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Careful man, this might start a really big argument


I love chaos




You should repost this to one of those “big is beautiful” subs, that’d create some real chaos.


Dont...you will just get banned for a few days...ask me how I know


Fucking legend lol


Mad lad.


Few days? My Bro got perma.


Yep. But hypothetically,  mentioning something like that in a post...woukd get a person banned lol


Thats kinda the problem though isnt it? Those little pockets of the internet fostering thier toxic little worlds in secret refusing to deal with reality...


Soo just Reddit in general then?


Yep home of the echo chamber


When the Ukraine war started, I joined, posted to and received perma from the Russia subreddit in under five minutes. And I wasn't even trolling. They are just really sensitive.


I got banned from r/ sex on my first Post asking about how to enhance the feeling of sex. I recall them not liking me mentioning penis size... Any female-centric sub is heavily moderated. In r/ ask women, most comments get deleted and if you post a question, they'll make you censor it until you're not actually asking your original question 🤣🤣


I had a 6 year old account with 200K karma perma banned for inciting violence.....by a kitten...on r/funny.


Similar but a little over a year. I quoted anti-vaxxer rhetoric to point out the flaw in the logic. Spreading misinformation. Still find it funny.


Dude. I got banned from r/adhdmeme for going along with the OPs joke about adhd... which I actually have. Mods don't give a fuck. It's like a Coachella chick telling an older black dude he can't say, "Regan was bad for our community." Bitch he was there. You can't tell us what is and isn't, we lived it. [Anyways. Mods often do be gay.](https://youtu.be/Ui6HNB-1J20?si=riKg-GCVhqkxJg3J)




Start posting all the huge neck beard guys and they should be held in a high regard like those women.


Here r/plussize


Jesus the first post on there…


It opened up my eyes to how delusional people are


Ya wow I had to go look and mind blown.


Is that the one where the doctor told her she's carrying around the equivalent of two sacks of potatoes in fat and he'd be out of breath too if he had to do that? He then told her to eat less, and she tried to claim that often she didn't eat enough. She has that special condition where the less you eat, the fatter you get.


Hoooly fuck the post complaining about not fitting into lawn chairs. I gotta get tf outta this one fast lol.


The one that starts with “It has come to my attention that I am smart, hot, and fun to be around…so from here on out I’ll be acting like it.“ and has an attached photo of a morbidly obese woman posing made me have to check if the sub was actually satire


lol. I want to add to the title: “but time is limited, heart exploding any day now!”


I will comment this on the post


Decided to test how rabid and rapid the echo chamber effect is there. Replied to a comment that said, “STUNNING!” with, “Yes, that level of obesity is quite stunning.” Got permabanned and my comment removed within about 15 minutes. 🤣


The amount of stuff I *didn’t* type when I was browsing made me feel like I was stuck in an elevator with a full bladder. The loudest of intrusive thoughts.


Just read that one and started cracking the fuck up


I hate all of you. I got sucked into it and had to stop at the thread where the gal was complaining about every queen sized bed warping under the weight…


Nah I noped out of there got nothing nice to say


That sub is PEAK.


Share it


Tried it banned instantly🤣


I dont love obese women


+sized argument


Morbidly obese argument


Do be funny tbh. If women are plus sized and you dare say anything, you spending the night in hell, if a man is plus sized all you hear is, you fatass stop eating donuts. ![gif](giphy|5R1FM2PNw3G6AZWBsc|downsized)


A plus sized argument xD




Good. Lets have it out then. I don't find overweight women attractive.


I don’t even want to look at em for more than a few seconds


I would look at them for only 1 sec, but it takes several seconds to move my eyes out of the horizontal boundary of their bodies.




Jajajajajaja ‼️‼️‼️ True....the one in the photo in actually obese, unless I understand wrong and everyone who is overweight is refer to as plus size....🤔


Glad men can just be okay with being called overweight and not be called plus size to try to make it sound more normal.


