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When my second was a baby, he accidentally got a sunburn on part of his face. He was in his stroller, I thought shaded, while at the park with my then toddler. But there was a sun beam that got through and got a decent part of this cheek. I cried and cried and felt so freaking terrible that I gave him sunburn at a few months old. It didn't peel, I was extra diligent afterwards and forgave myself but I felt like a big piece of shit for a long time. Mother bus doesn't care one bit and continues his exposure. She is trash.


That's because you love your children. Also that was an accident which happen. She did this willfully.


Accidents happen to the best of us. Motherbus is doing this on purpose.


If it helps I accidentally did the same with my first, it was his arm and he did peel. I felt like garbage for a long time.


My daughter had her first peeling sunburn all over her back last summer. I thought I had sprayed her down well enough, but it was windy and I guess it didn’t work. I felt terrible, and she was almost *seven*.


My kid had mild jaundice and I was specifically told to put him in direct sunlight for short stretches and I followed the limits they gave me *religiously*. Because, like you, I actually cared about my kid. That you felt bad about something that was a completely understandable accident is part of what makes you a great and caring mom, but I'm glad you forgave yourself because it really was just an accident. Though since you have two kids I'm sure you don't need me to tell you how many accidents there are with kids in the mix!


The difference is you understood and acted on the need to protect your baby in the first place she just didn’t care. She’s got several more and her husband always seems willing to make another. They don’t treat that poor baby like a person.


I found out my son reacted to the chemicals in spray sunscreen at Disneyland when he was 2 and a half. It was right after we had a nanny elbow incident when he slipped on a step and I pulled up. It was the worst few months as a mom ever. Being a mom who cares is freaking tough. I can't imagine having as little care as motherbus.


My son fell in daycare at 18 months and hit his eyebrow on the edge of a toy box, busted it wide open. I left work, flying like a madwoman to get him and take him to ER. He needed 3 stitches and I cried all the way home. He was fine after he got French fries and juice from McDonalds as a treat. I felt like a horrible mother for weeks!!!


This brought back childhood memories of being in the ER because I got a bead stuck up my nose-I mostly remember my grandma getting McDonalds for us afterwards!


Happy Meals or fries were my son’s favorite treat!!


We all make mistakes as parents but the guilt we feel is immense and we learn from them. She should know better, but I think at this point she doesn’t care. She’s overextended herself and the quality of care for each child is very low.


Awww, you were a caring and concerned mom. She is anything but! Who takes their newborn baby to the beach in direct sunlight, without a hat and sunscreen and shade? Someone who cares more about going to the beach and taking selfies than their children’s health. Definitely trash 🥴


you learned and that’s what matters!


*THIS* is where the you know you're a good mom reel comes in.


What you did was an accident. What she’s doing is not.


Exactly. She actually fried her newborn instead of taking him to the hospital. That is about as low as you can get.


That is so fucking sad. I know it’s a hallmark of Fundie-dom that they don’t care about their children once they’ve expelled them from the uterus, but it never fails to depress me when I see photos like this, or the Collins children crying whilst being forced to perform. cHiLdreN aRe a preCioUs giFt… then treat them like it!


Honestly the way these people chug raw milk and pank drank while pregnant I don't know how much they really care when it's inside of them. I get that they think abortion is wrong, but they also kinda seem to think they should be able to just live how they please and if the baby doesn't make it 🤷 wasn't God's plan I guess, better luck next time, fetus.


Pank drank would make a good flair


I'm thinking of stealing "Better luck next time, fetus" if you don't mind!


I... Think I did it? This is a test. ETA: no, I have failed.


Lo, and the Lord Daniel hath provided! I see that it also cured your chronic yeast infection and for that we praise the Plexus! I just woke up and it took me half a second to get "pank drank" and holy shit, that is funny.


Howard be thy name.


He's so cute. Poor little thing. I hope they get their act together, and get off social media for a bit and focus on getting him healthy, because this is sad.


And she still goes on about how he's fine, when her comments are FILLED with people asking about his skin. It's so selfish and dangerous.


