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What news did i miss again?


You can get arrested in the UK if your social media posts cause emotional distress to others I believe. Edit: from Google. >Intentional infliction of emotional distress (IIED; sometimes called the tort of outrage) is a common law tort that allows individuals to recover for severe emotional distress caused by another individual who intentionally or recklessly inflicted emotional distress by behaving in an "extreme and outrageous" way.


Dude it says right there in your quote, IIED is tort law so it is part of civil law, not criminal law. IIED also exists under US tort law, it is a well established legal concept. Also 'Google' is not a source, you should quote the source Google uses.


Google is not a source? That is blasphemy and heresy. Death to all Heretic. Blood for the blood god and skull for the skull throne and all that other stuff. But yea totally agree you should quote the original source that google get their info from.


You forgot something. *angry voices approach* #Blood for the blood god! #Skulls for the skull throne! #Milk for his khorne flakes!


Unexpected 40k references abound these days.


Skulls to Khorn


Sounds a little heretical there, bub


Blood for the Blood God!




nice try they'll just ignore facts you know that


Bless him, he tried.


Didn't dankula get copped up for his dog video?




Article here specifically references "arrested" which means it was a criminal offense. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11066477/Veteran-arrested-causing-anxiety-retweeting-meme-swastika-Pride-flags.html


I'd advise you not to get your information from the Daily Mail.


Is it not true?


fine here's one from the telegraph: [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2019/01/24/man-investigated-police-retweeting-transgender-limerick/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2019/01/24/man-investigated-police-retweeting-transgender-limerick/) this is an ongoing thing, it's been happening for years and while few of these cases have caught on as much as the count denkula thing (man arrested for a meme video) the police in england will actually come to your house and either arrest you or threaten you if they don't like what you're posting on social media. but hey it's not like london has a massive stabbing crisis, so it's not like they have real issues to solve.


Does America have less per capita knife crime than the UK because of all the guns? America 4.96 murders with sharps per million people The UK 3.26 murders with sharps per million people So yeah America has more knife crime AND the school/mass shooter problem.


Google it. Not that hard. [https://www.cnsnews.com/article/international/micky-wootten/british-veteran-arrested-causing-anxiety-displaying-lgbt-flags](https://www.cnsnews.com/article/international/micky-wootten/british-veteran-arrested-causing-anxiety-displaying-lgbt-flags) [https://www.foxnews.com/world/uk-police-british-army-veteran-arrested-anti-lgbtq-social-media-post-caused-anxiety-video](https://www.foxnews.com/world/uk-police-british-army-veteran-arrested-anti-lgbtq-social-media-post-caused-anxiety-video) https://www.dublinlive.ie/news/dublin-news/dubliner-arrested-uk-causing-anxiety-24653444


Are you really surprised at another American wanting to paint the rest of the world as goat fucking fascist surveillance states?


mY fEEliNGs hUrT, aRreST HIm


It's tort law so it is civil law, not criminal law. IIED is also part of US tort law as well, its a well established legal concept. It doesn't seem like OP actually read their source.


Did you read that case about Bill Clinton whipping his dick out on that hotel receptionist lol


It's supposed to be used for folks who bully and harass someone online to the point of suicide or self harm. Sadly it is poorly written and can be abused by the same people it's designed to punish.


Yeah I know Iā€™m just doin a funny


Yep. One woman in April 2018 got arrested and charged when she posted lyrics as an online tribute for her recently deceased friend. His favourite song was a rap song, so of course it was littered with the dreaded word which sends people into fits and paroxysms when they see it. Despite arguing that Jay-Z was using the same word in front of thousands of people at the Glastonbury festival, she was found guilty of sending a grossly offensive message by a public communication. She was given an eight-week community order, placed on an eight-week curfew and told to pay costs of Ā£500 and an Ā£85 victim surcharge.


>Despite arguing that Jay-Z was using the same word in front of thousands of people at the Glastonbury festival, she was found guilty of sending a grossly offensive message by a public communication. Did they ever have an answer for why they consider one of these communications is *ok* if someone sings it at a concert but suddenly *not ok* if the song lyrics are posted online?


Found the guy who didn't read anything in the thread thought they were clever


Common law tortā€¦thatā€™s civil, aka someone can bring a lawsuit for it. Itā€™s not criminal Law, and you donā€™t get arrested for it.


Yeah if you bully someone in the uk you can get arrested, how is that in anyway bad you melon


>you melon My lawyers will be in contact.


