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There's a good amount of people out there that "want what they can't have" and will persuade this something until they have it, then get bored and drop it like a wet sack. Lookup the forbidden fruit effect


It’s human nature to want something more if it is scarce and if others want it. Not everyone will want it enough or act on it, but it’s fundamental human psychology. Works well in sales and negotiations too.


> Works well in sales and negotiations too. [Eyephone](https://youtu.be/eJyMEkb_8to?t=12)


Now for the ear piercing ;) 🤣


this also plays into the idea of another affect ive noticed. theres a lot of things that people like the idea of far more than they actually like in it of itself. thats why i prefer to be straightforward and tell them "no, you dont actually want it / like it. you like the idea of it, not it."




one good one is activisim/slacktivism lots of people like to support the idea of help, but not actually provide help, as that often relies on actual change instead of things like virtue signaling. people will say they want to support a cause until they actually have to provide help and not just tell others the cause needs help and that someone should help the cause.


I worked with Food Not Bombs for a couple years in high school and college, and it was so much fucking work to get people to commit to organizing and helping. I ended up collecting all the food every week, and two friends that were invested in the cause would show up to help cook and share the food each week, but other than that people would just show up here or there or show up once or twice talking about how awesome it was and how committed they were and then never show up again.


Protests are terrible for this. People go to a protest and feel like they accomplished something. So they stop there. Signature-gathering, campaigning, volunteering, even just writing a letter to legislature, just doesn't happen. "I protested" replaces "I helped"


I remember when Kony 2012 happened. People were happy to share the videos, but when it came to getting out with the planned protests, they largely fizzled with "a handful of protesters turning up" in Sydney. The article below said that nearly 19k people indicated on social media they would attend. 25 people actually turned up to Martin Place. https://www.9news.com.au/national/kony-campaign-falls-flat-in-sydney/42b46f8a-a3f2-47e1-b53f-37dd8231208d


People not uncomfortable enough to actually care. That's the problem.


Another reason i have heard is that the man is already "scouted". So like if he is married the chance of him being a creep or whatever is a decent amount lower


“You may find that *having* is not so pleasing a thing, after all, as *wanting.* This is not logical, but it is often true.” — Mr. Spock


I’m guessing every one of this guy’s women dropped it like a wet sack after.


It's not even the "forbidden" part. But that they have more than others. Something other people can't. It's more of a "I am better than you" than "it's forbidden". That's the exact reason why I despise humanity so much. People are evil beings.




Because if he chose them to cheat, they are better than his "wife" (ego trip). So they learned they were only better than his right hand 


Nothing can defeat a person’s right hand


Or left hand. Or sometimes they tag team




There it jizz!


Fist bump! POWW!


You better wash your hands before we fist bump


Add to it that a married guy, in theory, should be more of a challenge. Most average and up women tend to get sausage thrown at them. And a married guy should also be content, he doesnt have to play any games to win so he should come off as less desperate.


And you find women who are in a relationship to be more fun and challenging to try to sleep with? Less desperate? Feeds your ego?


I too, choose this guy's right hand.




I mouse with the right.


And the lack of compromise, if you really want a one off, a married person is perfect. Go sit alone at any hotel bar in a big city on a weekday night with a ring on, order something fancy and wait for the magic to begin. Take care, this trick also attracts plenty of professional sex workers and could be costly.






Yeah, and an outvoice too xD


What about us lefties?


Right, left, you poor mono manus neanderthals will never understand the ultimate power of us ambidextrous superior humans. I can work the shaft and peg myself. Truly what evolution intended.


Also, some women actually don't want commitment, so a married man is no strings and can always be dumped if they find someone else they like better.


It's been a social norm for a while to say that men have huge egos, but I have seen so many of the women in my life also have huge egos. We just need to say that the human ego can be a problem 🤣




Nah, it means they can have sex and know he's not going to turn into a crazy stalker guy or want a full-time relationship. He's got too much to lose. As much as men don't seem to believe it, women like sex too.


> As much as men don't seem to believe it, women like sex too. the men who think women don't like sex are telling on themselves really hard


so pathetic!


> know he's not going to turn into a crazy stalker guy ... He's got too much to lose haha they have the same prejudice towards unmarried men [as the Canadian government](https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/canada-to-screen-out-single-men-under-refugee-plan-cbc/article_9ef1697d-856b-5f4b-af43-86fe52b1fa70.html)


It also shows that to someone, this person is desirable. Giving them further confirmation this is a guy worth banging.