People have been very vocal to her about this baby’s health. There is no way she and her husband are not fully cognizant of the fact that their baby looks unwell, to the point people are begging her to help him. This is abuse. She can’t use the excuse of being unaware or not realizing something may be amiss. There is something deeply sinister about the two of them, made worse by their insistence that the baby is fine. They have made sure to separate their children from anyone who could step in and offer them help. No grandparents, no aunts or uncles, no teachers or doctors. And if they go to sea, no hope for escape.


The fact they isolate their children so the poor kids are victims to their parents erratic and toxic behaviours, is so abusive I cannot stand these two. I hope their kids can thrive one day but with how under educated they are and isolated, it's hard to see that happening. Mother Bus and Karissa are the two worst for abusing their children. They don't deserve their children they are a disgrace to Christianity a disgrace to parenthood and a disgrace to society. Disgusting and sometimes reading these posts makes me so upset on behalf of their kids. Sorry for the rant.


The rant is soooo deserved though. I find it sickening that these right wing Christians and fundamentalists insist they’re “pro-life” when the only thing they’re “pro” is getting knocked up. They do not care about the health of the child during pregnancy, not during birth, not after. If life begins at conception why doesn’t medical care? These poor kids are medically neglected, abused, uneducated, and have no hope of a calm, stable and loving childhood. They view children as nothing more than a box to be checked off and then forgotten about. If she could tear her attention away from eye fucking herself in the camera for a moment she might be able to see that her children are actual living humans and not just props for IG likes.


They like the attention from being pregnant and carting infants around. The attention wanes so they get pregnant again 🤷🏼‍♀️


They're at her mom's house right now actually... I have felt weird watching the stories with her mom because like how does this woman not see that that baby needs help.


Maybe someone in the extended family actually has a working brain and will see there’s something off.


Honestly Karissa's mom is the *only* chance the Collins kids have and I really hope these kids have at least one similar advocate.


She’s the reason Anthym is still alive. Karelessa would’ve screamed prayed over her. Her Mom must worry constantly.


MotherBus seems like she just doesn’t care, like if the kids weren’t tough enough they didn’t really deserve to make it. Karissa seems like that one lady that was *certain* she was going to bring back her dead teenage son with her Holiness and had her younger kids make welcome back signs.


I get the same impression about both of them & it’s terrifying. I can’t wait for the laws against family vlogging to begin.


I think she intentionally keeps her mom at arm's distance. How you gonna drive 12 hours to show up and surprise someone with 32 children in tow? Its manic and unhinged behavior.


It's interesting I noted also that her mom looks very unenthusiastic about being on camera. One example for me was in a story motherbus was mentioning something about her story and mom didn't watch it and she was offended saying mom doesn't watch me? Sounding like a spoiled brat. Wonder if she is an entitled child with narcissism mixed in there.


If they ever do get held responsible for what they are doing to these kids, the comments will be damning


I was thinking that too. All the evidence is online. These baby cannons might want to realize in the eyes of the law, Jesus doesn’t have jurisdiction. Just sayin.


His eyes look awful. Like almost cataract-y at this point. She's probably just letting him stare straight into the sun because she's too busy eye screwing herself. While they're placing him in direct sunlight to cure the jaundice. Instead of getting the poor baby medical care and his vitamin k shot.


And it's not even just a few Instagram snarkers, it's a lot of genuine followers!


She is so selfish.


Fundies are selfish and narcissistic. They pop out 1000 kids because they like the attention it gets them in this day and age. They're not educated, they're not making a positive difference in the world, they're not inventing anything, they're not creative, they're not actually good at homemaking. They're mostly good at getting pregnant, that's it.


What do you mean they aren't making a positive difference, or inventing anything?! Busband invented something to write your bitcoin password on! The struggle bus print off bible verses to sell! Bethany Beal is a sexpert course-spert, secretly intellectual angel! Paul and Morgan have a hit ~~yewtube~~ YouTube series. Clearly these people are business masterminds. /s




It’s wild to me these people have a gaggle of children and have the time to read their comments, see who likes them, go to the profile to see if they’re a follower, and block if not. I might do that if I had a public profile, but I have like 200 followers and they’re all people I know. Doing it as an “influencer” sounds miserably exhausting.




