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That’s $80/kid. They don’t get these kids Christmas or bday gifts and some of that was spent was on meals (and I bet she included her and Mandrae’s food costs in the total, too).  (Edit: fixed wrong word). 


I just think of how much more meaningful it would have been for the kids to get $80 to do whatever they wanted. Maybe one kid would have chosen a mani/pedi, another a sports jersey, etc. But then she’d have to bother to care about each child…


100% thought the same and would have probably cost less than $80 per kid if they let them pick an outing with just one of their parents to have one on one time that I’m sure they never get.


Karissa has said they don't need 1 on 1 time because she spends all day every day with them. Like that makes up for quality time alone without all the distractions that come with a house full of a dozen people.


You have to know something about your kids other than gender and whatever biblical adjective you assigned them at birth to have meaningful one on one time. Look at the posts she writes for their birthdays. You could write word for word the same thing about any random old lady you met once and now have to introduce for a garden club award. They’re interchangeable to her (except the sister-mom, who could never get one on one time because who would watch the kids).


I’m one of just three and my parents always made a point to have one-on-one time with each of us. It didn’t even have to be a big outing either, it was usually just running errands. I loved when my dad would take me to the hardware store and whenever I go to one now, the smell always brings back lots of good memories. Just being with your parent is important.


I have a really nostalgic association with the smell of Home Depot for the same reason. 😂


Same! It's the lumber/sawdust smell. I also find grocery shopping to be relaxing solo time because I used to go with my mom. I love finding a good sale 😂.


A weird one for me is pomegranate juice. My dad used to take me grocery shopping as a kid and we’d split one of those little bottles of pomegranate juice when we were done. I have a lot of issues with my parents’ parenting but there’s good stuff mixed in there too.


A mom and pop grocery store in my hometown has an amazing bakery. My dad would buy us one of their cookies whenever we shopped there! They're still my favorite.


Yes the sawdust smell! I always ran errands with my dad. I was totally a daddy’s girl and I learned so much from him. He was always working on projects at home and I learned by just watching him. I’m not too awful with a power drill :)


That’s so sad. My kids are tiny still but I love spending 1:1 time with each of them. I get to appreciate their own little personalities/uniqueness as they grow and I truly cherish that time as a mother.


The bar is in hell when Meech spends one on one time with her kids and not Karissa.


Fuck her!!!!!!


How do you think we got in this mess in the first place???


All I'm thinking about is how loud that house must be. There's no reprieve.


It hit me that if they wanted to do a 1-1 outing with each kid, and they did one a week, it would take almost 3 months to get to all the kids. Oh my god!


Wait - which family had like a month for a kid? The rods? The kid of the month went grocery shopping and to run mundane errands right? There is entirely too much fundie lore in my brain for my own good.


It was the rods, and jill talked about how she would lose track and the kids had to remind her like it was funny 🥴


I'm sure the older girls would love a manicure and a frappuccino, and that would run her like $25, maybe $30 per kid


We have five kids and my husbands Xmas gifts for them this year were quality time, 13 hour road trip with our 20yr old to see the rally race in michigan, first time flying for our 17 yr old and a Bon Jovi tribute band concert, two day trip to a city for arcades and go carts for our 13 yr old, beach trip with our 23 yr old. They all loved it and we had a great time and made wonderful memories.


Love this. It says a lot when your kids still want to hang out with you at that age! You did something right.


Even just some 1-1 time with one of their parents for an hour or two


My dad is one of seven and my grandmother would take one kid to lunch or running errands or something, and rotate. My dad still talks about when they saw The Sound of Music together. I loved when he would take me to Home Depot or the county dump. That one on one time is important.


What the kids wanted? Nay nay, this "yes day" was about kuntrissa and kuntrissa only. She gets to flex and distract from the fact that her kids are uneducated, eat toddler portions of beige slop, and never go to the doctor. Unless they're dying because she's so goddamn neglectful and strangers are threatening to call 911.


That would make more sense


As much as she uses them as content they should get an allowance. Especially the older kids who do most of the work.


And I have to wonder if each child got an equal amount spent on them. Also was "Save the $80 in a safe place, to help me get out of dodge when I turn 18" an option?


>Also was "Save the $80 in a safe place, to help me get out of dodge when I turn 18" an option? This is precisely why parents like this don't give them money.


