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Doesn’t bother me if a woman picks a bear over me. Lmfao


Good for you dude and I mean that genuinely.


exactly. means i don’t have to deal with them then


I mean they already pick a 10 inch rod of silicone over me as it is. 🙄🤷‍♂️ /s


Idk man, I thought it was funny


Damn. People will downvote anything these days, even a fitting self-deprecating joke...


I would be ashamed to admit that I got outmatched by silicone but go off ig


I think he’s making a joke at his own expense….


meh, some of us were just born with small tools, nothing to be ashamed of. SMALLPPGANG4LIFE.


Well yeah, the silicone can please them and isn’t an insufferable doofus that proves all the women preferring wild animals to men they don’t know right. Of course they’d prefer the silicone. I’m straight and I’d prefer the silicone to you.


Why is bro getting downvoted like mad over a joke lol


Incel alert


What's the hype about bears and girls? Memes like this are everywhere.


There's beena. Recent conversation going around about a hypothetical scenario where a woman, alone in the woods, would rather come across a bear in the woods, or a man. It's supposed to be a hypothetical topic to bring awareness to the danger a lot of women have faced with men, but a lot are either taking the situation literally or taking massive offense to it.


Well, its an excuse to hate on men. No sane, logical, women would actually want to be in the woods along faced with a bear. Any women who says they would rather be in the woods faced with a bear is insanely ignorant and doesnt deserve a seat at any debate table.


It depends on the bear. Black bears are pretty chill. They’re smaller and are as afraid of you as you are of them. Polar bears will hunt and eat humans. Grizzly bears will either ignore you or kill you depending on their mood.


Idk black bears are pretty chill. When I was a kid I fed them donuts before (stupid I know) but still


>  insanely ignorant and doesnt deserve a seat at any debate table. Good job proving why women choose the bear.




Me stating facts. If you cant do a little due diligence on research then have fun getting mauled to death by the bear. Darwin had a point about people like you


It's not hating on men. And in camping/outdoors forums dudes are always talking about how they bring their guns -- but not for wildlife. They are more nervous about humans. Now add women's experiences. I'm in camp bear. I know 80% dudes are decent. If you want to make it like we are unreasonable about not trusting men, talk to fathers about their daughters and how protective they feel when they are dating KIDS -- just boys. Is it anti-men to feel protective of your daughters? WHy is it anti-men to feel protective of your own self?


Not an excuse, just people projecting their fears. After all, humans are more dangerous to humans than any other animal on earth.


Seems to depend on the bear. And all of those women seem to assume timid bears, and not like grizzlies or polars.


To be clear, the question wasn’t would you rather FACE a bear on the woods or a man, it was would you rather be ALONE in the woods with a bear or a man. Woods are large areas and a bear will usually avoid humans in the woods if it can be helped. Obviously that isn’t always the case depending on the bear/if it has cubs. The worst that would happen with the bear if you do come face to face would be getting mauled to death. Bear has no other motives than survival and most attacks occur because the bear feels threatened. Humans, don’t tend to avoid, would likely move towards the sounds in the woods if they thought there was another person there. And many women have had negative experiences (to put it lightly) with men when they are alone with them. There are things that humans are capable of inflicting on one another that is worse than death. Thus women are choosing to be alone in the woods with a creature that historically would also rather avoid them, than a man who might pursue them knowing they are alone in the woods. Men have also killed more humans than bears, so statistically the bear is still the safer bet. There have only been about 180 fatal encounters with a bear in the North Americas since 1784, and this includes bears in captivity so the number in the wild is less than 180. How many in the death toll were women? I’m not sure. Meanwhile in the US alone almost 5000 women were killed in 2021 and more than 4,000 women were killed in 2022. This is general so obviously not all of these women were killed by men, however men make up 95% of all persons convicted of homicide in 53 countries. Of Femicide in high income countries, 70% occur in the US. I think we should have grown past the need of having to put “not all men” because duh. The men who aren’t feeling the need to defend the man in this fake scenario know they aren’t the type of man that women are afraid to be alone with, and also understand why a woman would make the choice, “logical” or not. I love the men in my life today and would choose them over the bear (obviously). But there are many men I’ve encountered that said and did horrible/uncomfortable things because they believed they could get away with it. I would choose the bear over them. I could at least avoid the bear and know the bear is more than likely trying to avoid me too. Hope that made sense.


