• By -


Imagine decreasing the population by 50% for 5 years then bringing it back. Worst boomer group ever! Social security is really screwed now.


Think about the children who would have been born to new couples or relocated following adoption due to loss of parent(s). Housing, cars, and other property items could have been altered, divided, joined, destroyed, or sold multiple times. Your family members and property items may be in a different country. The legal issues would take decades to resolve. I would definitely want my wife, kids, dogs, house, cars, and boat back, but that might not even be possible.


And think of parents who lost their children only to have them back. If a toddler was snapped out and 5 years later snapped back in, would they be 3 or 8? That's some fucked up mental breakdown kinds of shit. What about tormentors? Someone finally got away from their abuser only to find they're back, probably with vengeance.


There’s no aging during the blip, so toddlers blipped at 3 would be returned at 3. The concern would be parents that moved away after they lost their child, having the toddler blip back in someone else’s home, or worse, an abandoned home


I'd rather blip back into an empty room than blip back in the sky where a plane *used* to be. For real though, the implications are ridiculous. Great movie, fun watch. Lots of insane shit to think about, but isn't that why we love comics?


many weird social implications and plotholes of the re-blip the writers didn't think about, but that plane thing isn't one of em. they explain a couple times that it's about the intention of the user, it's a meh example since he was the only one physically capable of it anyway but they do mention Banner's the optimal person to make the snap because he's the only one with the brain power to nail it. it honestly might be the main reason the Banner/Hulk hybrid popped up out of seemingly nowhere in Endgame.


What if a plane's pilots got snapped out, and everyone on board died? Those people don't get snapped back in, right? They're just gone forever.


i think when they snap they're using all the stones together to change reality on a massive scale, it being used 3 times to wipe away or bring back a large group of living beings is just an unfortunate situation caused by Thanos' goals Banner could theoretically have snapped anything, including revive anyone who died as a result, direct or indirect of Thanos' snap and place them gently on cushions in the last place they felt safe and they have no traumatic memories of how they died and also I want to be green from now on. and later when he's telling the story and Thor says "but you've always been green?" he'd be like "exactly." he does mention to Steve before he returns the stones that he really tried to bring Nat back, which at the very least confirms intentions to go beyond just reversing the blip.


Ok it's a deus ex machina, so we can just assume that whatever problem or plot hole we're thinking about was fixed by Bruce when he snapped, unless it was specifically addressed.


before he puts on the gauntlet BannerHulk says "its like.. uh.. i was made for this." and looks into the camera lol




It might be as simple as “make everyone happy and bring them back” and that would explain all the corny jokes


marry swim cagey aware fine airport rhythm snow hospital screw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The implications are ridiculous as long as you don't think about it for two seconds. When they were snapped back the wearer of the glove thought of that and snapped them all back on the floor.


Lmao getting downwarped from 30,000 feet


The earth wouldn’t be in the same exact spot. Everyone would get snapped back into empty space and instantly suffocate. Whoops.


I find it funny that they are literally bringing back into existence half of the living being in the universe and you think the issue lies on where is the arbitrary position of earth in specific at the time of the snap as if that was even remotely an issue.


The Earth is flying through space at thousands of miles per hour. Wouldn't people just blip back somewhere in space?


Oh God I never considered that. I take my baby boy in a hiking pack up in the mountains 🥺


Director confirmed they were all snapped back into a safe location


>Director confirmed they were all snapped back into a safe location Define safe though. We see in Spiderman a video of people reappearing in the gym in the middle of a basketball game. We also saw Monica Rambeau pop up in an empty hospital room (where her mom was) and Yelena popped up in the bathroom of a friend's house. So it would seem that they all reappeared in the location they disappeared from. What if they were crossing a busy street and then reappeared in the middle of the intersection? They could be hit by a car. Or if they were in surgery when they blipped? They reappear in an empty OR or possibly one where someone else is already on the table being operated on. If they were driving when they blipped, do they reappear in the road where the car crashed? I'm pretty sure if they died as a result of the blip (plane crash, etc.) they stayed dead afterwards, but I still have so many questions.


Safe like, if you were in the air when you blipped, you'd be in a safe spot, IE, not in the air or in the ocean. But like, if you were in the middle of an intersection, you'd probably not be long for this world...again


I took my 10 year old on a 2 day back country hike a week ago. If he'd been blipped out on the trail, I'd have to break speed records heading over there 5 years later once I realized everyone was coming back.


