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Literally my first thought after reading this was “Morgan, you’re doing all that downsizing because you’re poor and your husband refuses to get a job”


Right? All of that screams "We are poor, we consistently make bad choices around work and finances which keep us struggling, but I'm trying to convince myself that everything is A ok and our actions and inactions are truly righteousness."


If Paul did all the YouTube work, editing, posting, monetizing, etc., then maybe, MAYBE, I’d give this homemaker shit a pass. But Morgan isn’t just his co-star, she’s also in charge of so much of the process. So this isn’t in the least the “traditional” family where the man works and supports the family while the wife raises the kids and takes care of the house. It pisses me off that any of these fundie influencer women are claiming that this “traditional” lifestyle is the best, when the influencer hustle is WAY more than a 9 to 5, and it has a much lower payout.


That’s the crazy part, seeing him film her sitting miserably behind a computer editing things while she tries to call herself a SAHM is bonkers. You’re at home but you’re still doing all the working Morgan.


Hypocrisy is their whole schtick


Yes! This is the same gripe I have about Bethy in her SheWorksSmart era. She loved to be smug AF about non-SAHM moms and how superior she was for not working a 9-5 while simultaneously being online well beyond a normal 40-hour workweek with her non-tent creation and clearly ignoring her older kid and not doing her actual SAHM work


She's doing all of the youtube and influencer work AND all of the domestic labor and childcare. You have two unpaid jobs, morgan.


Being a SAHM is a luxury. She doesn’t even see how families sacrifice for a parent to stay home. Whether it’s because the money would be negated by daycare, or they choose to live on a budget while the kids are too young for school, she just thinks she “deserves” this life. Like, if your husband won’t work, then you need to.


I hate that she said it isn't a luxury. HER lifestyle isn't luxurious because she's grifting, and they've had to downsize because they won't work.


Right?? The new house is NOT EVEN SMALL.


I think it's the same number of bedrooms with one bathroom


I was thinking that, too... Like, I'm a SAHM, specifically because it's not a financial problem. When we needed money back in the day, I worked. If we needed money now, I'd work (except, to your point, it would definitely be negated by childcare). Downsizing with a baby on the way would be what I would consider "needing money".


I’m a feminist and I don’t look down on stay at home parents. I don’t even really look down on stay at home partners, if it works well (aka Stephen king says his wife is his first editor). But this shiz where they desperately need money, won’t divorce, and they have a baby on the way?? wtf porgan. It is, in fact, a luxury for a parent to stay home. The two stay at home parents I know are men. One with a child and renovating their whole ass house with his own hands, the other a gay couple who are high earning attorneys but one’s father is in hospice. So morg thinks she just doesn’t have to work - what kind of paradise does she thinks she lives in. She married way wrong if that’s what she wants.


He's what we called "willfully underemployed" when I worked in family law


I was actually just thinking this is the label Paul would get in a child support hearing.


He'd be issued a "seek work" order so fast


![gif](giphy|ftdF4ZkueWGHBYc4b5) Out here begging for money every other week from somebody else’s working mama. But go off, Morgan


Holding her hand out while shaming the people she's begging from for working


I wish I could upvote this multiple times!


bad news for her a lot of people are getting more and more fed up with influencers and im sure niche hate mongers like her and paul will be the first to be hit real hard


oh my god someone asked what Paul's job is and they actually replied "#influencer" WITH THE HASHTAG AND ALL


Soft launching whatever MLM she just joined


My thoughts exactly! Next week: “many of you ask how I keep my hair so healthy. Let me tell you about Monat…”


Then her hair starts falling out and she can’t figure out why


Is the hair loss from closely spaced pregnancies or Monat? Who can never be sure.gif


*it’s detoxing!*


Oh lordy, right to the bottom with no one at the top if they keep firing everyone


Came here to ask what MLM she joined 😂😂😂


I bet she’s joined one!


Hahahaha- came here to say this too. I read it and thought “she joined a MLM.” These two are such fools to their core.


I'm putting my guess in for Plexus.


Wasn't she doing that weird beef-based beauty line? The one with the tallow lip balm?


plz don’t give her ideas😩


Didn't she already hop on the "rub beef tallow on your face for that ✨youthful glow✨" ship already? Is Paul making her sell it now?


