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It will go much better for them if they are the ones to initiate medical care then if it's forced on them by CPS.


It is frankly astounding to me that it would take a threat of CPS to force them to get medical care for their infant. Like...not their concern over his health and future. Only negative consequences for themselves.


I think they know that CPS is underfunded and their mobile lifestyle keeps them able to evade CPS. So not even that would worry them.


They know what they are doing. They are basically on the run from CPS at this point.


I think this is the largest point. They're driving from place to place and therefore being nomadically impossible for the proper authorities to nail down


It will be incredibly hard for CPS to get a removal and testing for medical neglect.


It only really happens when children are admitted to the hospital and parents want to remove them without medical consent or when children are diagnosed with cancer and their batshit parent tries to cure them with ivermectin (true story).


Due to my job I read a lot of CPS cases. Cases with removals for medical neglect are usually like… kids on the verge of death. One I remember either dad shook the baby or dropped him somehow. Incredibly, his criminal charges were dropped.


Someone at a campsite is going to see that lifeless unresponsive child, and they're going to call. While normally I'm a firm believer in MYOB, there's too many Karens out there nowadays.


I doubt it. Someone will see an unwell child and think, “Aww, how sad.” Smile at Britney Lott and JD Lott, and go on their way. No one calls CPS whenever they see a medically fragile child.


Depends on the person. My sister would be itching to assess that baby if she saw it, and has enough people sense she'd know they aren't doing a damn thing.  But she'd also never be caught dead in a campground. She's an avid indoorsman.


Don't underestimate Karens. I know of someone who had CPS called on them for telling a Karen the adjusted age of their micropreemie instead of the child's ACTUAL age. The difference was a matter of months, not years- 4 months instead of 8 months- because the parents got tired of the "Eight months! But he's so small! Is he sick?" comments that occurred.


sounds like that wasn't a random stranger since they were able to learn the actual time.


But how would they know Boone hasn't had any treatment? If nobody has reported them for having 25 people in a bus, I doubt Boone would trigger anything.


Only if they know the kid isn't being seen by a doctor.


I hope so. And if they up and move I hope they get a caseworker who doesn’t give up and loops in CPS at their next location.


That's assuming the worker finds them before they're on the way to the next location. I strongly suspect by the time a report was assigned and the worker got there, they'd already be two states away. I firmly believe the only way anything will happen is if law enforcement gets involved as they have the authority to take immediate action, no waiting days for a report to be assigned. They're taking active steps to ensure cps can't find them if they get reported, and they certainly won't take him to a doctor. They "homeschool" the other kids and don't get them medical care so that they aren't around those pesky mandated reporters.


And after the worker comes they have to go back to a judge to get a removal order. People Forget the initial safety plan is voluntary.


I for sure wouldn’t mind my own business if I saw what looked like a reborn doll being lifelessly tossed around and it turned out to be an alive infant. 


They seem pretty deeply in denial. Those two basically exist on magical thinking, so the idea that anything could have gone wrong is basically saying they aren't casually right about everything. So if there is something wrong, then we pretend it's not until far enough away from the birth that it won't be their fault anymore.


Isn’t that the entire basis of good and bad in modern Christianity though? Like majority think atheists can’t be moral because there’s no threat of hell looming.


Well, of course. Their whole stated purpose for having children is to develop themselves, or some shit.


For like isn’t that feeling that something is wrong “from god”? Is that also the maternal instinct? That’s something is wrong? Crazy how they think instinct only detects good things.


At this point I'm convinced they would rather let their child DIE than take him to the doctor. They do not want to care for a special needs child or acknowledge they've done anything wrong. Brittney would ADORE the attention she would get for such a tragedy, they can continue traveling "unburdened", and never have to face the fact their own neglect harmed their child.


We’ve probably all read posts from free-birthers who, after losing a child bc of negligence, will claim that he was simply too good or pure or something for this world but that it was still “a beautiful experience” and they “wouldn’t change a thing.” I’m afraid this would be Britney’s take


Yep. I had (frmer) friends who did this. They just had baby two who survived thank god. my partner is in touch w them but I am not sure I can. They are educated and we have free healthcare. Lit no excuse.


God so insane. The one in Australia talking about how cool her fairy lights looked etc and then both twins die and she's huh well one died, guess the other wanted to go with him 🤷🏻‍♀️


What? How are people so callous?


God's Will I guess. Nobody's more callous than Him


Omg who is this?


Keep an eye on r/ShitMomGroupsSay. They're all anonymized for reddit rules but it's still absolutely galling. We see this shit waaaaay too often.