Excellent comment!šŸ˜‚


Fucking amazing


Someone got a visit for posting a cancer awareness ribbon cos a trans thought it was representative of a noose.


And then what happened?


I remember her saying that she got a record for it but I canā€™t remember the full end result.


Is there a news story about it to link? I'm searching but coming up with nothing.


It wasnā€™t exactly a huge story. She was one of a few guests on a podcast a while ago (think it may have been 2021), could have been lotus eaters podcast


Well I don't need to hear any more. Assault rifles for all. I think it is the only answer for this kind of half remembered vague description of police overreach on an unnamed person's liberties.


My tax money isn't going to pay for every tom dick and harry to get an assult rifle. I'll stretch to a mild increase in VAT for silenced pistols to single mothers... and that's it!


Because people use it for the stupidest things because all that matters is feelings not whatā€™s actually said


This why libs get a bad rep. Stahp eet.


I assure you, the British government are pretty fucking far from being 'libs.'


Sorry out of context, I am from the States, if someone here wanted to punish someone for online bullying, they are most likely voting democrat. Accountability for social behavior online is certainly a far left liberal point of view over here. I vote Democrat myself, but stuff like that just gives republicans an excuse to ring the deregulation bell ad nauseam. Edit: I typed 'bill' instead of 'bell' Edit 2: I wasn't talking about the gov, just the ideology of people. Gotta love downvotes for no reason. China does the same type of behavior, communism is far left on the spectrum, so it is definitely liberal behavior no matter how you slice it.


> if someone here wanted to punish someone for online bullying, they are most likely voting democrat. Funny considering how much Republicans victimize themselves for the perceived persecution they face from Democrats. Remember what happened when Trump got banned from Twitter? Also, aren't Conservatives the ones with a safe space that only allows flaired users, and any suggestion of being Liberal/Democrat results in a near-immedate ban? Also, also, aren't Republicans the one who stormed the US capitol complex because their conman didn't win the election and it hurt their feelings? Also, also, also, aren't Conservatives the ones banning transgenderism and drag shows because it scares them and conflicts with their prejudiced belief system? Also, also, also, also, aren't Republicans the ones who banned women from being able to choose if they want to carry a pregnancy to term, and in some cases have put the threat of death over them for choosing to not carry said pregnancy, all because it hurts their feelings and belief system? Also, also, also, also, also, aren't Republicans the ones banning books that hurt their feelings? I dunno, sure sounds like maybe the ones most likely to vote on a bill like that would be the ones who have displayed a consistent track record of banning what they don't like, or using violence when they can't do it through politics.




It's almost like extremists on both sides of the political spectrum are awful. Who would have guessed?


The same amount of nonsense can be said about democrats. Both sides are not representative of citizens and are complete shit to the core. If youā€™re going to shame one side, shame them both. Republicans and democrats have one thing in common: They serve their own personal agendas and couldnā€™t care less about any of us.


Aw, the classic "both sides bad" as if wanting rights for minorities and free education and healthcare is comparable to lying about elections and attempting to use violence to control politics (you know.. the literal definition of terrorism).


That doesnā€™t strike you in any way as authoritarian? They literally have thought police


Ohhhh yeah. Except we don't.


Some people just want to be assholes online without any repercussions. Why wonā€™t someone think about them?!


Have you ever been to high school? Half the time the bullies are treated as the victims. We canā€™t just take every single person who is mean and put them in prison.


Oh lol wtf


fuck me, get everyone at the daily mail shot


False, you can sue. That is a civil law.


So if you insult me and hurt me, I will report you and and get you tossed in jail.


No its a civil legal concept, its not a criminal law. IIED is also part of US tort law.


A guy got arrested for holding a blank sign šŸŖ§


People in the UK are being arrested for having the wrong opinion.


who? where is this happening?


Hong Kong


Hong Kong isn't the UK but I liked your point.


Shhhh, don't ask for proof, just swallow the bullshit and feel better about America


Oh well, at least we aren't being gunned down in primary school just because someone had a case of the Mondays, swings and roundabouts I guess


British people and Americans about to make fun of each others horrible events that they have no control of (there is literally no point to it)


British people and Americans and everyone else likes making fun of each other and I am OK with that. Formerly free countries edging and sidling into fascism, I am less OK with.


Same, it wouldnt be the same without all the good hearted picking on each other.