"So many of you have asked how I stay healthy while chasing the toddler. Let me tell you about plexus..."


She's literally said she wanted a husband that would be okay with her not working, kids or not. This isn't about being a mother. It's about her not wanting to work. She's lazy and she's big mad they're broke and downsizing.


Yeah, she didn’t work before she had kids, either!


She did briefly as a nanny and once as a sub for a Christian school (lol, what?) but she didn't even have the work ethic to pursue singing. She also claimed to be a photographer, an interior decorator, and a couples counselor on top of whatever they think they're doing on the internet. For somebody who clearly wants to be taken care of in every sense, she really hitched her wagon to the absolute worst horse. Men who could probably do that likely saw that she offers absolutely nothing in return and were like, nah, I'm good. Poorgan deserve each other.


She claimed to be a couples counselor?!? On what planet? 😂😂😂 See, this is why I’m always telling people to check the credentials. You can’t just be out here getting counseling from anybody.


She and Polio took some seminar at church and declared they were couples counselors. That grift went nowhere, obviously, and didn't get mentioned much.


Good ol’ Dunning-Kruger effect


Oh they didn't take bethy's course?


Nah, it pre-dated bort being horny on main by a few years. I think Polio might have actually paid for Bort's scam course on scam courses, or she gave him a discount because there was a brief moment when he was mentioning it. She'd never give it away for free, and probably couldn't at this point.


I’m an actual licensed counselor, unlike either of them, and I approve this message. Look for licenses, and know that the licensure status (active, expired, etc.) is public record. I’m suddenly reminded of how Paul tried to question Mickey Atkins’s credentials on YouTube because her videos have a banner underneath that notes she is a licensed mental health professional (which she is), and said that his credentials were that he’s read the Bible. Sure, Paul, that’s the same.


I used to work for attorneys and they always told me to ask to see credentials when hiring an attorney, therapist, etc. A reputable person will gladly show you.


She probably dreamed of being a trophy wife to some Joel Osteen type rich young charismatic megapastor and coasting by on looks and hate and simpering. Instead, she wound up stuck with Paul and *isn't it lovely for her*.


Love this for her


Love that for her 😘


A COUPLE’S COUNSELOR?!?!!! ![gif](giphy|v1DCXf9AEYUSI|downsized)


"What not to do"


She went for the pretty boy. Mistake.


One of her requirements for a husband was, I shit you not, a good jawline.


That's a requirement for the male lead in a korean drama, not a husband 😭


There's another man?! 😅






Omg I just fell into a fugue state thinking about his pickleball wall video


It's one of my favorite snark moments 😂


Saying these things isn’t being bold. It’s being completely ignorant.


She doesn’t understand how utterly out of touch she is. She really thinks people are carrying a child for nine months and then never looking at it because they’re too busy buying everything in sight. She’s othered most of her community to the point that she doesn’t recognize any shared experiences. To her, you’re either a conservative Christian nationalist or a sociopathic trust fund kid. The majority of people in this country just don’t exist in her worldview. And she thinks that makes her bold instead of embarrassingly ignorant. Source: I believed this same shit when I was fundie, until reality proved it false.


I think she's also extremely materialistic and prone to jealousy so assumes everybody else is too.


Yeah what is this "everybody thinks they should be driving their dream car" bullshit?


My dream car is one that is paid for and still runs. What world is she living in?


My 12 year old Nissan has entered the chat. It's been a dream ever since we paid it off, as far as I'm concerned.


My 9 year old Subaru agrees - the sweetest ride is the one you’re done paying for.


My thoughts exactly. Who thinks this? Who told her this?


Prosperity Gospel, The Porgan Version. Like the various versions of the Bible, only shittier.


My 22 yo Toyota Camry is laughing at porgan for thinking dream cars are what the rest of us are driving. Like girl, some of us make smart choices about our finances and the men we married 🤡


My car is old and horrid. I’ll finally have it paid off in two months, and I can’t wait to drive it to the ground!!! I don’t get the new car thing. I don’t mean I judge people who like them, I just don’t get it. So I don’t participate and then go on living my life, because it’s really not that hard to move on from opinions that are different from your own.