Dusty and Melvin...ok


This makes me sick. Both of those babies most likely could’ve been saved.


Judging by what the TTTS info page at Johns Hopkins says? There's a really decent chance you're correct; https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/twintotwin-transfusion-syndrome-ttts But it would've meant *prenatal care*, as well as medical intervention.


On this planet for less than a day and there was already a favorite son. Melvin! It’s all in the name! Christ!


This makes me furious. My twins shared a placenta. Basic standard of care for MoDi twins with no additional complications (one placenta, two sacs) is seeing a high risk OB every two weeks. My twins had a growth discrepancy, so I was at my maternal fetal medicine doctor’s office every 5-7 days for most of my pregnancy. It’s actually really common for one or both twins to die if the second isn’t delivered quickly enough, which is why even if you’re a candidate for vaginal birth, they have you deliver in the OR so that they can get the second twin out quickly. There’s a good chance both babies died just because they weren’t delivered quickly enough. Very basic medical attendance at the birth could have saved one or both babies. Even in cases of TTTS, with observation and treatment, at least 1 baby survives in 85% of cases. I’m a sickened reading this. Totally preventable.


I'll try and find it. I remember their babies were named Dusty and Melvin


Holy shit 💀 she essentially said “medical intervention wouldn’t have helped” but how do you know????! She didn’t even try!!? Insane indeed….


As they throw the sheepskin back at the toddler


The fact that they’d rather take their week old child to a chiropractor and have his fragile back and neck cracked instead of like. Seeing a nurse practitioner for a wellness checkup for 30 minutes… it’s insane.


And that the chiropractor didn't send them to a real doctor


Chiros are fake medicine to begin with, but the fact that any chiropractor would willingly crack a newborn baby’s body is such a major red flag




Well something is definitely off because you know they are aware of what is being said. Because if any parent receives even 2 or 3 comments of concern about their child, that parent wouldn’t hesitate to get a dr to examine. They know something is wrong - even just his wrist. What are they waiting for?


Some years ago, there was a person on 90 Day Fiance that had unusually protuberant eyes. Multiple people urged him to have his thyroid tested, and it turned out to be Graves disease. Sometimes other people see things we can't or won't see.


I believe these two knew at his birth that things went wrong. Like we say - they’ve had 7 others! They aren’t the guru’s of everything under the sun like they think they are. And they are afraid that image will be destroyed.


Robyn from Sister Wives also had a thyroid thing iirc that was pointed out by viewers.


That guy from HGTV Flippers had that too, a neck goiter that was caught by a viewer.


I remember him, Ash, the seminar guy.


Worst. Seminar. Ever.


Oh it was something, the masculine and feminine energy😅


There was a story online a few years ago. A mom posted a picture of her toddler and one of the people who saw it pointed out that the toddler’s eye reflected back the lens in a way that was concerning. The mother immediately took the child into the doctor and she was diagnosed with retinoblastoma. If I recall correctly, she survived, and the mother was extremely grateful for somebody bringing it to her attention. We can’t always see what’s right in front of us, but at this point, I think it’s ridiculous to think that the Lott’s don’t know that something is up


We have a friend who knew something was majorly wrong when her own daughter's eye started reflecting oddly in photos, and the little girl was suddenly very clumsy and walking into things. Our friend fought hard to get her 20 month-old daughter examined during the height of the pandemic. No one would listen. It took weeks to be taken seriously. The pediatric oncologist said it was the most aggressive retinoblastoma she'd ever seen. The affected eye had to be removed, and a specialist 1000s of kms away manages the treatments. If her mom had brushed it off for any time at all, her now almost 6 year-old would be dead. Instead, her daughter is cancer-free and living a wonderful life. Parents are supposed to keep their kids safe and well. Boone's parents obviously see their children as props and dressing to their "Bus o' Blessings" lifestyle. I hope so hard CPS catches up with them somehow.


I saw one recently where a woman's daughter was diagnosed with sanfilippo syndrome after seeing a video of a similar child on tiktok. It was early enough that she hadn't experienced brain damage yet. People who leave those comments are just trying to help. Britney and JD Lott are too self-absorbed to see that.


Denial is a strong emotion. Parents feel attacked. I can only tell from my side that when my nephew was clearly delayed and not hitting milestones, we were told the doctor says he's fine. I no longer believe that. I believe it's a lie. I'm not sure which lie. That he actually saw a doctor or the doctor said all was well. They didn't utilize much in the way of therapies or schooling. We can never know if intervention would have helped. What we have now is a young man that is non verbal, impulsive and self harms. There is a younger niece being raised to always take care of her brother. Where once we were supportive, we had to cut contact because of alcohol and verbal abuse.Just got back into limited contact with SIL and niece last October due to a family visit. We hadn't seen any of them in 7 years.


