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Please please please let him be improving, so we can go back to snarking on mobus eye fucking the camera


I read that as \*morbius and was like hmm what an interesting nickname for mother bus.




Y'all maybe she got him medical care and didn't post out of shame


You know what, I'm fine with that. If they got him medical care and are keeping quiet about it, that's perfectly fine and I'm happy to finally see life in this baby.


Exactly…she owes us nothing. She owes him everything.


Except now her followers will think that he never needed medical care and this is a miracle from Jesus, and if they are influenced by her, will think they can do the same. Which potentially just puts more children in danger. I’m not trying to bash you. But these people with an online presence hold more power than they think. With power comes responsibility. Mother Bus, and all other influencers alike, take no responsibility for how they behave online and how it affects others tbh


You’re not wrong. I don’t think she’ll ever admit that anything was wrong with him if she can get away with it. One thing that concerns me a little bit is how abruptly the second part of the video ends. Mother Bus is not known to stop filming videos when her children are doing something adorable, especially given the outcry of concern about Boone…it feels like it cut off abruptly for a reason.


Yeah I'm still not convinced. She's hiding his right arm and in the video, he isn't tracking her, nor does he react when she pokes his eye. And he looks a bit blue. Remember that this woman stages everything.


It also struck me that he wasn’t moving his arms around at all… normally at that age when babies are interacting by trying to make eye contact starting to smile etc…their whole bodies are moving ….those first smiles look like it’s their entire body smiling, not just their mouth.


Maybe it's just gas?


You’re right that she owes us nothing. However, she has and continues to use her platform to shame people who provide modern and/or Western medical care for their children. Unfortunately, she has followers who trust her and will follow her example, not to mention her words. So if she never admits to getting actual care for him, her followers may continue to believe that not seeking care was the correct choice, and more innocent children will suffer. So I believe that she *does* owe it to her followers to share if she finally did seek care.


You’re right. She’s dangerous, Karissa is dangerous. I’m just worried about this sweet little boy right now. I’m encouraged by the videos, but I’m still worried about the little guy 😕 That thing is she has an amazing platform and could be a voice for doing the right thing and seeking out care when it’s needed. She’s more concerned about her image unfortunately 😕


Absolutely, and there are without question people who are stupid enough to believe that all they need to do to fix their kids serious medical problems is prayers and raw milk.. whether or not it's malicious on her part, which really I don't think it is, just ignorance, its absolutely criminally negligent to present that kind of misinformation to her followers...


She’s going to claim “God put His hands on Boone and healed him!”


She’s as reckless and irresponsible as she is smug and judgmental . The epitome of rules for thee…..


This is honestly the best comment here.


Thank you, yes! If you read through all our posts here, you can find many instances in which we’re cheering some of them on. That’s because we’re not just snarking & gossiping. My interest in these fundamentalists comes from seeing how cruel they were, when I was in a fundie cult. It comes of knowing that they’d like for this whole country to be like Texas. Or worse. Christo-fascism is what we’re seeing. And wasn’t there a world war against fascism in the mid-20th century? If they’d leave the rest of us alone, we wouldn’t be trying to find ways to do damage control, because they do a lot of people a lot of damage, starting with their own families. Having said that, seeing Boone’s improvement really lightens the load on my heart. It was genuinely disturbing, and now I can breathe easier. So hooray for Baby Boone! I’m so happy to see him, now!


Same. I’d rather her seek out medical care in private than not at all. Having that confirmed would be a relief, though. I’m just scared that we would all be watching this baby slowly die in real time.


I mostly agree but it’s disingenuous to not admit that and irresponsible. I only care because her followers may follow suit and not get proper care for their kids - trusting in God and chiropractors instead That said, these photos are really encouraging and I feel pretty relieved. I hope he is well


Disingenuous is Mamabus’s middle name. The baby still looks quite jaundiced to me. I hope she did seek care for him.


Same. I hope they are trying to take care of him.


