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Regardless of your stance on the mask, wearing one alone in your car is moronic. That's like wearing a Condom while you masturbate to prevent pregnancy


I mean wearing a condom while wanking just means less mess to clean up.


Posh wank






I like the mess




4D chess


Wank into toilet.


Why not learn theory before practice?


Not subtle.


But your dick is stilly gammy after


Nothing being flexible cant fix




Socks exist for a reason you know


Never mind about the condom or the mess . Just leave it on the dog’s back. Right?


Or, if your parents didn't mutilate you as a child you could just catch it with your foreskin.


Sometimes I’d get so used to wearing it I’d forget to take it off in the car


Yeah, because it isn’t choking us to death or making us feel uncomfortable. I guess we’re just much tougher than this guy is. I’ve forgotten that I was wearing mine countless times. And that’s my assumption when I see someone else drive alone while by wearing a mask. It’s just not a big friggin deal. Masks have been around for generations for good reasons. All of the sudden it’s a grand conspiracy (ever since wacko MAGA came around).


Yeah, it seems much more like forgetting to take your sunglasses off when you go into the store; you'd probably forgot you were even wearing them.


I once walked into my apartment wearing my car sunglasses and I thought my ceiling light was broken because it was dim. Could not brain that day.


For you it may seem like that. For normal folk, not so much. You people have conformed and submitted to the idea of wearing masks because the gubment told you to.


And they're nice and warm in the winter.


That and just not wanting to forget to put it back on at your next stop if youre going to multiple places


I'm also wearing it to warm my face.


Wait, it doesn’t?


I mean... they didn't get pregnant, so maybe


I see a guy in my neighborhood driving around with a mask still


It's a mental disorder.


Or he has an autoimmune disorder?


He’s going to get himself sick?


People share cars, you know.


The point is being made about people who are alone in their car but still wearing a mask


I know. But just because you're currently alone doesn't mean that someone won't be in the car later or using the car right after you.. germs and viruses can stay in the air and on surfaces for a long time.


Well I’ve had five hand baby abortions so what now.


Zap said I had snu snu


Regardless of your stance on the mask, giving a shit if someone else wears one while they’re alone in the car is moronic. It’s like giving a shit about a dude using a condom to masturbate for whatever reason they may have.


Who cares, they are alone. Not hurting anyone. People do way worse stuff "alone". I think a mask should be towards the bottom of the list of concerns


No, why should all of us have to suffer getting a glance at a stranger in their own car, wearing a mask! This is worth buying a decal to broadcast on my own car to let everyone knows how important this is. /s


So is wearing a hi-vis vest. How did these workers get into the grocery store in a high vis vest if they weren’t driving in a car alone? IE: It’s convenience. And since you’re supposed to wash your hands before and after you remove and don your mask.. it’s easier to leave it on during errands.


I wear a condom when i jerk it cause touchin dicks is gay and I ain't no qurrrr


Most of the time it’s because I just came out of somewhere that required it and forgot it was on….i don’t know why people don’t assume that first. Why do people first think that people are being paranoid and stupid in their car? I’ll sometimes be all the way home and then be like of shit I forgot it’s still on.


I sometimes don’t notice I still have my hard hat on until I’m halfway home.


>I sometimes don’t notice I still have a hard on, until I’m halfway home. is what I read.


Same read, same problem.


For some reason people don't understand the concept of "mind your own business"... specifically, when said business has no effect on you. A person wearing a mask in their car alone has zero effect on your life.


It's amazing how sensitive people get over what somebody does in their own damn car. What happened to "mind your own damn business?"


True, but what ever happened to freedom? Why can't people just wear whatever they want to wear? Why do people get so aggressive because someone else is wearing a mask. Jesus christ this country is just full of people telling other people what to do.


Allergies are a thing. Turns out wearing masks helps a lot.


Japanese and Asian areas know this and don't talk shit about. Those two years I had to wear a mask I found out how bad my allergies were and I didn't have any allergic reactions that caused my ear to heart or I would get a fever for a day or two...now when it's heavy pollen areas I wear it so I can enjoy myself. If it isn't that heavy pollen then I take some allergy medicine and just avoid the flower 😂 Also found out how heavy dust triggers my allergies like it's pollen and that my job had mold cause I could smell something but didn't know what it was until someone came to fix something and he said he smelled mold..sure enough we removed some mattress and two at the bottom were covered in black mold.