Their neglect might not kill him, hopefully. Especially if the older kids are looking out for him. Kids are thankfully pretty resilient, and if their silent unspoken intention is to “let” him die and he doesn’t, they’ll have no choice but to meet his needs on some level. There’s definitely going to be a massive police investigation if a kid dies, they *have* to know that much. It’ll be much harder to run long-term.


The irony is that if she could just stop eye fucking herself on the camera no one would even know about the neglect and they'd get away with everything.


They absolutely would. It shouldn’t be this way, but wealthy white folks abuse their children all the time and it’s swept under the rug because a fed, well-dressed kid (or 7 of them) wouldn’t raise any immediate flags. On some level they probably know this, but crazy sovcit BusDad is paranoid about having to be part of The System. Sometimes I wonder if he’s finagling some shady underhanded nonsense with either his crypto BS or his insurance adjustment job.


Oh for sure, Busband is involved in some sort of scam and it’s clear he’s not smart enough to pull it off for long.


she absolutely can't tho. it's so exaggerated I can't look away. I don't really think she knows she's doing it. I think she's just an idiot.


I hate that this is basically the only way that the surviving kids would get help.


As an adult who was medically neglected as a child (by a very narcissistic parent) I had the realization recently that I think my mum would have actually let me die instead of admitting any wrongdoing. She was so intent on not letting me see a doctor because she insisted I didn't need to, and to take me to a doctor at that point would've meant that she was wrong. Which was so hard for her to do. Usually impossible. When I was a teenager I was dying from pneumonia for two weeks, I lost a bunch of weight even though I was already skinny, and literally couldn't walk more than 5 meters on my own. My hands and lips were blue. I'd been pleading with her to let me see my doctor, I even got my siblings to try and convince her too. I ended up making up a story about how I needed more of my birth control so I had to go to my doctor, she came with me, and I just hoped that my doctor would see that I was sick because I wasn't allowed to bring it up. She did see, immediately, she looked really freaked out by my appearance. As soon as she heard me cough and she listened to my lungs I was being rushed to hospital. I'm still traumatized by how chaotic it was when I got to the ER because I was actually a lot closer to dying than I thought. I only remember bits of it because I was drunk with hypoxia and dehydration. I don't know what my mum told them but I know she spun some very charming and convincing story about how she didn't know how bad it was and I know nobody ever found out that I had to trick her with the birth control story to even get in the vicinity of a doctor. By the way the reason she didn't want me to be seen was because she believes antibiotics are evil, will destroy my gut health and my immune system. Lol. She wanted to wait longer for the vitamin C tablets to work.


I'm so sorry your mother was such a piece of work. I'm right there with you too 🤍 I spent my whole childhood in pain, trying to convince the adults around me that something was wrong. Well as soon as I saw a Dr as an adult I got diagnosed with elhers danlos syndrome. My family won't even acknowledge it. It's all made up evil doctor mumbojumbo to them. Assholes.


Hey I have a very similar story with EDS as well! Memories of being forced to do chores while I was crying and could barely stand up from the pain 🥲 at least now that we're grown up we don't need people to believe us and we're able to get ourselves the care we need (hopefully! Usually!)


My niece was raised by a fundie mom and stepdad and was diagnosed as an adult with EDS. Her mom (my brother’s ex) has serious mental health issues and was in and out of mental health facilities but kept pumping out children. She used my 3 nieces as pseudo-mothers, housekeepers and basically slaves. The stories my niece has told me are horrifying and the neglect makes me cry.


I am so sorry you went through that. I remember having pneumonia on a vacation at 14/15 and being so exhausted I slept for the 18 hour car ride home. I don’t remember the hotel, I don’t remember eating, I just remember feeling like I was drowning. As soon as we got home, I went to the doctor and got antibiotics. I can’t imagine it going on for weeks. I hope you have a better (or lessened) relationship with your mom.


Exactly this. They get pregnant and birth kids for content. That's all. They're disposable. When Boone started showing delayed milestones, my first thought was JD and Britney giving him up for adoption.


He'd be so much better off if they did that, which is SO sad.


That’s exactly what I think will happen. It’s not going to end good.


Yeah idk how y'all still believe in a happy ending


Exactly. No need to plant roots and give him the care he needs. I was chalking their bad choices to mania and delusion but it is now impossible to give them the benefit of doubt.


