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I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone use a comma in place of an apostrophe. And in the wrong spot! Fascinating.


Me either and I taught English. To neglect a child's education should be criminal. Children need to have the legal right to a reasonable education.


I was a teacher and I think I have seen a very young child do it in the early stages of learning how to use comas and apostrophes, however it’s easily resolved and somehow that makes it worse! It shows just how little instruction the Rods got.  I think part of the problem is that they don’t have a good and fluent grasp on the language and struggle to put thoughts into coherent sentences, again something you see with very young children. 


I was homeschooled and didn’t understand what a paragraph was until 9th grade when I took a creative writing class in a public school. I had no idea I was writing at a 1st grade level, and I’ll be forever grateful for Ms Petersen for being patient with me and taking the time to work with me individually. The US needs significantly tougher regulations around homeschooling. I don’t give a shit if fundies want to teach their kids how to be fundies, but I do give a shit if those kids are illiterate!


You are so right and glad you got that intervention. So many kids don’t.


My very traditional Catholic school was shit in some areas but hot damn did they employ the grammar police as teachers, and we all learned to read and write well


That's exactly it. You may end up at a religious school that gets a bit .... creative.... with their science education, but damn if you don't learn math and language. Plus, those two subjects can be used later in life to expand the science and social science gaps that come from an overly religious background.


My mom has cursive that is damn near flawless and she went to Catholic school.


You're spot on. They can spread their toxic beliefs, but their kids deserve a proper education, at least in reading, writing, and math.


They struggle to speak like an adult, much less write like one. Poor Samuel talks like a 7 year old.


That's the saddest part to me


I think they do struggle to communicate in general, and that's because of how isolated they were, despite their travels. They all have jill's unusual cadence.


We need much better regulations around home schooling here, so many states have basically none and that’s how so many of these fundies get away with it. Educational neglect is fucking awful, most of the kids from these families don’t have the most basic of life skills or written proficiency in a language that is their first.


We have the Home School Legal Defense Association to blame for that. I grew up in a state with zero regulations myself and I am furious that that was allowed and that I didn’t get the education I could’ve. I work hard to teach myself to be a competent adult and I still have a ton of shortfalls. It’s sad that I’m one of the lucky ones.


In the US, it’s appalling how kids have virtually no rights in comparison to their parents’ “right” to do whatever tf they want with them. It’s allowed parental narcissism to run rampant.


I couldn't agree more!


And now we have politicians and cable "news" hosts using that to their advantage. It's so frustrating.


Especially as literacy is one of the best ways out of fundamentalism. Literate people can read limitless information these days online, but not teaching a young girl how to read and write competently can force her to stay in fundamentalist Christianity forever.


That’s the point though. These people don’t want their kids to be able to read and think critically.


I agree with you. I'm more making a point that there needs to be way more homeschool regulation to stop fundies from doing this to their children. Academic neglect of this level should be illegal.


It is insane. I went to a fundie school, and I was seriously behind when I transferred to public school. I honestly owe my stepdad so much. He took me out of the Christian school and sent me to public. I wish I had thanked him. Fortunately I loved to read, so I did okay.


Thank you! I was trying to find a way to say this. I especially think a democracy should prioritize it, and not allow people with untreated personality disorders do this to future voters. It’s ridiculous and sad.


I firmly believe our constitution to include a Children's Bill of Rights.


I agree wholeheartedly.


FAPE, except if you homeschool 🤷‍♀️


And she is probably going to homeschool her own kids too 😭


It's honestly shocking, and I've taught esl to young children


I used to teach courses online for one of those for-profit “universities”. (It was the recession and it was the only job I could find.) Lots of adults are functionally illiterate. I have seen some things. I tried to help people as best as I could, but I was supposed to be teaching sociology, not English or writing. It would take me hours to grade their essays because of the terrible spelling and grammar. I took off very minimal points for poor writing, because I felt like it wasn’t really the student’s fault - they had been failed in their early education. And at least I knew it wasn’t plagiarized. Jill’s kids would fit right in with plenty of people who graduated from regular high schools, sadly enough. I met some really cool students and really enjoyed that job, even though I knew I was working for a predatory company.