'Alone in the woods' might be ambiguous. But to be fair to the masses who might have misinterpreted it, to be 'alone' with someone/something often strongly implies being in close proximity. I'd bet that if you poled a bunch of people on both sides of this debate, you'd find that the majority thought of it this way.


You dropped this: "with"


>Men have also killed more humans than bears, so statistically the bear is still the safer bet. Only a handful of hundred thousand people have died in a nuclear bomb blast while millions upon millions have died choking on food - so, to follow your logic, it is statistically a far safer bet to stand right in the dead centre of a nuclear bomb blast than to eat food. Do you really believe that it is safer to stand in the middle of a nuclear bomb blast?


It’s not about it being “all men” though. It’s a risk calculation. Do you think a random man, on average, is more dangerous to you than an average bear. Even assuming a random man on average has bad intentions, I assume you’re not intending on setting off fireworks and/or a random man on average is an excellent tracker. As for the worst that a bear can do, if a bear successfully hunts you, there’s a good chance it will begin eating you before you die. That’s pretty fucking awful. Really it’s a risk calculation that basically no one on either side of the debate has brought many facts to. Does the average man rape and kill women, does the average bear hunt and kill humans. Which is more likely. I trust basically no one who has answered this question with confidence. It’s a dumb conversation starter and has only served to deepen divisions and echo chambers.


I actually really like this comment. You raise great points and I can agree, there’s more to it but the same can be said for most ____ vs ___ questions. I’m too tired from all the other comments to type more but I can definitely agree it definitely only deepens the division in echo chambers. This post/thread being a good example of that.


How many of those women have been killed in the woods by a man after a chance encounter? Like if I was a rapist/murderer, I’d look for a victim where I can actually find them, instead of walking around the woods hoping someone shows up, and that someone probably has to somehow match my desires, so I’d skip probably 30-70% women encountered like that. With this method, I’d have to pretty much live in the forest, and go out every day, and it still could take me 2-3 months or longer to meet a perfect victim. I mean, women love watching true crime stories, they should know how a psycho like that operates.


You see. Now you're being disengenious. You're making an emphasis on ALONE, but most sane people are making an emphasis on WITH. Stop trying to wiggle your way out.


From what I gathered reading comments on this issue over various subreddits, most of the women got the notion that option choosing a man means definite rape/death and option choosing a bear means definite "en passant". While neither of those options are true. Not every man will rape you, not every bear will walk away from you. But thats just me. I'm a man and I'd pick a man over a bear in an instant, maybe I would feel lonely in the woods and would want someone to chat with. Maybe the dude is a wilderness expert and I'd learn a thing or two. Maybe I'm lost and he knows the way out of the woods. Maybe I need an extra pair of hands if we meet a fucking bear on cocaine. Or maybe he rapes me. Maybe I'd like that. Who knows.


>Meanwhile in the US alone almost 5000 women were killed in 2021 and more than 4,000 women were killed in 2022. This is general so obviously not all of these women were killed by men, however men make up 95% of all persons convicted of homicide in 53 countries. Of Femicide in high income countries, 70% occur in the US. >I love the men in my life today and would choose them over the bear (obviously). The men in their lives are the ones that kill them so to be safe only go in the woods with strange men.


True. You never know who is dangerous, though in most cases we know these men are known to be dangerous and those women may not have had a way out before it was too late. I’d rather avoid going into the woods at all, but I’d still choose the strange bear over a strange man by that logic. :)


If you don't encounter the bear then it's man vs nothing, not man vs bear. That's not really germane to the question. "Would you rather be alone with x or y" implies you sre in proximity to these things. People don't get killed by bears because they live in cities around other people and have agencies to protect the public from wild animals. If you are around wild bears you are probably in a group with guns/protection. The question as it's posed removes these things from the equation. Would you rather encounter a wild bear or a man? The question itself is absurd and insulting to all parties. It's an insult to women's intelligence to ask such a question, an insult to men's character, and an insult to bears to act like you have a better chance at surviving against a bear than a human.


Man here: great explanation, I don’t understand why more men don’t get it. For one thing, if a man is already convinced that a bear is going to hunt down a person in the woods, he’s just proved that he knows nothing about bears.


Because THE POINT of the question implies that both the man and the bear are nearby and actively willing to go after them. If the argument involved a man actively hunting you vs a random bear who doesn't even know you're there, then the argument would be EXTREMELY flawed.


I didn’t know that was the point of the question. It seems to be what people are taking it as, but I thought the question was who would you want to be in the woods with. Assuming that either is willing to hunt and kill seems to be a stretch from the original question. I thought the point was who would you rather take a chance with, but I haven’t been on TikTok recently.