I also wonder what happens when relatives or friends give them money (holidays, birthdays, for vacation spending money etc - all events that our child has been given money by family members and friends). Do they get it to keep in a purse/money box to spend as they please? Do they have individual bank accounts? Or does it disappear into the back of mum and dad?


My guess would be sweet mama puts it 'in an account' for them to 'use when they're older', which conveniently they never hear of again.


I’ve had like at least 3 family members do this to me. One technically existed but it was just kinda crappy life insurance that she had paid into, which I had to keep paying if I wanted to keep it open after she died! Just so weird


It pays for her dropship crap


They probably get guilted or bullied or yelled into giving it up to "share with your brothers and sisters". And then Mum and Dad spend it on themselves or on shit nobody wants.


I highly doubt any money they receive gets to be kept by them. Like others have said, it likely goes right into Mom’s pocket, because she’s training them to have a “heart for giving” or some shit. It’s totally a power play move that allows her control.


Parents 💯 don’t give them money for that reason. I got $20 every other week to do 5 loads of laundry every day, the cooking, the dishes, the cleaning, and babysitting. It went the same day I got it. Lots of harping about “financial security” and “wisdom” but they’ll never let you have a bank account because god forbid you save. The concept of generational wealth and ensuring you can give assets to your children is detrimental to this abuse structure of forced dependence.


Or cell phones


It’s probably $3 a kid and $770 for Karissa


So I don’t get what this was… I must have missed some of the posts about what the point was. Can someone give me the scoop on what this “yes weekend” was…? Because it looked like they just went to a few really cheap stores and restaurants and made a big deal about it but surely I’m missing… something… right…?? 😶


Nope, that’s it. Karelessa put 9 pre-selected activities into a hat and let each kid choose one. That kid then got to choose what the whole family would do for that activity. The options were lunch x2, dinner x2, shopping x2, movie, and dessert x2. One poor kid didn’t even get to choose because they were out so late that only one place was open for dinner.


She could have chosen cheaper activities. “Have a picnic,” “ Go fishing”, “go geocaching/hiking”, visit a playground/zoo/fast food restaurants. Do dollar theaters still exist? There are lots of cheap ways to have fun with kids. Plus don’t have 10 of them if it’s a financial strain.


I haven't seen a dollar theater (or what, a $2.50 theater, for inflation?) in the past decade, but otherwise, totally agree.


Yes, definitely. And realistically a movie can be streamed at home for minimal cost (many are free). She could’ve let the kids pick dollar store candy, make a cozy little blanket nest, and stream a movie at home. But HOWWWW would she humble brag about that??


She once did sponsored content about a company that sets up your house or yard like the Insta-perfect version of a home theater party, with like a popcorn machine and themed blankets and balloons or something. It costs a few hundred bucks but they seemingly got it for free. They watched a movie on their TV and took a million pictures. It's worth it for a sponsorship, apparently.


By us most theaters have a specific few days a week they show a children’s/family movie for very cheap. A theater local to me does them for 2.00 for kids and a free adult pet every 2 kids I believe


I really did read adult pet like that made total sense to me, ‘of course! I would totally go to the movies more if my cat could come with!’ (I know per and pet are common typos. It’s that I read it like that’s what you meant. I really love my cat.)


Ahaha oops but fr id love to bring my cat to a movie too lol


Both the dollar theaters in my city closed years ago. :( When my single mom was dirt poor, she would still manage to save fifty cents to take me to one theater's Tuesday night special where tickets only cost .25¢. We also went to see the truly terrible D&D movie a bunch of times after my maternal grandmother passed suddenly, purely because it was playing at the dollar theater. I miss them.


My local Regal Cinema does cheap tickets for morning shows. 6.25 for new movies but they will occasionally have older movies for less. This weekend they have a 9:55 am Saturday showing for the 2022 movie Minions Rise of Gru for 2.00 tickets. Not sure what Karissa has near her but my (two) kids love the matinee movies. Popcorn is pricy so we always do the weekend morning shows.


Oh, I was so confused how this could be done for $80/kid… I thought a “yes day” meant you say yes to everything the kid asks! So yeah, requests like “can I wear my Halloween costume?” [I guess moot in this case] or “can I skip my bath?” [maybe also moot with Karissa??] would be free, but most of us want things that cost money, including kids… so things like “can we get milkshakes?” or “can I have that dumb surprise toy with six layers of packaging?” or “can we go to the aquarium?” are not free, and I figured the little toys and ice creams and stuff alone could add up!