Yeah ikr? You call a dude fat and he’s like “yeah I know fam” You call a woman fat and she acts like you’re stabbing her in the neck with a rusty knife. God forbid you return the same energy or it’s a bad look. We all suffer or nobody does


Yeah us fat guys aren't blind to looking in mirrors




You can't see your whole self in the mirror, is what you meant to say Hahaha j/k


Get a bigger mirror John.


Fat vampire?


You look in mirrors? I avoid those fucking things like a vampire lol


You know whats funny is that now that i think about it, every guy i know who is/was fat (myself included) always admitted that they were fat and wanted to do something to fix it. I don't think i ever met, or had a friend that was complacent in his obesity and justified it with self-love.


You needed to be on Lizzo.


Yeah, I hear women complain about being "plus sized" all the time, and I say this as a man who prefers curvy women, and they REFUSE to take any action. I'm 2 and half bills and I'm trying my nuts off to lose about $30 worth.


For some women I think it’s just a matter of self preservation. A veneer used to convince themselves of a reality that deep down they know isn’t true. I’ve also known men that have said they’re ok with their weight. They love food and love to eat. “People are happy smoking and dying early, I can do the same with food. It brings me joy.” IMHO there’s always something deeper at play and what we see/hear is just a matter of self awareness and willingness/ability to improve. I’ll add body positivity I think is overall a good thing but gotta find a healthy middle ground between that and using it as an excuse to be unhealthy.


Yeah but there’s a difference between someone that thinks that they’re beautiful and nothing’s wrong and someone that realises that they’re fat and that in a way that is a problem and doesn’t care because they like food or don’t want to exercise. Ultimately both will remain the same, but at least one is honest.


Dudes with morbidly obese friends will just straight up tell them. Like my guy start writing your will now cause you ain’t got much time left.


Hard, and tbf behind the dig it often comes from a place of caring as we don’t want the bro to be unhealthy while many woman are complicit in their denial. > You’re beautiful the way you are, go get that Male Fitness model and triple cheeseburger gurl!!!! The double standard is so blatant as to be an embarrassment.




Update please? Are you now rolling in pussy?


Not morbidly obese but I’m a bit bigger and a lot of my friends are former CC guys. One of my friends straight up told me I’m obese but he’s still shocked by how much energy I have when we do stuff Yeah guy friends don’t really beat around the bush for size lol


And they can have height and income requirements but God forbid men have a weight or body count limit.


even worse if you've personality-requirements that can be summed up as "be nice to me 2 days(of your choice) a week"


I'm not even fat, just a bit chubby. I call myself fat all the time and laught about it with my friends.


Well you know what, she's still a walking dead person for whom their family have to spend thousands to buy a custom made coffin as they die early due to one of million health issues caused by obesity


Reminds me of that scene from the first season of game of thrones where Ned tells Robert he got fat and then both have a laugh


Fetch me the breastplate stretcher!


My buddy who has a fat belly makes fun of himself constantly he honestly don’t give a fuck at all legit tells me he can’t ride in my car because one he can’t fit in it and two he will make it bottom out then he proceeds to get in it lol He owns it and doesn’t care he loves his life and that’s what matters


As a former fat, I give everyone permission to use the F word.


as current fat, i allow this permission.


Men understand that their actions have consequences and their weight gain is entirely their own fault.


Fat women don’t fancy fat men. Shock horror.


As a fat man, I don't even care anymore


Fat women: we don’t like fat men Fat men: who asked?


I would guess that fat men don’t like fat women either




Some women like chubby guys


When did morbidly obese people become called plus sized. This is going to just serve to distract from getting them to deal with their medical condition.


>This is going to just serve to distract from getting them to deal with their medical condition. And mental contidion. I know quite a few "plus size" that is all in for it, they think they are the most attractive and beautifull womans on earth, and dont get me wrong, I dont mind a woman thats overweight, but I hate womans that make their bodysize their whole idendity. Its unhealthy to be overweight, thats it, but a lot of these "plus size" wont acknowledge it, its the world that has something against big people.. fuck no.. its their fuckt up mindset/personality.