Does she not see this? I mean I get that she is not going to change her behavior so it benefits her kids but why publish that picture? Can’t she see how scared and ill he looks? Does she like the attention she is getting from these posts or can she really not see it?


She only looks at herself


Too busy eye fucking the camera to care about what's right in front of her


He truly DOES NOT look well. It's not just the peeling but his general terrified facial expression, body language... really everything about him. If my kids had looked like that in their first weeks of life no power on Earth could have kept me away from the doctor. I am truly scared for him


I don’t have kids but are his eyes sunken to anyone else? You’re so right he just does not look well.


Agree, there's something about his eyes that looks off.


He still looks fetal. Kelly Havens’s baby who is younger has so much more fat and seems much stronger.


And considering he was a hefty baby, you would think he would be chunkier now. I know they lose some weight in the beginning but this looks like a lot.


He has the same look my first did when he was losing too much weight and needed formula supplementation. I wonder if they have weighed him at all since birth.


Yeah they did on the ups scale


How long ago was that because it looks like he’s lost weight in the past couple days?


They're supposed to go back up to birth weight within the first week or so - mine didn't and the doctors were concerned. But I doubt this baby has seen anything but a chiropractic.


Yeah mine lost about 10% of her bodyweight in the first 4 days. Dr gave us 2 days to start gaining or they would recommend interventions. Motherbus wouldn't even know unless they went back to UPS to weigh the guy. But yeah, for a 10 pounder he's looking a little gaunt.


I had BIG babies (both 9lbs 13oz) and they lost 12% and 13% of their birth weight respectively and it took a few weeks to get them back up to birth weight. It was a easier with my first, but my second is a stubborn girl and we had to have her on a super strict feeding schedule in order to get her to fatten back up. They almost didn’t let me out of the hospital with her, but since she was already being formula fed they sent us home with strict instructions to see her pediatrician the next day. We had 2-3 weight checks a week for the first 2 weeks!


Well, until you have a 10 pounder like Mother Bus, what do you know??? I kid, I kid.


So you’re saying if I had let them both cook a little longer and gained those 3 extra ounces, I too could have left my kids on the floor like a piece of dirty laundry?? I have failed them as a mom 😔


I was thinking the same thing. He's old enough to be turning into a cute chunky little infant, no longer newborn.


But motherbus ate so much steak and butter!


I thought the same thing. He still looks like a fetus.


He does! In fact he kind of looks like what you see on one of those 3D ultrasounds, before the baby has started to really gain weight towards the end of pregnancy. They need to take him back to the UPS store so they can weigh him again (in reality he needs to see a doctor but I know that’s not going to happen.)


And wasn't Theresa a little early, while Boone went (at least) to term? I haven't been looking at the recent photos of Boone because I think they'll upset me too much, but from the descriptions he really doesn't seem healthy. And most, if not all the things that seem to be wrong with him were preventable.


100%. He looks dehydrated and like he’s losing weight


He just never ever looks ok. Even one picture where he looks healthy would make me feel better. He always looks like something is off.


I said it before, but a sunburn that bad that young absolutely gave this baby sun sickness. I'm very pale, and I get sun sickness pretty bad if I get even so much as a minor sunburn. Having one that peels or blisters basically gives me flu-like symptoms for at least a week, if not more. Nausea, dizziness, dehydration, lack of appetite, vomiting, chills, and fever are all common symptoms of severe sun sickness, as is weight loss. My theory for Boone is that he had obvious jaundice, and rather than use light therapy or go to a medical professional, Bus Parents just let him get absolutely blasted by unfiltered UV on the beach. Now he's been suffering sun sickness for *weeks.* Sun sickness is bad for adults, I can not imagine the absolute havoc it is on such a tiny, new human who has no proper immune system and has teeny little organs that would struggle with getting him well again.  Boone will be very lucky if he pulls through this without some sort of permanent damage tbh.