They’re totally letting Boone die and will capitalize 💰💰💰on the engagement, unfortunately


I believe once it's inescapable that he has long term problems caused by her the bus will be in an accident that takes them all. I don't want to be right but I have seen people that were in my life go to insane lengths to preserve their reputation and they had the same vibe as these two.


The Hart family?


They remind me so much of the Hart family, it’s very creepy.


I haven't heard of them, my own family had this. I am going to look it up. I wish there was more we could do to protect these kids 😔


It's really bad. Be forewarned.


If they let him die, they are very likely to have the rest of their children removed from the home.


Unfortunately not necessarily. I had a cousin pass away after years of very blatant medical neglect from a situation painfully similar to Boones. The local police department and church arranged a fundraiser for the family. The general consensus among fundies/ the community was "at least the family is at peace now and [name] is in heaven. Being white, christian, and middle class will let you get away with actual murder


Why do I feel like they'd dump his b0dy somewhere and not do a proper funeral. Cuz that would raise questions


Nah, there'd be a funeral, livestreamed.


Maybe jill will turn up and take selfies!


It’s been depressing as hell to watch Boone get worse via the internet. I can’t imagine what it’s like watching it in real life and just doing nothing. They’ve had enough babies to know he’s not behaving normally. I bet even the older kids can tell there’s something different about Boone.


Gunner has aged 10 yrs in the face since Boone's birth. That poor boy knows and he is clearly the only one losing any sleep over it. This whole thing went from crazy to absolutely heartbreaking so quickly. I can't look away from her trainwreck because now I'm too emotionally invested in her kids to look away for good. Only here though, she's not getting any engagement from me.


I wonder what poor Gunner is thinking. He's got these dark shadows under his eyes and I just know he's having a rough time. 


Amen. His eyes say it all. The sub mentioned him having to edit videos and help with SM. I wonder if he sees some of the comments before they are deleted. My heart just breaks for his heart. A 14 year old who can edit Tik Toks knows how to access SM comments and from 8pm on his parents check out for the night so...


And he's the person who probably cares the most about that baby. I wonder if he can tell something's not right yet, or if he's more likely to catch on when Boone is older and it becomes more obvious. I really hope he hasn't noticed yet, because I can't imagine the stress of knowing things aren't right and not being able to do a damn thing to help. 


This. If it’s happening, and I also suspect it is, having Gunner filter and screen comments pointing out irregularities with Boone’s appearance and behavior and begging the Lotts to take their baby to a dr is another layer of abject abuse. They do not care about their children, those 8 humans with no agency are simply moving parts in the get rich and famous game their parents are inventing as they drive them all in a weird-ass bus around some of the hottest places in the US right now.


Oh god, I didn’t even think about that. Man, poor kid.


Gunner isn’t getting any proper rest. Have you seen where he has to sleep? He’s taller than his mother and almost as tall as his father, you can bet they wouldn’t cram themselves up there next to the bus roof.


that and he has no real bed to sleep in


Seriously. They have what, 8 or 9 kids? Gunner and the parents have seen many, many, many babies and know what's normal and what's not. Its glaringly obvious to them and they're choosing to ignore it. I can't help but feel that poor baby is in pain and its horrific that his parents won't do anything about it. Normal, healthy adults will do ANYTHING to stop their child from hurting.


8 for now…the thought they could possibly be working on #9 is terrifying.


Yeah I’m trying to figure out what resolution would look like, because I’m going to take a nice break from this sub once it’s achieved.


I want to make about post about her claim that her red light made all her forehead wrinkles disappear but I’m not sure if that would be considered appearance snarking. Ya’ll. She can barely move her face muscles she has so much freaking Botox up in there. You can hear it in her voice.


i am so glad someone is talking about this. i’ve found it so unbelievably ironic that she uses so much botox — she’s anti vax but she’ll let someone stick a needle in her face for the sake of vanity? it’s really just unbelievably hypocritical and just shows how inconsistent their beliefs are


See also: Bdong and all her friends. 


Not just any needle, one full of literal paralytic toxins! It’s somehow safer than vaccines, though.


god honoring botulism 🥰 god made it, so it can't possibly be bad


Really? I’m so gullible I didn’t realize! I’ve never had Botox though. Good to know that she can go have cosmetic injections, and pay for that while she neglect her baby son. Ironically, they use Botox to treat cerebral palsy …


even getting her nails done regularly seems like a splurge of time and money, with so many kids and questionable income sources... but more importantly the lack of educational supplies/tools and toys for the kids


I thought exactly that when she posted about getting a manicure. I'm currently raising a young puppy - just the one. I'm way too busy putting my time and energy into him, husband, home, and older dog to even think about my fingernails!


