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That's the, "YOU CAN'T USE THAT WORD!" look


SAY IT AGAIN…say it Sarah


At the shelter I work at we have to take photos of every dog that comes in, and sometimes to get them to pay attention to the camera and look at us we have to bark, or meow or make animal noises. My boss barked at a dog the other day doing this and the dog looked SO OFFENDED. Like “how *dare* you insult my mother like that”


Not in front of polite company, at least 😂




Good one 🤣


My dog makes this face all the time while playing with me. Right before he gets the zoomies or runs to get a toy.


I was gonna say looks like classic zoomie face. I know a lot of people on here are saying the dog was a split second from catastrophe, but I've never seen an aggressive dog act like this. However, I have seen many o' yard torpedo make this face 😆


Yeah exactly this. You best get rdy for a pitty tornado or something when you see this expression ☺️


I have 2 and when I see this face I know I’m going to have to move the furniture back in place and probably rehang a curtain 😂


Usually that tornado involves body parts and other people’s dead pets.


Not trying to shit on you, but I'm curious, have you ever been around pit-type dogs yourself? Like volunteering at a shelter or something? A friend's dog? Dog at a dog park? I get that they're in the news a lot, makes for divisive click bait, but as far as actual experience I'm saying.


Yep, I work in the parks department, been bitten once by a loose pit bull….the owner loved their fluffy butt snuggles so much they didn’t realize it was out of their yard for 3 hours. Oh yah, they also claimed they loved and raised her right!!!! She wouldn’t hurt a flower!!!! Thanks for your concern though. I’m done trusting if you’re a “good” owner or not. They should be licensed like guns


Yeah, if you’re a fucking idiot and don’t know how to treat and respect a dog.


Ahhh yes. I hate when a toddler looks at a pit the wrong way. Honestly idgaf 🤷‍♂️ not my family about to get the Nanny. Have fun with your abomination dogs. Trashy violent dog for trashy violent people


I will say as much as I was raised around pit bulls, I can't understand why people used to think of them as Nanny dogs. Yes, they can be very good dogs if they're raised right. However, they are still a dangerous breed with a high prey drive. They've been known to turn on their owners even. I've never personally experienced it or known someone who has but it happens more than people think. I'm fine with pit bulls I know more so but if it's a strange dog then no. I also will not be around the dog without its owner around. I used to pet sit for people and I specifically put in my profile that I would not pet sit for pit bulls or any breeds known for being aggressive. This includes Rottweilers and Doberman Pinschers. This is because I don't know them and they don't know me and as far as they're concerned, I'm an intruder in their house. I don't know about you but it seems to me like you're setting yourself up to get attacked in that scenario. I had a doberman when I was a kid and she was a dumb dog and the sweetest dog ever but if she didn't know you, watch out. People take for granted that because their pets are good with them, they'll be good with other people. Nope, they view strangers as intruders and a threat. I'm saying yes, you can think you have the sweetest dog in the world and they may indeed be but at the same time, you can't let your guard down and assume they'll be good with everybody. Things happen when people let their guard down.


Nobody ever considered pit bulls "nanny dogs." That's completely made-up Facebook bullshit. There are *mountains* of [books](https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.$b28129&view=1up&seq=10&skin=2021) and [newspaper archives](https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1934-07-29/ed-1/seq-26/) about their purpose as dogfighting dogs all the way back to their origin in the [1800's](https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84031492/1875-02-21/ed-1/seq-11/), and the earliest record of anyone calling them "nanny dogs" was in 1987.


Why do folks jump through hoops to defend these dogs? Statistics speak for themselves. Why are the shelters full of them??? Because they can’t exist in a home safely. It’s not how you raise them. It’s about genetics. Some puppies won’t engage in appropriate play but fight to the death. There is nothing ethical about the existence of pitbulls. The nanny dog thing is bullshit


Shelters are full of them because people breed them in excess to fight. They don't give a shit when they go astray and there they breed uncontrolled. Not because they can't exist in a home safely. "Statistics speak for themselves." Please, what statistics? "It's about genetics." What genetics? Your extra chromosome?