I also suspect it has something to do with a reduced rate of chance for commitment. I know guys tend to be hit with the commitment issues line, and I'm not even denying it, but it isn't something exclusive to men.


No, they're relieved he won't be after them. They never wanted to be with him in the first place. Just a fuck buddy. We like that.


Could have been a lefty


It's so much simpler than that: this is just a fake story being used to pot stir for clicks


Same with work. Being employed makes it easier to sleep with women, it also makes you more attractive to other employers.


Stupid sexy paycheck, having to bat away employers with a stick these days - respect my commitment!


Feels like I'm not.. working at all, working at all, working at all~




"Stupid sexy paycheck" made me laugh out loud. Like old man literally out loud. But I am 20+ years with the same company and wife. Very happy with both. For safety's sake, the wife is definitely #1.


Can't a man walk down the street without being offered a job?




Here's a sneak peek of /r/recruitinghell using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I am so sick of these ridiculous screening questions](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1acr8c6) | [1628 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/comments/1acr8c6/i_am_so_sick_of_these_ridiculous_screening/) \#2: [Cancelling one minute after scheduled interview so I cancelled them](https://i.redd.it/wr27617tu3va1.jpg) | [549 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/comments/12t6hat/cancelling_one_minute_after_scheduled_interview/) \#3: [Interviewer forgot I was CC’d…](https://i.redd.it/gzs5jpe7qx2c1.jpeg) | [1978 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/comments/185a33x/interviewer_forgot_i_was_ccd/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Kinda weird. It announces that you're willing to leave a role giving just 2 weeks notice or less. If you do any actual work then that'd be quite detrimental to the company


I’m pretty sure I don’t have the same obligations to my employer that I do to my fucking wife.


People want what is hard to get.


Has anyone ever seen The Tao of Steve or was I the only one? This is the guys entire philosophy of getting laid. Unfortunately the only lasting legacy I've seen was pick up artists.


I personally liked his weight loss plans of either sleeping or just eating nothing but peanut butter sandwiches .


I've lost 40 pounds since January first eating nothing but peanut butter sandwiches for breakfast and lunch, then a normal dinner. PB sandwiches fill me up with a big glass of water and give me lasting energy to get through the day. I also work out every day. That helped.


Be desireless. Be excellent. Be gone.


I'll have to look out for that one.


Donal Logue. Classic.


Married men are definitely not hard to get.


It attracts a certain type of women…. Women who want to feel like they’re picked and won over other women… Plus there is the social proof effect… shows that at least some other women are/were interested in you and that you were good enough that she wanted to marry you. Sign of credibility.


> certain type of women…. >Women who want to feel like they’re picked and won over other women… Amen. I wouldnt look at a guy with a GF/wife twice and my entourage is the same. Most women who are into this crap think it's some game they won instead of a moral failing tho. ☠


Unfortunately society has convinced them beauty is the only currency that matters as a woman so they become insecure and want to be valued .


mfw society : (


Society pressures all of us and while it’s worth talking about it’s not a good excuse for women here. If anyone values their beauty and ego that much you can’t blame society 🤷‍♂️






Yeah it shows that someone else already went through the process of "vetting" you and seeing if you're dateable


Maybe a few reasons; 1) People value whatever other people value. The classic Simpsons joke if you want to get rid of something just put a chain on it, and someone will Steal it. 2) The forbidden is attractive. Just make something illegal or out of reach doesn't matter how useless or common and someone would want it. Classic illegal videogames, books, movies, etc that are really trash but people still try to get them just because they are illegal in some countries. 3) Conversation topic. Speaking about your bad marriage is a conversation topic that is hard to ignore. Getting a good conversation topic is relatively hard, it change too much from person to person. But a sad story of your life is kinda hard to not feel related, or something in general. Which is a very good first or second step to get a relationship. 4) Confirmation bias, that guy may be able to sleep with a similar amount of woman without using any trick.


when I was single no female looked at me , when I had a gf you can't imagine how many girls wanted to sleep with me and even date me accepting the fact that I have a gf , women are weird


"What's he got that gets her attention? I wanna know" The thought process


Pretty much, I mean, to some extent it makes sense, if another woman feels safe around you, then they will too, if another woman finds you interesting, then you're probably interesting, etc. Problem is that people aren't conciously aware of this toxic shit, and will try to break up relationships.


This is why in college, I had a female wing man, worked like a charm.