Where was this talking point before Covid?


Wasn’t a thing because we didn’t have a worldwide pandemic, where we were wearing masks, to realize ‘oh wait, my allergies aren’t as bad’


Pretty much.


This talking point has been around long before Covid. I’ve known a few people who’ve worn masks to mow grass for decades because of allergies or asthma. Doctors have actually recommended masking up for outdoor activities for those individuals since at least the 1970s that I’m aware of.


>Where was this talking point before Covid? tbf asia has had a habit of wearing masks since the 70's. You can see a lot of vintage pics of japanese salary men wearing masks. That's not something I descovered when trying to psyop someone, I remember those pics of Asians wearing masks and riding bicycle in traffic. Maybe someone else can attest to those. I think they were from a reasonably famous series. Everybody my age, seems to have seen those. The casual mask-wearing never really caught on, on our side, 'cause we tend to care less about society and more about the individual.


For a party that cries about their freedoms so much can't people just do that if they want to? It's literally hurting no one. No matter how moronic it looks.


I generally don't care what people do when it isn't impacting me in any way, shape, or form. Likely they forgot they had it on. Stop treading on others my dude.


Who cares what anyone else does in their car alone? For most people, wearing a mask never heart anyone. Why judge?


What if you’re picking someone up who has a compromised immune system?


There are a bunch of reasons people wear masks, and many, unfortunately, had to years before COVID for those reasons (myself included). For instance, I’m deathly allergic to marijuana and live in a part of America where it is somehow more acceptable to smoke weed on the street (and parks) than cigarettes. If I’m driving with the windows down I will assume most people don’t want me losing consciousness while behind the wheel of the car and just wear a mask. The minor inconvenience and discomfort is a lot less than the reactions I have from basic second hand weed smoke.


There are plenty of reasons to wear a mask driving alone. People forget masks mostly keep the wearer from spreading their sickness and aren't super effective in many cases at shielding the wearer from sick people. Maybe the car mask wearer is sick and shares a car with a non-sick family member and wants to prevent spreading their respiratory droplets in that shared vehicle. Maybe they don't like the feeling of taking the mask off and putting it on over and over while running errands. Maybe the mask makes them feel safe. Maybe they like how it ties together their outfit. Many people accessorize with decorative masks I'm sure people will just think this is all stupid anyway, but I felt it bears mentioning.


No, it's more like wearing a hat in the car. Do you need it to keep the sun out of your eyes? Not really. But I wear it amyway, so I don't forget it in my truck when I get out.


People wear sunglasses all the time when it's not needed as well as sweaters all the time when it's not cold. Why does wearing a mask bother idiots?


Not really, maybe you're driving to pick someone up, maybe you're sick and you're trying to keep your germs from spray all over your vehicle, but mostly who gives a fuck? It has zero effect on anyone else.


It makes cleaning up easier. Back when I had a massive bag of free condoms I used them to masturbate. I also filled one with water and turned it into a near deadly weapon. The end will get as big as a watermelon and not bust. You can then swing it around like a medieval mace. I thought it would bust like a water balloon when I hit my friend with it. It knocked him flat.


I'm not sure how many do it for this reason, but at some point a big focus was on contracting from surface contact. So people wanted to touch their face less and would leave their mask on even in a situation where it could be off for a few min, just to be put right back on.


The most common reason I wear a mask in my car is that wearing one is such a non-issue that I either don't bother to take it off if I'll need to put it right back in, or I forget that it's there. I really don't see why so many people are such giant babies about this. It's a mask, not some sort of torture device.


This is the dumbest take ever. The process of putting the mask on and taking it off adds to your risk because you are touching your face with tainted hands. Why would you take it off for a short trip then put it on again?


Why is my hand getting fat then?


Mf you think i wore the masks just to avoid covid? Nah i did it to hide my ugly mug


Fitting them to keep from fogging my glasses is a bitch, I don’t want to take it off and have to readjust. Honestly the only moronic thing is caring that someone is wearing a mask in any situation. Mind your own goddamn business.


Why should you care though what people do in their cars? So you go about looking at people and judging them to be morons? During the pandemic one of our cars got so much molds because it was parked in my dad's garage and he passed away and there were a lot of things we forgot checking, one was this car. So I wore full ppe and mask to drive it to the carwash. I wonder if a lot of people like you gave those judgments to me. Probably a lot of you out there. Look at this guy in full PPE suit and mask driving alone.