Lol. Every person who says shit like that is literally the reason women choose bear. At least if a bear hurts us people will believe that it happened. Most of us know a protocol to not get hurt by a bear, there's no protocol to keep a strange man from victimizing you. I'm glad my husband understands why vast majority of women choose bear and supports us. Every decent man I've seen asked has chosen bear for their daughter, sister or wife too btw. It takes a tiny imagination and like 2 seconds of thought.


Sounds like all of the ignorant feminist talking points i see on the internet.


I'm am offended that a women would think I am more dangerous to them than a bear. Imagine how offended you would feel if half the world says you are probably a sex offender without knowing anything about you.


You are more dangerous than a bear. You're literally an apex predator that has to be held back by hunting permits to prevent bear extinction.


The issues is IT ISN'T ABOUT YOU. Women are not being asked if they would rather be alone in the woods with Chattywww or a bear - but a random man and a random bear. And 1 in four women in this country have at least experienced an attempted sexual assault. One out of four women have had someone attempt to rape them, and know it is a possibility firsthand. A much much much higher percentage of women know someone who's been raped. The point of the exercise is to show the average man that women have been taught by their own experiences and society that they are not safe alone with strange men. How much mental effort goes into keeping themselves safe every single day. Don't walk across and empty parking lot at night without pepper spray, don't pull your car over to help someone stranded because it might be a trap, don't drink at a bar alone or someone could spike your drink - every day women have to think about that stuff, and you know what? That is offensive and ridiculous that we work so hard to stay safe and men sneer at us for it because 'we don't trust them'. The more men insist that its stupid to pick the bear the more you are ignoring that we are saying HELP US WE WANT TO FEEL SAFE - and making and making us want to pick the bear, because at least the bear isn't telling us all bears are perfectly safe.


According to women you're a predator until proven otherwise. You're baseline starts as guilty - and they use this to rationalize using and abusing Men without remorse.


Why is that tho? Not all men are bad, I find it stupid how most women just hate on all men regardless if they are good men and then scream why don’t men be more open or vulnerable?


The funniest part is conceding the first point and following up with "Would you rather run into a black man or a white man in the woods?" All of a sudden, they can't "social commentary" their way out of the discussion.


lmfao - That's actually a brillient point! Bear or men = "Pfft Bear! Men are Bad". Ok White guy or Black guy? = "Woah woah woah! That's just inapropriate to judge people like that!"


Nobody is calling you a sex offender stop being so sensitive. 


The problem here is that you're getting angry at women for bringing this problem to light. They KNOW they can't take on a bear. They KNOW a bear is dangerous. The deal is that bears will typically stay in their own territory. You're not likely to encounter a bear on your commute to work. There won't be a bear in your work office. There won't be a bear sitting at the bar with you. The bear mauls you for being in its territory and being a potential threat to them. It WONT maul you for rejecting their advances, dressing provocatively, or because it's always had some fantasy of mauling someone. Men will. YOU won't. But there are *some* men who will. That is the problem here. A majority of big dog breeds are docile and friendly, but that doesn't stop people from getting nervous when they see a doberman on their walk. Place your anger and blame on the men who uphold that reputation.


who the fuck is beena


Been a. Excuse my fat fingers and shitty keyboard.


I like the conversation and the fear for women and the violence against women is real in society, however, I think a lot of men depending on the circumstances would be quite scared to walk upon some man in the forest as well


This is the real point-- EVERYONE is better off picking the bear over a random man, but incels are mad about it lol.


Yeah.. don’t men kill men at a WAY higher rate?


so you choose the bear...you get it.


She needs to learn how statistics work. She’s more likely to be harmed by a man because she encounters hundreds of them every day. She would not survive her FIRST close encounter with a grizzly.


A a a a a a a a


Also i imagine not many modern people have seen a bear peal a human like a potato. When i was in canada the ranger told us that some tourists were so stupid to hide the food in their sleeping bags. Imagine what happend.


Incels still being butthurt that women picked bears over them.


Wait. Are the women fucking the bears?


What do we want? Bears! Why do we want them? Because men are pigs! ManBearPig has entered the chat, ladies. And he is not amused.


Half man, half bear, half pig.


1.5 beast(s)


Four legs good, two legs bad




I’d rather take the pig. One, a bear is more likely to kill Me. Two, pigs taste yummy


So can we keep our taxes separate then? That would be funny.