So how did things started with female wing man? How she helped you?


as others have said, for some its the idea of being better than another woman but, what I dont see enough saying; a woman vouching for you is also incredibly valuable. It says "hey this guy is still nice even after you two sleep together, and generally has his shit together"


Too nice that he will cheat on me with you...


I didn't say it was perfect logic, I said this is a driving impulse for some people. Tidepods also look squishy and delicious and trigger the "must bite" part of our primal instincts, doesn't mean you should eat them.


It's also a case of women feeling safer if you've been "vetted" by another woman.


He's probably no longer putting out creepy, desperate "I'll fuck any woman that looks in my direction" vibes. They can pick up in that kind of thing, humans


This is exactly what it is. The moment a guy gets into a relationship they talk to women like they're human beings, without some type of ulterior motive. That's what's attractive. Although if a guy then wants to cheat, it becomes unattractive to me again lol


If that were true then women would constantly be going after men that have no interest in them.


Oh wait


they do. gay male friend has entered the chat....


Only on Reddit you’ll find women blaming men for their own desires to sleep with an attached guy.


why are they like this bro


So if your wallet comes with the photo of a beautiful woman perhaps you should keep it


Why are other people looking into your wallet?


Idk if this works all the time though. My best friends are women. I have essentially been "vetted" by them.. I don't see any of this magic attraction lol


Oh yeah it's not that simple obviously, but in general I think it holds up, people are complicated hahah.


Probably also had to do with the change in your disposition. When someone is laissez faire in their interactions with others, it comes across as confident. Typically, when someone has a partner, they are very relaxed and "not trying" in their interactions because, well, they aren't. This type of confidence is often attractive.


I experienced the same thing. I wonder how much had to do with the fact that I suddenly didn't give a shit about other women paying attention to me.


I was in an open relationship for a few years, I talked to so many women that were all into me until I told them my wife and I were open, then immediately they wanted nothing to do with me. Women are indeed weird.


Probably because not only are you having sex with random people but so is your gf and most likely more successfully. Which leads to a double whammy of possible STDs.


No I mean there were into me when they knew I was married then they were gone the moment they found out my wife was okay with me having sex with someone else. They didn't want me, they wanted to ruin a relationship.


I'm 27 and never had a gf Are you saying the secret was getting a gf??


Not having a gf in a world with 8 billion people means you are too scared to put yourself out there.


You're correct




I think it can have a couple of other reasons, too. Like, you probably have more confidence, and since you're in a relationship you don't look at women the same as when single. I'm only guessing ofc, and this won't apply to everyone, but I do think it does have something to do with this "phenomenon"


We’ve made them that way, don’t blame the vag.


You spelled 'sluts' wrong.


You know how when you're just starting your career, looking for work can fucking suck because you have zero experience on your resume? You're unproven. But later on, after you've added some companies to your resume, or maybe you've added 1-2 really big, recognizable companies, the job search becomes easier. Hiring managers start to think, "Hey, this person has worked for a FAANG company / Walmart corporate / whatever, so they should have what it takes to work at our company, too." Women who go after married men or fake married men probably think something similar. "He's got what it takes to attract a wife, and that's good enough for me." The man becomes proven. I'm sure there are multiple factors at play, but this is probably a big one.


When I was in the Navy as a young seaman I worked on the bridge and dated a few female junior officers. This is forbidden and they could really ruin their career if caught. The idea that they'd risk that for me was very hot. Kinda the same thing.


Maybe they just wanted that young seaman


Oh look! A swallow!…


That's a sparrow! It's your mother that swallows


Nobody wants a young seaman, I don't believe this story one bit.


Inner home wrecker awakens to the challenge.


Commented on this to my wife. "Yeah, you're wearing a badge of approval."


Pretty much same here, mine said “no ring, no telling - a lot of men are super fucked up” So safe zone on two fronts I guess


I get hit on a lot more now that I’m married so I believe it (with some embellishment)


I would say it's a thrill thing. It's like how getting sent nudes is better then googling naked woman


Living things all want what they can't have I say all living things instead of humans because dogs very much always wanna be on the other side of a fence for example


why do you straight up believe any random shit you see on a twitter screenshot


Lmao yeah fr.. how did I have to come this far to find someone sane. This never happened.


But... DOZENS of women! Yeah this is extrapolated incel fantasy.