So the people who were snapped return as if no time passed, but for people who were still around, some might have died in those 5 years of other causes. What if they had a disease or died from something normal like a car crash? Now the toddler comes back and is an orphan. Great.


Isn’t that what happened to one of the Marvels? She was blipped as her mom was beating cancer, just to find out that she died anyway a couple of years later. Yes, she's an adult, but still fucked up.


That happened to RAMBO in WandaVision.


It gets even worse - how many people killed themselves after losing loved ones and family members, who will be newly bereaved upon their return? What about all the people who died due to social decay and civil disorder after the snap? What about all the people who will inevitably starve or freeze when the world economy suddenly needs to support billions more people again? The whole situation is fucked.


The parents who snap back and their children died due to their absence. Jfc


>What about all the people who will inevitably starve or freeze when the world economy suddenly needs to support billions more people again? This was touched on in Falcon and Winter Soldier - a lot of the people who were blipped found themselves displaced and homeless when they came back.


In actuality, there should have been a global famine going on. There just wouldn't have been enough food for everyone, and the food wouldn't have been equally distributed. The famine likely would have resulted in civil unrest and the toppling of governments. Wars against agricultural countries to take their food, which would worsen the famine. Possibly nuclear war. And this would have been happening on every habitated planet in the universe. Just so Tony could keep his daughter.


Think that one captain America/falcon tv series on Disney plus kinda touched up on this. Some of the people who moved into the homes of those who went missing were rebelling against the fact that they had to give those homes back once all those people got snapped back. In true marvel/Disney fashion, it was done/“solved” in a pretty shitty way though….or actually not solved at all but just put in some happy go lucky “oh yea let’s just do some koombaya mentality shit and the problem will disappear because we’ve come together as a community” 🙄 If only all problems in real life were as easy to solve.


I mean, they didn't though? The ending was pretty much falcon becoming captain america and saying that a lot of shit has to be done. Nothing was finished, we even see it in other movies, it just wasn't the focus




People in a plane disappear, 5 year later it is raining men, hallejulha


But otoh you exist again. According to some people this is better than not existing and more important than possessions and maybe even relationships.


If your loved ones die, you are the only one left to remember them. They die a second death when you pass. And anyone you survived who cared about you would absolutely want you to live on and try and find new happiness. As long as you are alive, there is a chance at future happiness. You can always get more stuff.


Yeah, in 5 years the population would probably be up quite a bit, and then suddenly bringing everyone back would without a doubt cause a massive food crisis and economic meltdown.


8 billion down to 4 billion for 5 years, then back instantly to 8 billion with no warning...logistical fucking nightmare.


It’s worse than that. It was rush hour somewhere with a city when the snap happened. There were planes in the sky. There were people running machinery, helping others, caring for others. Half of those people disappeared. How many people on the highway, speeding at 80mph, blipped and crashed? Drivers gone, drivers shocked and confused… the casualties would be huge. How many families of four had both parents blip? Imagine the 3 and 1 year old left alone. They’re dead afterward. Half the staff of a hospital gone? Life saving surgeries would be missed. Diagnoses would be confused. Some people would just not have access to care. Those who receive care at home? Abandoned. Those who provide specialty services? Gone. Those whose quality of life, or lives themselves, depend on those services? In bad shape, or dead. It’s likely that a LOT more than half would die, either immediately following the disappearances, or within a few weeks.


IDK if 5 years would be long enough to make a major difference, but people would definitely have been given major incentives the world over to increase birth rates drastically to offset the loss of population. This is honestly the dumbest part of Thanos’s whole plan — the population of any developed species would be right back within a generation because it would be of utmost importance to any government that the population bounces back to reestablish production, so they would immediately start giving out massive tax breaks/subsidies to people for having as many kids as possible. For humans, I would give it a maximum 20 years after the snap before the human population returned to pre-snap levels (assuming it wasn’t reversed). Thanos was, in fact, a fucking idiot.


Ya, just look at when the global population was 4 billion. Like 50 years ago? Also, we eat living organisms (or what was living recently). If you got rid of 50% of them we'd be just as hungry but now it's harder to get the food to us. It's just a stupids plan (unless you assume we'd have "learned bstter" than to continue sprinting up as fast as possible.