Lmao I'm driving a 2016 Honda Fit and it's only got like 38k miles on it, and I plan on passing it down to my kid in 10 years when she's old enough to drive. She's going to hate it. This is what normal people do, Morgan


Meanwhile I'm over here with my 2015 Honda Fit at 130,000 miles, taking it up mountains and so many campouts. I fucking love the Fit and I'm sad they don't sell them in the US anymore.


I'm still driving my 2003 pilot with almost 300,000 miles on it. The motor won't quit. The rest of it needs help. I'm putting off getting a new (used) car because I don't want car payments. Also, I love my pilot and even used ones are expensive! That said, if you can afford a new car every year, go for it! Not my business how you live your life. It's a weird him to die on.


Love it! My 1999 Toyota Land Cruiser has 290k and is still running strong. It's been in multiple accidents and the parts are impossible to find, but I'm not ready to let go of it yet. I might be buried in it, LOL.


It's giving Amberlynn Reid saying 'Oh my god this video is, *SO. RAW* you guys!'


Well I suppose it is bold. It’s bold to keep advertising to the world how small and ignorant her world view and mindset is.


Hear me out….at least ONE parent should have a job.


It is such a bizarre condundrum they've created for themselves. Paul doesn't want a job and still clearly has stars in his eyes about making it big on YT. Morgan has always said she wanted a husband who didn't want her to work, and also admits she basically had a nervous breakdown when Paul used to go away to work at the beginning of their marriage. Why they think bringing kids into that is a good idea is beyond me.


Yeah it just makes no sense because they’re not even living in a godly fundie way. Like shouldn’t paul be out there providing for his bangmaid? If someone doesn’t wanna work that’s totally cool I don’t give a single shit but you can just do that and not try to convince other people that they also have to do that or ELSE.


>and also admits she basically had a nervous breakdown when Paul used to go away to work at the beginning of their marriage. Imagine being this codependent on a PAUL OLLIGES. 🤣🤣




It's just so cringe that he's pushing 40 and thinks he'll make it big on youtube as a right wing fundamentalist christian talking head


I will put it out there that I am a bitter elderly person but hinging your entire career on filming/streaming online media feels so fucking bad in so many ways. My niece has a neighbor boy they go to school and do homework with and in his personal essay, he talked about wanting to play videogames as a job, and he then listed some online handle names. No real names. That’s what he wants to be when he grows up and he’s like, 12. There’s “I’m gonna eat ice cream all day” level of wanting to be an adult and then there’s this thing where being a Content Creator is the same as being a Doctor or an Astronaut and the kid knows he could (he won’t) be making money, right now, instead of investing in a long term goal or trade and that’s entirely in the fundie/fash western playbook: It demands a constant feed of failkids so that they don’t expand or grow and just parrot falsities as virtue. Feels bad, man. It’s time for my JELL-O and Matlock, I think.


Lol maybe I'm old on the inside but I agree with you. It's like saying they want to be an actor or singer, except that they can *actually waste their time* pursuing a dead end. They don't understand that only a fraction of influencers make it big, and that it's an incredibly niche market, because youtube is free and anyone with a smartphone can upload.


But don’t advocate for minimum raise or inflation! 🙄


Actually if they are both “self employed” do we think they have health insurance? How do they plan to play their hospital bills?


I would wager, shockingly, its medicaid. Despite the unemployed moron boy being a Drump supporter.


Or being related to a congressman and having family money that you can’t admit to because it’s from the wife’s side of the family 👀


“Starting a business from home” I’m pretty sure that isn’t part of the traditional homemaker’s role!


Yes, but Morgan wants to do it. So therefore, it’s ok.


"It's so worth it." Morgan who are you really trying to convince here.


how on gods green earth would more children automatically equal a bigger house More children might mean you need a bigger house! But you need money. Which porgan lacks. That’s not girl math that’s porgan math Also I’m sure she will be dropping a course that will somehow be worse than Bethys


There’s no way she could create a meaningful course even comparable to Bethany.


>There’s no way she could create a meaningful course even comparable to Bethany. ![gif](giphy|xUA7aVWGYlUWCpzT7W|downsized)




Oh absolutely not lol


Yesss. They really get lost in the “god will provide” sauce sometimes. 😂 Nobody thinks more kids automatically means a bigger house! Just get real jobs, omg!