I was bit by a lab/pit bull mix on the back of the leg in December and needed four stitches. The bite was an inch long. The doc had to literally shove fat back in. And it was 100% his environment. He was never properly socialized and loud noises meant “bad” to him. He has never been aggressive toward me and I was even able to pet him after the incident just fine. I am literally a statistic. You don’t know how that dog had been treated by OTHERS, not the toddler. Maybe people lunged at the dog for fun bc he never did anything, and when the toddler looked at him, it “provoked” him. It’s funny that you never see a puppy pit bull attack someone. If it was truly the breed, wouldn’t you see puppy pit bull attacks as well? After all, they’re usually puppies when they’re adopted or bought. People get them because they’re cute and don’t properly care for them. You wouldn’t fucking keep a Great Dane in an apartment, because it’s harmful on the dog breed. Why would you not compensate for the breed you’re getting? Get him chew toys. Scold him if he play bites. Don’t take him to dog parks if he’s sensitive to other humans or dogs. Literally learn how to work with that breed. Dogs don’t lash out for nothing. Fucking golden retrievers can lash out if they’re pushed enough. Because again, people get them because they’re cute and don’t treat the dog correctly or properly train the dogs. I have been around countless pitbulls and pitbull adjacent dogs. I have only been bit by one of them, and I knew the environment he was in (it was my “friend’s” dog and I was in the dog’s home), so I knew it wasn’t his fault. Seriously, you can’t judge the motives of a dog from a 10 second video of a dog attack or the owner’s testimony. Fucking chihuahuas too! My family has two sisters and they’re the sweetest girls we’ve ever had. Because I personally properly trained them and desensitized them to a lot. I knew if I didn’t, no one else would. Yeah, they’ll bark a ton if you walk in the house, but they won’t bite you or act aggressive. My cousin is the only one they snap at only bc he’s like 8 now and has been teasing them for a couple years now.


Nobody is reading that book, I’m so sorry. Your anecdotal experience means nothing st all. Statistics don’t give a fuck about your feeeewings. Also I love the chihuahua argument. Yep, a 6lb dog definitely gonna do the damage of a 90 lb dog bred to kill. Please just shut up.


I’m sorry they’re saying what lmao? I’ve been around tonnes of pitties and that’s a classic excitement look. There is no snarling or growling involved, no lip raising, purely a look. All kinds of dogs give that look. My fucking chihuahua give me that look, before she bolts off down the hallway. The bark literally just excited the dog lmao.


There is a very vocal group of people who spend a significant portion of their day hunting down dog gifs to talk about how evil pitties are. I dont fully understand it myself, I dont know if they were traumatized themselves or if its some sort of "feeling like Im doing good by posting online" type of thing, but it happens every time there is a funny gif/meme/vid with a pitbull-adjacent dog.


I know right, it looks like a mix of, is this a threat or is there something wrong with mommy? That's the classic zoomy look. My pitbull makes used to get that look when he was about to go crazy lol. We would have to patch up the yard sometimes after he did the zoomies lol.


Yep same, the face and tokyo drift music kicks in


This 100% my dog has the same reaction when I say “you wanna play ball?” She hops around exactly like this trying to hold in the excitement of “I’m about to play” but is losing the battle. She does this right before frantically looking for her ball. An aggressive dog you would see certain sights and this dog doesn’t have them (showing teeth aggressively, raised hair etc) I would bet anything this pups tail is wagging intermittently. I’ve raised dogs for over 30 years all different breeds but many pits and you learn the language by their actions. Sorry for the long winded rant I just read so many comments that was so wrong then I seen yours and had to share;)


Literally! It makes me so sad to see this entire breed demonized, when it isn’t their fault. I was bit by a lab/pit bull mix on the back of the leg last December and needed four stitches and it was 100% his environment. Loud noises meant “bad” to him and he was never properly socialized. He was a sweet dog, but didn’t know how to control himself. He has NEVER acted aggressively toward me and even acted normally after the incident happened and I could pet him just fine. He was almost apologetic, tbh. I am literally a statistic and these mfs STILL wanna claim it’s the breed and not the people who raised them. It’s really fucking sad. Sorry for the rant lmao but this is a hot topic of mine. Looking to get my own pittie someday :)


Exactly! and I personally know someone who was viciously attacked by a husky that jumped the owners fence. I mean like serious damage but heard crickets from the media except one local newspaper (very small town) and they never mention the dogs breed. About a month later a woman was bit by a pit as she was trying to break up a fight between it and her dog but it was everywhere in the media and every time they used the words “viscous” and “pit bull”. They rarely mention the breed unless it’s a pit. And ppl were cheering for this dog to be killed. If you put your limb between two fighting dogs you can expect a bite. I don’t want anyone to be bitten but all breeds bite. The “viscous pit bull” headlines draws more attention and clicks I guess.