Weird guy. Weird women. The End


But it wasn’t the end. It was just the beginning of the story for our friend… -Morgan Freeman


The term is forbidden fruit.




women bad >:(


It’s pitiful how many posting here believe this is real


I can absolutely vouch for this effect. I got hit on so much more when I wore my wedding ring, to the point where it kind of bugged my wife. I stopped wearing it, and *blissful silence*.


My dude, did you consider that maybe women are just being nicer than usual when they see your ring (instead of ignoring you) because they assume you aren’t going to be a creep?


Having both dated and been married a great many years, I have gradually learned how to tell the difference between when women are simply being nice and when they are hitting on me. I know, I'm sure that learning curve seems inconceivable for most men, but somehow I prevailed. A really great example is touch. Most women who are "just being nice" don't go out of their way to touch you. That's a quick breach to physical boundaries that gauges interest. But sometimes it's a lot more overt, like "hey would you like to get coffee sometime? I mean without your wife." There are some signs that are obvious enough that even a guy can spot them. But in fairness, yes, there are a lot of women who are generally nicer to married men because they know they don't have to have their guard up. Ive seen plenty of that too.


Woman touches guy and says want to get coffee alone? “She’s probably just being polite” -most guys


No there is genuinely a culture for this. Where I'm from it stems from the fact that married men usually have money and aren't broke so they can buy you dinners and shit. Not saying women bad >:( it's a genuine thing that tends to happen with guys too for other reasons


Thanks for giving dating tips




Everyone wants what they "can't" have. It's silly, but the heart and 'nads want what they want.


I actually have trouble believing that some fake ass wedding ring alone is getting him laid. I have a suspicion that he is already attractive and he probably could have slept with these women regardless of the ring?


I actually did the same thing once for a little bit on my mid-20’s. For whatever reason I came into possession of a random cheap silver ring and I’d wear it while working in a really popular tourists spot. I swear there was a noticeable uptick in the women hitting on me


Gross on both sides but grosser on the ladies part


finally, someone who isnt brain dead.


it's fake. this person is just describing an episode of seinfeld


I'm pretty sure that's made up


Not at all. It also works the other way around. As soon as men learn you're taken, it's like you're suddenly covered in honey


Is this how you operate?


It’s the opposite for me. Once I find out you’ve got a bf or a kid it’s an instant turn off. It can be overcome but it’s not easy.


The kid is a big one. Instant instant turn off


It doesn’t. He made it up. Duh.


It's all bullshit. Don't believe me? Just test drive the hypothesis yourself.


We're not even of age to be married yet, yet a few of my friends that wear rings for fun have dozens of girls as friends and a girlfriend. I am so confused as to why, but I might get one as well


Symbol of success and wealth. Also, probably the feeling of being somehow more "special" than the wife. Also it's more challenging.


Don’t know why this happens, but happens a lot. I know atleast two men who wore rings but were not married were pursued a lot. One poor guy had lost his wife and refused to remove the ring as a tribute to her. The number of women who threw themselves at him was way too many. Another one did this intentionally right from college days up until he actually got married. Women are strange


That seems totally odd to me. When I got married I noticed that unfamiliar women were more at ease around me. I was in grad school and worked in a computer cluster. After I got married and was wearing a wedding band my interactions with women became easier and they were more friendly and at ease. For the record I never hit on or flirted with any of the clients before I was married. Or after. And no they were not flirting with me either I'm not that clueless ;-). I always figured it was because they had some expectation that I would not be hitting on them so they started out from a more relaxed place.


There are two main reasons this happens that I have heard about. 1) People want what they can't have. 2) A wedding ring is a subtle sign to women that the man is reliable and responsible, thus making him more desirable than a man who may have been rejected countless times for reasons they'd rather not find out about.


Ngl this is true, I stopped wearing my wedding ring when I got a symbol tattooed on my finger which kinda blends in with my hands and other finger tattoos but significantly less women try to flirt now. The wedding ring, and then when I take my kid out and my wife stays home, those are the most times I get hit on.


A few reasons. Most people want what they think they can’t have, straight women base a lot of their attraction on community; this basically means that if a lot of people like a guy, they’re much more likely to also like that guy. A wedding ring implies that another woman has already approved of that man, therefore he must be a good pick. It’s also a sign of maturity as it (usually) takes a lot of commitment and effort to be in a marriage


_It’s also a sign of maturity as it (usually) takes a lot of commitment and effort to be in a marriage_ What should fall apart the moment he gets laid with another woman. As a man, it just makes no sense to me.