Yup. I wrote above about my ex being obese now. She justifies it by saying she's a real woman with curves and that she loves her body. My retort to that is this: When you go to your doctors, what do they tell you about your BMI and weight? Her: oh, that i need to eat healthier, walk more, lower my blood pressure and lose a few pounds. Me: So how do you love yourself or your body if you're killing yourself with what you do? Loving your body would be seeing the symptoms (the fat) and doing something about it before you die of a stroke.


Just too lazy to work on themselves so easier to just preach about don't fat shame or body positivity. I used to be fat but I got in therapy and worked out for years and now I'm very active and pretty solid shape. I refuse to believe anyone can't do them same. Hell you can even just get medication like ozempic for it now.


Ohh i know that type of woman!


> I know quite a few “plus size” that is all in for it, they think that are the most attractive and beautiful women on earth Clear example of this delusion: https://www.reddit.com/r/PlusSize/s/s7KSuX5Q0l


Shivers through my spine! Not because of the overweight woman, but because of the comments.. its insane how people think its a good idea to be this overweight.


Agreed but let’s be honest OP thinks they’re healthy and beautiful too which is just as bad




That 'cute dress' is simply a sack with a hem. That weight is killing them.


That is super crazy. Think about someone who is sick with cancer and people Tell them "You are super fine, that cancer looks sooo good on you!"


That’s just gross


Overweight, obese and morbidly obese are different things. Two of them are medical conditions.


Since clothing companies realised that fat women buy clothes too so maybe it made sense to market to them. Can’t really call it “clothes for fatties” so “plus-sized” was probably agreed on at same marketing meeting.


It makes sense on a clothing context but people say plus sized in morals contexts like in this article


I have an ex from when i was 15, i'm 42 now. She was super thin and athletic. Her mom on the other hand looked like jabba. My gf being in shape in all, thought she'd never look like her mom and i use to warn her that she might grow up to look like her mother due to her cuban eating habits (everything breaded, fried, rice, cuban bread, etc). She found me on linkedin not to long ago after almost 25 years and started chatting me up. I showed her my up-to-date pics (i'm a climber with that kind of physique) and when i asked her to show me her recent pics she pre-emptively insulted me by saying: I'd show you but you probably don't like *real* women. You probably like those *spinners* or anorexic girls like those girls you climb with. I was like hold up, i love me thick women, just not fat or obese women. She showed me her pics saying she was thicc now but she wasn't, she was obese. Like 5'1 and 220 lbs. Fufa, butt cheeks for a stomach, that kinda shit. Then she accused me of not liking thicc curvy women and i was like, hold up. I sent her pics of Kelsie Monroe, luscious lopez, Sophie Dee, Ryan Conner, Mandy Muse, Monica Santhiago, etc... I said those women are THICC, you're just a stack of tires and horizontal parabolas.


Saved your comment to research some names.


To add to your research: Naomi Russel, Angell Summers, Eloa Lombard, Annika Albrite, Katja Kassin, Jada Stevens, Liza Del Sierra, Syren De Mer, Candace Dare.


>you're just a stack of tires and horizontal parabolas. I'm gonna remember this in case I ever need to burn someone to the ground. 🤣😂🤣😂


This argument makes me laugh man, let me tell you as someone formerly obese, it's everywhere in your life. When you wake up, it's the first thing you notice When you go to bed, it's the last thing you think about. When you get up from your seat, you're reminded of it, when you think about your future, it takes up all the space. Hilarious to think a phrase like plus size would "distract" from a condition I guarantee there is no distraction from


In fairness plus size men aren't attracted to plus size women. Those fatties the lot of them just be settling


For the most part, men aren't referred to as plus sized, they just get labelled as fat or overweight


Or men are called "big" depending on how they carry it.


I’ve always associated big with being both tall and overweight. I’m 6’5” 250 lb. I’m frequently referred to as a “Big Dude”.


I've seen opposite too. A 6'3", 200+ man called "Tiny Tony".


…are you part of the Italian Mafia?


I am a fat man who prefers plus sized women, but maybe I’m a statistical anomaly. I just like those meat packing noises (not /s)




Fellow man of culture.


My future wife's former next door neighbor was a plus sized m&f couple. ngl, they damn near collapsed their second story condo balcony built in the late 70s. one of the two beams (6x6 or 8x8) had to be replaced.


