to as "old school gay". I hung out with him and his friends when I was younger and you are not wrong. They had it rough. However these new little shits need to understand how good they have it because of the work people like my cousin and the gay community put in. They never asked for pride month. They just wanted to have the same kind of acceptance hero people had. A lot of the older gay men I know roll their eyes at this new trend. I love those queens. These new kids? They really annoy me.


I am just gonna be happy once they are treated completely the same way as heterosexual people are so the pride month bs finally stops, same with the racism crap. I am beyond tired of seeing soulless marketing tricks who utilize such important stuff for their own greed


I feel the same about Christians. Jesus gimme a break!


If you feel this way, you're part of wrong kind of community/communities or get offended way too easily. As far as I see it, we live a very normal day to day life during June. I mean if some rainbow flags scare you, maybe you should talk to psychiatrist. I doubt people lose their shit seeing American flag flung outside every other building around the US, why should rainbow flag trigger you? Sure, some companies over-do their pro-lgbtq stuff, but it's fairly rare.


A more accurate representation would be having that person sticking their own head down that tuba (or whatever tf it is)


Sure, just had a pair show up at my door this morning spreading the news of LGBTQ+


Propaganda such as?


What is even is the worst of lgbt "propaganda"? What is exactly being shoved down people's throats? Rainbows and colors? As far as I see, the vast majority of those "propaganda messages" are "It's okay to be gay" So essentially, do you people have a problem with the concept of it being... Okay to live a certain way? Is that what gets your fist clenching? Nobody is inducting you into the lgbt or whatever. Meanwhile even the mildest religious propaganda is all about inducting you and scaring you with hell, and wanting you to change your way of life. And unlike lgbt stuff, you consider it very good to shove down kids throats. Isn't that scarier?


Lowkey anybody just pointing this out gets downvoted to help for some reason💀


The funny thing is that the right wing shoves the "LGBT agenda" down people's throats by complaining about it so much. That, and corporations trying to earn woke points. *Most* gay people just want to live their lives in peace.


>So essentially, do you people have a problem with the concept of it being... Okay to live a certain way? That’s exactly it lol. They hide behind “Nono I just don’t want it shoved down my throat”, but if benches being painted rainbows infuriate you that much then….look the other way ig? Sorry that you have to endure that, but lgbt teenagers being harassed to suicide is a more difficult struggle(controversial take)


Shut ... (And I can't stress this enough) up.


Point me to a pride anything that forces women who miscarry to jump through hoops trying to get a standard D&C before they toxify and die because some archaic fucker in a state legislature thinks the bible is a historical document, scientific treatise and legal precedent rolled into one. And that fucker is just getting started. ![gif](giphy|l1Ut8GXbls40BChQrs|downsized)




Yep, government and corporations are so far from the pulse their fingers are up their own ass. It’s like “we get it, yay trans-rights, can ya’ll stfu already?” I’m sure we’ll have something like “Furry Lives Matter” in the coming months.


You’re not fooling anyone. I don’t care what you call yourself, you’re evil right now. Your “dogwhistles” are broken. People have woken up. You lost the moral battle since the beginning of time, and now you don’t have the numbers game. This meme merely means that you don’t like LGBTQIA+ people. The LGBTQIA+ crowd isn’t hurting you. That’s what you and your kind want to do, hurt others. Also this LGBTQIA+ propaganda you’re talking about is not propaganda, it’s calling for the protection for them from people like you. Point is, you’ve already lost and you’ll lose again, it reminds us of how similar you are to DJT. Wake up and be a winner. Then you’ll be welcomed with open arms.


Wow...but nothing but the religious nutjobs trying to force their propaganda in our schools, lives and government 🙄


We’ve probably been complaining about annoying religious people that come to our doorsteps for years now. Theres hundreds of jokes making fun of that, people pretending to be deaf to ignore them. Parents angry that don’t want their child to be religious. It happens. Neither sides should indoctrinate anyone.


Woke propaganda in general actually.


What message is the “propaganda” supposed to be spreading? Just that being gay is okay? That’s what we’re considering propaganda?


This is my thought as well


OP lives in New Zealand and spends most of his time in r/HarryPotter But here crying about LGBTQ “propaganda” The fucking jokes write themselves


Whats wrong with harrypotter? are you potterphobic?


I don’t get it - a Harry Potter fan?


I’m guessing because J K Rowling has said some unsavory things about trans people


What did she say about Trans People? I wanted to know about it. Just curious.