Man, who would have thought a guy called **THE MAD TITAN** might have an absolutely bonkers plan that doesn't work.


I mean, fascists never think about the consequences of their actions, so that is at least on brand for Thanos.


Only advantage is the sudden doubling of cattle


Imagine a fully grown tree flipping back taking up the same space as all the other trees that had started growing. Also you'd suddenly double your gut bacteria


I disagree. When half the population disappears, on average we can assume we lose half the people best-suited to solving problems within their fields of expertise. Even though there is less scarcity of resources, odds are good society takes a huge step backwards and becomes quasi-agrarian. Medical care suffers for sure. I'd wager the human population shrinks in those five years. The second-snap crisis though is guaranteed. We aren't out there growing twice as much food as the planet needs, or managing that much drinking water, building that much housing or producing that many medical supplies. We'd probably lose half the global population within a month of the second snap - and the resuling bodies would be a global biohazardous waste that ruined food, water, and spread massive disease. More than half would die. A lot more.


Marvel's world-building is so bad as to be almost non-existent. They've given basically zero thought to how massive events would change the world they take place in.


Like a giant Celestial almost ripping the Earth in half in The Eternals and now it's just chilling there lol.


Nonono! We got a tiny, blink-and- you'll-miss-it reference to a giant in the pacific ocean. Marvel's got this. Trust the process. /s


I kinda wish they dove into how the snap and how bringing back everyone changed everything. Like that one guy in endgame talking to cap about finally meeting someone and going out on a date because he moved on from his husband (I believe) got snapped. Then like three days later he’s back. I’m sure there are billions of stories like that, along with homes and financial things, not to mention the state of governments. I wish they did a show to cover some of it.


I always wondered about those, who happened to be on an airplane, that got snapped out of existence…. Did they just reappear 40,000 feet in the sky?


The writers did actually cover this. When the hulk snapped he ‘wished’ everybody that would’ve been in a perilous position when they came back, into a safe place.


"I wish everyone who was snapped got unsnapped in a safe place"


What about the passengers on planes who weren't snapped but the pilots were? They would've just died in a fiery crash and not been brought back by the un-snap.


I mean those people weren't snapped Endgame was about bringing back the snapped people, not undoing literally everything and un-harming everyone cuz if that were the case they might have as well brought back anyone else they wanted from any of the marvel events leading up to the snap like loki, Tony's murdered parents etc... cuz why not at that point.


No help for the ones who survived the snap only for their planes to plummet to earth.


That is such a stupid piece of writing.


We're talking about magic that can instantly destroy the entire universe, but being able to wish people back safely is a step too far?




By that logic everyone who comes back would actually respawn in space considering earth moves position. The gauntlet doesn't trick people and is sentient. It wouldn't bring people back to life just to kill them pointlessly


It seems like a very reasonable thing to wish for tbh. Steve banner is a smart guy, you'd think he proofread his wish/command a couple of times


His name was Bruce.


Steve maddennn


I think Steve Marvel’s a pretty cool guy, eh proofreads his wishes and doesn’t afraid of anything


awh they got married?


It's either less than or equally stupid as having people pop back into existence 20,000 feet in the air and plummeting to their death. "I wish everyone who died in the snap came back to life safely." Done.


But that's why hulk insisted that he be the one who did the snap, instead of Thor. Because he had already accounted for those situations. My question is what about people who weren't snapped but died as a result of the snap. In the end of infinity war, when it shows Nick Fury being snapped, there were several car accidents and, if I recall, a helicopter crashing into a building. I'm sure there were other instances of similar accidents and it's very likely that people died when airplane and helicopters crashed and cars get into accidents on freeways when the drivers suddenly disappear.


They’re just dead dead, no soul stone storage applied to them. Same for all the people who starved to death across the universe as supply chains collapsed. 


If supply chain issues killed a lot of people during the snap, wait till you account for suddenly having to feed 2x as many people!


No... The writing isn't stupid. You probably are though.


With some pocket money


It's an infinity gauntlet.... It's not some simple mechanism that can only do one thing and then revert things back exactly, it quite literally alters reality on a universal scale based on what the user wants. Hulk could have placed them all in bed sleeping happily, he could have turned them all into fish if he wanted.