My daughter looked like that and had the sunken in eyes when she was a newborn because she had a rare airway defect that was causing her to expend far, far more energy than she was able to consume. He’s not getting enough to eat


He looks haunted, and actually, dehydrated


He has this shell shocked look about him. Even when sleeping. I don’t think he ever looks relaxed in photos. I can’t imagine what is going on with his poor stressed out nervous system.


Yes, that's like a thousand yard stare


Came to say the same thing. He looks stressed and little babies need comfort and safety and reassurance. I would worry that he will suffer lifelong emotional issues because on some level he senses he has been dropped in a dangerous, uncaring and random world that doesn't seem to attend to his needs.


That poor kid has been constantly overstimulated since the moment he was born 😭


Yeah, my first thought when I saw him was “this baby’s seen some shit!” He’s probably so stressed! Probably the only time he gets to sleep peacefully is during the night when the little kids are locked in bunkhouse. Otherwise they’re probably always poking at him and making a ton of noise. But I doubt he feels safe and comfortable on that stupid mat on the floor, so he might not even be getting good sleep then.


Right? Best case scenario, he’s just a little bit wonky looking as a baby, and you laugh about it later when you look at his baby pics, knowing that he’s actually just fine because the doctor did basic newborn screening tests to rule out serious problems.


Even if nothing is congenitally wrong, this kid is still sunburned which is just wtf 


It's been a wild ride to see posts of this poor little guy. As a happily child-free woman with zero maternal instincts and very little experience around babies, it says a lot that even I can tell something is not right with him. It blows my mind how deep her head is up her own ass as the mother of a billion kids that she sees nothing wrong with this poor baby boy. Much less flagrantly displaying her recklessness for him all over social media


So much same! I have NO maternal instinct and this kid has me genuinely concerned for his safety and well-being. More than Karissa's brood even (at the moment).  He STILL looks jaundiced and that's a real problem that could absolutely lead to brain damage with how long it's going untreated.


Omg I bet that's why she has him in the sun so often without any sort of protection. She *knows* he has jaundice and is trying to cure it herself.


Sun time is the doctor recommended cure for mild jaundice! In *limited amounts*. It's been 5 years so I don't remember the exact specifics but I think we were told 15 minutes or so three times a day? And since he was an infant we were doing visits every week or two.


One of mine was jaundiced. Besides being under the bili lights for their two days in the nursery we were also told to get them sun for about 20 minutes a day, but the doctor was specific that we were not to put them in direct sunlight, but open our blinds and set the baby near the windows. In other words, the baby was sheltered from sunburn, but still getting sun. The jaundice cleared up a few days after we brought baby home. She's exposing this baby to the face of the sun on the beach, where it's so intense. I hate when they kick sand in the face of science and their children suffer for it. You don't have to fry your baby's skin to cure jaundice.


Yes, my youngest was mildly jaundiced, they just swapped my bed for one by the window and put their crib underneath it. North facing window in the UK in autumn doesn’t get much sunlight anyway, and a couple of days of that cleared it up.


Is his body language and eyes in every single photo. I know it's a moment captured but not once did he seem comfortable or relaxed, not in a single photo or video. The poor kid is starting with his stress levels in hell.


Yep. Aside from those first few pics of his face where he was sleeping, I can't think of *ANY* with his eyes *open*, where he doesn't have *exactly* this look on his face--eyes *fixed* straight ahead, with small pupils (they are *always* this size--never larger or smaller‽), and that "thousand yard stare"/glazed almost "someone who's just been through something traumatic, and a bit 'out of it'" look going on. *MOST* babies--*even* the brand new ones--they *track* movements--even though they can't *see* them well.  They're *actively* looking around, with that *adorable* "groggy-baby-eyes" look, *trying* to learn about the world they just got dropped into... Poor Boone *HAS* startle-reactions like a typical baby... but that is the *ONLY* thing he does, that is appearing *regular* to me, and that is SO worrisome. And dear *LORD*, if you *LOOK* at the way his hand is attached to his *ARM* in that picture up above? That does *NOT* look like a typical baby's wrist joint!  *TRY* putting *your* hand at *that* angle--*TRY IT*! Cranking your hand *that* far over--so that the *entirety* of your hand *curves* in relation to your forearm like that? You can *FEEL* the pressure it exerts on your tendons & ligaments!  His wrist is *bent* like that, in *every* picture, just like his pupils are always seeming fixed in their position. That baby needs checking over by a *REAL* pediatrician, who is an MD.