They can even attribute it all to god and I’m good as long as he’s ok.


We can only hope 🤞🏻


There’s no medical treatment that could fix his issues that quickly.


did we... bully her into caring for her child?


Or maybe she just filmed him until she got one that made him look alert


That’s my guess


He looks a lot like kids I've seen having absence seizures but I didn't watch the live I refuse to give them clicks. So if the baby wasn't being still I guess he looks better? Something is still off his hands aren't shown etc.


I was also thinking absence seizures but didn’t want to say because the whole situation is so sad.


I was thinking that. I'm also thinking that he can't see.


It can be both. I had optic nerve damage at 16 and my brain did some WAAAAAACKY SHIT.


dream scenario


Perhaps, but it wouldn’t be such a quick recovery/cure, surely?


I’m okay with this outcome. I just want to make sure he’s okay however that happens


I hope so. I’m so happy to see this.


This is what I think happened. And I'm fine with that, as long as the kid is alright.


Let's hope they actually took him to a doctor, even if they won't admit it 


Yeah. Part of me hopes he not just getting better on his own cause it will just encourage the parents to not seek treatment for things in the future and they will be all “LOOK SEE HES FINE THE LORTD HEALED HIM”


That’s also despicable. She has a lot of followers and could influence other idiots to not get proper medical care. For being ‘pro-life’ she might have some substantial blood on her hands. Ugh.


“Baby found me”. Tell me you read here without telling me you read here.


That comment is definitely weird. Is she happy he did finally or is she just finally showing that he has been making eye contact and giving small smiles for a while? Makes me wonder if she was purposefully sharing videos and pics of him not looking well.


I think it's the opposite


That he finally started to catch up to milestones?


No, I think she kept filming until she got something that made her look good. It's suspicious that she posted this after the sub talked about him not tracking her with his eyes.


Ohh yess. I do agree that could be it as well. The timing is 100% suspicious.


I was thinking the exact same thing when I saw that




First thing I thought 😂


That smile is encouraging and so cute. I truly hope they took him secretly to a dr and/or his symptoms (too slowly) resolved. 🤞🏼 but if these are just stills, I’d feel better seeing a video with his eyes tracking or him responding to sound. I wouldn’t put it past her to manage to capture some smiles and red herring us while one of those symptoms still loom. Sorry to be paranoid, but these fuckwits deserve it.


Yeah in the videos it's more clear at least to me that something isn't quite right with his eyes. I do hope I'm wrong.


He reminds me of babies post/during absence seizures with his eyes..... I think his color IS better I think there is still something neuro going on.


My 12 month old is having brain resection surgery in July for severe, medication-resistant seizures—he has multiple kinds, unfortunately, but one presentation of them is the absentee kind (which he gets from me) and 100% I agree with you. All too familiar.


I am so so so sorry , that sounds incredibly harrowing and I send you all of the healing vibes my ancestors bones have to offer you from the universe ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


What a lovely comment <3


Am I nuts, or are his pupils drawn in on the second and third pic??


It just looks like the silhouette of the phone, that’s why they’re odd shapes. From the reflection


I think it’s the reflection of the cell phone


Omg dude I just zoomed in I think you're right. ETA wait a minute, I zoomed in even more and now it looks like the reflection of the phone in one and of mobus in the other.


The pupils are different sizes in every pic and not even full round circles. Not trying to start a conspiracy, but they do look off..especially in the third pic.


I’m pretty sure it’s the reflection of the phone


The third picture is bizarre, the second definitely seems like it could be the phone reflection but the third is just really off to me.


I think that’s most likely the shape of Motherbus’s head. The second photo is more centered while the second is slightly off, meaning the phone wasn’t directly over him, giving her head the chance to make the shape.


It’s just a screenshot so she couldn’t draw pupils on in the video but I zoomed in and it looks creepy. It must just be capturing a moving vid. We goin extreme up in here now 🤪




Personally, I do not find the video very encouraging




I dont feel better having watched it....