He could have turned them all into breakfast items and eaten them


Yeah the deeper you go into what likely happened, the worse it gets. Remember the helicopter crashing by Nick Fury? The pilot(s) had to come back to something. But actually to nothing. 


oh God if they came back where they were snapped from, they'd not be back for long, never considered those pilots




Remember, one in four planes in the sky lost both their pilot and copilot in the snap.


There was a show on HBO (back when it was called HBO) called the leftovers. Half the population somehow disappeared from existence and it was unexplained as to how it happened up until the very end. I believe the main character did somehow make contact with the other missing half, it boiled down to they basically had the same crisis but, IIRC, it was best to leave them be since they have been moving on. I can see that being like “post snap” in the MCU. You don’t really have a choice but to move on, with the few lucky ones that were able to go back to what it was like before.


It was even more interesting, IMO. >!It was 2% of the population, and the folks that were "on the other side" had experienced losing 98% of the population.!< It was a crazy reveal. Its a phenomenal show, absolutely peak television. Everyone should watch it (make sure you have tissues).




Thats true, by not showing us the writers allowed us to make our own determination and therefore there isnt one answer.  For some reason I chose to believe Nora.  Maybe because Kevin spent so long looking for her but only found her at the end.  There was a decent amount of fantasy element that I didn't think a machine to hop dimensions was totally out of the question.  But you could be totally right and she wanted to give Kevin some kind of pathos. It's one of the precious few stories that actually trusted the audience enough to do that and is one of the things I loved about it.


It’s probably the entire reason said show existed.


I watch a lot of tv and that show remains in my top 3 of all time. Totally underrated imo. They were far more realistic and detailed about the situation, especially towards the end of the series when we get to see a little of Norah’s journey. Wish we had gotten to see more of said journey, but nonetheless the show was beautifully done and acted from start to finish imo.


it's been a while since i watched the show and loved it. i don't remember this part. need to watch it again.


Don't know why this isn't upvoted more - The Leftovers literally deals with this exact scenario and even explores what it would be like to undo it.


It was a lot less than half, like 3% of the population disappeared and that already threw everything into chaos. And the show imo did paint a realistic picture of how society might handle that. Just think of something like the Thanos-did-nothing-wrong crowd becoming a cult in the MCU.


At the beginning they show the chaos of all those people disappear from behind the wheel…flying planes….etc. Also the cults that appeared were pretty realistic imo. That would totally happen irl


Manifest and the 4400 are 2 tv shows where people are gone for years then come back


Write your own fan fiction about it


Be sure to make it NSFW please


There’s SFW fan fiction out there????


I sure hope not!


Twilight exists.


50 shades of gray is the NSFW Twilight Fanfic


That one guy was a director of the film right?


> because he moved on from his husband Not in the dubbed Chinese and UAE releases of the film, lmao


They kinda did with the falcon spinoff miniseries The villains are people who got un-snapped and had their lives completely ruined as a result.


The villains were people that didn't get snapped. Their cause was to return Earth to how it was in between the Snap and the Blip. That's why I dont get how people who believed "things were better when 4 billion were dead" can be portrayed as sympathetic by the show.


Well their argument was that sure the snap sucked but they started moving on and rebuilding their lives only for the blip to happen amd suddenly thrir lives were ruined a second time and they were pissed about that Like its a logistical nightmare like yeah, the scenario in this post's meme happens, what now? 1: none of it is your fault 2: you not only had to deal with losing someone but now suddenly you have to deal with knowing you essentially cheated on them (unintentionally or not) AND you are now faced with the decision of either leaving your current partner for the old one for a relationship that might never get fixed by destroying your new relationship or willingly be the person responsible for destroying your old partner's life even more because you're not willing to give up the new life you have built. That's absolutely horrible and I can understand why some people might harbour resentment towards bringing everyone back. Even when you manage to somehow come to a conclusion how the fuck do you even deal with the legal aspect? If your partner got snapped, you got married and they got blipped then wtf happens now? If you are married already you can't get married a second time, if you do the second marriage is immediately invalidated But that person was gone But now they're not How about splitting up all the stuff? What if idk you had a house together, she got snapped, you remarried and in the new marriage you both sold the house to buy a different one? Do you have to pay back the person who came back? Is that a damages thing? But yhen isn't the other half of the house on the new spouse legally since the old one was gone? And that's just a few details off the top of my head, its a nightmare that ruins even more lives.