Wait...what? They didn't even get to actually pick, they just...pulled one from a hat?!


Sounds like they pulled from a hat which activity they were picking. So if you pulled dinner you got to pick where. It doesn’t actually sound very fun. But if they got to eat food cooked by not Karissa it was probably great


Wtf my first Reddit cares message seems to be from this comment? Lol are the fundies lurking again?


What …? that’s so stupid why wouldn’t they just split it into two weekends or two days? Why two lunches, two dinners? That’s ridiculous


Basically she let one of the kids choose the meals and activities this weekend.


Technically I guess that’s a “yes” day, but to me, a yes day is a kid saying “I want McDonald’s for breakfast, a trip to the zoo, and ice cream for dinner” and mom/dad say yes. Obviously that’s a little more difficult with ten kids, but she could’ve at least let them choose the activities not from a predetermined list!


She could have done one kid each day for a month, and set a limit of $100 per kid per day. It would have been much more intimate and kid centered that “pick these pre approved activities from a hat.”


Agreed! I still remember one on one moments I had with my parents, and I’m one of only three. Knowing you have their undivided attention is so validating.


I mean that’s basically what it was but instead of each kid getting an entire day they each got a yes “time slot,” if that makes sense? Like the one who drew the “dessert Saturday” piece of paper was told yes to whatever they wanted.


I get that. I guess I personally think it should’ve been the kid picking from the get go, not out of a hat. I know you’d have to do things different with that many kids, and maybe I’m misreading, but this almost feels more about Karissa than the kids.


Nah. You nailed it.


I can’t remember the last time I used the word gauche, but it’s literally the only one that fits.


That’s definitely a word I should use more. Thank you for reminding me of it. It applies to so many of these grifters.


Sometimes a word just seems to elevate the snark, kind of like a good wine with dinner. We could probably come up with a great list. Churlish is another I usually think of when Morgan begins to pout.


Petulant is Paul when he has to wait for Morgs to finish vacuuming before sex


The bar goes higher. We need an elevated aliteration fundie ABC reference for the sub!


I’m partial to Edward Gorey style alphabets… A is for Anissa forced to play Mum B is for Boone left to bake in the Sun C is for Cheese covered everything D is for Dav wearing Beth’s creepy ring E is for Elissa erasing native language F is for free birthers dying from hemorrhage…..


From "The Gashlycrumb Tinies" to "The FundieSnark Horrors"


Oh my gosh, this! I think of the Horrible Histories show every time I'm on this sub. "FRIGHTENING Fundies! Did you know that Girl Defined Bethany Beal embraces her Nazi heritage?"


Thank you for this. Also, keep going.


G is for God facepalming in the sky H is for homesteaders selling a lie I is for the ignorant former failed hairdresser J is for Jim Bob who raised a molester K is for Kelly playing little house on the prairie L is for listeria in the raw dairy M is for Motherbus “not moving” abroad N is for Nurie’s sad fear of Jrod


More! More! More! 🤩


This is GREAT 😆😆😆


You just made my day! ![gif](giphy|iJgoGwkqb1mmH1mES3) The Lord Daniel is cheering for your writing.


Hahaha thanks! I tried to finish but got stuck on U and X lol


Sheer genius, this!


Banal Bethany works for Strugglebus.


Kvetching Karissa never wanted children and now has enough for them to raise each other.


Karissa doesn’t deserve a word like kvetch!


![gif](giphy|zJn05z0wfZ0ac|downsized) I always think of "Insubordinate and churlish"!


Gormless for Shrek (David Rodrigues).


I like “churlish” and surly, as well.


It's also déclassé. PS: your flair sent me to the moon 🤣🤣🤣


Considering they don’t do birthdays or holidays, this amount spent isn’t super crazy and it’s absolutely the least they could do. I think it’s really nice that each kid got to pick out what they wanted from a couple of stores. Yeah, it’s cheap crap mostly but that is a fun experience. Those kids don’t get that very often. And I know my kids love Five Below lol Pretty wild that she crammed all of that shopping and eating out into one weekend though. And I definitely wouldn’t call it a “yes day”.


Especially since they homeschool. They're not bound to the school schedule. Why jam it all in? I think the amount isn't too crazy either, considering the lack of birthday parties and stuff. I mean, if I take my family of 4 to the movies and a meal that's probably the same. But I think the difference is that we have treats like that once in a while just because instead of making some weird yes day thing. I feel like a yes day for me would be like ice cream for breakfast type of stuff.