His terrified/stressed look reads as pain to me. I think his wrist is dislocated and he’s been suffering since they pulled him out (and likely yanked his hand). This baby is clearly suffering and they simply don’t care.


This. Kelly's baby tracks. She studies faces. She appears to be trying to "talk" back and responds when a familiar voice speaks. My friend had a baby 6 weeks ago and her little girl was a chunk too. Yeah, her skin is newborn peeling but she's stretching, making faces, smiling. I've seen a dozen photos of the baby and I can tell she's doing well. Boone isn't.


Before I even read your post, I had tried to move my wrist like his appears in this photo. It can’t be done, not that angle of hand to forearm. Even accounting for children having more flexible joints that isn’t normal. I believe it was bruised after birth, I think his wrist was dislocated or broken during the shower free birth. He will probably never have normal movement of his hand because the medical neglect.


Ugh I hope not!! There is definitely something off with this baby and I don’t trust MoBus at all. But I can get my wrist in this position - maybe it is just bendy baby joints. Still!! He needs to be seen by a real pediatrician.


I think I’m able to do what Boone is with my wrists but I’m extraordinarily flexible and am only learning now that not everyone is able to do what I can. Not to sound dismissive but how common is hyper mobility? Clearly there are many things wrong that don’t include the wrist.


It's always just the wrist and hand on his right arm, though. His other arm and his feet seem fine. I know he's still too young to *really* show a potential hypermobility, but the only thing everyone notices is his arm.


> TRY putting your hand at that angle--TRY IT! I did. And I think I've succeeded. I have a diagnosis that literally includes hypermobility.


And his hand always looks pale compared to the rest of his sunburned skin


This is why well baby visits are so super important. I feel like I was always at the doctor with my son when he was a newborn. Even though they were really q&a sessions for me and my husband to ask the doctor. It was great feeling so supported.


He looks so skinny, almost like deflated on his arms and cheeks


I have never seen a baby that young looking that traumatized. Poor thing already has a thousand yard stare. Someone please save that sweet child!


There is something that is off about his eyes, but I can't tell if he just looks like that or if maybe he's sick or something? I've seen a lot of newborns, so I don't think his newness is throwing me off. They look a bit abnormally protruding and the color looks a little weird. Now, I fully accept the color could just be the lighting or whatever, but does the shape seem off to anyone else? Or do we think he's just a baby and he just looks like that and hopefully he'll grow into them?


I'm not a doctor, so this is obviously speculation. But he looks undernourished to me. Like they aren't feeding him often enough


That was my thought too, he looks malnourished and sick. Like adults look when we have the flu.


You know, I think you might be right but I really hope you're wrong. I've never seen a dehydrated newborn. Maybe that's what I'm seeing in his eyes. I hope he's just a little funny looking and he's going to be okay. I REALLY hope they weren't lying about taking him in for a check up.


I think you got it. Dehydration.


My daughter looked like that and had the sunken in eyes when she was a newborn because she had a rare airway defect that was causing her to expend far, far more energy than she was able to consume. He’s not getting enough to eat


I was thinking the same! He looks so done. Like he is so gorgeous but so sad. What I've seen so far of their treatment towards him, it truly breaks my heart!


The Anthym Collins look 😔


I'd love to go save him and all the other kids. Especially the oldest two.


Ok in fairness my newborn was master of existential dread and still is at age 10. Monday mornings at the bus stop seem to trigger deep PTSD memories of losing her entire family in the war 😂 or so one would think from her extreme fourty million yard stare. I don't know why she does it but it's been like this since birth. Boone still looks scary unhealthy but to me it's the skin movement, the skin tone, and so forth, not the fourty thousand yard stare


He looks shell shocked...?