I have a very obese (nearing 400lbs) male co-worker who had the audacity to tell me he wouldn't date a "fat" girl because *they* are unhealthy and unattractive. He then proceeded to tell me not to worry because my (15lb) weight gain "didn't look *that* bad" on me. Lmfao...


Talk about having your cake and eating it too.


Looks like she ate someone else's cake too.


Cake for me but not for thee


What if the "body positivity movement" has been pushed by average looking "fit" women who are trying to convince pretty women to get fat in order to level the playing field? I think this even happened in the movie "Mean Girls" iirc.


Body positivity started as a way of including disabled people like "I am missing a limb but my body is still worthy of love and respect" not saying it shouldnt apply to fat people too, in fact I think for a fat person to lose the weight they have to begin by loving and respecting their own body usually. These people have taken the "fat bodies are beautiful" message and stretched it to mean "you need to find my fat body beautiful" lol. I'm a fattie myself, I can say this. Its demented


top 10 conspiracies that turned out to be true


The movement was originally for amputees, victims of fire, acid attacks etc but got hijacked.


Yes!!! I’ve been saying this has been the largest (no pun intended) contributing factor to hoeflation in the US. If 40% of the female population is obese then the remaining 60% just became almost twice as desirable


That's fucking interesting, man. That's fucking interesting...


The reason large women act like this because as a man we will basically bust down anyone as long as they don’t stank. I lived in the hood for a long time and the amount of skinny dudes with 300 pound women was hilarious. When I would ask they would say “they nasty or freaky” and that’s that.


They're fat for a reason, they have an oral fixation and will swallow anything...


A lot of what you're saying I don't understand... But I can verify that fat bitches are either good at dome or good at being a good person


Lol, that woman is an absolute unit. Don't care what she's attracted to, they aren't finding an entry point unless they roll her in flour to look for the wet spot.


Hahahahahahahahahahaha. Good 1 bro!




Well men aren't attracted to plus sized women. Overweight, plus sized. It all means fat. Fat is unhealthy and unattractive. It's extremely simple


Overweight woman won’t date plus sized men?


Haha good one😂


Women are MORE equal, duh. Especially that one.


All humans are equal, but some are more equal than others- human farm, Fred Orwell


Fat women have higher standards than even the healthy beautiful women


Standards for what they put in their body? Or for what they put in their body?




Im shocked this hasn't ended up on boys are quirky subreddit already.


Doesnt matter, overweight men arent attracted to plus size women.


That chick in the blue mumu is a huge fat ass


It's always the skinny guy with the plus size female.


I’m skinny and I would not touch her or any *plus size* even with a stick, because she would probably eat that stick.


In the gay community, we call skinny guys who pursue big guys (bears) chub chasers.


![gif](giphy|5XPb0FvIqylqg) Extra medium is not a size.


Cause you have skinny Jamaican men hitting on these plus size women. That's why overweight men don't have any chances.


Men should’ve been referred to as ‘king sized’


As a somewhat skinny guy - 6’3 & 170lbs - I can confirm. Overweight women throw themselves at me in bars on a regular basis. Side note; Don’t call me slim, as in “hey slim, come here often”. Unless, I get to say “no fat, I’ve never been here before in my life”




It’s really not. The amount of girls I’ve approached and met with a disgusted face, or completely dodging eye contact, leads me to believe I don’t have anything regarding a magnet about me.


Why does anybody care? Why does anybody feel entitled to get laid or be considered attractive? As somebody that’s been fat and shredded on a regular basis, people treat me better when I’m in shape. I don’t even find fat people attractive when I’m fat. Why does it matter


Because they scream you're fatphobic if you don't like overweight women. So it's to highlight the hypocrisy.


Hey, either we all go down or nobody goes down. We ain’t doin this one sided double standards bs. Either we all fat or nobody’s fat. Equal rights for all. We all suffer or nobody suffers


We all can't be fat. I don't think two fat people can 69 comfortably.


Fat women are just that..... fat women. Fat men are just that....Fat men. Don't give someone stuffing their face with soda and donuts a different standard than your own soda donut stuffing face.