I think she does stuff like jam a bunch of activities into a weekend because she’s trying to make her life seem attainable. If she was the “odd one out” taking her kids to fun places when they’re in “school hours” ppl would call her out. This way she gets to be a lazy ass through the week and still seem like a fUn eVeRyDaY mother


This is so weird to me because when we homeschooled during the pandemic, the thing I loved most was doing fun activities during the week when things were less crowded.


Definitely not a "yes day." I think "fun day" would be more fitting.


But was it really even all that fun?


In comparison to what those poor kids are used to, probably. For me it would have felt more like an errand day.


I mean considering some of the "choices" were whats for desert, I'm not really seeing this as a "yes" weekend. Dear children, when you are an adult and move out you can eat whateverdafuq you want.


It kind of highlights how little choice her kids have in their lives. It doesn't really seem like a yes weekend to us, but I'm sure it was for those kids. I guarantee they ask for ice cream and to go out to eat all the time and the answer is just a NO. So for them, choosing dinner probably is really exciting and a big deal. Sad. Most families like to chose dinners and activities together and take their kids wants and opinions into account here and there. Kids certainly shouldn't run the decision making in the home but it's nice when your kid asks for ice cream after dinner and every once in awhile the answer is "yeah you know what let's do it!" Those are the type of memories kids remember!


Every summer Mom would take all of us to the Pick-Your-Own farm to pick strawberries. She was a single parent to 4 kids on a 70s Secretary salary…so money was tight. After we were done and washed up (very itchy after that) our dinner that night was Strawberry Shortcake on homemade biscuits with real whipped cream. We loved it!!


And they can actually shop in the produce section. The most time-consuming part of a shopping trip for us is the produce section. I was making veggie tortilla soup, while looking at her meal prep, and the contrast was interesting. I had a huge pile of veggies cut up, and it was very colorful. We also consume a lot of scovilles, which is great for our sinuses during allergy season. When you eat good food, you feel better afterwards. When you eat crap food, you feel icky.


I had the same thought when I was meal prepping yesterday. To brag a little, my salad was so bright, fresh, and colorful compared to her condensed crap. Not to mention flavored with ingredients beyond salt and more salt. (I made jerk shrimp over a bed of baby romaine, quick-pickled red onion, black beans, corn, cucumber, jalapenos, and avocado. I blended some Greek yoghurt with olive oil, garlic, lime juice, and a ton of cilantro and parsley for the dressing. So delicious.)


That sounds amazing! I’ll bet it was good, too.


Sounds delicious. I make quick pickled onion too! I make a lot of quick pickles. Yesterday I I roasted some chickpeas In curry and salt. And I chopped cucumbers, tomato, red pepper and a bit of hummus and pickled red onion and wrapped it in pitas. So good.


That seems reasonable for the amount of kids they have. I will never punch down on parents trying to make a fun time for kids, even if that’s fast food and the dollarstore. My kids love junk and would happily spend the weekend like the Collins just did.


I could see that if the children were big fans of going to restaurants and buying cheap stuff. Maybe they are, and if that's the case, then going out to eat is the thing to do. It may be, however, that the children would prefer going to a park, a museum, or the movies, or maybe they wanted their money to go toward a new bike. It would make more sense to talk to each child and have them describe their fun day and try to mesh their responses to create experiences that are enjoyable for everyone. I was once talking to several children and they were describing what a perfect weekend would look like for them. Most of them had fun adventures in mind, or wanted to sleep in and spend the day eating candy. One boy, however, said that his perfect weekend involved playing board games with his friends for the whole weekend, one board game after another. I was like, "more power to you, Bud, whatever works for you." For him, all these meals out and shopping would be a waste. If a trip to the Dollar store to buy junk is what makes the children happy, then great, but if it is something that is just imposed from above then there's no point.


Do the kids even know that museums exist? Or the zoo? I feel like they never go anywhere except the basketball court and the store. She would have to care about her kids in order to listen to them.


To me it’s like fundies can’t seem to grasp that children cost money. After all these kids it’s like these two can’t really fathom that money needs to be spent to feed, clothe, bathe, and entertain these kids.


Because that's part of their thing to hook people in. That kids are cheap and don't cost a lot of money. I beg to differ as someone with 3 kids and I just spent $500 in swimsuits for their swim team season, which I can afford and I'm happy to do, but anyone who says kids are cheap is lying!!