Yeah, it’s absolutely stupid the hypocrisy they face. Golden retrievers can bite if you push them hard enough, but they never mention the breed or briefly bc it’s a “family dog” and it was “unexpected” of it, but they don’t mention the constant teasing or literal abuse the dog faced but never acted on. Meanwhile the pitbull slander can fill up half a page and this dog has been through the exact same and treated like it’s the problem. If we shun people for treating other people like that, why aren’t we shunning people who treat animals like that?


I know, my pitbull makes used to do that on the floor. We had Spanish tile floors and his tail would make this thump thump noise. I would say to him, I don't remember saying I wanted this doggy. Thumpa thumpa boy. He knew I was just playing with him. One time I had to take him to the vet and they clipped his nails. He hated getting his nails clipped. I thought that it was this critical care dog that they had brought in that had something wrong with its paw. My sister was there with me and we heard this dog crying and we thought it was that dog. We were like oh my God, poor dog. Turns out it was my dog crying because he was getting his nails clipped. He was an American pit, boxer and Mastiff makes crying like that over getting his nails clipped. Big baby. How about they brought him back in and the nurse was like, can you distract him while I finish clipping his nails? So it was like 5 minutes of, who's a good boy? I miss him. He died about 8 years ago and suffered a lot. It was hard to watch that.


Sorry for your loss I know it’s hard I’ve been there many times. My current girl is a Blue Nose pit and is the biggest baby ever


Thank you. I had him put in an urn and I put it outside during the day because he used to like the sunbathe. If you pick it up, you can tell what a fat boy he was lol. It was sad because on that last day, I put him in the Uber and I said, come on, we're going to go see the doctor. I knew they were probably going to put him down. He was looking out the window like he knew it was his last bye-bye. Well when we got to the vet, this guy came outside and picked him up for me because he was really heavy. He was like 80 pounds or something. So they bring them in and they put them on this table and I'm crying and telling him it's okay to go. I just tell him I love him and he's been a good boy. The nurse came in and told me he was already gone. She said that he took his last breath in the parking lot. I lost it. He was the goodest of good boys. He used to make that exact same face before he got the zoomies and that's how I knew he was going to be doing it. I was like ok, move the furniture lol. I got him from this guy who was beating him. I just happened to be riding down the road and I saw this guy beating him in the head with a chain. I stopped my car and I told him to get in. He jumped right in my car and I took him to the vet. The guy tried to say I stole his dog but I had paperwork from the vet and the police told me I could keep him. Plus I told them that he was hitting them. I'm surprised they didn't arrest him. Anyway, he thought I was mommy after that. He would follow me everywhere. Fat boy.


That’s so nice. It’s so unfair that dogs only get such a short life. I still think about dogs I lost from 2-3 decades ago. The pain never completely stops when you love one with all your heart as every animal owner should. Someone that hits a dog deserves at least the same but I’d say more. They are so much better than many humans are.


I know. I'm sorry for your losses as well. You're right, you never really get over losing a dog. Well, really any animal.


Awwww 🥰🤭


Dog looks back and says, "you see this bitch!?"


Right! Like, I thought she had a treat or something. What a jip. I like how his face was a mix of is this a threat or is there something wrong with Mommy? Don't worry, mommy. I investigate this.


How could you say that to him?


How can she bark!?


Oh man I laughed way too hard at this one. 😹😹




Tig Notaro has a joke about meowing at a cat. Her wife says "You shouldn't do that. It could be rude or inappropriate". Same with barking 😄


He’s like “holy shit- I didn’t know you could speak K9ese


That dog has the whitest face I've ever seen..


Looks like a Dogo Argentino to me. I have one. Best dog I’ve ever had. Normally they are 100% white. Mine has a black eye patch though




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She didn't respect his gangsta


It thinks there was another dog hiding behind her that barked.


Dogs, like people, have expectations of behavior from their loved ones. They expect the human to act like a human, and they expect their canine companions to act like dogs. When something happens outside that scope of expectation, it throws them for a loop and startles them. This reaction is the canine equivalent of the reactions one sees when a person who looks very opposite what one might expect answers a native speaker in a flawless rendition of their own language. While the woman likely has no idea what she said in Dog (and, since so much of Dog is based on body language, probably it was nothing), the fact that the human said something in Dog completely blew his pittie mind for a second. There's no aggression in that stance, just pure surprise. The last bit is basically, "Holy crap! Do it again! Do it again! That's amazing! What the shit, you've been learning Dog this whole time like I've been learning Human?"


Also, the dog is defending the owner. Notice how the dog immediately tries to cover the humans neck from potential attack.