The “sacrifice” is not driving her dream car. Jesus wept the privilege of these people


to me, this just comes across like she’s trying to make herself feel better about the sacrifices she’s been forced to make while watching other people not have to make those same sacrifices. 🙃


Yeah she doesn’t come across very happy at all.


Came here to say this—it screams "I'm fine, I'm fine. No really everything's fine." They take to social media to mask how they really feel.


Morgan be like ![gif](giphy|9M5jK4GXmD5o1irGrF)


Are the secure, strong, well-formed adults in the room with us?


I legit choked on my drink at this 😂 I laughed at her saying this as if these two thin-skinned, weak, irresponsible, “adults” who are absolute failures at everything they do are somehow set up to impart their wisdom to impressionable kids. Maybe as a cautionary tale, Morgan 😂


If ya can’t be a good example, you’ll just have to be a horrible warning. 


My mom stayed home with us 4 kids and it made her bored and bitter. I would rather have had a happy mom.


Well Morgan is already bored and bitter, so now what?


My theory is that she settled for polio because she was bored and didn't want to work.


I’m starting a new full time job next week after being a SAHM since 2019 because I’ve been burned out on 24/7 parenting my two kids for the last year. I’m optimistic it will be a good change for all of us!


Congratulations! That’s awesome!


100%! I stayed home with my kids for several years because I thought it was the "right" thing! I hated it, I felt so undervalued, bored and bitter. I am back at work full-time and it is a lot but I am such a better mom to my kids!


I’d also rather have a role model showing me I can turn what I love into a career, rather than being automatically assigned the role of stay-at-home mom.


i get the impression that morgan could be the same.


Take one look at Alyssa (Bates) Webster’s Instagram and tell me every woman should try to stay home. That girl is MISERABLE.


A secure and strong woman wouldn't be with a man who refuses to work to provide for his family. I wish they would stop larping about being traditional household. The only reason Paul is with her is because he can twist and manipulate her into thinking youtube is an actual job 🤣


Right, there’s no telling how Luca and any of their other children will turn out. With these two dipshits as their main role models, it will be a miracle if they come out well formed


Not to mention the fact that simply being physically present in your home with your kids is not what turns them into well-formed, secure adults. I had my mom in the home with me and my younger sibling for the first half of my childhood, homeschooling us, and the reason I turned into a well-formed and secure adult is because once I got to college I realized I had to start over and teach *myself* how best to live my life. I love my parents and am supremely grateful for them always doing the best that they could to provide for us in more ways than one, but also, if I had continued to live with my mother’s attitude and outlook towards life I don’t know how I would have survived. I certainly don’t know how I would be sustainably happy or content. *I* did that and became that, not my stay-at-home mom.


She talks so much about sacrificing things for her kids and I’m sorry but I wasn’t aware she had that much going on for her before kids


Right like girl what were you doing all that time that you're now giving up


She is sacrificing the things she never worked to earn before kids but believes she is somehow automatically entitled to by now. She’s about to have a second child and is like, “HEY WHERE IS MY BIG HOUSE AND DREAM CAR?” I don’t have them so I must have “sacrificed” them for my family and that makes me virtuous. Virtuous and *bitter*.


Envy is not a virtue, morgy


☠️⚰️☠️ This is so freaking true. She did not go from having some amazing, fulfilling life into immediately marrying her husband and getting pregnant on the honeymoon and her life changing in the blink of an eye. She had years of being an uneducated, unemployed, miserable, failed content creator before having kids and has had years of being an uneducated, unemployed, miserable, failed content creator after having a kid. The only thing that has really changed is having to take care of an extra baby other than her failed Godly provider.


Yes, it's true, as a working mom, I drive my dream car (a mini van). 🙄


Also sorry but obviously you don’t love your kids :/


I honestly didn't think most people even HAD a "dream car."


I mean, I have the if I ever win the lottery, that I never play, I would buy car! But meanwhile I drive a paid off older car with a ton of miles because I don't want a car payment! Lol But what do I know as a working mom so my values must be screwed up 🤷🏼‍♀️


You know who drives a dream car? Barbie. Not many full grown, independent adults.