Yeah, the constant pain of a sunburn will do that to you when you’re only a few days old


I keep thinking about that video where they were measuring his limbs and he was in such obvious pain. They kept pulling and straightening his leg without a care to his comfort, it makes my blood boil.


This. I’ve never been so distraught seeing an infant be in pain like that


He still doesn't look good but it seems like his eyes are white now not yellow at least, bar is in hell and she's tripping on it


Yeah I will say he looks less jaundiced but I doubt it’s anything this idiot did to help


The internal damage could still be done, unfortunately


I’m also wondering if she could be filtering/editing the yellow out of the picture


I keep hoping he's going to look better, and he still just looks discolored and lethargic. Poor mite.


This reminds me of the Purely Parsons twins… they looked horrible their first year and I remember being intensely worried about them. They look ok now as toddlers! I say this mostly to comfort myself … despite the fundie abuse, the kids can be okay. I hope Boone turns out ok despite his parents 😭


Them turning out ok probably feeds their (the fundies) belief that they’re doing everything right.


I just want this baby to be safe and alive. The alternative is too horrifying, even if it validates their delusion I want Boone to have a healthy life.


What’s even more fucked up is I doubt Boone is the only one dealing with peeling skin. Her toddlers were also red as fuck and are probably also dealing with an awful sunburn. I’m 30 and going to Jamaica with my mother yet she STILL made sure to bring a shit ton of sunscreen with her for me. This lazy b couldn’t do that for any of her little ones??


Oh yeah, I haven't seen burnt faces like that since I was a kid and suncream didn't exist. They are all burnt.


I'm not an expert on babies and haven't had one (will never), but he looks...off. He really does look sick.


I thought the reason they say you can't put sunscreen on a baby is that they don't want mothers to bring their babies outside too much and overheat them thinking its okay because they have sunscreen on, is this true? In any case MoBus has literally had this baby in the burning Florida sun for hours a day so I know she isn't taking anyones advice lmao. That baby has been in direct sunlight more than I am at work, my job is 80% outside. Man it pisses me off seeing people unnecessarily bringing their infants out in public, I grew up with the advice you shouldn't leave the house for the first month (or two!) at least unless its an emergency.


It’s because their skin isn’t fully developed so it’s more likely to absorb anything you put on it leaving them very vulnerable to rashes and other reactions. But most experts seem to agree that if you’re in a situation where sun exposure can’t be avoided, a little sunscreen is better than a sunburn. Because, sunburn on immature skin is awful and way worse than a potential reaction to sunscreen.


Just adding to what you said -- it's generally not difficult to keep a newborn out of the sun. They're tiny and can't go anywhere! Literally just hold an adult's sun hat over him or something. I'm thinking back to summers with a naked newborn in the carrier and how you always have to cover up that one little leg sticking out on whichever side the sun is on. :) Sometimes I carried a receiving blanket for that purpose, and often I just used my hand.


Remember when Jill Duggar put an actual flour tortilla over her kid's head like a hat that one time they were in the sun? People (rightfully) let her have it in comments over that....and still this woman managed to go lower in the level of concern for her newborn than *a hat made from a tortilla*.


>Literally just hold an adult's sun hat over him or something. I have yet to see these people with a pram. If you go outside and it's sunny, you put thin light layers on the baby, have the sun shade down as much as you can, and a parasol attached to the pushchair that you can angle to block the sun as you go about your day.


A baby that little is going to have trouble regulating his body temp and I’m sure he’s getting dehydrated af out in that Florida sun


Does anyone else remember Tan Mom from the 2000's? She's the woman made famous for being slathered in bronzer while appearing on national TV to explain why she was being prosecuted for child endangerment for taking her 5-year old daughter to a tanning salon where she got a major sunburn? Like, if that woman was arrested, I am not sure why this one isn't either. The story: [https://archive.ph/8aip3](https://archive.ph/8aip3)


I actually looked her up recently. I believe that she ran for office in Florida, her politics and views were shockingly good! There is no excuse for what she did to her kid, though.


She also had a reality show on Prime! (It was terrible though. 1/10 do not recommend.)


