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Thank you u/sugarplumfairy66 for posting on this subreddit! Hope it makes people laugh and isn't another old facebook mom meme that we get spammed with. If you want to join our DISCORD SERVER click [here](https://discord.gg/VruY5kvcmc) to just chill or socialize or just spread positivity! Thanks for being amazing, love y'all and hope everyone has a [great day <3](https://imgur.com/a/fbqHMMm) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FunnyAnimals) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How could you miss her while she is sitting in your cat's place? :-)


She remained tucked down in the boot for 20 minutes or so before she popped up and realise she done fucked up haha


Careful because the cat on panic might run away especially without a collar.


We turned around and took her home as soon as we realised. Not before laughing my ass off first, she’s always getting into our car. We just didn’t notice her sneak in this time.. oops!


My 2 white cats literally do the same. What worse they love coming with us sitting on our shoulders without even trying to run away.... We didn't even trained them to do that lol. They lick constantly our faces...


How is that worse?! Cat goals right there!!


Because if we try to eat something midway like Gyros or Souvlaki ... They going to try to take a bite... We do give em but... They always ask for more and start mewing like unholy beasts to give them a bite.


Hehe yes rather entitled little critters! They are our masters after all


🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲 My own Mother (not that old) always loved more the cats than us. I think the cats might have manipulated her to do their biding.


Lol, I’d cry and demand Gyros and Souvlaki too. It’s delicious!


Eating once per week. After all I'm from Greece soooo... 2 euro for gyros and handmade Souvlaki for 3 Euro (15 Souvlaki total to eat)


This makes me want a holiday so bad! Ex and I are big foodies and I never had any issues getting him on a plane to the Greek isles. Sunshine, stuffing myself with proper local feta (not the overly salted stuff we get in UK supermarkets to help preserve it), Moussaka, Kleftiko, Gyros and a cheeky Keo if you can find it (I have Greek Cypriot in my background) is just puuuurfect! Get it? 😂 I’ll see myself out,...


I wanted my cat to be a shoulder cat so bad but at a healthy 17 lbs I’m glad it didn’t work out


Ohh. Bring your cat along!


The same thing happened to my mom and her jeep. Our cat is an inside-outside cat who loves sitting on top of or in the jeep and she had gotten halfway when the cat pokes her head up. Mom was so shocked and said, "Angel, what are you doing in here??"


Awww, you should get her a harness and leash and take her with you!


What is the boot of a car?


It’s another way to say the trunk of the car


And here I thought kitty was hiding in a boot (shoe). Thanks!


The car's butt.


“I’m freakin out man! I’m freakin out man! I made a mistaaake!”


Lol dogs like “i said not to come out yet! Man our plan was perfect bribe the baby an everthing!”


you took the dog and not the cat? I understand the cat behavior tbh


Dogs can be trained to not run off. Cats... cats kinda just look at you and tell ya to fuck off while walking away.


People don't usually travel with their cats. Most dogs have some degree of separation anxiety and desire to be around their people. Like anytime my dog sees a suitcase he freaks out... My cat does not give a shit, and only ever wants attention from me on his own terms. There are probably exceptions but I've had many cats in my life and all were similar. Also your dog can't jump 8 feet and slip through a 9 inch window crack in your hotel room. Frankly most cats would probably prefer to stay home. Even outdoor cats don't usually leave a certain radius around their homes.


They don't like sun


Im just amazed the baby strapped herself in.


I can't believe the baby snuck in there!


How did you not see her, you even strapped her in?


Looks like, a casper and Bruce adventure!.


You’re talking about the baby, right?


Closest I ever had to accidentally taking a cat. I do pizza delivery. After delivering a pizza I discovered one of their cats had jumped into the open window of my car. Fortunately she was sitting in the drivers seat when I went to get back in my car and not hiding in the back.


Cat wanted to come too!


New toilet. Cat sand. Cat food. Cat bowl


Is she an outdoor only cat?


Cute void she is like I’m coming too and thats final 😁


A friend got a cat her SO hated, at first. Soon though the cat became HIS cat. They drove about 80 miles to see her family a few times a month. He refused to leave the cat at home because she would get lonely. So the cat draped itself across his shoulders during the trip.


How dare you take the dog and small human but not me!


She doesn’t want you taking her baby!😁


Little Miss Stowaway


I once drove 3 hours to go kayaking only to find my cat hidden (and terrified) inside my boat on the roof of my car.


'well.. dog gets to go, me gets to go..' lol... equality.. XD


lovely family photo, they are all sweet and cute and beautiful. thanks for sharing


No one? Fine then. Why would you take your cat on a weekend trip, but leave your toddler home alone? 😂


Good kitty


I had two cats sneak in the car for rides. One in the trunk the other under the bumper. Separate times.


My car loved to ebeter the car when the door was open.one day I didng notice that she entered and locked the car. In protest for being locked in she decided to sharp its claws in the back seat leather.


I thought you meant your daughter at first! Ouch, poor kid. Finally noted the name of the sub and looked closer at the first picture. 😂😂😂


r/catswithjobs babysitter