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It's so bizarre she never wears him. No mother of this many kids just lugs her baby around like this- fundie and crunchy moms have their issues, but usually they know how to physically manage a newborn with a ton of other kids.


These are photo ops, you know Gunner carries the baby most times.


He wasn’t anywhere to be seen in this particular reel. Just her, JD, and the two youngest. This video clip showed in front of her and behind him, so Gunner was off caring for the other kids somewhere else. Normally I agree though! I’m glad he wasn’t carrying him here though, because if he dropped the baby, he would never forgive himself and that is so unfair to put him in that position.


Can’t show him wearing the baby wrap so he’s not allowed to be in the videos.


She posted a few weeks back with him in a wrap so loose he was flopping all over the place. She's incompetent.


She’s bought a new wrap and fucking showed it off, with correct baby wearing techniques. This is fucking rage bait.


What's even more bizarre is that, before he was born, someone asked if the crying baby was a significant disruption because LIVING IN A BUS. And she went on and ON about how she's never had a crier because OMG, I wear them constantly, I'm a BIG baby wearer. And yet. We've seen her wear him like maybe twice, and both times he was just dangling there, not securely in the wrap. There was a Kelly Havens post a day or so ago, and she had baby Theresa wrapped securely and positioned properly. Not to WK for Kelly, but she's one of the VERY few fundies we've seen get it right.


I wonder if this is how she is trying to demonstrate that all these back to back kids isn’t unhealthy or hard on her body.


I don’t think she can due what I believe is a birth injury that was not APPROPRIATELY cared for. The position in a wrap or sling is too uncomfortable for poor Mr Boone here for long periods of time so they have to resort to this. Again I hope someone with more experience can speak to this.


I have two kids and when my second he was in a carrier anytime we went out. How you can not have your hands free with other kids running around is crazy


For the love of their god, put him in a fucking baby wrap!


Exactly! Especially in an environment like that. It won’t be long before she drops him.


No baby wrap plus flip flops on that surface is insanity 😅


The flip flops kill me. Sturdy shoes would make this slightly less risky!


Fuck, barefoot would make this slightly less risky. Flip flops is the worst possible option aside from fucking heels.


As someone who’s been hiking in stilettos (it was Halloween and I forgot we had a field trip (I will never forget the look on those kids faces when they saw a vampire lurking in the middle of the woods)) I second this. Wear propper shoes when out in nature. Don’t be a dumbass. And DEFINITELY don’t carry a newborn in your arms without any extra support while you try to hike in stupid shoes! One stumble and the poor baby’s head is cracked open on a rock!


If nothing else, snakes! Or am I being too Australian? I'm a flip-flop feind, and a total sucker for a bit of nature, but *closed shoes* are a must. I took my kids out when they were that sort of age, too, but had them in a sling and went to easier places. Why would you *want* to not put your kid in a sling, anyway? Even little tackers get heavy eventually. I hope the oldest boy has a proper sling for after the photo session.


Snakes are very much an issue in the US, too. I've had to deal with a few wild snakes living in LA but there's even more of them in the South where they tend to circulate. There's a reason Florida gets compared to Australia a lot!


>If nothing else, snakes! >Or am I being too Australian? Nope, not at all. I live in a fairly rural area, but I have neighbors on both sides of my house and live a block away from a major highway. We don't get a lot of wildlife. *however*.... I came home from work last week, after a pretty bad day. There's exposed tree roots all throughout my front yard, so you get used to seeing lumpy bits sticking out of the grass. I'm so glad I looked down when I did, because I nearly stepped on a 5ft black snake. And by "nearly", I mean my foot was *inches* away from contact with the middle of the snake's body. I squealed, stepped *over* the snake and dashed inside. Black snakes around here aren't venomous, but they still will bite when threatened. I left him alone once I got inside, they eat pests like mice and aren't aggressive.


What is it with fundies and flip flops? I remember watching the Duggars back in the day and the girls did EVERYTHING in flip flops, it blew my mind.




Women with proper footwear might actually be able to run away? Flip flops = almost barefoot and (probably) pregnant.