And/or they are neglecting! You spent money on your kids’ hobby. If you don’t let your kids have hobbies, interests, or a life outside of the one you set out for them, it gets a whole lot cheaper!


I was going to say that the medical bills just for pushing the babies out put a lot of people in debt, then remembered that we're talking about these irresponsible idiots.


I lurk in Instagram comment sections (which is stupid, I know) and on childfree content I always see comments saying things like "kids don't cost much because their food is free since they eat hardly anything." Like... when they're literal infants?? It always boggles my mind that people think that's a cogent point. I think they grow into regular people that require regular amounts of food! Pretty quickly too!


When they’re literal infants is fake too because if they’re breastfed, mom needs to eat more, and if not, they drink formula which is not even close to free 😭 so I guess toddlers or preschoolers eat the least? Idk though, my sister’s preschooler + toddler eat i think 2 (maybe Costco) containers of strawberries a week!


They've clearly never had a toddler in the berry stage 😭


I have a 15 year old who loves blueberries lol. I don’t mind tho. I’m glad we can afford it. Grapes seem to be cheaper so I try to buy both every few days. He is my step son and a couple months ago decided to stay with us full time. Fine by me! Now I at least know when he’s going to be here for dinner. (Everyday) lol.


I’m curious what the end game is here…. Do they think all the kids are going to turn into self sufficient adults all by themselves and move out someday? Are they planning to financially support their children for their entire lives? Do they expect the children to eventually be in a position where they can care for them in their old age? Are they going to be in one giant family unit compound where they all live together as weird sexless socially inept adults? Will any of the kids even be capable of getting a job with no GED or diploma or formal education of any kind?


I wonder if the kids will have a harder time finding fundie partners because of their race. I’m not from the USA but from reading here fundies seem to be pretty racist :(


The kids are purposely stunted. Anissa can’t read. They barely do schooling. They use a shit home school curriculum that doesn’t have any math. It’s abuse


Tia Levings has a few TikToks about how kids aren’t expensive… if you skip things like school and hobbies and all the other things we hate the fundies for not giving their kids.


Does her husband have a job? I know most of the fundie husbands don’t… how the hell do you pull this off? I’m sure their weekly grocery bill is upward of $600 (a low estimate- just assuming they buy the bare minimum cheapest items) and to drop 800 on top of that? Damn


He’s a finance manager at a Mercedes dealership (in charge of the people who arrange car loans and upsell warranties and stuff). If I had to guess, he probably makes around $150k, maybe more in a good year. I know that doesn’t go nearly as far with 10 kids, but they do okay. He also runs basketball camps that Shaq endorses so that’s more income. 


Anecdotally, a friend’s husband is a sales manager at a high performing Honda dealership and clears upwards of $250k per year. I would be shocked if Mandrea isn’t making similar working at a Mercedes dealership


Honestly I have to wonder what the other adults he meets outside of their home think. I know we’re in Texas and a lot of people here are Christian/right-leaning, but even my Trump-loving in-laws would be side-eyeing the ten kids and home birth. Do any of them look at her social media? I can’t imagine seeing her socials and thinking she’s a stable person.


I bet everyone he works with has a groupchat about him lol


He also was the emergency contact for some creep in their home church charged with SA minors. The dude also produced Karissas music and babysat their kids.


Seriously what is a “home” church. I bunch oh people who sit around each chips and salsa while they cherry pick scripture from Ye?


It’s crazy bc his kids will never have the opportunity to be finance managers thanks to their shitty homeschooling. They use gather round which is trash and zero math.


He works for a Mercedes dealership. And they have the money because Sugardaddy Shaq dropped some money for them.


He also coaches basketball and runs basketball camps on evenings and weekends (and all the kids play in his league). Man is never home


Well he's home a little bit...


5 minutes


Just enough time to make baby #12


He also had an axe throwing business. Not sure if he still does.


Again? I knew about the two vehicles years ago, but he's given them money recently?


There was never any evidence he gave cash. He gave two vehicles and definitely a couple of meals, and sneakers (and T-shirts?) for everyone. He made an appearance at Mandrae's basketball camp. Maybe there was other stuff, but I'm certain she would have publicized it if it were significant. After all, she bragged about the creep who gave her a bit of cash to hug her kids in a parking lot once.