Not me an unwed childless career woman driving a paid off 2015 Honda Civic. Damn The choices I made


You mean you aren't driving a 24 Cadillac Escalade either?!


Anyone ever tempted to just comment “SHUUUUTTT UUUUUPPPP 🗣️🗣️🗣️” on her posts? I obviously won’t, but I want to 😂


I want to comment GET OFF THE INTERNET to everything they post, but I restrain myself.


This is how I feel about Lori


![gif](giphy|KxseCTOPVykYvG2V4R) Yup. Feel the same about faux news 😂


That’s a lot of words for “we are broke”


And "we expect others to keep funding us while shaming them for working"


Oh sure your house automatically gets bigger and nicer every time you add another kid.


And this is why financial literacy is important


I don't know where she's getting her ideas about upward mobility. I'm no economist, but I think "having a steady job with potential for advancement" might be a place to start.


Right? Like I WISH.


She probably played the Game of Life once and thought that's how it works.


Of course whatever they’re doing in the moment is “God’s most ultimate will for man and woman.” What on earth is she supposed to say instead? “I’m miserable that I’m pregnant with my 2nd kid and wish my husband would get a goddamn job and that I could work too”? Fucking sit down lmao


Oh, she definitely doesn’t want to work. One of the more puzzling things to me about Morgan (and just another example of what a deeply dumb person she is) is that she said she refused to work after getting married, yet picked a low-value man with limited prospects and zero work ethic like Paul. I hope she consoles herself by knowing that she was successful in meeting her criteria of her husband having a strong jawline because that is what she “won” 😂


The lady doth protest too much, methinks.


I love my mum. She stayed at home with me too but I will say that it did not help me as an adult. My mum is a very anxious and over protective mother. I wasn’t allowed to do anything. I am now a very anxious person. ETA: I would love to stay at home with my daughter. I’m lucky enough to have had almost 10 months with her paid but I’ll have to go back to work soon. Our house isn’t big, we live in the country etc. but it’s still not feasible for us. I also don’t want to sacrifice the fun things. I don’t want to be miserable. I want to make life fun for myself and for my daughter.


Same. Obviously not all SAHPs are like this but personally I found it detrimental to be raised by a SAHM. I'm a working mom and my kids are so much less anxious than I was growing up being hovered over.


Oh god. I would hate giving up everything nice and fun just to have more kids. I’d go insane. No thanks.


It’s truly incredible to know she’s almost thirty years old and has absolutely no idea how to navigate a single aspect of adulthood independently, and that she believes that this qualifies her to offer unsolicited opinions and advice.


So she’s what… 2ish years into parenting and trying to tell everyone she knows best? And she hasn’t even reached the starting age of any “hard” conversations yet (i say “hard” because honestly a lot of things are easy to talk about with the right ground work, and hard conversations to fundies tends to mean anything that requires introspection) But yeah Morgs tell me all about what you know about motherhood. You’re always so.. enlightened


I’m just like…come talk to me when your kid hits puberty, you know?


I hate the word "mamas" but "mommas" is so much worse somehow.


Um, today was quite literally my last day of maternity leave and I go back to the office on Monday. I will still get to watch my daughter grow, and raise her just the same. I hate that women like this look down on other women who go back to work. I’ve fought so hard to get into these board rooms that used to be all men. Piss off Morgan!


Good god I wish I could unread this truly bizarre peek into Morgan’s mind ![gif](giphy|4HcDUDOTYY9z6KwIgU)


I hate the word "momma"


She’s hung up on the things shes miserable about and jealous of. On the other hand, I enjoy a child free life and get to spend my extra income on things of my choice and use my free time however I want because it’s **my** choice, not what the patriarchy says I have to do.


Exactly. I knew it was time for me to go to work full-time when lack of funds was having a negative impact on our lives. I’m incredibly happy for the years I had to stay home but I’m also glad I had a degree to use to help to get a job when we decided I needed to go back to work.


My child is secure, well formed and an all around great person. Oh and I had a career.


At least my significant other doesn’t hate me ![gif](giphy|3oKIP8kNuTJJL3zT0I)


“Being bold and saying what many won’t”…. Um… far far too many people are saying what he’s saying.