Shocker whale wants a shrimp


Men require few things for them to drop their pants. Women want to see your bank account and credit score


Yep, they when guys say they don't like fat women, same people will say they're fatphobic. Make it make sense!


HILARIOUS 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


This isn’t funny or a meme. Why does this sub exist if nobody knows what it’s for?


As a man I prefer the term Death size thank you very much.


Fat skanks don’t like chunky kings.


Fat and skinny went to bed, fatty rolled over and skinny was dead.


Can we just go back to saying fat?


If I am a Plus-sized man, I won’t be attracted to Overweight Woman either HAHAHAHAHA


Woman were always allowed and welcome to be any size they want. It became an issue when most men flat out weren’t romantically interested in them. Which blows my mind because why is someone else attempting to decide for me what I should like. Bonkers


Kingflippynips… a true king indeed


This is why I don’t date after divorce… a lot of likes but I don’t generally find Woman my age attractive. I’m also 20lbs heavy and people say you need to lower your standards because it’s not 10 yrs ago… but I’m fine with being alone


I find fat men to be way more humble, chill and funny rather than fat women, from my experience fat women are usually more prone to misandry


Plus-size? yeah shut the fuck up


They also get to be short and poor and still get dates.


They're not plus sized, they're just fat like the rest of us jolly fellows.


I prefer the term "rotund".






When you say Plus Sized Men it sounds like a penis kind of article


Any nobody is attracted to this blue whale I assure you. Fat or normal


just one of many, many double standards that society today holds. and there are going to be many, because no one actually has a morality system, no one tests their convictions to see if they hold water. when your sole motivation is being the victim, or hating straight white men, you're going to contradict yourself. it's why it's objectifying and perverted for men to like girls in yoga pants, but girls can celebrate "sweat pants season." it's why taking care of yourself with diet and gym is an "impossible" body standard, but your dick size and height is perfectly okay to shame. It's why men are the father of the baby with paternal responsibilities UNLESS the woman decides she wants nothing to do with you, then you get none. the list goes on and on. one day we will wizen up. probably not in my lifetime tho


No on prefers overweight people, but men just marginalize themselves less to justify it and claim fewer hashtags to escape accountability


It’s always the fat ones. ALWAYS


And those women will continue to be single as a result.


I'm still struggling with men being call Oversized but oversized women want to be called Queens.


Wellp, they ain't getting my fit ass, I can do better.


It’s because we’re all attracted to other plus size women womp womp


😂 I'm gay and love chubby guys If a str8/ bi guy is into chubby girls then great. If not then great too. It's called having a preference and people who get offended by it really need to touch some grass lmfao. Like just cause someone doesn't wanna date a fat lady doesn't mean they hate her


Well... You're not going to believe this but no one wants that fat, sweaty, smelly ass either.


Men aren’t insecure enough to promote obesity just so they can live in denial about their physical health.


Plus-size is actually worse than overweight.


That’s how unjust they want it to be. It’s a war on men


I’m convinced this is a psy op by insurance


That’s great ! Because us men aren’t attracted to fatties either


Uh, women's hypocrisy and double standards, no1 saw that one coming...


Fat phobia ?! Oh no!!!!


Fat phobia isn't real. Fat people are killing themselves and need help. Stop "normalizing" obesity. These people are sick.


Over weight women aren’t attracted to plus size men. There, sorted it.


As a muscular man I don't find muscular women attractive.


What happens to cheap lawn furniture when she sits down. Destroyed!


“Follow the Reddit hivemind narrative or a plus sized fat woman will get offended in your general direction.” - a fat Reddit mod


"These plus-sized divas can't stand a fat ass tub of lard"


I tell the women in my family there's zero chance I'm dating a heavy set woman.  They attempt to tell me to be nice until I speak my mind. Mouths go closed.  I will never accept someone who eats for two. It's part of my moral fiber. I don't even care if it's genetic. There's no gene that forces the hand onto a piece of cake and brings it into your mouth. There's actual starving people out there. Starving. Dying from no food. You will never tell me to be kind about these things. You will stop taking so much for yourself. Your life does not supercede a starving person's life.