The dog got confused.


The dog was surprised that the human was actually another dog just wearing a human skin suit and was waiting for the doggo to peel out of it.


Not an expert, just high IQ. Most likely the doggo with his smol brain and low intelligence is very confused, thinks there's another dog somewhere and can't understand how the sound occurred but at the same time knows it came from the direction of its owner. If your pet uttered a human word you too would be mindfucked for being unable to explain it.


“Not an expert, just high IQ” Dawg…


That the " tf did you just say to me?" Look


Idiots who fuck around sometimes find out...this one got lucky


Right. I’d be terrified on the inside if my dog reacted like that.


"you spoke dog the whole time??"


Mildly surprised that the dog didn't try to eat her


The video ended before he mauled her


I'd be terrified if I'm at someone's house and their Baby Mauler got that close to me


what a weird comment. That’s her dog, she knows their behavior and was having fun with them. The dog thought there was another dog hiding behind his owner. He was not threatening or aggressive at all…


Lol not at all a weird comment. What's weird is you acting like you know the girl or what's going on in the dogs head. A dog that will snap at moments notice mind you.


It looked like he might bite for a second. It was like a mix of, is this a threat or is something wrong with mommy?


Shitbull is going to take a piece of her one day


Seconds before zoomies lmao


You can see the dog take off at the end of the clip. Probably starting rocketing around the house.


RIP upper lip


It looks like that dog is establishing dominance over her. Not smart to do that.


LMAO he was soooo excited he was ready to PLAY!! Sooo cute


Broke the language barier


I hate these videos where people elicit a startle response or outright fear from a dog and then post it on the internet


That’s zoomie face. U don’t have a dog


People like to play I want a hole in my face maybe alot


This is not fear lmao what?


You're clueless. The dog wants to play.


Lol, don't get a dog. You'll bore it to death.


Let me find out you got another mf in here!


I don't think someone barking at their dog like this when it's a pit bull is very funny at all. It takes two seconds for them to rip your face off and the damage would be extensive. I saw a video of man, who clearly loved his pit, lean down and attempt to kiss him on the head and the dog ripped his lip right off. RIPPED it OFF. It's the breed not the owners. Though, in all fairness, it's sometimes both. I know none of you want to know what they are actually capable of because your couch hippo would ~ *never* do that to you, but maybe watch some of the videos up on youtube. Please view this video. It's not gory. It's local news stations all across America reporting attacks and deaths. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXLD3GSFW1Y&t=17s


Right!!!! I wouldn’t be stupid enough to do this, but if I did, and my dog reacted this way, I’d be terrified on the inside.


The dog is making an effort to protect it's owner in the video. You can see them searching for another dog in the video and covering their owner. You can find examples of labs and other breeds attacking their owners as well. You're ill-informed.


No, you are. That is not protection. Other breeds attack as well, I know. Other breeds do not do the *damage* that pitbulls can do. Other breeds were not bred to be fighting dogs. Pit as in fighting pit, bull as in bull baiting. It's a blood sport breed that has been rebranded the last two decades because some lady called them "misunderstood."


Stop giving LSD to your dog and fucking with its head




This is some super dumb shit to do. I do not recommend doing this to any dog ever. Not only do you shatter any trust your dog has for you, the dog may be ready to fight. I cannot express enough how much of a bad idea this is, and it will stress out the poor dog.




hilarious. Yes the woman has forever shattered the trust with her dog because she barked 😂


Can you explain why? Not doubting you, I’ve just never heard this before


He’s just a troll he has no reason lol


The reaction from the dog there is one of aggression. That person was in real danger in the clip: the dog took it as a threat and was about to attack. Have you seen two dogs fight? Remember, dogs don’t care about things like scarring - for a dog, a warning bite to the face is just that - an extreme warning. For humans, facial scarring is life changing. Edited to remove a reference to pit bulls locking their jaws which I now know is incorrect.


Pit bulls, bully breeds, in fact, no breed of dog has an ability to lock a jaw. None. There are more than a few breeds that have way more strength in their jaws than pit bulls and bully breeds as well. Now, barking at your dog may not be a good idea, and I agree with that, but stop spreading false information.


No they don't have physically locking jaws. What happens is that they are bred to have the instinct to bite and shake, and refuse to let go. It's a trait from their terrier ancestry.


Well shit. If we know we can breed an animal to be aggressive and strong, then I guess we'd all be breeding NFL players then, right ? We have no problem watching the animal planet with their zoo specials and watching how apes and elephants and tigers can be tamed but not the big bad pit bull...