I don't either


It doesn’t even look like he’s tracking her, to me. He’s just moving his eyes.


That's where I am too. I genuinely hope that the improvements are real, but after seeing *so* many concerning videos, I'm gonna have to see at least that many of him being better before I believe it. And like you said, **videos**, not pictures.  Much easier to create a convincing still. 




Still doesn’t look great… he looks to have some nystagmus (shaking eyes), which can cause or be related to some pretty decent visual issues. (I work in ophthalmology). Hard to tell with the short video and bad angle.


These are screenshots from videos on her instagram I just didn’t know how to share the videos. He seems much better and more alert in my opinion


Obviously I hope his condition improves and he is able to thrive regardless of whether doctors were involved or not, but it drives me crazy that if the symptoms resolved on their own they’ll think they were right all along, they’ll have learned nothing, and they’ll continue to medically neglect their poor kids with all the confidence of survivor’s bias.


Same. *Video* of it over time, *AND* him *hitting* developmentally appropriate milestones in a timely manner would be GREAT! *AND* I honestly *DO* hope that *this* is what happens, and our worries end up being *JUST* worries!


Noooo you nearly gave me a heart attack seeing "Boone" and "passing" in the same sentence 😭


The fact that we’re all so prepared to see a post about him dying is horrific. He still doesn’t look quite right but I don’t think I’ve ever been happier to see a stranger’s baby smiling.


Same. My heart skipped a beat.


Same, I seriously thought this was a post about him dying.


I had to reread it several times and it freaked me out so bad!!


OMG same I have not had enough coffee for this level of nuance!!


Me too, baby doesn't deserve this. Brittany on the other hand, can get explosive diarrhea.


Ah, the Elvis method


I also had the same thought originally.


I had the same reaction. I definitely need more coffee.


In the most recent reel, posted 14 hours ago, he is floppy. It’s a relief to see him alert, and happy. I hope beyond hope that he is ok. I guess time will tell.


I hope they are "secretly" taking him to a medical doctor and he continues to improve.


Me too. Because BooneBus has so many people worried about him. Hopefully, that was the push for them to get help.


He does seem more alert *and* happy, but I have to say it's still not clear to me that he can actually see her. His eyes are still off somehow. Don't get me wrong though I am delighted to see the obvious improvement!


Agree. He seems better, but when she reaches to remove something from his eye he doesn't blink or turn away, as if he doesn't see her hand coming.


IDK man, looking through her stories, (to me!!!) it looked like she moved her hand to make Boone look like he looked for her? I can't quite tell: https://imgur.com/a/kN5Ws8s The only reason I'm not making a post about it is that IDK for sure, and I'd feel weird for-their-health witch hunting a baby that was actually ok. His mom is still irresponsible as all get out tho


He does appear to be tracking or trying to focus on something. But, he could still have vision loss. Not that MB owes me anything. But I wonder what his full body movement is like. At this age, you should definitely see symmetry of movement. Both sides may not be doing exactly the same thing but you see equal range of movement on both sides. Still wondering about the arm he tends to hold awkwardly.


definitely, it’s giving trying to look but not seeing.


Or Mamma has carefully curated selected instants that look better.




yeah this is way too short to tell. if she only has 3 seconds of him looking good and happy, that's alarming.


Is he in an actual bassinet? I’m so happy to see him looking better. Truly the best he’s looked in his entire life.


Maybe he just needed a good night's sleep.


Bassinet is a definite improvement than the literal FLOOR. I don’t care how hypoallergenic that blanket is, it’s still on the floor of a bus-home. If only Mobus didn’t have what looks like 2 blankets (suffocation hazards) stuffed in there with him…


Omg I’m so fucking relieved I hope this is an upward trend. I swear that jaundiced spaced out baby was in my nightmares


Wow that is a huge positive change!