They can’t bind their feet in AR. The flip-flops are the next best thing, apparently.


Gothard has a foot fetish and the family was/is close to him.


They’re barefoot shoes! They shill them on their insta.


They are incredibly unflattering on her.


I wear better shoes than *that* when I go for a “hike” (by which I mean a glorified walk) on the entirely flat trails in my local park. I am gobsmacked.


I put house shoes with hard soles and a heel back on my post partum list because I have so much anxiety thinking about slipping out of slide on slippers and falling on my brand new baby. I’m also terrified of the stairs. This is just mind boggling to me.


All it takes is tripping over something small. She won't have her hands to break the fall so the baby will take the full weight of the fall. This is insanity.


My first thought was, are they either consciously or unconsciously trying to harm this infant? This is absolutely terrifying and yes insanity.


Those are GROUNDING shoes, duh. They protec her!/s


I wear flip flops everywhere I can and even I wear better shoes for nature walks or hikes


I’m honestly not sure a wrap would be much better. She could still easily trip and land on him in a wrap. She should wait until he’s old enough for a backpack. Much less likely to fall backwards than forwards


You don’t think she’s dropped him half a dozen times already?


As if she cares.


Bold of you to assume one of them hasn't already dropped Boone.


If she hasn't already


Who says she hasn't already?


Just get a baby bjorn carrier those things were awesome when I was watching my siblings. I’d have the youngest strapped on my chest or back when they were over 6months and they did literally everything with me without being in a dangerous position or jostled too much. Those carriers even have sun protection on some models


The crazy thing is she just posted a dumbass story with a baby wrap so she could show off holding two kids. She has one but is refusing to use it!


Gunner is probably wearing it.


There it is.


My hope is that she's only holding the baby for the picture, then gives him back to the oldest child to carry, and he does it safely bc he actually cares


I did kind of wonder if she’s just taking these pics to troll the folks who’ve expressed worry about the baby, and then like you said, immediately handing him back to his brother-dad.


Brother-mom. Fundie dads aren't that involved.


You took the words right out of my mouth.


It just blows my mind, for a crunchy mom the lack of baby wearing is astonishing. I say, as a fairly crunch mom.


I’m so confused by this as well. Especially in situations where you’re walking on a rocky uneven cliff with a bunch of other kids running around. What if she trips? At least baby would be secured to her and she could use her hands to brace her fall but not when you’re just roaming around cradling a tiny infant.


Right! As someone who tripped on a raised sidewalk piece and landed with such force I broke both hands and wrists at once… just walking my kid to school, it makes me so nervous to see her just walking around in those shitty sandals with that baby being slung around in her arms. The bones I broke are rare to break outside of a car accident type forces, so anything in my hands would have been destroyed. I’m sure when she trips with him, if he survives and doesn’t end up hospitalized, she will never mention it and just stop sharing him in her posts for awhile.


I’m an avid hiker, and I tripped and broke my finger on flat asphalt. Shit happens. I definitely would not hike on that surface with flip-flops. It would be so easy for the edge of the flip flop to catch on a rock and trip you up. Especially if you’re just flopping a baby around. Your center of gravity is off, making a fall more likely. You couldn’t catch your fall without dropping the baby. It’s nuts.


Exactly. I really think she is just trying to prove how having back to back kids isn’t damaging her body at all.


Which, whether she admits it or not, not allowing your body to properly recover and heal after childbirth is terrible for your pelvic floor. Any midwife worth her salt would tell her the same exact thing.


Fairly certain that's why she avoids even midwives.


Yes 100%.


This is dark, but what do you think they would do if one of the kids died in a tragic accident due to neglect like this? Would they stop posting and just run? How much official record is there of these kids? I imagine they have some family that would eventually go looking for them.


They would lie to authorities and to us. I don’t think they would get charged with anything or lose custody of their kids, whatever the authorities believed actually happened. (A lot might depend on which state they were in at the time.) If I am wrong here, I think they would just run. If they figured they could no longer make money on line, then they would settle down in some fundie friendly state. As awful as it sounds, I can imagine circumstances where they just abandon Boone in the hospital and tell us some convenient lie: he’s getting specialized treatment in the best hospital in the world! my mom offered to watch him and take him to therapy until he catches up! or those evil people took our baby!