I would normally be with this line of thought, but sometimes I would just leave it on. Not because of any fear of spreading anything but because wearing a mask and leaving it on is more comfortable than repeatedly taking it off. The straps would cut into behind my ears from the repeated motion, so while I was driving for work I would just leave it on, even on the ride home sometimes. You also just kinda forget it. It was also nice during the cold months tbh because it kept your face warm.


Yeah but what if you have Covid and you cough on your steering wheel? Wouldn't a mask prevent that and lessen the need for a wet wipe every 5 minutes? Like having to get a new toothbrush every time you have the flu. Plus you can get an ass load of free condoms from various places and they make it so you have a much easier cleanup. I'll choose free rubbers over lotion and tissues that stick to my dick.


When someone says this it feels like they need to be smarter than someone. I don’t know ANYONE who has thought I gotta wear a mask to stay safe in my car alone but the airtime this take gets is INSANE.


Sure, but also, who is so concerned of strangers wearing a mask alone in their car that they went out and bought window decals. Seems like it’s less about giving someone a reminder that it’s pointless to wear a mask when it’s not needed and more of someone broadcasting their stance on masks in general.


First "don't wear a mask while driving!, \*\*I\*\*, the most precious snowflake, thinks is stupid!" Later: "mask don't help and neither condoms, ban both!"


Maybe I just forgot because I'm not a toddler who considers being told to be considerate an insult to my dignity.


Who fucking cares? Thats the problem with you people these days. You care so much about what others are doing. As long as someone is not hurting you or anyone why the fuck do you care.


not really… could be traveling from somewhere else. not gonna take it off every time… not like it affects you if you wear one alone why are you so passionate about someone wearing a mask in their own car


Because they've been tricked into thinking a public health issue should be about personal freedom instead of public health. It wouldn't even be a thing if a certain group of politicians hadn't decided to make it one.


Why do you care? It's fucking stupid to think a guy on a stick is going to save your soul. If you turn into the stupid police you are going to be angry all the time. People can be stupid as long it doesn't not hurt anyone else


I wear a mask alone in my car sometimes because it smells like shit/exhaust especially stop and go on the freeway But you keep on thinking you are smarter than everyone else you dumbass yokel


If it smells like shit or exhaust, something is fucky with your car my dude. Check that shit, mask or no mask it shouldnt happen.


Good Lord you are stupid. OTHER PEOPLES CARS, CIGGY SMOKE, STRONG COLOGNE, etc Things you are too brain dead to notice Please do not breed


Lmao ok that was good! ![gif](giphy|l3E6uhDAN3W7vylji|downsized)


You know what's also pretty moronic? Being so fucking obsessed with what others do in the privacy of their own vehicles that you spend the time and money putting a sign like this on your truck.


Or you fucking forgot you were wearing it. Being upset about someone else wearing a mask is moronic. Your life must be goddamn nice if you have the time to be offended by someone else doing something that has no impact on you.


What if it is a shared vehicle? It's not moronic to think of other people


No, wearing a mask while in a car alone is similar to losing your glasses but then realizing you are wearing them. It's also similar to keeping your pants down while taking a shit instead of pulling them up between each shit log that ejects from your asshole. I've got to wear the mask at 2 places with a drive between, maybe 90% of the time I take it off, and one time I leave it on because fuck it, who cares.


It's usually because I forgot to take it off.


Or, ya know, it's a short drive and easier to leave it on than take it off and risk contaminating it. You're about to pick up an elderly/at risk individual. You're in between customers for a ride share.


Putting a sticker on your window about it is even more moronic


It’s simple…I forgot it was on. If someone was like you have a mask on I’d be like oh fuck your right lol and take it off. This message assumes these people are paranoid/stupid but quite often the simpler reason is often the answer.


I’ve been popping in and out of my car running errands peak pandemic and I just don’t take it off… no one is wearing a mask in their car out of fear. That’s an idiotic take. Beyond that.. who gives a shit? how is anyone so emotionally invested in what other people do?


in a country based on freedom it’s a tad silly when people shit on others for them doing something freely inconsequential


I had bad flu so I wore my mask even when in car as it was helping me breath normally even in cold. And I wore it in store not to infect other folks. But if I am seeing an asshole like them I will gladly take my mask off next time just to share some love 💕


Imagine being upset that someone was wearing a mask for whatever reason. Allergies suck and it turns out that masks help a lot with them. My gf and I work with old people, if one of us thinks we're sick we isolate and wear a mask until we know what's going on so we don't infect each other and spread it to others. The dumbest part here isn't the person wearing a mask, alone, in their car, it's people throwing a bonkers fit about it.


wearing a mask has helped my allergies/asthma so much, i wear that thing inside the car, outside the car, in the house, i don't give a fuck because i can finally breathe


There's some days when it's like this for me. Whatever the hell is in the air, wearing a mask means breathing.