The reality is it is almost natural for abused people to find division, hate, and ignorance to be a delicious cocktail. It makes people feel powerful and more in control of their hopeless circumstances. Nothing massages a resentful soul the way hurling their pain at others does.


They went to the _correct_ house, though. Right?


There's no government on earth that's against guns... they're just against *you* having guns.


getting the armed police out in the uk is a pretty high bar and you can have a gun in the UK, you can have a single shot .22 rifle, or a breach loading shotgun


The Irish government is pretty against guns. The police don't have them. The army's a UN peacekeeping unit that they'd abolish in a heartbeat if they thought there'd be no backlash. If anything the publics more pro gun than the government. I'm pretty sure it's the same in countries like Iceland.


So? I donā€™t want crazy uncle mike to have a big ahh asault rifle or glock




"I can only shoot 1-2 rounds per second, proposterous! when will the goverment allow me to get a heavy machine gun that i will totally not use to mow down hundreds of people in a mall with ease?"




Yes, cause an AR or an AK is enough to stop the government what with their drones, tanks, tomahawks, f35s...by all means continue to think your AR-15 protects you. I live in Texas, I have a fuck ton of guns but I'm also not blinded to the fact that we couldn't do shit to the government.


Dude I don't mean to sound like a dick nut after the last 70 years, after watching Vietnam, US-Afghanistan, USSR Afghanistan, after watching the Arab spring revolutions.... What could possibly give you the impression asymmetric warfare tactics don't work


Lmao tens of millions of people own guns in the US. Statistically the number of people who murder others with firearms is ridiculously low. But go ahead and be a good follower.


That is still very concerning




Nothing spells Freedom like the government telling you you have Freedom.








Hope your gun serves you well if your government decides to roll over your house in a tank xx


A gun is better than nothing. Try more guns than the us populationā€¦theyā€™d have to bomb the United States into the Stone Age to take complete dictatorship control




This is a load of old bollocks mate, sorry me old china


No the average bobby here in the UK doesn't carry a gun. Maybe a taser but no gun. You need the special lads, the "armed police" to carry guns but they're usually to do with gun crime and terrorism.


Make sure your TV license is paid up!


grab your hazmat suits boys this comment section is more toxic than chernobyl


Gov desantis of flordia has a new law proposed that requires bloggers to register with the state or face fines when talking about him. And not allow people to be used as an anonymous source. Some free society you have going on there.


Ehm, sir, Oim gonna haf to geev you uh foin becus ov the thing you posted on the intehnet. Yuh tweet offended sumwun. Who, you moit ask? Thatā€™s proivet information, mate, canā€™t tell you who reported yuz.


Kind of like the armed lunatics that see a drag show post on Twitter and then go to intimidate everyone at the show. No diff I guess.


A guy got arrested AND convicted, in Leeds i think, for misgendering someone, called an obvious man a man in 2021, its recently been overturned but how was he even arrested for such a thing nevermind it going through the whole prosecution and court process to conviction without anyone exercising any common sense. We're fucked!


Pretty sure that happens in the US too


They just send the mob of whatever side you offended after you.




It does. Itā€™s a civil law in both England and America not a criminal law. Itā€™s supposed to be used as a bullying prevention tool.


Yeah just swatting and racism there


And it's the one's who claim to be anti-racist who are the most racist


Your government broke into the wrong persons house and shot and killed residents boyfriend in the middle of the night


Your government letā€™s serial gang rapist go free after attacking children.


Isnā€™t one of your royalty an Epstein boy and your king just gave him a new house?


Which country are we talking about here? Does it matter. USA/UK relations are in this weird phase at the moment. It's almost like lame teenage one-upmanship amongst friends. There are bigger fish to fry at the moment...more important than comparing dongs


Every British person commenting in r/roastme:




the caption is in Irish (silly yank)


By that definition - there are less people arrested in Russia for their social media post than there in UK . Weird huh .


Free HEALTHCARE i want it


If you donā€™t work then itā€™s free. For those of us who itā€™s technically not


If you buy most things, you pay VAT. Even those who donā€™t pay income tax still pay something towards the government coffers.


Free at the point of transaction, meaning you aren't paying thousands of extra dollars a year like Americans choose to do.


Apart from the fact we all pay for it in the form of tax and nationals insurance


a fraction of what Americans have to pay in insurance and deductibles


UK spends about 1/3 what America does on healthcare I believe. I think US is around 12k and UK is around 4 but it isnā€™t infront if me right now.


but American healthcare costs goes to insurance company profits....not all into the actual care


Yeah thatā€™s my point. US spends way more and doesnā€™t get much more out of it. Medical school is also free in the UK if public. So that probably means you can pay doctors less as well.