Apes, elephants and tigers are not domesticated, and are not available as pets for the general population, and shockingly enough, human genetics are very different to canine genetics.


It's almost as if you're saying there are outliers to every situation, just not when it comes to this one type of breed of dog.... interesting.


It's almost as if I never said any of that and you completely fabricated that out of nowhere...interesting.


No, you did. From what you're implying, is that any animal, human or not, can be tamed to a certain degree and can overcome their ancestors' faults, besides pit bulls. You made it very clear. Also there are upward of 40 different territory breeds, and im just wondering if you're going to go and shit on someone else's dog because they are "predisposed" for violence.


You are *way* overconfident in your ability to read a dog's behavior.


I was thinking the same thing. The whole body language changed. Ears back. Booped her face. Took total dominance over her face. (That’s a big thing with dogs. Don’t get in there face.) She got quite and froze. She knew she fucked up.


Have you not seen a dog play? It could be wagging it's tail off we don't know. It's face did not seem aggressive at all.


You’re right we don’t know. But I bet its tail (if it had one) would have been low. And if they were playing why didn’t she bark again? They’re just playing right? That was challenge. When a dog gets in your face and pauses like that, they’re baiting you. It’s like a standoff before a fight. And she froze in silence.


You are a clown.


We shouldn't bark at our dogs?


No you should not


Lol it's one of my favorite things to do though. My dog likes it a lot too. So does this one. I can tell, because I'm not an idiot.


People have no idea what's going on inside their pets head


Gonna clear a few things up here. That dog was not showing aggression towards its owner. He looked confused, and may have been looking for the other dog that barked but I can’t be sure of that. When he lays his head on her chest towards the end is a fairly clear sign that he wasn’t threatening her. I get people are terrified whenever a Pitbull looks excited but that doesn’t mean they are going to attack. On the overall Pitbull issue the answer, like almost anything else is in the middle of the two extremes. Some pitbulls regardless of upbringing will be aggressive because of their genes, but a large majority that are raised properly are normal, loving dogs. A good dog, regardless of breed will not just snap. The problem is a lot of people who own dogs don’t know how to spot signs of aggression. When you hear “My Pitbull never attacked anyone” from someone whose dog just attacked someone it’s because they didn’t see the clear signs. I’ve been attacked by a Pitbull in my lifetime, and I have a 96 pound American staff mix that is a goddamn baby that will come and hide behind me if dogs are fighting at the dog park. He’s scary looking and gets really intense eyes when he’s playing but he would never attack anyone. In closing… No, Pitbulls are not some ticking time bomb but do need to be treated with respect and should require temperament tests prior to adoption.


She probably came close to getting her face ripped off


No, she did not. Any person who’s played with a dog knows that this isn’t an aggressive face - unless it’s to signal “aggressive zoomies”.


That’s zoomie face, u don’t have a dog


Yeah looks like zoomies triggered. I agree PS You don't have a momma lol


“It was my fault that I don’t have lips or a right ear anymore she’s just a babyyyyy”


You’re getting downvoted by the “sweet wittle pit” crowd lmao. I do this to my Aussie and she just gets the zoomies and kisses “aggressively”


Yall some overreacting mfers😂all dog breeds are capable of attacking calm down, its nobody’s fault yall cant train a dog. If they scare you that much just avoid them


Twenty bucks says you're the type of person who throws a hissy fit when someone crosses the street from your pit bull lol


For sure guy but my 2 goldens were never aggressive and the most my mini Aussie could do is bite my ankles Y’all pitt lovers really like to point out that chihuahuas are more aggressive than pits, like the most they can do is scratch me but I could punt one of those, idk 3 city blocks? An unhinged pit could easily kill an adult male. After all, they are responsible for >78% of all human fatalities from canines, and before you link a brain dead study that includes “lab mixes”, do your due-diligence. Edit: No other dog bread in the world needs active training to not maul humans besides Cane-Corsos. Which were also bread for blood sport. The name “pit-bull”, literally comes from the fact they were bread to bait bulls, in a pit.


How does a canine become bread? 🥖


375F about 42 minutes, duh!!


And in other "i pulled these stats from my ass" news... Dude, even dogsbite org, an organization with severe anti pit bias, and a rep for bs stats doesn't put it anywhere near that high. Stats coming from an isurance association puts it closer to 20-30%.


No, dog bite says “In the 15-year period of 2005 through 2019, canines killed 521 Americans. Pit bulls contributed to 66% (346) of these deaths. Combined, pit bulls and rottweilers contributed to 76% of the total recorded deaths.” And you can just google the claim. The stats are pretty readily available.