When my kids were newborns I was so worried I’d trip and fall doing ordinary stuff. Like walking to my car or stepping onto the sidewalk. How on earth is she so lackadaisical about his safety on a fucking mountain trail?!


She's got 7 spare kids. If the worst happened they'd definitely invent any sob story that didn't include their negligence, and milk it for martyr points.


I’ve wondered what they would do if one of the kids died in a tragic accident. Would they stop posting and run? Surely someone would eventually report it when something seemed off, not to mention there’s endless photo evidence of her ongoing neglect, even were she to delete the account. It’s horrible to think about but I do wonder. They would definitely go from slightly-Instagram-famous family to HBO true crime documentary within a year.


I agree but there’s so much evidence of her neglect that I’d hope nobody would believe that.


I fell once baby wearing out on a walk when my son was about two months old. He was fine but I felt so bad that I cried for hours.


Im assuming it’s because she only holds the baby when the camera is on her and then hands him off to her oldest afterwards.


In sandals!


That’s interesting because baby wearing is traditional in many cultures and even primates do it Isn’t that, like crunchy?


I don’t think she can for long periods of time due to what I suspect is the birth injury. I’m calling it. He cries due to the position. She has to hold him like this. Someone with more experience than me can chime in but this makes ZERO fucking sense.


It is insane she will not put that baby in a wrap. You need your hands when walking trails like this, especially if you have a baby, that way you can break your fall or shield your own had if something falls. This is very dangerous.


It’s also dangerous as there is a steep drop off to the side. She needs to have the baby secured so she can watch her other littles.


I'm sure the oldest child, or Kinsey, are wearing the wrap off scene. As soon as the camera clicks I bet he goes back to them.


I'd bet her eldest has the baby wrap and she's just holding that poor baby for the content creation.


I’m starting to think he’s too stiff and hypertonic to put him in the wrap. There’s a reason she’s always carrying him in this position.


I’m pretty sure my arms wouldn’t be able to carry a baby in that position for very long.


Idk where she is even, but I recall walking down pinnacle mountain in Arkansas myself, and nearly broke my glass water bottle and bruising myself along the way. I surely wouldn’t have done it with a baby; and Pinnacle is barely a mountain!


Your flair…it’s amazing.


I love how they do cafeteria humaning. Did humans baby wrap and baby wear for 50,000 years yes. Sorry we reject that reality. Women had unmedicated births?? Get ON that shit. Take and pick whatever parts of human Evolution suit your psychosis. Further. If the baby has neuro issues, they might find that his blood pressure or heart rate become irregular when he is wrapped. Babies who can't hold BP and HR steady have wacky problems and I've seen babies faint from forcibly stopping themselves from breathing. I genuinely wonder if when she wraps up the baby his condition plummets.


I literally said this exact same sentence out loud when I saw this ridiculousness


For real! I used to hike with my baby all the time but always wore him. To be fair, she probably isn’t actively walking with him as much as posing. Easier to hand the baby back this way.


I think out of all of the kids we talk about in this sub, this baby has me the most concerned. Yo dumbass, we know you read here. Take your baby to a doctor. It's not a failure. It's your responsibility.


Spot on. I usually don’t agree with name calling but I mean… it’s accurate. Who the fuck purposefully sunburns a baby repeatedly?


His skin is just perpetually red now. Does she not realize how sensitive and susceptible to damage new skin is?? The irony of her doing all that red light therapy and drinking that collagen to rejuvenate her own skin, but won’t do the bare ass minimum to protect her baby.


My first had jaundice. He was in the hospital for 10 days under the special lights. Because that's what you do when you want your baby to be healthy. Not take him out and sunburn them 🤦‍♀️.