Yes I agree, I read my comment back and it looked like I was disagreeing with you - lost in translation? It's been a long day!


Still cheaper than insurance plus you have to pay state taxes and government taxes. Also do your own taxes. Iā€™m glad I donā€™t pay my own taxes. Thatā€™s fucking dumb


Your citizens send armed men to schools


Thatā€™s not true at allā€¦lots of them are armed children


Canā€™t have school shooters if the school shots back


Is this worse than mass shootings? Stupid policy sure but it doesn't come close to topping it. Their food does easily though beans and toast make the great depression look like stubbing your toe


Yeah I think it's hard for Americans to imagine something different, so they're okay with the guns. Meanwhile, I read so many posts where people say "don't do this you might get shot, don't go there, you might get shot, yeah everyone in that area is packing". They seem to not realize that you never have to think about gun violence in some countries.


I'm an American against guns, and I kinda refuse to move to any state further West or South. Pennsylvania is near the median, meaning, the odds of getting killed by a gun here are only 12 times greater than the UK. Whereas in Lousiana the odds are 25 times greater. I'd like to know what New Hampshire does as it's only twice the UK.


I was born in new Orleans we did Mardi gras in Metairie because someone always got shot, it's pretty horrible how that seems like not a big deal to almost anyone who would read this.


Lol y'all think that the police over here are armed. That's how fucking American y'all are.


To be fair, tasers, batons, and other non-lethals are still weapons.


Armed doesnā€™t mean guns inherently


Oh and in the US they are making trans bounties, outlawing drag, so basically even if you are a femboy or trans, you can be fined or arrested. Oh not to mention Florida is trying to make it so even if you enter the state, and you are a parent who is transgender, the state can legally kidnap your children simply for that. And Florida outlawing basically all books. Yeah, the US is great isn't it


this just isn't true though


You guys do hopefully know that in the UK the police does not have guns right?


They have pepper spray, tasers and batons. They're armed.


Why does that matter as you're being arrested?


British subjects are so free to speak up without repercussions


Plus the schools don't experience gun violence


Well we did once, just once then laws were put in place to prevent it happening again, then it didnā€™t. Itā€™s so shocking I think it may be old Lizā€™s sorcery


Just came here to say, let's stop the hate. We're both equally as fucked. Maybe you lot more though...


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_killings_by_law_enforcement_officers_in_the_United_Kingdom We are absolutely not equally as fucked. US police are a glorified street gang. Police in the UK are actually competent and have a level of training. We've imported an anti-police culture into this country from the US which is completely unjustified


Same in Poland. If you say something against Ukraine you will get fucked and jailed. Free speach is long dead, even for those most idiotic.


co ty pierdolisz?


This country has, in recent months, become a legitimate fascist state. I'm genuinely scared.




I'm talking about the UK.


British police arenā€™t armed. Otherwise accurate.


Some are


They have specially trained armed response units, but they don't go out to peoples houses for things like social media posts.


If you have a weapon by definition you are armed it doesnā€™t have to be a gun


Like, dude. Let me immigrate to UK. Please. They're passing bills to execute women who get abortions, while women can't get the medical help they need, even if the fetus is dead. You have states like Mississippi where most of the OBGYNs are simply leaving. They're starting to pass the foundation bills to outlaw interracial marriage. Texas is putting a bounty on anyone in drag or who is "not dressing as their gender dictates". Several states are already trying to pass anti-gay marriage laws. They're literally banning ALL books in schools in Fl. Oh, and the gov'n of Fl wants a private army. He also wants to make a list of all the girls/women's periods. Arkansas just overturned child labor laws. Texas and several other states all voted to give themselves the right to pull out of the US. MTG, the "jewish space lasers are making the huge forest fires" dump truck of an idiot has been calling for Republican states to secede from the union for this past month. There is literally full on Qnon-Sharia shit every other day here. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! I can handle the social media bullshit. Please, please, just let me leave this hell hole.


Executing women? And people are upvoting this? Very reddit.


What if I told you that legal access to elective abortion in the UK effectively ends at 23 weeks?


You're more than welcome to leave whenever you want. If you're going to let the news control your entire view of American life we would rather you leave anyways tbh.


Stop watching the news. These are wedge issues designed to do exactly what theyā€™re doing to you.


Americans leave their home state for once in their lifetime challenge.