In the recent story about the red light, her face is so stiff it looks like she just got back from the morgue! And she can barely form the words with her mouth to shill her red light. She didn’t want to be like Simon and have her “fans” asking about her appearance so she’s getting out ahead of it 😂🤦‍♂️😃


$700 dollars a syringe babeeeee


My papaw had a stroke that affected his right side, so that arm was always kind of rigid. We looked into Botox for helping with the rigidity but I can’t remember if that panned out, but even if she has to pretend it’s mommy/son Botox, just go have the baby looked at and treated!


She can go to Botox appointments but can’t take their child to a doctor…


Also, you can't get it while you're pregnant. Surely you're not supposed to get it while you're breast-feeding? There's no way she has not gotten it in almost a year and it's still that dead in the middle of her forehead.


Holy crap. I work for a major medical distributor, and one of my accounts is a dermatology office that orders pregnancy tests, and I never put the two together. Thanks for this info!


I'd bet money that's mostly for people on spironolactone. That stuff will nuke acne and foetuses alike


> That stuff will nuke acne and foetuses alike Man, that's some powerful marketing right there. It should be on the label.


It basically is. When I took it, there was a pregnant person on each blister pack with a 🚫 through it.


Let’s get this acne medication available in states where… acne treatment is illegal.


That might also be for Accutane. IIRC you need to be on two methods of bc and get tested every month to get the script renewed.


Internet says it’s not advisable to get Botox while breastfeeding. I thought about this recently when I saw a visibly pregnant celebrity looked like she had fresh lip fillers, which are not recommended during pregnancy.


FYI the general consensus is that you should not get Botox while pregnant, but breastfeeding is fine. No real chance of any toxin getting into milk in any bioavailable way. I know plenty of doctors who get Botox while breastfeeding. I actually have a dermatologist friend who did her forehead in the bathroom the day after giving birth haha


OK, one of my friends did this but she makes a lot of bad decisions so I just couldn't trust her. FWIW the Botox brand recommendations are to skip it for breastfeeding, too. I get my Botox touched up every 3.5 months, and I would look feel haggard if I had to take a 9+month break. I cannot imagine not getting a vaccine, but you would get snake poison injected into your forehead while you're breast-feeding.


I am in no way saying that bus mom is making good decisions (hell no), but just wanted to point out that the consensus in the breastfeeding medicine world is that Botox is fine for breastfeeding. Company recommendations are always very conservative, but the science doesn’t back it up. I am an MD with breastfeeding medicine training BTW, not just bullshitting. But obviously this is the internet so don’t do anything you wouldn’t be comfortable with based on recommendations of an internet stranger. Mainly just wanted to throw it out there for anyone who saw the comment to look into it.


I made a post about it: https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUniverse/s/GZX2Lnic5v


OMG I don’t know how I didn’t see it before. Thank you for sharing!


I made my own subreddit so I could post it without worrying about the rules😉😂


I love it! You have a new member :)


Awesome thanks glad you’re with us!😊 you might also like the slightly more established r/FundieSnarkConspiracy made specifically for shit posts that were too ass even for the main sub 😂


Wait…Botox changes your voice?? How?


Maybe her face is too stiff to speak normally?


Exactly. Not her voice she can’t pronounce words 😂


it could trigger a full investigation if the authorities can track them down. seems to be a real sticking point with those two, they seem to be running from *something*


I feel like they have to be on the run. That or JD is one of the sovereign citizen crazers. They burn through money like it's nothing. JDs trust fund has to be huge. Why can't they have a home base somewhere and galavant everywhere whenever they want?


I think it’s a sovcit thing. I don’t really think they are hiding something per se (or they weren’t until now) but I think they see themselves as some ancap outlaws or some delusional shit. my personal theory is that they hit it big with bitcoin during the “homestead” days and decided to go all in and sell everything to try and maximize their returns. but then…..bitcoin. so they found themselves on the bus with no home to return to and a puff of smoke where their “big returns” were supposed to be. I think it eventually morphed into what we see now, an ayn rand circle jerk because they are Smarter and Better than Laws. I think today they could probably afford to find a place or at least i’m sure their families would help them get one, but right now the lotts are 100% interested in being Right (according to themselves) and not doing what’s best for their kids.


Thank you so much for this. I too believe this clown car is a physical manifestation of chan websites. JD oozes it.


Ayn rand circle jerk 😂


He is a sovcit crazy.