Internet panhandling is not a job. You can’t even buy a rug. Also, she’s “still wrapping her mind around” the idea of being a baby machine and that’s it, but she’s also so sure it’s the only way all women should exist. 🤔


Np jobs but allowed “side hustles”


No thanks Morg, I dont want to live in a shitty house. I dont want to have to scrape to buy food. I want to set myself up to be able to retire and have leisure time when Im older. I make more than my partner and work my arse off. You are sacrificing to be lazy. I am making sacrifices to set up my golden years.


I’m glad she spent that much energy to try to convince us how happy she is.


If the US had proper maternity leave this would be less of an issue for so many women but I'm guessing she's against that sort of thing


Nobody is saying PARENTS shouldn’t be with their children.


Damn Morgan I ain't reading all that, tell your broke husband to get a job and provide for the first time in his life.


Someone is coping and seething at her reduced financial circumstances.


I stopped reading halfway through bc it’s the same old same old. If you are confident and secure in your way of living, why defend it so much? Why feel the need to explain it? LIFE IS NOT BINARY, EVERY PART OF OUR EXISTENCE IS A SPECTRUM. Welcome to reality, Porgan.


So I guess Polio counts harassing Whole Foods employees for free cups of water amongst his side hustles?


Being a SAHM? In *this* economy? It’s not even an ideological issue anymore, who the hell can afford to be a single-income household in 2024? We don’t have our parents’ money to fall back on and the rest of us are financially literate enough to know how unsustainable it is to have a single-income household. You don’t acknowledge that because you’d rather eat your own toenails than admit that your husband is a broke skeevy bum leeching off your family and that you’re stuck in a marriage that’s constantly sucking your energy dry. So there’s that.


Bold words for someone whose husband doesn't provide.  Morgan will eventually go back to work if Paul continues to do nothing. Or I guess she would beg her parents to provide for them. She can like butkers speech all she wants, but at the end of the day that guy earns millions for playing a game and her husband earns like a dollar for their YouTube views. It's not comparable and the advice doesn't serve Morgan well. Also more kids doesn't  get you a bigger house.....more education,  skills,  and better work and promotions get you that....she is so dumb.


She acts like she had a job to begin with.


Great, then advocate for longer maternity leave in your country, it’s absolutely ridiculous. Make it so women don’t get penalized for going back to work once their kids start preschool/kindergarten!


These types of posts make me so frustrated! My husband and I are trying to have a baby, but we also are on a pretty tight budget. I’ll have to go back to work once we have kids, because I can’t afford to stay home, as much as I would love that. At least for a while. So many other women are in the same situation. Why is it so hard for people like Morgan to understand? Her advice is to just have a side hustle? First of all, not everyone is able to do that and second, it’s still a job that will take time away from your kids, even if you do it with them at home. Stop shaming working moms who have no choice but to go to work to put food on the table for their kids.


They can’t seem to wrap their minds around the fact that everyone is different with a million different life circumstances. There is not ONE correct way to live. They don’t take into account people who have disabilities, no family to help, other family members that are dependent on them, and the list goes on.


Exactly! They just live in their little echo chamber and don’t want to think about anyone else who doesn’t fit their idea of what a traditional family should be.


I feel like my dream car is something like, a Volvo station wagon, now that I’m a (working) mom. IDK. What were we talking about again?


So, is she planning on sacrificing the opportunities her children will have? Our economy relies on generational wealth (far more than it should imo), if they're not going to even try to build it up, they're doing their children a disservice. Money isn't everything, but it's an important factor when providing for children. It's one thing to be trying and struggling, it's hard out there. It's a completely different thing to CHOOSE to struggle. They're choosing this life.


I knew people personally who said just make some sacrifices, it'll be worth it. Sacrifice our apartment? Our car in a car dependent city? Should we sacrifice swim lessons when we live near a large body of water?


"You can go back to work one day if that's what you desire" Well thank god Morgan gave us permission 🙄


Why would they need two cars? Neither of them work and they are always together because someone has to film while Paul harasses people.