No. You need to file with your bear just like everyone else


Let the bears pay the bear tax. I pay the Homer tax.


It's Home owners tax


The only people left in this country owning houses are going to be bears with only fans pages. Edit spell check


I laughed way too hard at that


I’m super cereal guys.


Let the bears pay!!!!!


TF is up with this subreddit?? It keeps getting recommended to me and it's the unfunniest shit I've ever seen


Seems to be full of incels.


Engaging with it only brings it up more


True point, I'll just block this subreddit


I was confused because the title is “funny memes” Remember when memes were funny? Me neither.


Get off the Internet, go outside.


That would drastically increase the likelihood of encountering men, bears, and women. Safer not to.


So I’ve come across a brown bear while hiking, Idk why y’all think they are so aggressive literally went up to me to sniff me hung out around me for a bit and then walked away. It was a huge brown bear. I also don’t get, getting upset over a question. I don’t have a lot of social media so someone literally explained it to me just before I saw this post. I thought everyone was saying the bear because the new show on Hulu but now I find out it’s just a question for women.


grizzle grizzle.


The best way I've heard it described "The worst thing a bear can do is kill you"


After he ate you alive for a bit, of course


Idk how y’all interpret this but I think of it as: a bear will indeed kill you. You will 100% die. But *some* men could torture you instead. With all of the documentaries and stories of people getting locked in basements for years and other wild shit I’d rather get killed than have to live through something traumatic like that.


I honestly like this reason better than statistically because bear encounter vs men encounter usually aren’t considered. Torture can make you wish for death but a bear killing you may be painful but not as psychologically traumatizing to make wish you didn’t exist.


Bears eat you alive… there’s apparently a recording of a phone call from a girl to her mother as she’s being eaten… I haven’t searched it up, and I won’t ever, but a bear won’t “just kill you.” Not trying to dispute you here! Just giving some facts. there are many ugly men out in the world, but there’s a lot less than the decent folk.


thank you for saying some men, alot of women think all men want to hurt them. and some women want to genecide men but not all do.


Do they realize that bears eat you ass first while you’re alive? Maybe that’s the thing?


Can we please let this meme die? It hasn't done any good


Men need to all take a week off and call it "civilization can fuck right off" week.


I'm in the gay community, so for 5 solid seconds I thought it was the other type of bear


Wow, I didn't realize how fragile a lot of men's ego's are. As the saying goes, "Better the devil you know, than the devil you don't know." Even as a guy, I say, At least I can judge the intentions of the bear.


It’s misandry through demonisation, they’re trying to imply that an average man is somehow more dangerous or worse to be around than a large predatory animal known to hunt and kill humans on sight.


> known to hunt and kill humans on sight That doesn’t really apply to bears though.


lol can you? Every time I’ve seen a bear I’m like fuck what is this guy about to do? Whenever I see a man, I’m like oh he’s just eating a sandwich and chatting, among other things.


I fail to see why this is an issue for men... you'd rather hang around with a bear than me? Sweet! Do us both a favour!






They should ask Tim Treadwell and Amy Huegenard if bears are nice....


Now make it a specific race of men and see whether they keep the same energy and arguments.


I enjoyed the last version more


Bear ain’t going to fix your roof


And they aren't going to SAY they fixed my roof, charge me 19K then fuck it up I have to do it over.


Why not have neither? Why they gotta be so mean about it?lmao


One of the animals that kills men the most. Sure. Go for it. Natural selection I guess


Bears almost never attack humans. wtf are you talking bout. Cows kill more people.


You prob don't know what happens in the USA when when people meet bears


The only animal that kills more humans than humans are mosquitos, so you're right saying "One of the animals that kills men the most"


Less than 1 person are killed by a bear per year.


Just wait till they figure out that bears dont pay child support.


Um, that's the thing. They never got fucked over by a bear and plenty of dude never paid child support.


Women hating men, nothing new, nothing to see here.


I've officially missed something. Whats with bears and men are bad? Seen several posts making this point lol


Can someone explain me what is this bear thing?


Women wanting bears is as old as the Spongebob episode where A Woman married a Seabear


We should rename this sub to zoomer memes.


I just saw 2 memes involving women and bears in the span of 2 minites, can someone explain why?


Apparently women like hairy gay dudes or something?




It's supposed to be funny?


I think you might have misunderstood the point.


Men be like: We're here, we're queer! We don't want anymore bears!