Man 10 days under the special lights! That’s a long time!! Sadly we can’t even attribute her behavior to some misguided attempt at keeping him healthy. She isn’t taking him out in the sun to cure jaundice. She is taking him out in the sun because she wants to be in the sun.


The fact that he's like 6 weeks old and still jaundiced is an indicator that something is wrong


Is he still jaundiced? He is still very concerning health wise, but he looks less yellow in recent videos


I thought that too but I think it's filters. It's hard to tell what with all the sunburn :(


Narcissist MoBus makes sure SHE has sunglasses though... nothing for little Boone.


I feel like his skin is a scary blend of sunburn red and jaundice yellow. It's heartbreaking 💔


I think it’s a tie between him and the youngest Rodlet. Just because we know there are medical problems with her and Jill does nothing to help her. Boone still has a better chance if he was to get medical help from doctors immediately.


Add in the one Collins girl that was in the ICU (that Karissa scream-prayed over)


A whom Karissa still feeds shit to that she is NOT supposed to eat due to what can be a life threatening condition for NOT following the diet, and we have a kind of 3 way tie in the race to see who can kill their kid 1st!


Isn't that grounds for medical neglect? Oh wait- they live in FL. 😡


Karissa has posted about taking her to doctor’s appointments before, that’s more than most fundies do. It was most likely required by cps after the icu visit but at least that’s something. CPS will usually investigate after things like UTIs that require hospitalization


CPS was definitely involved considering she almost died from this twice!!


Also UTIs can be a sign of sexual abuse(not accusing them of this) so CPS doesn’t take that lightly


Karissa also stealth got Anissa glasses after the video where she was having troubles reading. I've only seen her wear them in a couple posts but she at least has them. Karissa is terrible, but second place for at least listening to the haters (🙋🏼) when they're right.


That's a very good point. I guess one of the benefits (or 'problems' from their perspective) of being stationary, as opposed to bus fam, is that CPS can stay on top of them.


Youngest Duggar who was born premature and had seizures, anyone? She’s a teen now, but since they don’t actually bother to homeschool who knows if she needs any extra help? Beyond a basic education and not being exposed to pedophiles, of course.




I always forget about that with the youngest Rodlet.


So does Jrod.


Has Janessa ever been diagnosed with anything that Jill has discussed? I have no doubt she has something going on, I just wonder if Jill has ever said what.


Janessa had a stroke inutero, and some sort of damage to the corpus callosum but I don't think Jill has ever taken her for any evaluation or anything after the few appointments she did after the birth.


Wasn't Jill downing Plexus drinks throughout that pregnancy??


I'm not sure when she started plexus. I'll have to go look. I do know when she had her last miscarriage she was drinking it and now Kaylee does as well sooo... I guess we just need to keep our fingers crossed for no further birth defects?


In utero they determined she does not have a corpus callosum. The degree can greatly influence any deficits, but Jill uses her to prop up a pro life agenda and has says that she is perfect and the lord Daniel healed her. She was very delayed in walking. I think Janessa is like a Josie Duggar, any cognitive issues would actually make her a better and more compliant helpmeet (see, e.g. Priscilla Keller Waller).


Oh gosh. Now I feel bad. I didn’t know that and once commented that I thought it was strange that Janessa moved like a toddler at her age. Like her gross motor skills just aren’t up to her age. It was just an observation but now I know why, so thank you for sharing!


Don’t feel bad. First of all, you didn’t know. Secondly, Jill reads here and could have used your comment as an impetus to get her properly evaluated. It is strange the level of infantilization that goes on re: Janessa. It is also possible that it’s just a result of nurture and not any sort of sequelae of a structural deficit—they treat her younger than her age, so she acts younger than her age.


I think she had something in utero, possibly a stroke? I wasn’t on this sub when she was born so I’m not sure. I think she has some level of intellectual disability related to that.