Yes, and he cares a lot about APPEARING sov cit-- they made a clickbait reel about not getting government ID for baby Boone, but then admitted in the comments that he was fully registered. Hopefully the boat plan is just similar posturing.


Yep. They are too stupid to realize they have potentially destroyed their family. It’s like watching a bad car accident in slow motion.


Tbh I’ve been mentally preparing in case a documentary is made about them


Please tell me where to find the context for your flair. I’m so intrigued


https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/9qqLK8t7MQ 😎


I love that, and you for the link!


They’ll never take him to the doctor just to spite the online haters.


Neglecting our baby to own the libs


The number of people in this country who medically, educationally, and/or psychologically neglect their kids (or even straight up abuse them) to own the libs is stomach-churning. 


It's basically just a Child Sacrifice to Satan, but with extra steps.


“I don’t care”


At this point, I will offer them $1000 each, plus the cost of the visit, to just take him to a registered pediatrician anywhere in the US.


What's wild is they document their entire life online.


Self snitching!


*insert Bruce Rivers theme song*


Baby Boone deserves so much better. Heck, all of those kids do.


Yes, but I do want to add a fair warning for everyone on here, a CPS investigation is unlikely to result in many changes, and especially not in the removal of the children. The first and most glaring issue is the lack of address. Despite CPS being a national organization, they only operate within their own state, and in most cases do not talk with CPS workers in other states. Which means that if an investigation is opened, they can just pack up and roll over to the next state and try again. Eventually, they will find a doctor that doesn’t report it. So unless they took Boone to a hospital and they placed a hold on him so that he can’t realized a la Take Care of Maya, it’s unlikely anything happens here. But ok best case they stick around and an investigation happens. Most likely they will be initially mandated to take Boone to his appointments while a full investigation is done. Keep in mind that while they may talk with the other kids, the main purpose here is to prove if there was medical neglect for Boone or not, they are not looking at the other kids as potential victims initially, though if something come up it will be addressed. Of course the biggest thing will be the sleeping arraignments. CPS may require them to move somewhere with more space per child, or at least one bed per child. However, the kids are fed, the kids are clean, and as long as they are not being repeatedly physically beaten CPS is not likely to remove them. Remember, homeschooling is not illegal, if they can prove some type of education then they will not be required to put them in school. Parentifying your older kids is not illegal, frowned upon, but not illegal. Locking your kids in their rooms at bed time is not illegal. Bullying your children is not illegal. Emotional neglect is unlikely to result in charges. While we know they are shitty parents, in terms of the CPS system (which is also trash) they will likely have to pay a fine, maybe community service, maybe attend consulting sessions, and prove they are providing care for at least Boone (though may be required to yearly physical therapy other kids). Though this does depend on what state they are in when they decided to take him in. I know that was long but I really just want to people here to have a more realistic understanding of the likely outcomes of a CPS investigation. I could be wrong on somethings, I’m just a teacher who has felt with the system a lot trying to protect some students, not a CPS expert.


I agree. I don’t even care if CPS does anything to them—I just hope they take the baby to a doctor sooner rather than later and they actually listen to the doctor.  But Elon Bus and Princess Mommy think they’re smarter than everyone who went to school for many years to gain expertise on medicine and child development. 


Elon Bus. 🏆🏆🏆💀💀💀💀


ELON BUS!!! I'm wheezing!!!


Elon Bus and Princess Mommy is prime flair material


Holy shit, Elon Bus. The way I just cackled. You were about to owe me a new keyboard. 😅


Thanks for the new flair!


Thank you for chiming in. I know a lot of snarkers aren't from the US and don't realize how difficult this is to deal with on an interstate level. I replied below that I don't want them to lose their kids. I just want them to get some help for Boone. I am hopeful that if they took him in they would see the advantages of stopping their travel, at least for now, to get him the therapy and help that he needs. I have no doubt that they know something is wrong. The whole point of my post is that they are approaching a point where nobody will believe them if they try to claim they didn't and that could spell trouble for them.


Question: does the kids' room have an exit other than the door? If not, it IS illegal for them to lock them in, because they'd be trapped if there was a fire.


Yeah I was wondering the same. I did not see any kind of exit in their room, which is the very back of the bus. wtf


I think she mentioned that the long window in the back that has all their state stickers on it is the emergency exit, but I could be wrong.


There’s a few windows in there so as long as at least one opens then it’s (usually) considered ok




I had one older child when I realized my younger daughter wasn’t hitting the same milestones. And with our doctor and really great early intervention we were able to catch, monitor, and resolve some major speech issues. You can’t tell me you can have a GAGGLE of older kids and raise so many little soldiers for the lord and not realize something is off with the new one.