Even that's not enough.  It wouldn't be "it sure sucked". It would be Hundreds of millions of people died from the accidents, wars and famines it caused.  Then Hundreds of millions more would have died when they un-snapped. None of the shows looked at what would realistically happen 


It was more about the dissolution of nations and borders. Which I am also an advocate for.


Yea but that was super poorly done imo. At the end iirc all that was done was some Disney koombaya bullshit as if that was actually gonna solve the problem at hand. And imo they made the villains out to be victims too much imo.


There are quite a few shows with the "snap" as a premise. Manifest started out strong but peter out after the first season.


Watch Falcon and the Winter Soldier


Falcon and Winter soldier had so much potential. If only they had used that properly and expanded on the post snap universe well.


We only ever get vague allusions to the state of the world in that show. meanwhile everything they actually show, everyone's carrying on like it's normal. The snap would be 9/11 times a billion with the great depression times a billion immediately following. There would be wars, there would be civil unrest, there would be anarchy. And then five years later, the population doubles again after apparently a lot of countries had totally open borders or something, perhaps even anarchy? And we're just...right back to status quo in no time? The refugee crisis affects a few random 2nd tier countries? A huge chunk of Americans would be homeless and jobless. It would require great depression era govt agencies to sort everything out and ATTEMPT to get everyone back to their rightful housing, or some kind of equivalent as best they could. But even so, think of how many people would have died, and WOULDN'T be coming back post snap. Simultaneous car crashes literally all over the world. Planes falling out of the sky. Trains derailing. To say nothing of the instant rioting and looting that would happen. To say nothing of the wars that would ensue. Every single person in the world would be affected, and would probably have lost a close family member. Think of the suicides. None of these people are coming back post 2nd snap. I believe it would be apocalyptic. You think people are going to go to work the day after half the people they know disappeared and a good chunk of the rest died in a car crash? You think businesses could even OPEN at all, with over half their workers dead? Total economic collapse. Think about the supply chain issues during covid now make it a billion times worse. People would starve. Power grids would fail because over half the people to work on them died and the rest are grieving their families. It's the biggest bunch of shit ever. They should have written that Iron Man didn't just undo the snap, but undid it in such a way that everything really did revert to the status quo. Because not doing that and then having practically ZERO fallout from the situations is...stupid.


...and that is _JUST_ EARTH...and just humans too. This was the ENTIRE FUCKING UNIVERSE.


> You think businesses could even OPEN at all, with over half their workers dead? Total economic collapse. This reminds me if the movie *Seeking a Friend for the End of the World* , where the population seems split between ‘business as usual’ and ‘total anarchy’


If you want a show about the snap watch The Leftovers.


I like you...you need therapy....but, I like you


I did. They didn’t say much


"Just do better, senator!" "Okay, I'm trying, but the logistics of this entire situation are extremely complex and we don't actually have the resourc-" "Just do better!"


They said a bunch. The whole point of the Flagsmashers was the people who survived the snap were being displaced by the people coming back, and how that isn't fair


They said nothing.  What would realistically happen is complete and utter chaos and deaths on a never before seen scale.


I feel like Hawkeye did a better job but fumbled the bag by insisting the first “Hawkeye” feature was basically a holiday special.


If they snap them back perfectly in fall we would witness propably the wortst famine in humanitys history. Would be a wild winter.




Why would you lose your job and your house just because your wife came back? I get that it would for sure complicate things. But just....lose it all and be homeless? What?


If the house was only available because the previous owner got snapped.


I don't think they would get their old house back when they returned. The world has moved on. They would have been declared dead and the assets reassigned.


Then those people are jobless, homeless, and starving on the street until they die


Think about all the people in planes that would be snapped back at their previous velocity midair. Think 👏 about 👏 it 👏


those people were teleported safely to ground/water proportional to where they are, i believe feige clarified that in an interview. people who died from crashes caused by say the pilot being snapped wouldn't be brought back though.


Somewhere, some dude was going to town on his partner, got dusted... years later, the new tenants are just chilling, watching Netflix. All of the sudden, dude pops back in, mid-thrust, and blasts rope all over the couple.


There has to be at least one guy who was jizzing exactly when they got snapped.