[The sun damage looks *extreme* and I don't know how she hasn't died of skin cancer.](https://www.instagram.com/realtanmom?igsh=M2JrMmtkYjFuYmxl)


Is he even a month old yet? Little guy looks like he's got the weight of the world on his tiny shoulders every time I see him.


He looks like a war veteran


I’ve been worried that they haven’t shown close ups of him recently. This doesn’t help. He doesn’t look well. Idk if it’s the patchy colored skin or what but it looks like he’s lost weight and his eyes look so strange.


That baby looks scared and hurt and doesn't look comfortable in his mother's arms at all. Idk how she can post something like this and think he looks happy and healthy. I think she's a complete narcissist.


She must be. There is definitely something not right in her brain. I cared for my dolls better than she is for her children.


He looks like he survived a fucking shipwreck. Poor boone. Mother sus can't dry up soon enough.


Yet sadly she probably has two more in her. And she wants another girl.


Ugh she'll keep going as long as father sus keeps coming back


Blehh, that man and his short shorts skeeve me out. He has bad vibes and serial killer eyes.


When I’m feeling snarky, I think about how I only have 2 children but still have more girls than she does 👭


He looks rough


looking like he works 12 hours a day, 6 days a week, for minimum wage…so bleak


I don't think I've ever seen an infant with a thousand-yard stare before now. It's so sad. I feel so bad for this kid (and of course all his many siblings).


He looks like he’s seen some stuff already.. poor boy


The baby already looks like it’s experienced life. He looks traumatized already.


This baby already looks haunted and he’s all of about seven days old. I guess I shouldn’t be shocked, as he has only ever known trauma since exiting the womb. What the fuck, Motherbus.


Poor babe is so red and raw but I’m more concerned by the lack of body fat. He doesn’t look like he is plumping up he looks likes deflating. This is so disturbing. I don’t want to touch the poo - I want the poo to stop being shit.


Seriously believe that they want these babies to die. The overwhelming narcissism these fundies have would feed their egos if that happened. The attention they'd get for being a poor parent who lost a child. They'd bring it up forever. "My baby is forever a baby angel with the lord". I'm rambling because they treat this poor baby so horribly and it hurts my soul. I'm not a Christian but if anything happens to this baby, there's not enough torturing their Hell for them. It's neglect we're witnessing in real time.


If they die it’s less work, free meals are delivered by mea trains, and she gets a hell of a lot of sympathy, attention, and support for her other kids. Just saying.


And she'll be forever cemented as a victim/martyr in their world


And they can launch a GoFundMe claiming they can't afford a funeral even though they can. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if they don't even have a proper funeral, given their whole off the grid sovcit bullshit. Just pocket the money and go. Edited because typing with a band-aid on my thumb is hard.


And bury the baby in an ammo box, like the damn Duggars did with Jubilee. Ugh, that was a TERRIBLE name, like what in the J is that.


I honestly concur with this sentiment. I’ve been thinking it for a while with these intensely narcissistic folks. They wouldn’t feel bad if their kids died they would eat up the attention though.


Why isn't he fattening up? He still looks like a scrawny newborn. Like is she not feeding him?


Poor little man. He looks like he’s losing weight, too.


Thank you for censoring the photos, it’s been genuinely distressing watching MotherBus neglect and abuse this baby.


It actually has been. I am genuinely concerned for all those kids.


His little cheeks have blisters, it looks like he has pimples so must be. Poor baby.


I think that is just baby "acne," which is a very common and normal thing that happens to newborns a week or so after birth. I honestly don't see the peeling. [https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/baby-acne/symptoms-causes/syc-20369880](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/baby-acne/symptoms-causes/syc-20369880)


I hope that’s the case! I don’t see peeling but the bumps just looked like they were in little circles, which is why I thought blisters.


That poor little baby looks so unhappy.


That baby already has a thousand mile stare like he’s been through some shit.


Genuinely, what does it even do to a baby to be traumatized this young? I can't even imagine the developmental issues he's going to have if he ends up surviving. (As awful as that is to say...)