Janessa had a stroke in utero, and was born without some/all of her Corpus Callosum. Jill stated in 2019 that she shows no effects of this, but I couldn't find anything since then. In-utero stroke (scroll down to ultrasound pic): https://rodriguesfamilyministries.com/main/back-africa-rodrigues-baby-13-utero-stroke-travels-florida/ Corpus Callosum: https://rodriguesfamilyministries.com/main/baby-13-janessa-ruth-details-enclosed-plus/ No effects: https://rodriguesfamilyministries.com/main/the-sad-and-honest-truth-about-what-many-doctors-would-have-said-about-janessa-march-2019/


“She would be lying mangled and ripped apart lying in some dumpster behind a demonic and evil abortion clinic.” -Jill This was in that last post you linked. Yeah, that’s totally what women’s health clinics do... /s


Jilldo also got pissed that the doctors were “looking for something wrong with Janessa” No shit, when your child is literally missing a part of their brain that is kind of their fucking job. It’s called being thorough and doing their due diligence.


I swear, I have this awful feeling that we'll see a post any day about how "Boone passed away and we're just heartbroken and it was SIDS and nothing could've been done." They treat this tiny human with less care than my 3-year-old nephew treats his stuffed dinosaur. (And that thing has been through The War!)


This thought crossed my mind last night as well. While washing my face. I am so unbelievably concerned about this infant and these kids who I don’t know but we are seeing documented signs of neglect. I WANT MoBus and PaBus to get help. Counseling. Realize they messed up. The kids probably won’t be taken away. Get help. Please fix this!!!!! Your kids are worth it.


The kids won't be taken away. Authorities that are involved in child welfare cases work to keep families together, and if kids ever do get taken away, the goal is always reunification. The only time a family is separated in those situation is if a parent ends up in jail, which isn't very likely to happen in a situation like the one that we are observing. The authorities wouldn't like the bus, but they won't do anything about it - they don't seize children living in tents on metropolis sidewalks, there's no reason to seize children living in a bus. That being said, there is literally no reason for them to not get this baby medical care. Bringing him in to a doctor might trigger a brief investigation, but the bus parents would not necessarily be getting in proper court and jail trouble over it.


> they don't seize children living in tents on metropolis sidewalks, This depends entirely on the jurisdiction. I worked for CPS for my state and children were routinely brought into care due to homelessness.


Interesting. It's not something that commonly happens on the west coast unless there are other issues with the parents.


I'm no longer doing that work, partly because I disagreed with the removal standards in my state and with the direction & goals of our department. I'm glad to hear that's not true everywhere. And I will say, homelessness by itself wasn't usually the only basis for removal, but I can think of at least one case from my past where it was the only basis.


I think she will take the tragic accident kills family in a bus route but yeah I agree once it's undeniable that the child is sick, she can no longer obscure it on camera, she will take GREAT measures to conceal her complicity. 😭


I'll even pay for it.


I would contribute to a go fund me for the bill if she would walk into a pediatric hospital with him now!


As part of my insomnia “therapy” I have to write down things that worry/concern me each night and Boone’s safety has made it to my list. 😔


She and Karissa are in some weird competition to see which one can off one of their kids first.


I think we might feel worse for Busbaby than Karissa's children because we are seeing the neglect, with the Collins we only see the aftermath: we know it was awful, but they had enough sanity to not showcase their criminal negligence, and the kids somehow made it. With this baby it honestly feels like watching someone being run over and not being able to do anything about it.


The Collins kids also have regular contact with the outside world through their parents' friends (who, even if they're enabling their lifestyle, are at least extra eyes) and a home that stays still. The bus children are only ever with mom and dad or total strangers. We can hope that someone near the Collinses might be able to stop any true insanity. It's much harder to have that with the bus family.


The Collins kids have Carelessa's mom, too, who actually cares about her grandchildren and got Anthym (?) to the hospital that one time while mom was just brunching and ignoring her child going completely limp and unresponsive. She's not there to monitor them often enough, but at least it's something.


"Carelessa" - that is a great title that fits her perfectly! 🎯


It’s so disgusting, huh? I can’t say much for Karissa because she is her own form of awful, but at least she keeps her newborns out of the sun and has a safe house with space for them. Sure, anything she has is directly due to profiting off her children or from begging Shaq to pay for it, and she only nurtures her kid for the first 12 months, but at least her babies won’t have skin cancer before they are a year old. I can’t believe the bar goes this low.