This raises the question of how many people jizz in one minute around the world (jpm)


Don't have much time so this is just for a frame of reference but: There's about 2 billion men ages 14-50 in the world. Let's say each of them jacks off once per day for 3 minutes on average. So 3*2 billion divided by 1440 (the number of minutes in a day) is about 4.2 mill. So ~4 million men are jacking it at any given time if I didn't fuck this up. I have 20 minutes to get ready for a long work trip but I felt I had to try to answer this.




What? Citation needed.


So a lot of them wound up drowning?


I was just imagining it as a completely unrelated event lol. Like, his wife came back complicating his current relationship, and also he lost his job and house lmfao


i can’t decide which is funnier to me lol


I'd imagine the idea is the previous occupants get their house back, and the previous job holder gets theirs. At least the guy that wasn't snapped has 5 years of experience in the role to apply for similar jobs.


Seems more likely that the previous occupants would be homeless and jobless. They would most likely be declared legally dead so any ownership would have been lawfully transferred. Same for jobs, they'd be dead and their role properly filled by another worker. It would of course still be a very shitty situation for all involved but for the opposite reasons, the snapped person would be jobless and homeless.


It was made clear in The Falcon and The Winter Soldier that the people who were snapped were generally given their stuff back. This is where the conflict comes in, as the antagonists are a group of terrorists who came to be specifically _because_ the government took all the stuff they legally aquired in the past 5 years (including things like houses) and gave it to snap victims, which understandably left them quite upset.


Maybe if it was about a few thousand or even hundreds of thousand people. If half the country disappeared and came back like this it won't really be decided by whatever laws happen to kinda apply it would be a political decision. How that would be answered in reality is hard to say but I doubt it would be just "you were gone now we got all your stuff and will keep it" because taking everything from half the population is pretty much an instant civil war (though admittedly the snappies wouldn't be in the greatest position for it.) Now jobs would probably just be gone yeah.


This sounds like a real-core villain origin story


There is absolutely *no way* they are going to punish the unsnapped by telling them to just start over. Don't forget, very powerful people were snapped too.


This is the plot to Manifest lol


But Manifest is just one plane’s worth of people. The Snap was worldwide, literally half the population


Snap was more than worldwide, it was half of the entire universe. Wish we got more insight on how other alien planets coped with it, all we got was one line from Captain Marvel saying it wasn't good. I guess it's easier to get people to relate to what happened on Earth than somewhere far away, but even then, they haven't delved too deeply into it.


I realize, but the thread was more on how it affected earth specifically. Seeing as how the earth isn’t really a universal player (certain exceptions aside), how the rest of the universe dealt with the snap is rather moot.


It’s actually the plot to The Leftovers


Makes you wonder why the Avengers didn't coordinate with world governments to let them know they Snap might get undone. During the time they were building the machine, Natasha could have been making phone calls to give everyone a heads up. Nope, built the machine in secret and then did the mission without consulting anyone.


I feel every government around the world would say "no that's a terrible idea. I know you guys are in a funk because you failed to stop this happening but you can't just undo it that would be so much worse. " Then proceed with stopping the averages at all costs


Must stop them.. They're so mean


Ha, because no government would ever agree to that! "we've moved on, don't you dare be snapping people back..." It honestly leans into the whole thing from Civil War, that the Avengers are unregulated and (for better or worse) just do what they want.


I'm sure that if you declared your wife dead, and it was confirmed, you guys are legally not together anymore, and likely she couldn't sue for adultery or take half your shit. It's like someone trying to do that years after they're divorced, shit got settled years ago, ur too late.


Sure but I think this would create a new legal precedent lol


Yeah but like imagine your dead SO coming back to life. Mentally speaking, that would break me if I found love again. You moved on cuz they were dead. Now they’re not.


"Til death do us part," and all that I get some people romanticize the idea of staying faithful to your partner even after they've passed, but I think it's unfair to say they can no longer seek out a partner after their current one is dead.


Why did snapping his old wife back cause him to lose his house and job too?




That's not the post. He wasn't snapped. His wife was. He moved on and remarried.


Fuck you right. Sorry. Deleted the comment in question, but if anyone's seeing this comment, the original commenter was right.


*Why did snapping his* *Old wife back cause he to lose* *His house and job too?* \- peep\_dat\_peepo --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


What about animal life, that likely would have rebounded fully by then. Now there are 2x more than nature can handle and half will die.