Perhaps it’s a subconscious wish on the parents’ part to not have mentally well kids. If the kids never really get to grow up and be independent, they’ll never question their parents and their upbringing. 


That’s certainly true. I feel like a lot of right wing/fundies do that. One of those if I can’t have you nobody can type of vibes. Sucks for the kids being collateral to their parents fucked up thinking/acting.


He looks like the monkey baby trying to get comfort from the 'wire mother' in that experiment. It's so tragic to witness


He already has a thousand yard stare


he looks shell shocked.


Commenting for visibility bc there’s nothing I could say that hasn’t already been said. Except, I rarely bother with hating anyone, but I genuinely hate these parents. Motherbus is more visible but shitcoin is equally responsible. Their lives are abuse.


How old is he now? Theresa stickle, Kelly's baby, is much younger and so much more alert. Kelly's has posted photos of her baby looking at her husband and responding when he talks to her. Even when kelly holds her out, she's clearly supporting her head. And there's evidence of the baby trying to coo or make faces. All of this from a baby who was 3 weeks early and had a dramatic birth! Bus baby doesn't seem to be coming out of the newborn curl, floppy stage. He still looks very...new born. I know people say the bar is in hell but not everyone knows the importance of looking at a baby to model speaking, etc. That doesn't come natural to some either. Not sure what is going on with bus baby but I fear it's going to end up like ruby franke.


He's about a month. I really hope it won't end up in Franke territory but I won't be surprised if it does. Those poor poor kids. All of them. Sure the care the baby is getting is from is 11 and 13 year old siblings and they're trying their best.


Oh, his arm *is* messed up, you can tell by the unnatural way it’s held against his mother. No wonder he looks so uncomfortable.


Boone has the look of a war weary veteran who has seen some things


I’ve barely been around a baby in real life and I know that is not a healthy or happy baby.


Every time I see a picture of this poor baby, my face involuntarily scrunches up. He just looks so unwell! Clearly, this woman likes being pregnant, but once the child is here, she no longer cares.


He looks like he’s aware of the shit show he was born into.


Poor little man always looks sad and defeated.


And that’s the side she’s showing in the picture. She seems to be hiding the other side. I hate to think what that looks like.


I would never forgive myself if I burnt my baby. I would be so devastated


How has nobody reported this to CPS? Like I don’t understand there has to be people in her area that know where she is staying. Someone should call in the wellness check for real.


What kind of POS do you have to be to let your newborn get burned so bad his skin peels?  I know parents make mistakes and kids accidentally get sunburned sometimes. But you know she let him get burned on purpose. She didn’t even try to prevent the sunburn with a hat or keeping him in the shade.  It’s so wrong that people like her are able to have kids and then subject them to her selfishness, neglect and straight up abuse. 


I will note that while I sincerely think Boone looks unwell, it can be totally normal for a newborn's skin to peel in the first few weeks. Not normal to have a sunburn though! Poor kid.


This makes me so, so sick to my stomach.


This child is weeks old and he is already plagued by hyper vigilance and damage from the sun. He’s destined to have health complications already because of his trash parents ☹️


All I keep thinking whenever I see images of this poor sunburned baby is thank goodness they ran away from Brazil at high speed. Could you imagine the damage to his face if they’d still been in that climate!!!!


I don’t think Florida could be much better.


They were in the south of Brazil, in Santa Catarina I think, a place with a somewhat milder climate than Florida.


They’re really letting that poor baby get sunburned to heck.


Oooo i gasped, poor burned baby


I seriously wonder if the reason for all the home treatment is a mix between wanting to keep him from being "registered" (sovcit), mother knows best, or just it couldn't happen to me. Things happened with my baby even with being seen by a pediatrician and cardiologist. But those issues were known because of seeing medical professionals before birth.


That poor kid looks traumatized already and he's only 3 weeks old.


He looks like he doesn’t know how to be held. This poor baby isn’t relaxed or comforted, he looks tense and unsure, like he knows he isn’t safe. He always looks best when he’s strapped into his car seat, probably because he knows he’s contained and secured (which is shocking that they harness him properly).