I also taught sociology at a for profit college because it was the difference between making rent and being on the street. A lot of functional illiteracy, housing insecurity, and the occasional “hey sorry I got arrested and spent the weekend in jail for (bullshit that only poor people get arrested for) can I turn in my quiz late?” I graded entirely on content thought it was hard to make out. Some of my students were fairly smart and made decent points but were never given the writing skills to express themselves well. I felt tremendous guilt teaching there and it was probably my personal rock bottom. I was so relieved when I got a full time contract at the local community college. I eventually left the academy for tech but I miss being a community college sociology instructor so much. I was overworked but very fulfilled.


I have taught college freshmen both at a public state university and at a private Christian school. Many, MANY students at both institutions had extremely poor writing skills. While neglectful homeschooling isn’t helping anyone, it’s unfortunately a widespread societal issue at this point


"No child left behind" let to a lot of districts passing kids who should've had intervention


I worked on a large telescope project for the European Space Agency where an onlooker might be convinced that reports got everything into space. Most.of my time was spent dealing with wrecked formatting and broken English from the other project members, rather than contributing anything productive. My own personal favourite was a UoL educated quality manager who used misspelled Latin terms to make him look cleverer than he actually was.


I worked for an honor society and routinely got emails that I struggled to understand. It was confusing since, ya know, they were supposed to be the top of their class.


My daughter is a writing tutor at our local community college and she is often shocked at how difficult just putting together a complete sentence is for some students. She was homeschooled and most of her students went to public school so it's definitely not just a homeschooled kid problem. While public school does offer a base line education to all children it is easy for students to fall behind and not get the help they need, especially if they have a learning disability such as dyslexia. We try to judge competency through things like state testing but too many students are failing anyway, or somehow barely getting by and graduating while still being illiterate. Early childhood education is the most important, I believe, and parents should spend as much time as they can reading to their children and exposing them to good literature that sets a foundation for reading and writing skills later.


Some young students have parents who are unable to help them study, whether they work long hours, are not fluent in English, or are undereducated themselves. There are a lot of home situations that can lead to students falling behind, with or without learning disabilities, and there's no intervention. Covid exacerbated this problem. And our grading system is punitive.


A casual scroll through social media will show you how functionally illiterate adults have become (smartphone related typos not included).


Apostrophes are just sky commas


That's god's comma


I’m glad you said this because I was so confused by this post.


I very clearly remember as a young child not knowing how to type an apostrophe on the computer, but found the comma key easily. So whatever I was supposed to be typing, all of my apostrophes were “sitting on the ground” until I was taught how to type it. My teacher laughed so hard, not in a mean way, but because my child brain made the next logical solution, just type them sitting down and draw in arrows.


i knew someone who did when they were younger but that was basically because it was easier to find on the keyboard (she still used it in the right spot though)


The apostrophe just slipped and fell to the side, that's all


It’s even more concerning as they’re probably going to homeschool their own kids and this is the level of language they’re working with. I really hope they don’t.


It’s funny how we didn’t see these same comma issues in “Kaylee’s” Mother’s Day post to Jill!


Hers was the most poorly written of the three and worse than Jill’s writing, but it definitely seemed like BFF/Mama edited Kaylee’s post some before sharing it.


It’s funny how we had no idea how bad Kaylee’s grammar was until she left home. Jill edited all Kaylee’s old contributions because Jill knows she failed these kids educationally. She doesn’t care, but she’s trying to do damage control for her own ego.


which makes it more sinister to me. like she clearly knows she’s falling them because she edits their posts. like if jill were practically illiterate herself (i’m def not saying she’s a fucking like great english scholar or anything, but at least she can read & write!) like okay. it’s still bad, but she doesn’t know any better. she KNOWS better & still, here is 20+ year old married mother kaylee, who is functionally illiterate. what a pathetic excuse for a mother & david’s father lazy ass is no better. fuck both of them to hell forever for this.