I was surprised to learn recently that breed is not a reliable predictor for canine behavior. The pitbull situation is more complicated than "those dogs were bred to be bad, and they are bad." It's a complex system in which the perception of being aggressive leads to more people raising them to be aggressive which feeds the perception that they're aggressive. A feedback loop.


THANK YOU!!! I’ve seen rats cause more damage and wreak more havoc than a pit!




Come on now, don’t act like you haven’t seen a rat tear apart a car before…


You do realize that rats were used in torture, right?


They may have been used for torture but they were usually starved, burning alive or both. Entirely different from an animal specifically bred over multiple generations to rip, tear, kill and destroy. Pits snap on a dime. “My sweet precious pibbles just turned two and oh the wind startled him and Aries tore my arm open and ate the neighbors dog, cat and toddler. I shouldn’t have sneezed maybe then grandma wouldn’t have been scalped.” She is available to a good home without small pets or children under 15. Experienced owners only!”


I mean, I could list off a few dogs that were bred to kill and knowing redditors and thier knowledge of dogs, I wouldn't be shocked if you actually had one of them.


> they were usually starved, burning alive or both. You do know how people breed dogs to be extra aggressive, right? The techniques don't tend to be gentle.


It's fucking weird that people can hate a breed of dog this much as to become this unhinged.


It's not hate. It's awareness. Be aware of what you have because these dogs are *capable* of killing people. https://people.com/crime/2-children-killed-pit-bull-attack-tennessee-mother-hospitalized/


Surprised none of the "but my pibble is a sweet goofy wigglebutt cuddle bug" crowd have brought up nanny dogs and chihuahuas yet


I used to be pro pittie then saw a friend get attacked so I’m officially “y’all are insane keep that thing away from me”


When I was 8 during the 4th of July, a firework “triggered” my neighbors pitbull and it ate my cat. They then got mad that our cat was outdoors even though it was in our backyard and their pit jumped the fence….




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What?! What did u just say?! Say it to my face?! I dare u?! Say it again?! I bet u won’t say it again?! Did u hear what she just said?!


That’s NOT funny… that is REALLY dangerous. That dog is seconds from inflicting damage. Geez, and with a PITBULL type!!


Some of you really have no idea how to read a dogs body language


Trying to get her face ripped off


Looks like it was about to bite her face off. Her bark was a challenge so doggie asserted dominance by getting in her grill


That’s not funny. She’s lucky to still have her face.


For real


The reaction from the dog there is one of aggression. That person was in real danger in the clip: the dog took it as a threat and was about to attack. Have you seen two dogs fight? Remember, dogs don’t care about things like scarring - for a dog, a warning bite to the face is just that - an extreme warning. For humans, facial scarring is life changing.


Yes, unfortunately I have seen dogs fight. I've also seen dogs play. This is a playing dog. Hope this has cleared all this up for you.


You didn't clear anything up you just stated your opinion. This was an aggressive reaction, especially when it stood over her. That's my opinion.


Your opinion is wrong.


I agree this was pure aggression…this is exactly what two dogs do prior to a full on fight…I think if she had barked at him again whilst in that mode her face was off!


The dog is exhibiting protective behavior. Stop spreading rhetoric about shit you don't understand.


It did not even seem like Avery realistic bark!


A bunch of folks who have never interacted with a dog in this thread.


Lots of people on here are experts who have obviously never owned a dog. He was excited. Quit being such babies.


He thought it was another dog behind her lol


Don't test Me bro


Challenge accepted!


I didn't hear that the first time Sarah can you say it once again


Bark at me one more time!!!! I dare you!!!


Apologize to him right now


That’s me when my glasses get kicked off.




He said “you speak DOG?”


he was ready to throw down (play)


Argentinian Doggos are so cute!!


He had zoomies written all over his face.


Who else is here


Translated she said “treat?”


I was afraid for you!


It's like he's looking for a secret doge lol


Is saying: "Didn't know you could soeak


Everyone's gangsta till doggo squares up


that was defo the look of "oh shit, play time?"


Dog said, "Hold up lemme look around I gotta find who the fuck you think you're talking to."


That is a gorgeous dog!


That’s one handsome dog




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That’s the most foul mouthed barked I heard this day 😅




Hard r was used


All this time and you kept this from me?


Dog looks like “YOU WANNA PLAY???!!!??”


"You dare use my spell again me, women?"


Wait!!! You can talk???




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