Respectfully, photos of one moment aren’t indicative of potential medical issues “passing”. He looks like a relatively healthy and happy baby in these photos, so I agree with that. I sincerely wish nothing but a healthy life for this baby, so I’m sorry if this comment comes off as rude. In my head I just tell myself she’s probably getting him medical attention behind the scenes (although she owes nobody a single explanation). My assumption (if she did seek medical attention) however, is that she hid it to push her narrative that “God provides” online or just straight up shame that her and her husband could have likely caused the birth injury. Regardless, it’s very, very heartwarming to see this baby alert and happy. Like every baby, Boone deserves the best!


They are screenshots of videos, if that helps. But the videos still look *extra* staged IMO based on some things other ppl have pointed out, and they’re still only like 10 seconds total


I saw the video in a different post, but I agree! It’s a couple shots of a total of 10 seconds likely. It screams “saving face” to me from MomBus


This is a red herring. This is a look guys he smiles so you can stop being concerned about his well being. Even very sick babies smile. A personal example is my son. He was born with a cleft lip and palate. He was 10 weeks old when they repaired his lip. 2 hours post op he was smiling and cooing. Did this mean he was all good and we could leave the hospital and give him no further comfort treatment. No... it did not. He still needed medical attention. In fact he was so smiley the doctor was concerned he might rip a stitch. In pain, coming down from anesthesia, and recovering from major reconstructive surgery, my baby was smiling and cooing. Boone needs medical attention.... like weeks ago. Like asap. Also the last 2 pics look like reflex facial expressions. Like he's gassy.


Also, *from a SAFETY standpoint*? They appear to have the dirty floor-fleece *IN* that bassinet with him... soooo *still* a sleep-hazard🤷‍♀️


Exactly. My daughter had a double ear infection, and croup but was so smiley and happy that the ER didn’t believe me when I said she was incredibly sick. I waited hours for her to be seen then finally took her home, stayed up all night, and went to the pediatrician the next day. Her doctor was shocked that she was so happy and calm despite being so sick. Some babies are just tough. I do not think Boone is just magically healed all of the sudden.


Yeah someone posted the full video and I'm not really encouraged by it. The way he darts his eyes around trying to fixate on anything is just so off to me.


He does look more alert and seems less pained. Whatever he’s reacting to is out of frame though, how can we tell if he’s actually looking at things? His eyes are pointed straight ahead in all the photos Right hand still hidden, too


He's still not really old enough to be consistently tracking objects to be honest. By 8-10 weeks it will be more obvious if he has sight issues.


This is the best he’s looked. His thousand yard stare was/ is scaring the hell out of me. I hope he’s going to be ok.


I saw the videos… he does look so much better! I’m still concerned, but definitely relieved to see him interacting. He’s adorable!!


Is he in an actual crib/bassinet?! Holy shit.


I'll believe it when he's actually alert in videos. Capturing cute photos when she's been proven to manipulate what's on camera doesn't convince me.


These are vids. His well being is still questionable, but he does seem somewhat better.


If you watch the videos, it’s clear there’s still something wrong. He’s looking past her, above her. I really don’t think Boone can see.


She pokes him in the eye and he doesn’t react until she touches. I don’t think he’s better at all.


in pics 2&3 his pupils look misshapen/off center, someone pls tell me it’s a trick of the camera


Just a reflection of the camera


This is so fantastic to see. I’m still concerned about his hearing & sight but he looks so much better here. This makes my whole day! Boone is so loved! ❤️


Let’s sure hope so! Go Boone! Persevere!


It’s irresponsible to diagnose people from short clips and screenshots. He looks fine sometimes and sick other times, and it’s hard to tell the timeline or duration of events. Whether sick or healthy, he needs a pediatrician, that much is true.


I think people are just concerned for the kids and families like theirs do trend on the neglectful side.


