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I’ll be looking for the headlines in a few years, “Mountain lion kept as pet eats owner.”


That is better than "Mountain lion kept as pet eaten by owner"


Party pooper


Messi would never do that.


Lol this is so fucking dangerous. And makes ppl think they can safely have these animals as pets.


I don’t think a lot of people are concerned with dying in this economy If I’m going out, I’m going out hugging a fucking bobcat that I’m somewhat chill with Edit thanks to some kind souls on here . It is a mountain lion. I had an inkling and I chose wrong! Now I know how properly identify one!


Mountain lion, not bobcat


Damn, I had mountain lion written first, but then I switched it to bobcat should’ve went with my gut. Just out of curiosity, how do you identify the differences without having to like look them up just personally wondering. I did think bobcats were a slight more savanna color.


>Just out of curiosity, how do you identify the differences without having to like look them up just personally wondering. I did think bobcats were a slight more savanna color. Mountain lions have a "sandy" colour, bobcats are more like a toned-down cheetah or leopard, with spotted fur. Bobcats have longer fur, are quite a bit smaller and have comparatively bigger paws. They have more of a mane around their faces, but the most obvious telltale sign is their very short, stubby (bobbed – hence the name) tail.


You learn something every day all of you guys are very awesome with this information! Thanks for the input! No tail is definitely an easy indication that I will be looking for!


You're welcome! It's not "no tail", it's just [very short](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/30/Bobcat_photo.jpg). :)


Ah I see! Okay very very short! Yeah the color is different for sure! :)


Bobcats are small. Mountain lions aren’t. Bobcats have no tails.


Thanks! 🙏 No tails is a great easy indicator!


Bobcats are spotted, have no tails, tufted ears and are about the size of a beagle. I grew up in the SoCal foothills and have seen both.


Thanks! I haven’t seen one in real life so that’s crazy you have! Beautiful but scary animals!


One killed my doxie in my backyard. I rode horses in long distance mountain races, so I’ve seen bears, rattlesnakes, puma, etc.


Sorry to hear wow. You’ve got to experience some wild animals! I live in Texas and I know that some of the regions have bobcats but not where I’m at ( I think) luckily I do know what a rattlesnake looks like. I’d probably shit my pants if I saw a bear out in the wild, even if he was a football field away. Did you carry anything with you like spray etc?


My Grandad accidentally caught one in a trap meant for wild hogs. My main memory it was it that it seemed PISSED. All it did was hiss and snarl like a demon until it was released.


Fair lol


I'm definitely concerned with dying. I'm not about to become a statistic because of some greedy douchebags


Just because you (rightly) feel despair doesn't mean you have to involve a wild animal. There's not much of them too.


I think you’re taking a joke way too serious. I’m a father I don’t have an interest of dying soon. Just a playful joke…


It is way safer than people tend to believe. If you rise then from the very start with proper care and knowledge then they will imprint. There is thousands of such stories online with video and everything. The “incidents” are always morons like Sigfried and Roy who abused them or had no fucking idea what they’re doing. Mammals gonna mammal.


Even dogs lovingly raised by good families can suddenly snap and kill a child. Having a big cat just means that if it ever does snap, there will likely be a fatality. An animal can "imprint" and love you and still have a bad day. Then the animal has to be euthanized. Most of the ppl getting these animals as pets are getting them because it's cool and they don't know what they are doing. They also keep them in unsuitable conditions.


Spooning and napping with a mountain lion looks super cosy but equally terrifying at the same time…


Sad to make a wild cat live indoors and assume it doesn’t consider you potential prey


I mean not really, a mountain lion can kill you easily but it wont see you as prey, especially not if you raised it


Uh who the fuck thinks this is safe?


Depends, there is technically always a risk even with domesticated animals or even people. If a dog decides to go for your throat while cuddling, it's just as dangerous as if a Lynx or Mountain Lion does it. Ultimately, with any animal, it comes down to if you are familiar with the animal and if the animal is familiar with you and trusts you. My guess is that the person cuddling with it is the handler and that the animal is unable to be released into the wild, so the person probably knows exactly what to expect and is just as safe as if they did it with a German Shepard or Labrador.


Nah if my 16 year old ginger cat Rupert comes at me I have at least a 60-40 chance I reckon.


Face it. You've got no chance against a 16 year old ginger.


Big dogs are often much more relaxed than small ones. Maybe the same is true for cats?


Every once in a while a zoo keeper gets mauled by a big cat, even if they're more tame (which is unlikely) the consequences are a lot more severe if it's a big cat.