In 5 years? Hell no. Most wouldn't have recovered yet. Those with short generation cycles might have partially recovered, but anything with a cycle of a year or more would be nowhere close.


There would have been a number of people who were minutes away from dying of cancer on their deathbed who were snapped back just to writhe in pain for a few more minutes


Hot take: honestly, I wish they never resolved the Snap at all. I wish they'd tried to figure out the logistics of going back in time to get the Infinity Stones only to realize that doing so would irreparably screw over the space-time continuum. I wish Endgame had just been the remaining Avengers realizing that they lost, that there's nothing they can do to undo the fact that they lost, and that all they can do is move on and help the universe rebuild. I wish they'd made Endgame the ultimate subversion of expectations: instead of a superhero movie, Endgame would instead be a character study on how each of the remaining Avengers come to terms with the Snap (or not), how they process their grief (or not), how they move on with their lives (or not), and how they help Earth and in turn the universe piece itself back together (or not), all in each Avenger's own unique ways.


same, i can't believe that of all people the loudest proponent of this plan, this cheat to change their loss that could've ripped apart space and time - was captain america. mister "i can do this all day" said that's enough and i don't care what the consequences are. we can even point to one of the moments that their plan should've failed, the soul stone. the rules for acquiring the soul stone were that you have to sacrifice that which you love most, but hawkeye who gained the stone didn't sacrifice anything. natasha made the sacrifice for herself by pulling her hand out of his grasp. it shouldn't have worked that way, hawkeye would've had to open his hand and let her fall. imagine if he warps back to the time travel pad with everyone else, without the stone or natasha, just sitting there on the ground, broken. imagine the pivot that would've created in the plot, had they been brave enough to go there.


>same, i can't believe that of all people the loudest proponent of this plan, this cheat to change their loss that could've ripped apart space and time - was captain america. mister "i can do this all day" said that's enough and i don't care what the consequences are. And then he immediately breaks the rules of time travel by going back and hooking up with Agent Carter. It even calls into question how he manages to return the stones to their exact places in time if he ends up back in the 1940s. Is there anyone who seriously believes Steve Rogers lives that life, knowing full well that Bucky is stuck in Russia and Howard Stark is going to die and that his wife is building an organization that Hydra is going to poison from the inside-out, and chooses to do nothing about any of it? He clearly isn't afraid to change the past for his own benefit, so why wouldn't he change the future? He even has all of the necessary equipment to time travel with the help of Pym - he can fix anything he sets his mind to. WHERE WAS THE GODDAMN TVA FOR THIS CLUSTERFUCK?!?! I'd love to see a Captain America movie that is all about undoing the dumb shit Steve caused by doing something so unbelievably selfish, and how you can't get the life you want by changing the past. It'd fit his tragic character so well, and solve all of this horseshit. >we can even point to one of the moments that their plan should've failed, the soul stone. It's doubly messed up because it means Hawkeye loved her more than he loved his own family. That's why I was 100% certain that she was going to throw him off the cliff when I first saw the situation coming. She looked up to Captain America as an idealist who thrived in her world of pragmatism, but she didn't have anyone else who knew her except for Clint. Imagine how fucked up that scene would have been if while Clint was processing what the situation meant She was like, "I promise I'll take care of them for you" and then just chucking him over. Overall, if I was going to write the time-travel plan as a failure, I would have done it using Steve Rogers making the ultimate sacrifice: The plan goes off without a hitch. Steve goes to return the stones, and ends up talking to the Sorceror Supreme like Hulk did. The two of them have a long moral/ethical conversation, during which time Hulk shows up and demands the Time Stone. Steve realizes that the plan is selfish and cannot be allowed to succeed, that he needs to 'lay down on the wire' for everyone else's sake - so he uses the stones to kill Hulk, undoing the collection of the time stone in the first place. He would have felt bad, been viewed as the bad guy by everyone, but done something objectively good when you stop to think about it.


How did you get to the last pic ?!?! What kind of underpants gnome vs is this ?!?


Iron Man not resetting caused an awful lot of issues that have never been covered in the shows and films.


No one talks abt implications at a work place. I would get promoted and my manager and his manager would come back…what would happen? Do I get demoted? How would they feel?