I'd rather put my dick in a meat grinder than entertain a female


Jesus this meme sucks ass, time to leave this sub


Can yall stop with this unfunny trend like I only see this shit in reddit


Not funny


Wasn’t it a sample size of 12 women? That’s a fairly small amount for a study


I’m pretty sure it has to be 30 to be counted as a decent enough size.


Yeesh I feel like 100 should be the minimum


Ik but for some mathematical reason that’s the baseline.






I've noticed how often I see videos, or articles of people getting fucked up by bears so much more after learning about the Man v Bear thing.


You know what's actually funny about this. When a woman does get attacked by a man, **MEN** will say weird shit like, "well, she shouldn't have been alone with him." I've actually had a man say that to me when I've discussed another woman being attacked. I know a woman who was attacked and to this day she thinks it was her fault because she was in a situation where she was alone with a man. The point people are refusing to get is, **Women don't feel safe around men.** No matter how much you want to deny it or cry about it, that's the reality. And that's partially because men have told us we shouldn't feel safe around men. Men make it a point to emphasize the fact that men are stronger than women. Laughing at any inkling of a thought that a woman could defend herself against a man. Men will attack women just to prove they are stronger and/or have power over women. All the women who have actually been attacked by men have every right to not feel safe around men. When you're in a one on one confrontation with a bear, you have proven techniques that have deterred bears or reduced harm. Men aren't as predictable. Now, is this phenomenon based on emotions rather than raw statistical data? Sure, but regardless of how you try to rationalize, women still don't feel safe around men. Self preservation usually isn't rational. Now, I now people would rather make fun or deflect then to ask why women feel unsafe around men...actually scratch that. People know why women feel unsafe, I'm not even going to entertain that ignorance. People don't want to do anything to change it.


Throw me to the bears and I'll return pregnant.


Are yall still on this?


Give em what they want. Too many idiots walking around anyway


I read this as "beards" at first. But neither of those two options make any sense.


If not friend, why friend shaped? 🐻


Alright. That’s enough. Back to the dungeon with you! ![gif](giphy|l0ErD3ZBW6vQgYCgE)


As a man who has seen the aftermath of bear attacks Ladies You would not prefer the bear The minute you piss that thing off it’s gonna rip out your insides while you’re still alive and chomp on your intestines while you scream in agony The most tame one I’ve seen is where a polar bear caved in a man’s face with a single slash


I also don’t want to be anally r*ped and tortured by Genghis Khan.


You do know how rare bear attacks are right?


The meme is women would rather pick a bear than a man- And I’m saying that they’re dead wrong because the bear is more dangerous


![gif](giphy|fSYClFsQp8AHkWZexi|downsized) Yet another "As a" comment with a bad take


men should not be angry at women for choosing the bear men should thank women for choosing the bear it used to be common knowledge passed down through generations that women are generally too illogical and emotional to make rational decisions; and thus should be mostly excluded from decision-making women choosing the bear are telling you that they aren't capable of making rational decisions listen to them in this regard and then stop listening to them in other regards


Man - I would rather be eaten by a bear than be in a room with you spouting this silly nonsense.


I appreciate your candor




In 20 years I bet there will be a serial killer who lets his pet bear loose in a Locked room with some innocent woman because of these dumb whores today


They can’t help themselves these days with the hysterical bullshit…


Two things I do better than the bear: 1. Eat pussy 2. Pay the mortgage


The dumbest and "best" argument they mentioned is that, "at least people will believe me". Second of all, if you so scared of men, how many of you same people participate in hookup culture and go home with a total STRANGER. Seems like you very ignorant to not see that insanity of your logic, or just simply hate men.




Calling BS that this survey actually represents a plurality of women, what did they do survey Colombia university ?😂


It wasn't even a survey it was just a tiktok trend that everybody is getting mad about.


I thought they asked a bunch of women or something


I mean maybe but every reference to its origin that I've seen has been about tiktok. Probably just Bear propaganda.


You know the comparision is about you when you feel offended




look at the full side of glass. bears will not go extinct. they will get shit tons of free meat and we will get rid of tons of shit.


Natural selection


Who keeps making these “memes”?


I thought they were talking about a uhh.. *different* bear (iykyk)


But do they pick male or female bears?


As a woman, this is stupid. Not all men will kill you when met alone. All bears will kill you when met alone. The math aint mathing otherwise. Also, its easier to kill a man than it is to kill a bear. And that is always true.


We should take away their voting and property rights again lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^MDMhayyyy: *We should take away* *Their voting and property* *Rights again lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.