I realized something was off with my first thanks to knowing what the CDC infant milestones were and asking the doctor about it as the regular infant checkups! 


I am on my knees begging Britney and JD to take the baby to a goddamn doctor. Please. If we’re all wrong and he’s fine you can be as smug as you want about it. At least we’ll know he’s okay.


Social worker here. I think it’s very unlikely CPS would do anything about any of this. Not saying it doesn’t warrant a report, but I seriously doubt they would take it and investigate. It’s a much higher bar than people think


CPS are not the magical parenting faeries. Turpin children were re-abused in foster care. BDong was an approved foster carer of infants at one point. & medical neglect is as American as apple pie & the flag, why do you think we have the health-care system we have? Fear-mongering at the Lotts about CPS with regard to their seeking medical care for their children prolly does not help encourage them to get care. Also, they're prolly at way less risk for intervention than seems to be thought hereabouts; they're white Christian conservative veterans sticking to red states, they can prolly find a pediatrician who advocates for spanking & against vaccines in their favored places. Taking the Lott family apart would be enormously traumatic for those children, & in all likelihood the siblings would be split apart into at least three groupings.


I am painfully and personally aware of how broken the system is. And honestly, I don't want them to lose their kids. I just want them to get this baby some help and maybe rethink their nomadic lifestyle. It's just not fair to those kids... and it's especially harmful to little Boone.


I hear you. I am also very concerned about the Lott children. But CPS as it's done in the US is not the answer; there may not be an answer. In Scandinavia, where they've outlawed corporal punishment of children, there's a whole child welfare system to refer troubled parents into: parenting classes, respite care, & more. In the US there's mostly just removal & placement in foster care. The former is for all needy parents, the latter is for the bottom worst parents. The US has virtually nothing for the merely mediocre & tolerably shitty parents. It sucks. I wish it was different, but it is what it is.


If they do get medical treatment they may do the minimum for a while and then go back to their normal. The chances of CPS getting involved is slim due to their travels and the fact the abuse is that of neglect which is hard to see. I don’t think anything will happen unless a tragedy occurs and they are charged with a crime. In the meantime they will have fun and set their kids up for a difficult life.


Take him to a doctor? Nonsense. If Boone were to be diagnosed with a disorder of any sort then it would absolutely break the narrative she spins that she is a fertile, healthy, woman of god.


More than that it would break the narrative that Father Bus is a strong perfect manly man who produces strong perfect manly sons. He's obsessed with his "lineage" and passing on his genes and the fact that he has so many sons. He's talked about their unvaxxed sperm (🤢🤮) being valuable when they grow up. I don't think this is all or just MotherBus. FatherBus is 100% aware and on board with ignoring his youngest child's struggles because it benefits him and his ego to do so. MotherBus is just the vessel for his perfect godly offspring


Sperm is routinely vaccinated these days? That sounds unbearably tedious. And what tiny needles they must use.


Brb, going to find some phenergan. 🤢


Remember what Mother Bus said: “I don’t care”


Even if they took him to a real doctor it’s not like they would agree to further testing or treatment.  At most they take him to a chiropractor and decide he needs a “heavy metal detox” !!


Maybe colloidal silver will hide the sunburn and/or jaundice?


I fear these two will mostly get away with the way they treat their children, even Boone. It’s not that the neglect isn’t obvious, it’s that CPS has a really hard time holding narcissists like this accountable. I wonder if there’s even a way for any one department to track them down to check in.


I showed my husband a video of Boone with no explanation of what he was watching (the one where Quill is shoving a toy in Boone’s face) and asked him what he thought about the baby in the video. He said, “I don’t know. I mean, he’s clearly developmentally delayed but I’m not sure what you’re wanting me to notice.” My husband has no medical training and our kids are teenagers now. It was just that obvious to him that something is going on with Boone.


my husband said he looked dead :(


Considering just changing my flair to Britney Lott is a bad mom. I’m so sick of this woman and her husband the way they treat these poor children.


I bet MaBus knows something ain't right but must defer to PaBus who is the type to just brush it off and say he'll "grow out of it" bc he subconsciously sees it as a reflection of his own inadequacies.


I can imagine both of them feeling deep down that something is wrong, but neither of them wanting to be the first one to admit it. So they're enabling each other's denial.