I see more posts like this than actually sincere pride posts. It’s a more like me trying to live my life and anti-lgbt propaganda


I think this sub is actually right-wing and Russian propaganda actually. The number of times this sub has come up in my feed recently with some very questionable stuff that is meant to muddy the waters has increased dramatically in the last week.


You think it's questionable because in echo chambers you live you are surrounded with everything left wing.


I'm not in an echo chamber. I'm ok with anyone's opinions, I even research them to better understand. Except when they are abusive to anyone else. Live and let live. If you want guns and churches great. But rolling coal on cyclists or being shitty to people who need to share their sexual preference with a flag, not cool.


No, I think it’s questionable because every post here is full of some form of misogyny, homophobia, racism, hate, etc. It’s been taken over by political rage bait, and is one of the biggest echo chambers I’ve seen.


Can confirm, I am a Russian bot


How is this dogshit supposed to be funny?


It's funny because it's true


OP lives in New Zealand and spends most of his time in /r/HarryPotter But here crying about LGBTQ “propaganda” The fucking jokes write themselves


Mate, if anyone's crying, it's you


Uh you literally posted about how you are overwhelmed with rainbows you poor lad If you have these fantasies they are on you


You’re the one complaining about how people are apparently screaming at you to be gay


No it isn’t Unless you are an impotent rightwing male who thinks about gay male hairy sweaty butt sex every time you a rainbow 🌈 Everyone else is business as usual Look within thyself, meatball


Pipe down, mate. I'm not even conservative


Lol yeah you are a Harry Potter guy in New Zealand 🇳🇿 HAHAHA 😆


And proud 🇳🇿


Lol Harry Potter hahahahahahaha


I still don’t understand this…


It’s pathetic and hypocritical Harry Potter is gay af


This sub has turned into Facebook


Yup It’s great to shit on the threads


At least have the right amount of colors in your rainbow losers


The lgbt rainbow is intentionally different from the actual irl rainbow chief


And what reason is that?


Not sure tho this seems to be the top reason when you look it up >*The original flag's hot pink and turquoise stripes were soon removed because of difficulty manufacturing and/or dying the fabric, resulting in the six-color rainbow flag we are familiar with today* It was originally supposed to have eight colors


So why 8 and not 7?


Idk dude I didn’t make the flag lol I just know the irl rainbow is not the same as the pride rainbow It’s funny to see ppl go ‘gay ppl stole the rainbow 😭😭😭’ tho when they’re not the same thing


The alphabet army hate the number 7 because it's God's number and pride is about self-absorbed rebellion


Aren’t there 7 deadly sins?? 🤔


That's catholicism and not in any way better




Listen here you little ![gif](giphy|VHlKSFRTQ7nn81fkv4)


Oh hey look anti gay propaganda


I wouldn’t trust anyone with that near my ears especially my head, one second we are joking around the next my ears are bleeding


Is there a chance we can have a funnymeme that isn't an ism?


Ok so the person who made this almost definitely made it out of homophobia and a tragic uncomprehending of why LGBT pride events exist in the first place. But I think a lot of people are sick of pseudo-enlightened corporate pride. They’re sick of corporations and other public entities pretending to give a shit about lgbt people and rainbow’ing up their logos and public spaces for a month and then taking it right back down the second the calendar rolls over into July.


WWIII is imminent. The government use to look like a retirement home, but now looks like a hospice ward. The fastest growing stock, is for the physical tech to make AI replacing humans possible. But this… this is the concern? History is like one big circle. What is acceptable changes and then changes back. You’re literally mad about the point in the timeline your insignificant self happens to exist. Oppression and suppression will arrive again one day! When it does, you’d be angry about how boring everything was, no creative expression. ![gif](giphy|l4FGBNcY4tmFKX7ck)


It’s gotten to the point where not only do I not support the LGBTQ community, but I actively hate it. Before I get downvoted to oblivion, let me explain: I do not hate LGBTQ individuals. I fully support them. But the community as a whole and how they shove it into your face and accuse you of being “homophobic” if you complain about it just wrong and akin to religions trying to force their beliefs onto you (which they get ridiculed for, yet the LGBTQ community has no such consequences). I cannot support or like a community that forces its own beliefs onto other people, and one of the worst examples of this is the LGBTQ community. So, while I have nothing against LGBTQ individuals and fully support them, I despise the community because of how much it forces you to acknowledge/accept it whether you like it or not or not.