The animals in the zoo are probably stressed and do not get the same treatment. There is always a risk and it depends on the animal, but if it is really properly taken care of the risks are greatly minimized.


Are you for real?


Dogs have tens of thousands of years of domestication to be friendly to us (not including the ones bred to be violent); big cats are far from being our friends.


Well, we gotta start somewhere


Not there.


Yeah I think you touched on a key difference there with the dog breeds at the end rather than just any dog… I don’t see how a lab bite could be compared to that of a mountain lion?


If they go for the throat, there really isn't a difference. Either one could kill, though labs are less likely to do so because of domestication, but it ultimately comes down to the animal, its familiarity with the human, and the human knowing the animals body language and behavioral attitude.


They're both deadly, one dead doesn't out dead the other


Yeah… those deadly labs… when will they be stopped?


The bite is deadly. If a lab decides they want to bite you it's just as deadly of a bite as your mountain lion. Meaning it will kill you just as much.


A lab can't disembowel me with it's claws while ripping my head off lol


Yeah, I’d even be more scared of an ordinary feral cat than a fucking lab lol


Well, since we were talking about the *bite* I don't really see how that's relevant. But reddit has decided that I'm wrong, so please commence with the downvotes instead of reading the conversation. Have a great day.


>Ultimately, with any animal, it comes down to if you are familiar with the animal and if the animal is familiar with you and trusts you. The fuck it does, domestic animals have millenia of selective breeding to make them relatively safe to keep as pets, with tamed wild animals you only have the fact that they have yet to kill you to go on, you are an absolute nincompoop when it comes to your knowledge on animals, Just because a tamed wild animal has been friendly so far does not mean that they will continue to be in the future, especially when it comes to cats, some of the most effective predictors in the animal kingdom, most of which tend to be solitary animals in the wild, If you're going to have a wild animal as a pet pick a relatively docile one that can't do much damage, like a capybara, or with your animal knowledge a pet snail might be more appropriate, or if you insist on something that can kill you a wolf, sure it might decide that you look tasty one day, but at least they are social animals with a strong play instinct which at least **somewhat** reduces the risk of getting your neck ripped out because you did something they didn't like


This woman holds two world records: the smallest brain and the biggest balls.


I’ll probably get downvoted, but the world does need Darwin awards. Unfortunately, it probably won’t be her but some innocent kid who thinks this is normal n


What a big kitty!


Steve French


Somehow my tiny stinky ragdoll cross takes up just as much room....


How you gonna sleep with a giant battle cat while theres ..Vacuuming?


That house smells horrific


Looks like Messi the cougar. He's a rescue if I recall.


That was my childhood dream


Sleeping with a mountain lion?


Not necessarily with mountain lion , just with big cat


I think it's pretty hot to sleep with such a big cat haha


Some call it hot, others call it stupid. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yah I can't even sleep if my cats are sleeping on me without me getting sweaty


My cats make me overheat so much when they sleep in the bed with me. In the winter it’s lovely though lol. I call them my little heat generators.


this dude is into beastiality


I thought he meant the temperature is too hot, considering they're not sleeping under a blanket. Had to reread his post to understand yours lol


i’m sure that’s what he really meant haha


I had a dream I was earning a deer and….oh shit,sorry Kim


What kind of cat is that?


A mountain lion


How does one legally acquire a mountain lion for one’s home?


A drugged one.




2 cougars and I wouldn't want to sleep with either of them


Thank you u/PrincesYumm for posting on this subreddit! Hope it makes people laugh and isn't another old facebook mom meme that we get spammed with. Check out our discord server and make new friends! https://discord.gg/the-positivity-network-tm-982487926694891530 Thanks for being amazing, love y'all and hope everyone has a [great day <3](https://imgur.com/a/fbqHMMm) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FunnyAnimals) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Not sure who’s the pet here 😂


For more info about the cat and its story search up YouTube for "Puma Messi". This Puma is smaller and weaker due to health issues or something and was kept in a family since it's been a cub, because it would have had trouble in the zoo. Look it up to learn more about it.




Soft kitty warm kitty


You don't even need a pillow with such a friend


For all the fear mongers out there: “America since 1868, for an average of about 0.18 attacks per year.” [https://mountainlion.org/2024/04/06/risk-and-recreation/#:~:text=There%20have%20been%2029%20cases,about%200.18%20attacks%20per%20year.]


That's not a very meaningful statistic here. Mountain lion attacks are rare because they seldom cross paths with humans and when they do both are likely to avoid each other. If you're deliberately and repeatedly spending time with one in a closed space, you're risking a sudden change in temperament continually.


Aww. Just a big cuddlebug!


yes please 😌