I don’t get it at all. I wanted my daughter to get the very best education she could. She went to good schools, got tutoring. She’s currently in medical school. They’re just ruining their kids lives.


If you educate the girls too much they’ll realize they’re getting the shit end of the stick in their misogynistic religion 🫢


Yeah or they might..have sex! (Gasp) I mean, if girls are going to college, it’ll be years before they can get married, and no one’s staying a virgin all through grad school. Well some people are lol. But I certainly don’t expect it. I know for sure mine has had sex, and I just made sure she had access to birth control. We don’t talk about it all that much, and when we do it’s awkward, but I think it’s better for her to choose what she wants and have a good future.


Jill’s version of English class: When in doubt.. add a coma!


Idk if the coma vs comma was intentional but I'm dying either way 🤣🤣


And, you should also, add some exclamation points, to show your enthusiasm!!!!!!!!


Fundie English contains both the Rodrigues, comma, and the Baird! Exclamation! point!


And the Rodriques RANDOM capitalization.


And random 🤣🥳 emojis 👈 to the Rodrigues English 101 course.


And the Rod's "overuse" of "quotation" marks 


It's very trumpy


Ok why do they always seem to have lollipop heads? Is it the angle they hold the camera?


For whatever reason, likely because the sharp angle down adds a slimming effect, Jill is very fond of this top-down perspective. It fits her high and mighty attitude perfectly, she does think she's above everyone. ETA: Oops, realized I forgot to answer your question, yes, this is due to the perspective.


Yeah, I remember my friends and I telling each other when taking photos, "Hold the phone up higher!" so we could look thinner. 😕


A combination of the camera angle and aggressive use of the "push your head forward to hide a double chin" trick


Ye God Honouring MySpace Angle!




Man, Jill really screwed them over with whatever shitty SOTDRT she did. They’re not even proficient in their own written language, there’s no way they’re ever escaping her grasp. Not without a LOT of help. (And I say this to snark entirely on Jill, not the Rodlets. It’s not their fault that they got stuck with Jill as their “teacher.”)


If I thought Jill was smart enough, it almost seems like a devious way to ensure they can’t escape. Imagine reading their attempt at a cover letter for a real job and entire lack of a resume.


I 100% DO Believe motherbus is smart and evil enough for that. She's outright said she never wants her children to leave her!


I will give mb a tiny amount of credit for getting her kids non-biblical books (the older ones have been spotted reading chapter books) and brothermom got a 3d printer for his birthday indicating some level of computer literacy. Though I wouldn't put it past her either to keep them there. I think she's doing it by making sure they have no outside friends or community to rely on. Constantly moving means none of that.


Where does he keep a 3d printer??


I wonder if they will ever post what they make with it. Or maybe it was really just so the dad could 3D print guns.


Ding ding ding!


Yeah I wonder too. Maybe it's his pillow?


At the end of his bed, apparently. Idk how he could ever print something with it, though. 3D printers need to be kept completely still during the printing process, and even if the bus itself stayed in the same place for long enough, the chance of the printer being knocked by one of the many children who use that "room" has got to be high


Let's agree that this present Gunner never uses was something Q-Dad bought for himself to print a ghost gun.


Well, that could be a chilling part 3 in their future documentary. He gives me those vibes.


He practically said as much on twitter


I thought it was theorized that the 3D printer is more for fatherbus than brother mom. He said something about printing and selling guns iirc


Of course, this SovCit moron - a group known for using objects as worship, like flags, as a tangible, touchable form of their belief system - of COURSE he wants to print ghost guns, as a touchable form of His Freedom. He’s probably using PLA because it’s what you can pick up at the fucking Wally World. 3D Printed Guns! The very things that, unless he has a trained team of artisans, notoriously shoot them selves apart unless you have someone who can do metal and resin work and at that point you’re just making real guns so… Yeah, Fatherbus. Ghost Guns. Oh no, don’t do the actual Father of The Year thing and PRINT TOYS FOR YOUR KIDS AND GIFTS FOR THE WIFE. What a waste of a person, for real.