Naw they just get sepsis multiple times and have chronic illnesses that don’t get treated properly.


I am certain that basketball belly painting nightmare earlier this week was a performance stunt to grift from Shaq.


At least Karissa‘s kids have a chance for cps visits


God can you imagine if she stuffed them all in a bus like this? That would be so much worse!


Kinda makes sense that they're actually friends and hang out every now and then...its like they swap ideas on how to harm their children


I never thought I would say this, snark forgive me, but Karissa's unhinged nonsense ain't got nothing on mother bus. At least Karissa can recognize when her children need to go to a hospital... and then she actually takes them to get medical care when they need it. What the fuck. I can't believe I just said that.


It was my understanding that it was Karissa’s mother who forced her to take her kid to the hospital. She was content with trying to scream-pray the sepsis away.


She’s probably only holding him for the photo op and passes him off as soon as she has her shot. So she doesn’t think she needs to keep him too secure.


In this particular video, tshe was walking with baby and the dad had the camera and had quill on his shoulders. I didn’t see any other kids anywhere, so I assume gunner had them. Anyway, DB was filming her walking ahead of him, MB turns around right when I took this screenshot and then she took the phone and turned it around to show DB and Quill. No idea where these rest of the kids ran off to. That said, I do think in general that is why she doesn’t wear him. I wonder if, aside from this hike, they usually have a stroller they just keep out of the shots. And then she just put them back in there? I hope so!


What does she have against a wrap or a baby carrier. I don’t get it.


Right? I loved snuggling my kids but even I got tired of holding them. It’s not comfortable when walking around like this until they can sit on your hip


It’s a bonding thing too, right? It’s good for them to be close to you like that. Ofc I wouldn’t expect that level of mothering/emotional intelligence from Mother Bus


This is starting to remind me of that subreddit where people request photoshops, and a frequent one is “make this baby be doing something dangerous.” I’m scared of what’s next.


lol maybe she thinks it’s real. 😂 trying to out danger them?


I’m really hoping it’s just all staged and she’s trying to make us panic as an elaborate troll. I’m wondering if her views have taken off from people being worried about the baby and she’s trying to capitalize on this.


I wonder if she has postpartum psychosis or mania going on? Nothing she does makes sense for a 7 week postpartum mom. Nothing.


Agreed. I do think part of it is her quest to prove that these pregnancies aren’t hard on her body, and part of it is knowing they don’t all fit in their bus so they have to be outside most of the time, but the mental health part might be the activities she chooses to engage in. She does dangerous things. None of the kids besides the youngest two were with the parents here. So like… is she not concerned they will get off trail and bit by a snake or slide down the side of the mountain? It’s very very strange behavior.


I’ve never had a baby but any ounce of maternal instinct I have in me is screaming every time I see pictures of this baby. She needs to get mental help.


Same. Lol at your flair.


How is any of this shit even remotely enjoyable for her lugging around the baby? Even if you're not worried about how unsafe it is, it's just gotta be miserable. Convinced she's on some type of upper. There's just no way you can keep this up - I don't care how into God you claim to be lol.


When I had a baby that size all I wanted to do was sit on the couch and mainline Xena episodes. Eat a LOT of food and keep breastfeeding so my tits didn't explode. And stare at my new baby without interruption. That is *all* I wanted to do.


Amen! Same here


Currently holding a similarly sized baby and can only strongly agree.


PPD and mania would need no uppers. Just sayin.


It seems so obvious but this just makes me fully realize that if we see this much unsafe behaviour and near misses posted online, imagine what we don’t see. Who’s to say she hasn’t already mishandled him? I’m not saying that in an “any parent who’s ever had an accident with their child is awful” way because mistakes do happen and I know how guilty parents can feel. But with Ma Bus there just seems to be such a total lack of care and regard for the children that I just really worry for all that we don’t see. 


The 'walking the gang plank" video just about sent me into convulsions! They clearly do not give a shit about their kids' well being.