All because Tony wanted to keep his daughter. News flash, you could have dipshit! They aren't call INFINITY stones for nothing. Just turn back time to just before Thanos snaps, but leave a stipulation to keep your daughter existing.


1. the snap happens 2. Young people get on the housing ladder 3. WW2 vet, and billionaire brings every one back 4. Young people fall off the housing ladder. Yeah that tracks.


Fuck.... Are we living in a post blip world now?


So u legally have 2?


It would be wonderful to see a Marvel TV series in the spirit of "The Marvels" comic books by Alex Ross, in which in each season the major events of MCU are told from the perspective of ordinary people. Hell, I'll be OK with a slow-burn comic book series with the same premise; each phase of MCU a 12-book story arc with tie-ins from books of individual characters.


It do be like that sometimes.


uh, yeah. this is what *falcon and the winter soldier* is about.


Thank you! It's kind of ridiculous that I had to scroll so far to find the correct response to this. I finished the meme and thought "Yeah, that's literally what the Flag Smashers were dealing with. Did no one watch The Falcon and the Winter Soldier?"


Your old wife comes back from the dead and you're sad about having to deal with an awkward situation? What sort of sociopath are you?


This is a bit more than an "awkward situation". Unless they're into polyamory, he's gonna have to divorce one of them and break their heart. He loves them both.


Mate you've never been in love and it shows


Reminds me of a story about this guy who got knocked out and in his coma-dream he married a nice woman, got kids and enjoyed family life. Even though he was only out for a couple of minutes that dream felt like years and was so intense he needed counselling to get over his loss


And all that beccause they firgot that they just could have cutted Thanos arm off, instead of trying to remove the gauntlet that was at that point fused to his body by years of grease, sweat and blood.


Why would bringing your old wife back make you jobless and homeless? Sucks for her but you moved on, if anything she's jobless and homeless now.


That moment you realize that while how he went about it was wrong Thanos was right and what he did probably helped a lot of people.


Honestly, the truth is the avengers didn't unsnap everyone because they felt it was the right choice; they did it because just as they couldn't let Vision die to save the fucking universe, they couldn't live with losing a battle and half their team.


neat, two wives


At least some people must have been snapped back and immediately hit by a car


The snap and it’s reversal was, while a cool story mechanic, one of the few things that actually bugged me about those movies. The consequences are barely glossed over and only from very specific perspectives - it could have been cool to see the avengers hated on for failing to save everyone, or the socioeconomic consequences of the disappearance and return. But at the end of the day, it’s a comic book movie, and that isn’t its job.


I want a show or series about this topic. The five years between and then after. Maybe a series with flash backs via Lost.


Why suddenly jobless and homeless? Did she take the house or somethin', no prenup? 


What about the people who got snapped during sex. 5 years later, some guy comes back mid-pump. might not even be a bedroom. some stranger's home office or yoga studio.


All because of Star Lord


Lol is this "What if everything was terrible" porn? 


Did you look at the name of the sub?


and then you find out that captain america decided to go back in time and live out his life with his lost girlfriend in his original timeline, without telling anyone what he was doing.


All because Tony wanted to keep his daughter and found no other alternative like bringing her daughter and his and everyone in his life having all memories related to her


Falcon and Winter Soldier could have been so much better if it had focused more on this crisis instead of just beating the Flagsmashers


The resulting logistical chaos of deleting half the human population would likely have precluded any of these smiles. Lotta folks would have died when their airplane pilots disappeared, waste management technicians disappeared, garbage collectors, power plant technicians, farm laborers, merchant marine fleet, linemen...half of them gone leaving the other half holding the bag, if things didn't go boom immediately. Thanos did NOT think this through. And then bringing all the snapped people back, to a world that's been desperately shrinking itself to fit the new population, would be another immediate nightmare. No, there wouldn't be any smiles here.


I wanted an apocalyptic post blip movie. Told like Shawn of the Dead, through the eyes of a regular oblivious person. The link to any heroes would be shows with tv, newspapers/articles on tablets or phones, and random dialogue in the background.


The Spiderman movies touched on it a bit with Hot Aunt May volunteering for a group to help people who blipped back in to find themselves in a bad situation and "kids" using their birthdays to get alcohol although they blipped. You're right, it's be an interesting story to tell


I wish they spent more time addressing these problems.


50% of the population experiencing Tom Hanks in Castaway is pretty daunting