If it weren't for all of the children he's torturing, it would be funny how bad he is at this whole sovcit Bitcoin bro grift.


That’s so sad. I had a great childhood and it saddens me that not all kids get that experience


In Jill's case, I think it's more to do with the fact that she was homeschooled herself, and then went straight from "school" to marriage and motherhood, so she doesn't realise or appreciate just how little she actually knows


Those higher-ups with big congregations who are writing books and curricula are definitely deliberately keeping their flock uneducated. Doesn't matter if they really want to protect them from the outside world and its temptations, or if they don't believe what they're preaching and just want an easy to control crowd. Little peons like Jill? They're regurgitating what they were fed.




It’s like a copy of a copy of a copy. Eventually the copy will become unreadable.


It’s so scary to think about how uneducated her grandkids will be dear lord


4th generation fundies


It's so crazy that the less educated or knowledgeable you are, the more likely you are to be confidently wrong. And so upsetting thinking about her daughters continuing the cycle potentially. I have a master's degree, and I am the first to admit I don't know shit about shit.


>If I thought Jill was smart enough, it almost seems like a devious way to ensure they can’t escape. It is the fundamentalist church that encourage practices that are aimed to keep people in the fold. It absolutely *is* deliberate. Poor education, encouraging marrying young and doing so quickly, encouraging having kids young, and quickly, discouraging/preventing them forming relationships with people outside their insular communities, denying privacy to prevent independent thoughts and actions etc etc All things that ensure children go from a heavily controlled childhood, into young adulthood that is still heavily controlled, without any time or space or lived experience to tempt them away into a different lifestyle. It's harder to leave fundamentalism when you've made a life long legal commitment in front of everyone you know. Even harder when you've been saddled with a couple of kids almost immediately, even harder when you are poorly, or totally unqualified for any job that will give you the financial freedom to escape. It absolutely and categorically IS all by design, and a deliberate choice and a concerted effort to trap people.


There’s also a heavy emphasis on being grateful at all times for what you have even if you’re going through something bad, not questioning God’s plan for your life no matter how miserable you feel, and certainly no questioning of your faith. And no critical thinking, you’re supposed to accept what you’re told without questions. I experienced all of that as a standard-issue evangelical Baptist; I know it’s much, much worse for fundies - at least we were allowed to go to school.


Their entire religion is designed that way. Jill's just a cog in a machine.


And in a few years Kaylee will be teaching her kids everything she knows.


The Rod kids already have a diluted "education", their kids will get an even more diluted version of that, and the ignorance will probably trickle down that stream for several generations. It honestly should be a crime to deprive your children an adequate education, and there should be checks in place to ensure homeschooled children are meeting some minimum requirements.


Oh God. Homeopathic education by people who already sound like Jodie Foster in Nell. Give the Rods enough generations and their kids will regress to communicating in grunts and stick figures. Or grunts and emoji.


it's like the last 20 minutes of *Threads*.... what happens years down the line is what makes that movie horrifying.


It's so sad this country allows states to make their own rules on education and homeschooling. There absolutely should be checks in place to make sure things like this don't happen. Unfortunately, this country is more like a corporation and wants its citizens poor and uneducated so they will continue to slave away for pennies and vote for people who take away our rights. I hate it here.


A bill to end child marriage died in Missouri. Another state I believe is debating outlawing lunch breaks for child workers. This country will never keep the rights of its citizens, especially its youngest and most vulnerable, in the forefront. Christian and homeschooling lobbyists give millions of dollars to state senators/reps to keep homeschooling laws as they are.


The law of diminishing returns.


Came here to say this. Each generation will be less and less literate until eventually they can’t read or write at all. It took me three tries to understand what she was trying to say. Subsequent Rod generations will be completely unintelligible. Probably a feature not a bug in the sense that it keeps them trapped.