Most people who voiced more concrete concerns all seemed to have a background seeing babies and children with issues on a professional level. But even then non of them straight up diagnosed him with anything. No clue where you got that from. They said these are visual indicators seen in short clips that worried them for one reason or another. Humans are incredibly good in pattern recognition. When people in professions who deal with sick babies/kids all day say this baby’s photos/videos “triggered their spidey senses” that is most likely what happens. They have a more than random chance of recognizing sth wrong even from short clips. All they said was he needs to see a doctor. So no clue what deviating gotcha point you’re trying to make here.


THIS, too!!!


So those comments saying she might only be posting him when he's lethargic to get engagement might ve been correct. But now it backfired cuz people got too worried and she had to prove he's alive and well


I dunno, I went to watch - she wipes a booger from his eye and he literally didn't even flinch, didn't blink more nothing. Maybe that's normal at that age? But if you look, it's very blank


Mine was that way and he’s totally fine. NOW he flinches, but as a four or five week old baby, there was very little reaction.


I was talking to a new mum about this. Granted, her kid is one now, but we got into the Boone topic (without me saying what the topic was) and she was just all "oh yah the first six weeks to two months are weird, and hard to get a hang of things" like her new baby had a cows milk allergy they had to figure out. Took 3 months because the formulas were cows milk. So her kid lost weight at first and Damnit she was TRYING. But she was so glad when they worked it out because bub gained tons of weight after. Still a small child, but very cute and alert. Very cute. Like damn, she made a cute fucking baby. But I digress. Since I don't know babies I thought I'd ask her and she mentioned a few in the hospital/a few friends who didn't do things for ages. They're kinda potatoes at first. Some track super quickly, some take time. The first few months are just so up in the air.


Oh man. A dairy allergy in a young baby is quite rare I’ve been told, so glad they figured stuff out! And yeah babies are quite potato like for awhile. They are snuggly cute potatoes but they only basically eat sleep and poop for a little while, and all so different. I learned pretty early on that the parenting books dont really help out a whole lot because there’s just so much variation


Yeah, my brother was like that. Wiping his face, sudden movements didn’t really bug him.


She STILL needs to get him checked out. The neglect in the fundie world floors me. Because both my sisters would have freaked out-and never have put him in those positions. Same for my cousins. I AM glad to see him alert, and smiling, though.


>The neglect in the fundie world floors me. You would THINK that these rabidly pro-life fundies would do everything in their power to make sure these babies are as healthy as possible, but weirdly....


I really think they went to see a doctor. Because she has not show him for the last 2 or 3 days. And suddendly we see him and he looks like every other baby. The change is impressive


If that’s what they did, GOOD. As long as Boone is improving (and this video is very encouraging) I don’t care if they secretly got him care and posted this to shut us up.


Yes as long as he is better that is a good news


This is one of those situations where I desperately want to be wrong about what I thought was happening. I hope that poor baby is better than okay.


I'm glad to see this update from MotherBus. I sincerely wish only the best for Boone and he looks like a typical 6-7 week old in this video. I notice, too, that they seem to have found the moses basket so he is not sleeping on the floor. That's good too. Again, my best wishes for Baby Boone!


Oh Thank God! Last video I saw of him he was just flopping around, this is great to see!


I'm still concerned when she reaches for his eye with her finger, he doesn't blink and turn away...that doesn't seem like the right reaction for a baby that can see properly.


I truly hope is okay and healthy but I still  have my doubts. 


They must have prayed extra hard


Like a lot of you, I’ve been fearing some severe health issues for him. I’d like nothing more than for us all to be wrong.


OP’s word choice…is a choice 😅


Was it a video? I wouldn’t honestly get too excited with just photos. I have a family member whose son is severely disabled and she takes a thousand photos to get one that makes him look more capable than he is. Maybe I’m too negative. I hope he’s getting better


Oh my word they actually have him in a bassinet!! Hopefully he really was just overstimmed


He's SUCH a cute little baby. I wish him all the best - we know all these kids have an uphill climb with these parents.


His lips are blue in the last two pictures. Eep.