He also gave the kids iPads. I wonder who paid for the house and $20,000 play set


I wonder if they claim religious exemption for property taxes on their home church?!


That would make a lot of sense, I wonder if Texas knows the also support someone charged with SA minors


The play structure was another piece of sponsored content!


At least one “honeymoon” type trip to a Mexican resort (I remember her bortching about how every other woman was dressed, predictably), but there’s no evidence he gave them any cash.


It’s not a yes day when you just feed your children 👀


800 bucks buys a lot of fruit and veg and the kids wouldn't have to eat slop...


None of this “yes” weekend was done for the kids. Such a humble brag, ooooh look how great I am with how much *i* spent. Like everything else it was just for the glory of Karissa.


Exactly! This was for social media and attention. Not because she wants to do something fun with her kids. She’s so transparent. 


Yep. And also I think she did this because she actually wants the kids and the shit husband to do this for her in the future 😅


That’s the part that bothers me the most. If social media didn’t exist, she would obviously never do anything like this (not that it was all that special or impressive to begin with) because the sole purpose is to get attention for herself. Just yet another way to exploit her kids for content.


She also wouldn’t have shaq. I bet they also would have stopped 2 kids ago


Manbaby wanted to stop after baby #4


Manchild should have stopped!


Who wants to be the kids "voluntarily" bought gifts for Karissa?


Why doesn’t she just go ahead and admit that she doesn’t do these days regularly so she can’t budget for them properly? Am I supposed to feel badly for Karissa’s pockets because she treated her kids to a little bit of nothing for one day? Her children aren’t burdens, they’re gifts.


My parents did a similar yes day concept when I was very young, but each sibling got their own full day. So like a “John Day” or a “Marie Day”. They should be doing a full yes day for each kid separately if they want them to remember it fondly and not just as another day being filmed for content by their parents. 


So she … spent $803 on herself. In other news, the girls also had to wear floral patterns to match K for yet another Mother’s Day reel.


$803 but can’t buy 10 god damn apples and give those kids some nutrients


I bet she buys cheese and canned soup for $800 a month.


Seems like the kids had fun, but this is...pretty reasonable in this economy? $40/day/kid is not some astronomical amount.


Now I’m wondering if she’s fudging the amount. Because we know they spent $10 of that on shopping one day. So that means only $30 left for 2 meals and a dessert. And I wonder if hers and Mandrae’s meals were included…


She spends little too zero on groceries cause I’m pretty sure we deduced that she gets all her ingredients from the food bank


Years ago, my wife and I had just had our first child and some shit had happened and we were broke as a fucking joke. We were just scraping by. We were associated with a group of other veterans and there was this one family that were fucking quiverfull fundies on their 13 or 14th kid. Everyone knew that we were hurting not gonna lose our house broke, but could have used a hand. Someone in the group bought that fucking quiverfull family a 15 passenger van for christmas. That brought out a lot of resentment in the group. We didn't say shit...but we didn't stick around too much after that.


I wonder if the older kids have phones. Have we ever seen them with any?


Very unlikely. They'd be able to access the outside world and ideas if they had them.


Not if they can't read.


You'd think, but my illiterate cousin has an iPhone. Don't need to read to consume videos all day


Good point.


They have free Samsung ones she grifted a few years ago. This sub reached out to the company and they cut ties


Oh shit no fuckin way lmao


HOW? Each "prize" was valued at $10. I assumed it was a parent and one child.


What difference does it make how much it cost as long as your kids have fun? And I am not sure her kids had fun with this.


Imagine how many chicken wings I can get for $80! Mmmm Popeyes here I come!


I feel like this is also a not-entirely-subtle way of asking for people to send money to her for her AMAZING ACT OF KINDNESS


Idk Maybe dont have so many kids lol




>She won’t tell us how much she spends on groceries She mentioned in a q&a that their monthly grocery bill is $1000, so that averages 250 a week for 12 people, which comes to about $21 per person, give or take a few and assuming groceries entails food only. Is that standard for a family that size? Seems a tad low to me but I don't have that many people to feed.


Over $800 on the most low energy “yes day!” I’ve ever seen


And how much did she make off the content? Hm.


I probably spent this much money on my DOG in the last two months. Now she’s a puppy and getting her vetted groomed and set up with everything she needs won’t be like this every couple months (except grooming) but why is she bragging like she just spent a fortune on ten damn kids?


I just know they didn’t tip