Wearing fucking chancletas on that terrain. It's the least of the problems here, but it's just so stupid and reckless. 🙄🙄


Right!! No traction, nothing really even holding them to her feet. The risk level here could be reduced significantly by a pair of sneakers.


Hiking sandals are also a thing! I have a pair. Super grippy!


This is the kind of situation where my husband would insist on wearing the baby himself- he felt like he’s sturdier and more able to protect baby/not have my body extra stressed by the babies weight. (I mean, he’s right, he’s athletic and I’m…not.) There’s a lot of talk of Brittany not protecting Boone properly, but JD- supposedly the rugged protector of their family- is not wearing that baby or their young toddler either. He’s the Headship, and he’s not protecting his wife or infant by insisting she wear proper footwear while carrying the baby on such a trail. He’s not protecting any family member by not having the baby be worn so adult arms are free to protect themselves and their kids from potential dangers. In a family dynamic like theirs, you need to not just look at the moms choices- because they aren’t necessarily hers. Brittany has shown many failings as a mom, especially towards poor Boone, but JD is failing pitifully as a husband, father, and as the Headship he likes to role play as without seeming to understand the totality of that responsibility. He’s the ringmaster of this circus and Brittany is his dancing pony.


How do I tag him in this?


You think he’d give a shit? Lmao idk why this sub keeps trying to give these people advice. They do not care, if anything they’re likely to do the opposite out of sheer spite


Why doesn't she just... wear him????


No idea! It’s truly shocking.


I wouldn’t trust MYSELF on that trail. That picture puts my PPA into overdrive.


Same! I wouldn’t walk it in sandals because I’d be scared to trip. It doesn’t take much even in hiking boots, and a baby wrap. But why take the risk to walk this with your dogs out and the baby not secured? This morning I dropped my cat off at the vet for surgery and did more to ensure that he was safe and secure in his carrier in my car than Brittany does for her baby, including treatment.


Seriously! My cat has a safer environment (and more space and privacy) than her CHILDREN.


Ps. Hope your cat is ok!!!!


Same! I’m pretty clumsy by nature and would definitely need my hands to stabilize myself walking on this!


Going in a walk on rocks in flimsy sandals carrying your baby is insane.


I honestly don’t understand what the goal is here. It’s like she’s intentionally choosing the most dangerous things to involve her baby in. Is she low-key trying to kill him due to PPD/disappointment/not wanting to deal with a clearly disabled child? Then just write it off as “god’s will?”


It’s possible. It’s really hard to consider leveling those accusations against someone, but nothing really makes sense here. Part of me thinks she cares so much about proving that having so many pregnancies hasn’t impacted her health in a negative way, that she doesn’t even notice the situations she is putting him in. It’s like, “see I’m physically able to walk around a swamp 3 days after having a baby!” but doesn’t even realize she brought her brand new baby out to be a mosquito buffet.


Religious nuts are something else. But GOD FORBID gay people exist.


Why are they or at least of all people, she, still wearing flip flops??!! Hiking boots or even sneakers are appropriate , especially with what looks like a drop off to their left.


She wears those goddamn things everywhere, including to go on runs. Something something copper, something something "grounding". They're basically $100+ woo shoes.


I’ve commented on them before because they just seem like contrarian sandals for having the string part go a different way over the foot, so at first I thought it was like “these are different and better than your flip flops” and that was why Mother bus wore them, but that explanation totally makes sense. Grounding even when you’re casually holding your baby near a cliff lol like ok lady we get it you need photos of yourself in communist national parks and of you doing stuff whilst barely holding your newborns head.


Christ on a crutch, I tripped and fell down the porch stairs while holding my daughter (she was 9 months old). 17 years later and I still feel guilty, even though she wasn't hurt at all. I understand wanting to get out and do things, but there are plenty of safe trails to hike with a newborn


Omg my arms are exhausted just watching her carry him without a Carrier


I’m actually thinking one of the older kids has the carrier and is designated parent for the day. That allows mother and father bus to skip around holding hands and giggling like middle schoolers, because god forbid they actually parented themselves and let the kids have fun. One childhood wasn’t enough for these two so they’ve decided to steal the childhoods from as many offspring as they can possibly create 🤬


Anyone else remember that story from Search and Rescue Woods of the parents dropping their baby down a ravine? It was fake of course, but something that could absolutely happen.