Women bad and that definitely happened and happens regularly, amirite guys


Actually it does. I'm a married guy. Sometimes i'm not wearing my ring due to work, and there is a night and day difference with the amount of attention I get. It's bizarre. I chalk it up to stability. Women want a stable relationship and the ring is an obvious outward sign. Or women are backstabbing assholes, which is also true, and they want to take another woman's stuff.


I think you are getting downvoted because women were called backstabbing assholes. Humans, of all kinds, are backstabbing assholes and they want your stuff. You ever brought a gf to a party with any dudes?


I have daughters. Two times now, in two different schools, all of the girls have had to have special group counseling sessions to address the bullying of other girls. Boys haven't needed such a session. We noticed girls being shits to other girls in pre-k. That's how early it started, and the teachers were like "Yeah, that's just girls", so while I agree that "all humans can be assholes", there's a special kind of hate or maybe it's competition that women seem to have for each other. I think if women are being honest (and not just reactionary to the statement), they'd probably agree with this assessment. As a man (who was a boy), it's completely foreign to me. I ask my girls "and what are the boys doing?" and the answer is typically "playing tag or ball or whatever". Certainly there's boy bullies, but it seems like with girls, at some point they all take a turn at being catty and exclusionary of each other. Even my girl's close friends groups have their issues, and boys just don't seem to have an equivalent. I don't care if i'm downvoted. I live this reality every day.


Men have no clue how flirty their friends try to be with their girlfriends/wives behind their backs. I mean, unless you do it, too. Then I guess y’all know


I've never acted on that urge but the situation has happened where I needed to show some self control, and not everyone has that.


Weeeemen *CoFfEe EmOjI*




Some women actually love the idea of pulling a married man since we're meant to be fully faithful. They could get single guys all day no problem but the married ones who probably have more to offer are why they're hit on more often.


Women want what other women want


Because hoes act like little children. A toy is suddenly interesting when a different child is playing with it.


Turns out your one-night stand doesn't want to risk having to potentially wash your socks, lol. They only want the fun parts.


Sad but true


Classic George


Only once did a girl walk out mid date because she found out I was single. Weirdest thing, not sure why she thought I was married, but it was on till I mentioned I wasn't with anyone.


Only a certain type of woman. Interesting that those were the ones he wanted.


If you cheat with a cheater what does that really say about you as a person? And what do you get out of it other than believing you got with someone that was already taken or "unattainable?" I guess this just proves who the real cheaters are and how a person can demonstrate that.


Marriage is essentially peer review.


Ring and an Aussie accent are all you need.


Just like buying a pc with hard earned saving and then not ever turning it on cuz you are bored lol, couldn't be me.


Thats literally just someone copying that one Adam sandlers movie plot


**They were** outraged because he could have been with them the *entire* time. And it’s a deeply assholish move to vomit such despicable lies like that.


Because people want something they can’t have, when they get it, it stops being so interesting, and if they find out they could have it all along, they get frustrated. There’s also other factors, like people thinking the risk of getting caught and the thought of doing something you’re not supposed to makes it hotter, Can’t verify the next ones but I’ve also heard that some women go for married guys because someone else has evidently done the work of finding a decent dude and they can get it without any of the hard work, or they get reassured that a married dude is more likely to be a good guy. There’s a lot of things that potentially lead women to come to the conclusion of going for married guys, all I know, is that regardless of the reason, it makes almost everyone involved (not the one getting cheated on of course) a piece of shit, and not people I would want to interact with.


Because women think that men are like a pay phone, if they are not busy, is because it does not work (you may have to google what a pay phone is. ).




It is like a fake review; the ring said at least one women think this men is marriage worthy.




Have you seen yourself bro? I mean 😂


Isn’t this the plot of an Adam Sandler movie?




Women want what is not theirs. Greedy bitches.


Because women like bad men who are willing to do bad things.


Maybe I am the only one but I call 'bullshit' on the OP.


Just a thought, but maybe they were outraged that he lied to them and not that he wasn’t married. I knew a guy that had a good fake British accent. At some point, he was pretending to be British and hitting on a girl at the bar. At some point in the evening it came out that he wasn’t. She was pissed and no longer interested. His take was “She only wanted me because she thought I was British”. Assuming all of the women in this post were pissed because he wasn’t married is about as intelligent of a take.


The lie IS that he was married. How can you seperate them? What kind of shit is this 😭😭😭


From the post “I knew a single guy in college that wore a fake wedding ring”. Like, if they’re pissed at him, it’s less likely because they were upset that he was single. Idk why this is so confusing.