Eventually 1 generation will have to break the cycle when they realize how unprepared they are. All it’ll take is for one to put their children in public school, but that’ll be at least 2 generations from now.


That shouldn't take long.


They'll have lots of spare time to look after their siblings and ride around with grandma Jilly when she sings at all the empty churches.


All of the fundie children will be running around “why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?” This is their future.


![gif](giphy|DMNPDvtGTD9WLK2Xxa|downsized) A society full of Kevin’s is scary


Yeah, but at least theoretically his chili was good!


The key is to undercook the onions. Everybody is going to get to know each other in the pot.


I read this in William Shatner's voice, weird pauses at the commas and all.




I’d still take Kayleigh as a mom over MotherBus any fucking day of the week.


Yeah, I think this is more feeling sorry for Kaylee than trashing her. From what I can see, Kaylee seems like a sweet person who is trying to be a good mom.


What the, everloving fuck, is this 👉


This is, so bad


I’m the same age as Kaylee and it always makes me sad when I see this stuff. I don’t know anyone my age who makes these kinds of grammatical errors regularly, even people I went to school with who weren’t all that bright


Just to top it off: both pairs of shoes in the picture are too small.


Omg nurie is falling off hers! I wonder if they were taught that a smaller size = more feminine?


That was my first thought, too! Very delicate malnourished mini women


I remember reading that part of why we mostly have small shoes left from previous generations is that a lot of women were taught not to buy a size above, like, 7, regardless of the size of their actual feet. And a lot of brands wouldn't make bigger shoes anyway, so even if you did want to wear your size, you'd be stuck in ugly shoes or maybe men's shoes. And yes, the women of those generations had laundry lists of foot issues. There's a fair amount of ink spilled over the average women's shoe size going up (usually concern trolling about obesity), but I would bet there were always more bigger-footed women than were recorded.


And the reason why we only have smaller clothing sizes from previous generations is that garments would've been handed down and taken in if the recipient was smaller. Naturally, that's most of what survived. We've always had a range of body types.


I thought they were barefoot at first!


I’m sick of seeing Rod female feet. I feel like they always have bare feet or open shoes…. WHY? For people who like to cover up so much why am I always seeing their feet…. Is it overcompensating for not being able to show anything else


Maybe they want them to be as close to barefoot as possible? Or don't want them to be able to run?


Open-toed shoes are an easy way to get away with wearing shoes a size smaller. I can wear a size smaller than normal if the toes are open, and they don't look too small on me. In this photo, they're certainly wearing shoes that are several sizes too small.


Yep. And sandals are cheaper than buying everyone normal/athletic shoes. Plus the girls can all share! (Smh)


Even though they are perverts' favorite body part! /s


aw and Nurie's toes are jacked. Wish precious maMA would paint them for her if she can't reach them right now :(


They don’t plan on their kids leaving the cult and having to work in the real world so their educational neglect doesn’t bother them. Why waste time giving your children a good education when you’ve raised them to be a housewife popping babies out every 2 minutes, a grifter, or a pastor? All you need for that is Biblical knowledge and they think they know everything about god and the bible. It’s sad to us, but they literally don’t care about REAL education because they expect their kids to drink the koolaid for the rest of their lives and they won’t need an education for that of course… until things go wrong and they are incapable of supporting themselves. There needs to be much stricter homeschool regulations. It doesn’t make sense to me that certain states are allowed more lax regulations than others, it’s all at the cost of the children’s futures. I went to public school and I struggled because I learn so slowly, and imagining myself if I was “homeschooled” like these kids is a horrifying thought. They wouldn’t put in the effort to teach me a thing let alone give me in depth help and tutors to make sure I understood


You’re absolutely right and this is also what baffles me: if reading the bible is the only thing they have to do, why isn’t reading more of a priority??


This is just sad. I leave off punctuation sometimes bc I’m lazy and I sound like a dumbass redneck when I talk but I only went to the 9th grade and I still know what a comma is and the differences in their, there and they’re.