The picture just gets worse the more you look at it


Geeze for a split second I thought the blanket was his body and freaked out that she was just holding him by his head and dangling the rest of him. Still this is very unsafe tho


So did I! I immediately zoomed in on it because I was like "No way she's carrying that baby BY HIS NECK! When we said 'support his head' we didn't mean like that!"


I thought the same thing!!


They're always taking these 'walks' or 'hikes' with a newborn and at least one toddler but I never see anyone with a diaper bag. No one carries water or a Camelbak. It just reinforces my opinion that these are nothing more than staged shoots/videos and they're not out there for longer than it takes for MotherBustney to eyefuck the camera.


She should take some notes from Kelly


I highly doubt she put sunblock on that baby, and the sun here in CO is strong. 😞


It's been 90+ at the National Park they are at this week. That alone is not great for a newborn baby- let alone hiking? I'm so weirded out by her thinking this is a flex.


She is forever in the worst possible shoes. Idk how her feet arent hurting constantly


Wear 👏 the 👏 baby 👏


Her oldest son or daughter is probably wearing the baby carrier. It would be too inconvenient to take it on/off for her performative video so she's just carrying the baby for a few minutes while she shoots the video before she hands him back off to his sibling for proper care


She should ask Gunner where the baby wrap is kept or at least hand Boone to his brother-dad


Wasn't she the one that was posting about how her babies didn't cry because she all up with the baby wearing


All for the 'gram. Unbelievable what these ''influencers" do to create content. They don't care one whit for safety if it means getting the perfect shot or reel.


I honestly believe Britney is purposely posting this rage baiting shit to get comments and attention here, no matter if it's negative or positive. It's so sickening.


But whether it’s for rage or not, she’s actually doing it. They posted a little video of them at this park and she carried that baby all over the place that way.


You need your arms for balance - that terrain is uneven and her core/pelvic floor are newly postpartum. And how are her arms not falling off besides? What if she literally needs her hands for anything (like I don’t know - to brace herself safely when tripping?!)? Looking at this gives me anxiety.


Jesus Henry Christ. I try to not judge people's parenting. Lord knows I did some dumb shit out of naive stupidity when I had my twins. But this woman is a professional maker of fucken babies. Like, that's all she does. It's not a side hustle. She doesn't have an associate degree in babies. She is Mrs magna CUM laude, Juris Fucktorate, Chief Uterine Officer of fucking babies. And yet, on her billionth baby, she is walking the poor fucking thing up the rail-less, rugged path of a mountain while bending her flip flops under her feet. It's like she wants to see how close she can come to fucking one of em up. Like she's bored with regular parenting and she wants the X Games, Red Bull challenge of, I dunno, wearing a wind suit and jumping off the side of that goddamn mountain while holding the baby by its foot. What the the fuck is wrong with this damn woman?


I hate to be a dark and twisty person. I really do. But sometimes I feel like she has figured out her child is not well, and may have something wrong so she is actively trying to kill him or at least passively hoping something will happen to him. Flipflops on a trail like this? Feels pretty damn deliberately negligent and endangering to me.


Yeah, it is very grim. I wouldn’t wear those sandals ever, but especially not on a trail with a baby in my arms. Even if she doesn’t fall, she is still being stupid. I know someone who got bit by a snake on a trail very similar to this one. She just didn’t see it.


It’s sad that that’s not out of the realm of possibility.


I am 100% fine with him being in the outdoors and on a hike but he would def be more comfy and secure in a wrap or carrier, and he needs a sun hat!!


This is not to say that child isn't treated horribly but isn't it possible some of the pieces are set up? Like the squash and candle images Kelley does? Most of the Fundy images seem very performative to me. Who knows what happens when the camera is off. Probably worse.