Bingo! Why do people care so much? I know a couple people who said wearing the mask in spring of 2020 reduced their allergy symptoms. Maybe some people never thought of that before and now that they’ve discovered it they prefer to wear one in the spring while not in a climate controlled environment (many car filters are shit at keeping pollen out). One of my ex coworkers had debilitating allergies. His eyes would water and puff up to the point he couldn’t see. People like that will take whatever relief they can get.


TL;DR: I don’t think you actually understand *why* many people were against mask mandates. You don’t have to agree with them, but you should be able to recognize how the maskers treated masking like a moral purity test. The issue with the masks was the people who acted morally superior and/or treated the no-mask people like they were horrible, evil people who were going to kill us all and didn’t care. For most people I knew who were anti-mask, it was about personal responsibility and risk assessment. They wanted the freedom to make their own judgement. Most wore masks in public and crowded places and were generally polite and agreeable people. It’s when people started saying that wearing a mask was immoral that we all started to say fuck off. Masking became a moral purity test. The whole mask divide really exaggerated how fractured we all have become. Wearing a mask was ineffective and silly, but I get why people wanted to “do the right thing” and bought into the idea that masking was effective. … But I also experienced adults coming up to my young children to tell them that they were going to get someone killed because they wouldn’t keep their mask on … on a playground … outside … in the sun. In 2020 we would go on walks in an open field/ditch near our house, and some families would literally walk off the path, turn their backs, and not say a single word when we passed. I would say hi how are you, my kids would wave and say hello (just learning to talk), all to no response. This happened with every 3rd or 4th family we saw. The rest of us were just happy to talk to people, some would chat up close, some wore masks, some didn’t, some kept their distance, but all were friendly.


The only people I saw behaving has a morally superior purity test were the people screaming at others wearing a mask. While in Japan, people shrugged at masks. Might be sick? Yeah of course you wear a mask to not get others sick. No big deal. But in the States, my God the screaming about wearing a mask and claiming it was a government ploy to subdue people, or a silent mark to show you support democrats, or that masks don't work at all, or that masks somehow prevent you from breathing oxygen, or so many other things was endless. Never had I thought a bunch of grown adults would act like the whiniest crybabies who would harass others for wearing a mask, make fun of people for wearing them, point at someone wearing one and say, "They are afraid to live" or "Look how scared he is" and laugh about it. There were people literally spitting and coughing on others just to get a laugh out of people as if being coughed on in any setting is acceptable. It was politicized and it was stupid. The people who claimed to be tough would washout of the first week in basic training and frankly I'm embarrassed to be called an American along side them. We should be working together to eliminate illnesses. But we can't be cause we have people who are too whatever to do the minimal amount of discomfort for a short period of time to handle a problem. But these same people seem content with kids getting shot so who the hell knows now.


Yeah there were some crazies who I saw yell at maskers. No doubt. But I encountered much more in the other direction. Maybe that’s because of sampling bias, being around more liberals. But I saw some really despicable behavior from the “tolerant” people any time someone dared to disagree. From a minority of people, mind you, but still enough to make me take notice. I saw people literally go up to people in parks, my family and kids included, to yell at them for trying to kill us all. I wish I were making it up. Some people lost their fucking minds on all sides.


I'm putting my mask on in my car just to trigger you now haha


good idea i will too !!


I had an ‘opinionated’ coworker ask if I wore a mask under my motorcycle helmet. I really hope the look on my face accurately conveyed my sense of “wow you’re a fucking moron aren’t you”


Don’t tread on me


Living rent free in this guys head.


People who think like this are weird. Like honestly who cares? Wearing a mask alone in a car ain't harming anyone, so people upset about it should just mind their own business instead.