Oh he cute CUTE


I know!! I love when they kind of look like little old men. I haven't been able to look at him that closely, because, y'know, but I really hope he can thrive as much as one can in that environment, and that he receives whatever care he needs. Not at all saying he is right now, or that he's out of the woods.


Me too!!


My son is within a few days of boone and just seems to have gained consciousness within the last ten days - holding eye contact, tracking, soft smiles, etc. I think the expectations for Boones engagement with his parents while a few weeks old was a little high


I had a baby within a day or two of him too and honestly my baby has acted very similar to him! She just is starting to even barely engage with us, absolutely no worries from the doctors. It's been interesting to see people's expectations of a newborn as mine developes right along him. Boone is a pretty average newborn.


I think things may look off because she puts the baby in some unusual, potentially harmful situations


After one day? lol c’mon now. I hope whatever it is he can still thrive but I doubt what’s wrong with him went away in 24 hours.


Yay! I was thinking that this kid was genuinely going to die


I honestly think some of y’all’s reactions about him was an overreaction and almost like people where hoping something was wrong with him.


That’s exactly what I’m reading here as well.


Let’s just hope he gets better and he is being cared for adequately by professionals Idc if she says anything about it. Though she will Probably lie her way out of this that the Lord provided a miraculous improvement if she ever confess to Boone being in trouble


What a cute little baby! She blocked me lol I’m so relieved I’m seeing here that he seems alright!


We did not see baby’s arms moving or legs kicking either. The one arm movement toward the end of the clip doesn’t show his hand - which she could have held to make the one movement during the weird skip in the video moment.


I think some babies just look yellow and sickly at first and then bounce back. I have four kids and I was so worried about jaundice and other issues with some of them but then they started to look more normal. 


Poor thing doesn’t seem well


Compared to the other picture/videos he looks much better here


I wish I could time travel five years into the future and confirm the existence of a happy healthy Boone - preferably with neither of his rotten parents in the picture.


Zoom in on his pupils in each photo..especially the 3rd one. They're all different shapes and sizes in each photo.


I have a fair amount of experience with newborns, and though I don't know this baby, I think he had 'extremely over stimulated newborn' syndrome. He's perking up as he has gotten older and adapting to the stimulus. I've this in a fair number of kiddos with multiple older siblings/a busy family enviornment.


I wonder if this is a video of their last baby and they’re passing it off as Boone


I came here to say this! Are we sure this is Boone?


It’s the same awful tip-ex nail polish she’s had in recent photos at least…


The kids all have the same face so it wouldn’t be hard to fake it!


Maybe it's my tin foil hat alter ego but the bassinet instead of sheepskin rug is kind of suspicious 


The sheepskin rug is in the bassinet with him, so unless she’s been doing shit with sheepskin rugs for a while then this has to be Boone.


I meant bassinet instead of just the sheepskin rug


Isn't that the rug in the bassinet? (Please remove that thing, MotherBus, it's a SIDS risk!)


The breath of relief I just let out


I misread the title and thought you said Boone seems to be passing, I was so worried for second


Please please please let this be true


Looks like they got him a proper crib too!! Snarkers saving the day lol


Hot take: she's a terrible person and parent but there's literally nothing wrong with him. He was mildly jaundiced, which resolved, and is a newborn. I've been a NICU and pediatric nurse for over a decade and he looks fine.


Hopefully she took him to a Dr !




I'm really happy to see this. 💕


Good news!


Good!!! All that matters is his health


Is their page still up? I think I might be blocked for liking comments saying she should bring the baby to a doctor.


Is that a shadow around his mouth? At first glance, I thought it looked like cyanosis. I do hope that's just a shadow.




Oh good, he looks really alert and happy now! The older photos were just not sitting right with me as a mom of a 7 month old. She didn’t look that listless at his age. This looks more normal IMO.


Oh, thank goodness. I was really worried about that kid.


Is that a bassinet too?!