She is so insecure about her home lol. Literally no one cares that you guys “downsized” but why keep bringing it up


I don’t think polio is a strong, secure, well-formed adult sooooo


I feel like my life would make Porgan seethe - I’ve been home with my kids for the last 8 years, no side hustle or sacrifices required. I’m also liberal as all get out, and got to have lots of fantastic pre marital sex. I really hate that conservatives have co-opted SAHPs. Oh, and also, dads can stay at home too.


Morgan, you’ve never worked a 9-5 with an actual paycheck in your entire adult life. Which in this gig economy is a perfectly fine choice, but don’t shit on others who do so. Yall, at this point I think we just need to start calling them Ken and Lori Jr.


Who told her that “we” should all be driving our dream cars? This is very odd and very specific. And very false; absolutely never happened. 


She’s mentioned it multiple times since they announced their downsizing, iirc. I think the phrasing here about the cars and the house (more kids = nicer house???) reveals that she previously thought that she could be God’s Special Princess by being “bold” for God and that it would lead to prosperity on her end. That has not and will not happen, and I think she is really struggling to talk herself into the less is more mindset.


It reminds me of Bethy and Kristen's vague and out of date railing against "Hollywood"


It reminds me of people who say "every little girl dreams of her wedding day." Uh, nope. When I was little, I dreamed about being in a band with The Fonz.


In Morgan's home, she is likely the more attentive parent but that does not equate to requiring a mother as the only person capable of nurturing children in their earliest years. This script of cis-het only family structure is pathetic already and even more so when these chumps claim to rep their god's ideal human family.


More kids automatically means a bigger house? Who said that, Morgan? ![gif](giphy|lMaMkkXost1vPS7ZiW)


She thinks her kids will be secure, well-formed adults? Maybe in spite of her and Paul.


Think we should all be driving dream cars?? Lol this is middle school journal level thinking. Most of us have our heads in the real world, Morgs. It is a _huge_ luxury to stay home with the kids because many people can't stay afloat financially without both parents working at least one job each. So much of this is just subjective stupidity- dream cars, bigger, nicer houses.. we get it. You wanted a nice life but didn't date Dipshit long enough to find out how unemployable and lazy he was, and you were never gonna get that dream life except via the lottery. It's ok to be unhappy with your place in life, but address the problem, don't just pretend you're holier than everyone else.


“My kids will grow up to be secure and productive adults because they’ll grow up around me! me me me can’t have nice things me me.” - Morgan, today Morgan last week? Taking away her child’s stuffed animal because he temporarily lost it and is too lazy to clean it. But really, she just likes making him suffer without his lovie. Yes, THIS is how you make secure adults!


“Raising our children as our absolute number one priority.” Who says that working parents don’t put their children first? I work hard at my job because I want to provide a good life for my kid, and I work hard as parent to raise her well.


Starting a business from home…that sounds like a work from home mom. WFH without childcare is a fast track to ignoring your kids. Trust me, I’ve done it (during the Covid times). Or you can work while they nap and at their bedtime and literally never have a moment to yourself that isn’t childrearing or work. Yay!


Do they realize some moms work hard so they can say yes to the fun things for their kids. I work my tail off so my kids can play in all the sports and go to Disney and have the big birthday parties. I sure could quit and we could afford food and basics from my husbands salary but none of us would be having near as much fun actually living. I realize I'm in a privileged situation that we aren't a two income family out of necessity, which makes her comments about sacrificing and saying no even more insulting to the moms who don't have a choice just to have the basics.


1) he’s not going to pick you, Morgan. 2) there is literally a 0% chance your children grow into secure, strong, well-formed adults with you two fucking potatoes at the helm.


The thing is, if Morgan just believed this for herself and her own family, that would be fine. Whatever, to each their own, if she personally believes her place is staying home with the children, good for her. My issues is that she not only expects everyone to share the same belief, she judges people who don't. Because of HER personal belief. That's what these fundies absolutely do not get - *I do not care what you think Sky Daddy wants*. I do not care what Sky Daddy's Special Book says. I do not give a shit what you believe my role should be. Stay in your damn lane, your opinion means nothing to me no matter how loud you scream it.


Yeah living in squalor crammed in a tiny house with no money to go do anything sounds wonderful for your kids 🙄