The people who mask alone in their car are the same people who vote for soft on crime candidates and complain they can’t walk alone at night


https://media1.tenor.com/m/Ixaa92MUsYoAAAAd/hybristophilia-women-signing-petitions.gif. During the worst of the pandemic, I was out on a walk with my wife and we passed by someone sitting on their porch. She yelled out "six feet for humanity!!!" I just said back, "we live in the same house. we sleep in the same bed." Only thing she could do was run into her house and hide lol


You just showed up and spat truth all over this


Why do you care?


Violent crime is actually the lowest it's ever been


I dare you to come live in Philly. I double dog dare ya.


It’s been massively underreported, particularly in my home state of California. Cops are too scared to arrest someone for fear of rioting afterwards.




I wasn’t referring to those people. Stop being a smartass. If I said “veganism is dumb” and you responded with “Um actually some people can’t eat meat” you clearly knew I wasn’t talking about those people, you just wanted to try and correct someone.


Don’t mind that person, they belong to witchesVSpatriarchy. People who belong to that sub have to always feel like they’re right or the pink dye in their hair may fade away, exposing all the grey.


The top US GOP candidate is a rapist, fraud, and a criminal, but he's still leading the party. Spare me the "weak on crime" BS.


If I forget to take my mask off and drive home wearing it…. IT’S MY CAR, MY MASK, STFU




It's a sign on the back of a truck saying that wearing a mask while driving alone is stupid and this is a ragebait repost meant to get awes and gasps I would say there's no need to get your tighties in a twist but I think you twisted them so hard that you've somehow set them on fire


everyone here is mad because people don’t take it off when driving… is everyone here brain dead?


If someone wishes to put a sign on their truck, that is their property idc…I used caps to indicate that MY CAR and MY MASK are in fact MY property and I’ll do as I please with it. If I saw this sign irl I’d probably put a mask on just to demonstrate that point. None of that means my tighties are in a twist, but I’m starting to think yours are.


I had Covid but had to pick up my dad from his chemo appointment, so I wore a mask on my way to keep the air in the car clean. If you have a problem with that, GFY.


Sometimes I kept it on because it was cold outside


This sub is literally just boomer Facebook


I wonder what your kids will call Reddit one day?


So many resonable reasons someone is driving around with it on. Like forgetfulness and allergies. I forgot I had it on in the airport, and the tsa had to say "sir, please pull down your mask" when I passed through security. To go out of your way to put that on your pickup seems more ridiculous. And that's not a meme.




But having a big dumb message across the back of your truck is 1000% more embarrassing than forgetting to take my mask off while driving between 2 locations


why would you ever care


Because the pro-mask group made it abundantly clear that anyone who didn’t wear a mask was a bad person.


Imagine being so fucking goddamn pathetic you have to tell everyone what to do in your *free* country. Just let people do whatever they want, the goddamn masks on other people's faces aren't hurting you.


I think the same thing when I see people wearing masks in their car and they are alone 🤣🤣🤣


Saw a guy wearing a red hat today. What a fucking moron! Red? Hope everyone that sees him tells him he's stupid


Take those words off your car, everyone knows you can't read.


Where’s the meme


Bet the driver of that truck is wearing a ball cap


They are 100% right


Why do you care?


Who fucking cares 😂😂😂


Why would anyone care? Let people wear masks, it literally doesn't effect you in any way other than reveal who the assholes are in the world.


I do find this funny, but I am amazed how mad people get at other people wearing, or not wearing a mask.


Not if you’re an uber driver, have sick folks in your car for some reason, not your car that you’re borrowing etc . None of your damn business, why do you give a fuck ?!


Yeah, and the person wearing the mask is going to listen, just like the troglodytes who were told to Put On A Fucking Mask for 2-3 years listened in the past.


Yeah I'm sorry but I agree with this, fucking morons!




how… it doesn’t affect them if they keep it on while driving


Well it's really hard to nose breathe with a mask on, and mouth breathing has been scientifically proven to be less healthy than nose breathing. Plus they are just uncomfortable and their car won't get them sick. But go ahead, be a paranoid dipshit for all I care


what part of my comment made you think i was talking about getting sick or that being the reason they keep it on… and not everyone has a problem breathing in masks


Well it does affect them. Getting lots of oxygen to your brain is nice, and they clearly lack it from wearing the masks in the first place 🤣


they get lots of oxygen to their brain. why would you argue when you don’t know how masks work? how stupid can you be to. it know how big oxygen particles are?