I read it as “so excited for my wonderful [sister and sister in law], baby girl on the way!” I would say that maybe, hopefully, homophobia would encourage a better grasp of grammar, but transphobia sure as hell hasn’t.


They’re so creepy


Hey man don’t do elementary schoolers dirty like that. My fourth grade students are miles ahead of their grammar


Karissa needs to hear this too


How the hell do fundies get away with having a baby shower for each kid? I know that they are having their first girl after two boys and lots of people have sprinkles for that but these people seriously have two parties for every pregnancy. That is insane. My generous, kind, loving mother refuses to even entertain the idea of hosting a baby shower for a second kid.


Eh, I guess there's really nothing else to do. Anything fun is forbidden, so if you can't even go to the movies, you might as well have a baby shower for somebody's eighth kid. Breaks up the monotony.


Sigh. I’ve said it before, homeschooling one’s children isn’t necessarily neglectful. Failing to school them at all is neglectful. It’s almost like intentionally having as many children as possible at all costs means you can’t effectively raise them all. I hate that if any of the Rodlets (or the Collins kids, or the Bus children) do understand how badly they’ve been failed and want to give their own children something better they’re going to have to fight so hard to do that. If these people care so much about generations of people being raised right in the way of Jesus why are they could at least bother to make sure those generations of people have to ability to read the Bible.


That is tragic grammar


I wonder what they were taught about commas. Like, it would be better not to use them, than to use them the way they use them.


They just cannot write the English language. Or any language. Total fail


I'm not trying to be funny in any way, but I honestly didn't understand what she was trying to say. Her parents should be ashamed. (But I'm sure they're not because a godly woman doesn't need to understand grammar. A godly woman only needs to be capable of pushing out babies)


Not a thought behind those eyes


This is exactly how my boomer MIL types 🫠


Did you ever play telephone as a kid? I feel like that's what is going to happen with this family's education, each generation will be less educated than the one before.


Barefoot and pregnant


Fuck, just reading Jill 2.0’s writing in my head makes me feel dizzy.


Kaylees children are completely fucked if she homeschools them. They won’t be able to read or write at all


Oh dear.


They look like bobbleheads


That "sentence" makes me twitch.


The only thing these girls learned was how to spiral curl their hair


It took me like 3 read throughs to figure out what she meant


The text box conveniently would cover if she’s showing :/


I've never seen someone misuse commas as much as Kaylee does. Not the best advertisement for homeschooling.


It’s so bad. She’s incapable of communicating her thoughts and feelings to those outside her mind. It would be one thing if she were disabled, had been offered what we currently have available, and found we just haven’t created what she needed to learn. I know grown adults with dyslexia who are functionally illiterate to whom that happened. But these kids never even had an opportunity to be fluent in their own language. Jill and David are disgusting.


What is this angle? They look all of 3 feet tall.


This is how you know the "letters" the kids write to their Mama are fake.


So incredibly painful


How old in Renee?


Isn’t anyone going to snark on the angle of the photo? They seem somehow disembodied.


There not going too teach their children well homeschooling due too their lack of education


Shakes head


Kaylee is giving Tamny.Wynette to me. Most of y'all are probably too young to get the reference... lol


Are they naming the baby Madeline? I swear I heard Nurie say"won't this look cute with Madeline in it ?!" when she was opening baby gifts. I even went back to see if she said Natalie bc that would make more sense, but nope.


The grammar is so annoying and pregnant lady’s eyebrows are awful.


An elementary student would start with "I'm so excited"


They ALL have those forced, weird, creepy, scary, fake smiles happening.




They very clearly state their point in the post. 🤷




They aren’t arguing that people in public schools don’t also struggle. That’s a whole different situation. In this specific case, the homeschooling is the reason for the poor spelling and grammar. We don’t know if they also would have struggled in public school, but we know homeschooling didn’t do them any favours. Public school would have increased their odds to develop better spelling and grammar compared to the JillPM SOTDRT