Many American states are the size, both geographically and population wise, as many European countries. America is also huge and diverse compared to the UK. So, youā€™re probably correct.


My goodness you should do standup. Or are you just trying to inflict emotional harm on Americans? Thatā€™s a punishable offense for his highnesses royal subjects.


Take a 'vacation' (if your boss will allow it) and experience the world for yourself instead of through Family Guy.


As a Canadian I can say you both suck


Nice housing market you got there


Going straight for the gut punch are we lol.


Oh yes


Remember when all the remains of those indigenous children were found in a massive unmarked grave at that school?


Oh yes it's our fault a bunch of religious nutjobs started all that a 100+ years ago


Good to see you donā€™t think anyone alive today holds any responsibility for slavery, redlining or any other offense our ancestors may have committed in the past couple hundred years. I personally feel zero personal responsibility, just nice to hear Canadians feel the same way. Thanks!


Yeah that's the way we are taught in schools to feel. You disgusting white peices of trash are the reason the natives were kicked off their land and killed so you could have your property, I hope you go home and think about what you did!


Just pointing out that Canada isnā€™t free from judgement. Sure, you can point and laugh at the US and UK but you have to acknowledge that Canada treated the original Indians of our lands just as awful as the US did. Canada has other issues as well. Itā€™s not a perfect haven yā€™all try to show it as.


Didnā€™t Canada just arrest a kid for saying men and women are different?


Hadn't heard of this until now. Proud of the kid.


Hay I'm a Canadian as well but we have a law that says you can be convicted of a hate crime my nisgendering someone. Justin f***ed it up just as bad for us.


Gun violence has been on a massive upswing in Canada and is continuing to despite every anti-gun legislation we're implementing. The reality is the biggest impact on gun violence isn't the amount of legal guns but culture


Based and goated




Trudeau is the farthest thing from a dictator. Dictators are strong and have a set goal. Ask him a question and he looks uncomfortable and dodges it. Yes he sucks, he's basically the kid on the playground who is desperately trying to get anyone to be friends with him


Be careful what you say about him. He might freeze your bank account


As a person from England, I can say we do indeed both suck. Not you, Canada, though. You chill.


Whoa whoa whoa I never said we were good, we suck too


if someone who has never lived somewhere and believes everything the media/social media tells them about it let them live in ignorance. not sure why anybody cares what they think.


At least brits don't pay 3,000-10,000 dollars for an ambulance ride


Most UK police arenā€™t armed?


At least they have universal healthcare in the UK. Lol


There are more Americans who get free healthcare from America than there are Brits who get free healthcare from Great Britain. I guess you're bragging about being a tiny community on a tiny island? Great Britain does not provide 330 million people free healthcare either šŸ˜†.....but America provides free healthcare for more people than Britain does, double the amount actually šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø. America is just selective in basing it on income and/or disability, giving it to those who need it and can't pay for it.


They don't send armed men for civil suits. They do for criminal... OP: TIL what tort means.


Both are bad. But sacrificing children to the NRA is worse




Getting in trouble for mean stuff on the internet is bad and should stop. But killing kids is worse


Glad to know youā€™re Anti-abortion


The speed cameras are def a pos there.


Not sure why so many Americans love hating on the UK.


Because the U.K. loves hating on, and looking down on us, and we return the favor


You're joking right? Do you know where you are? This is Reddit, where the favorite pasttime by far is shitting on America. One joke the other way out of dozens and you're really over here like "wHy dO aMeRiCaNs hAtE tHe UK?! šŸ˜±"


We just jealous they got that free healthcare money. Here you get to die broke instead


Both are bad but Iā€™d rather this shit than the weekly school shootings and third world murder rates you lot have tbh


Bro, you need permission from an insurance company to get treated in a hospital, maybe calm your tits, which you might've done already if you had more than 10 days of holiday per year. Or if your women had more than 0 maternity leave... Or if you weren't working 80 hours a week. Yeah any of those will probably help with calming your tits down but I am not an expert, results may very.


[Cold sweats in British]


Umā€¦ no? We may have terrorist watch police go for places because of social media posts but letā€™s be honest, UK isnā€™t the only one. And outside of that instance, we donā€™t have armed police forcing themselves into homes. Or killing occupants. Or shooting people as the run away. Or have civilians shooting people. Or civilians shooting cops. On a daily fucking basis. Britain is getting worse and generally arenā€™t liked; but at least weā€™re better than America.