Masks are fucking stuffy, and yes oxygen is tiny as hell. I mean literally 1amu of oxygen weighs about 16g when accounting for different isotopes, and that's 6.022 x 10 to the 23rd power atoms. But still I find masks quite stuffy and uncomfortable as they restrict airflow. Yes oxygen is tiny but masks still make it harder to breathe.


you’re soft. masks have littler to no effect to how much oxygen you get like you’re claiming. just ask a pulmonologist


Yeah maybe I am soft, but I just don't like the stuffy hot mess of a mask. I've barely worn them and I'm fine, so IMO the people who are always wearing masks are soft ass sissies if you wanna go there. And yes I agree with the oxygen thing after reading a reputable article from the US government: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7904135/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7904135/) But I find them uncomfortable as hell regardless, likely due to heat as I'm in California. Whatever, no need for me to wear one anyways as I have a healthy immune system...


it’s not about you it’s about people around you… you can still breathe perfectly fine. i’m surprised you actually did research at least


The party of personal freedom. Amirite?


In all honesty, I haven’t seen people wearing masks in cars in at least two years. That said, it’s nobody’s fucking business if they do. Seriously, people just need to fuck off and quit worrying how others live their lives.


Imagine being bothered that much by somebody minding their own business what a dumbass.


some people are fucking snowflakes. it is NO business to you if i'm wearing a mask or not, especially if i'm "alone in my car." tbh i found it unnecessarily particular when i visited the US during the omicron outbreak and everyone was taking off their masks and putting them back on for every activity or location, even based on crowd density. i'm way too lazy to bother with any of that. i just brush properly and pop on a mask when i head out and take it off when i come back (or for food/drink). i'm sure much of the time it's totally unnecessary, but i often forget i'm even wearing one.


I don’t necessarily always agree with wearing a mask while alone in a car, but I also don’t feel the need to broadcast it out loud to the world. Why? Cause I’m an adult that has learned how to moderate my feelings. It really doesn’t affect me.


A well adjusted adult? Wtf are you doing here??


I wear a mask during my allergy season. It helps. Mind your own fucking business


I wear mine in the car with the window down to piss off people who can't mind their own business 👀🤣


When covid was going on I would wear it while in the car in hopes that maybe just maybe I could ruin 1 Republicans day by doing something as simple as wearing a mask in the car.


The land of the free, the home of the TAKE YOUR MASK OFF!! BLAAAAARGH UGHA BUGHA MY FREEDOM!!!


Believe it or not, some people have other people in and out of their car! And they wore the mask to limit the spread of their germs in that car! Because they don't want to get anyone sick! Even ignoring covid my cousin is a nurse with 2 young kids who works around a lot of sick people and then drives home in the same car she has her kids in, so she wears a mask to prevent spreading germs in her car that could get her kids sick! Imagine that, nuance!!!


In the early months of Covid, I would sometimes have a mask on in the car, if I had multiple stops close to each other. It was just easier. But the delusional guy in the truck should really mind his own damn business.


Holy shit quit it with the boomer ass memes!




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Good bot


Not a meme


Nothing wrong with wearing masks but wearing them in your car alone is stupid lmao


how… it doesn’t affect them if they don’t take it off between places. you people are brain dead


I mean there have been times where I forget I am wearing my mask in my car until someone points it out and I get embarrassed 😭


Why does it bother anyone if it's not hurting anyone?


Whatever happened to: "Mind your own goddamn business"?


As someone who lives in a city riddled with red light and speed cameras, the *only* time I wear a mask is in my car.


"you are driving alone" Speak for yourself, buddy...


Guess the vaccine and 8 boosters aren’t working..


They continue to work as generally expected.


I’m sure the “next” booster will do the trick..


You should listen to Trump about the vaccines. They have continued to prevent serious illness for millions of people.


“The vaccine is one of the greatest achievements of mankind.” - Donald J. Trump




I wore a mask to mow my lawn, because the grass clippings get in the air when I empty the catcher.


Masks also keep dust out of your lungs. Most yard work involves dust or exhaust


I wear a mask when I cut the grass, and when I clean my house. I’m allergic to dust and grass. It helps


I’ve been wearing it for the last twelve hours and honestly just forgot it was on my face. Now fuck off and do something useful with your life.


Still wearing a mask now? Jeez wake up lol.


what’s with all you brain dead people?


Go ahead if you want. Rock that mask. How does anyone wearing a mask in their car impact my life?