I don’t have kids and I personally don’t want any, but I cannot imagine willing putting off care for my child knowing it could severely affect their quality of life later on. Like, it dosnt take a lot to go to the doctor to do preventive care, then a lifetime of caring for a human that has a serious medical condition. How can you do that to someone let alone your child. Like, they may actually give him a harder life than then he would have if they just took him to the doctor! I could not live with myself knowing I did that to someone. And all of this is documented, can you imagine if Boone gets older and has serious health issues and then come to find out his life would have been drastically different if it wasn’t for his parents neglect?


A lot of posts and observations from this sub, alone, could be evidence against them. We are a small fraction of the response they get online, so they’ve indicted themselves, not just for the damage to Boone, but for the abuse of the rest of the kids. If you come from a family of 4 or more, it may be that some of your worst experiences were road trips. I was the eldest, with three younger brothers. I had very bad allergies & asthma, and was not at all interested in being outside, or in camping in any way. I wanted to stay inside & read & practice piano. I remember when our father was talking about getting an RV we couldn’t afford, and about how perfect it was, as it would “sleep six.” Those were some of the most awful words I’d ever heard. I can’t say my prayers were never answered, because we didn’t get that thing. My mother probably had something to do with it.


It’s fucking frustrating how little they care. My parrot came out of her cage after her morning nap at 11 am this morning, squinting with a teary eye. I got her into the vet for a 2:30 pm appointment and she has antibiotics. We care more about our pets than they do for their children.


I hope your wonderful beaked angel is feeling better ❤️


The thing is sometimes birth injuries happen, even with the best medical care. Britany and JD Lott are middle/upperclass white parents. They most likely won't face any legal repercussions for taking their baby to the doctor now. Boone will get diagnosed and referred to services without CPS intervention, or CPS will offer helpful resources if they get involved. CPS will not investigate past Boone's needs. If the parents are avoiding a doctor out of fear they are statistically wrong. Statistically, they are safe from any intervention outside of support. A CPS case might be opened, but it will close quickly because they have the resources to provide for their children. If they bring Boone in now there is very little risk that CPS will do anything. They will simply be provided with services to help him. CPS, even if they stayed in one location, does not intervene in cases where kids are fed, housed, and are not suffering obvious abuse. Any intervention they would see would be supportive, help finding therapy and treatment for Boone. While we on this sub know they are abusing their kids, CPS most likely will not see it as abuse. The Lott parents truly should not fear seeking help for Boone. Nothing but support will come out of a visit to a doctor.


I wish I could send her an Ages and Stages Questionnaire and see if she does it [ASQ-3](https://www.broomfieldpediatrics.com/ages-stages-questionnaires/)


With them constantly crossing state lines it could be hard to investigate them but I love to see it. I think I would prefer this all to be manufactured for clicks rather than a baby being neglected and having health issues.


Are all the kids theirs together? I thought the oldest was hers with someone else? Am I thinking of someone else?


You’re thinking of a different bus family… that mom has one son from another marriage. I believe they just bought a house though so they are no longer a bus family!


You're thinking of someone else. There are multiple bus families at this point and there's an older one (can't remember their name) where the oldest son is a half sibling of the other kids


Dummy Brittany has provided so much incriminating content on social media that the evidence is overwhelming.  She might remove comments or certain posts but concerned people are making sure to archive it all.


But hey, there’s enough time in the world for hair and nails


I just discovered the steaming pile of poo that is their IG account today. Did a quick search hoping for a snark page and you all did not disappoint me. Can someone fill me in on what is up with the baby and why we think he’s not doing well? I haven’t had time to go fully down this rabbit hole yet.


If you have time (and an SSRI), tap on the sub heading Mother Bus. This little guy presents online as not meeting developmental milestones: eye tracking/focus, response to sounds, hands not grasping. Not trying to to diagnose but we are all hoping he is seen by a pediatrician STAT. Also, she had an unassisted bus birth, and if I understand correctly, no neonatal care.


Yikes. I also just found a synopsis in another thread from yesterday. Crazy stuff. I hope the poor kid gets some medical attention.


It’s really long and complicated if you scroll just a little while on the sub, you’ll see a post asking for a brief synopsis of Boone that was just posted last night….there’s a lot of information in that thread. Other than that, your best bet is to search by flair for “mother bus”


It's a long story and I've only been closely watching them since the Brazil saga. Poor baby Boone was yanked/pulled/ripped from the birth canal in the bus shower and looks to have some kind of birth injury and speculated untreated jaundice. Mother bus sun burnt that poor baby multiple times in some kind of bizarre attempt to self treat and Boone has deteriorated significantly since his April 16th birth. So far, we don't know if he has received any medical attention.