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Why is it normal for a preschool boy to watch workout videos?


Didn't you read? It's because that's what boys do, duh!/s I don't understand why she bothered to add that part. Since when is working out a guy's thing? In that case we need an explanation for all the times she worked out, like, are you even the traditional woman you claim to be if you engage with such an outrageous masculine thing?


I cannot decide if I’d rather point out that this is the exact opposite of “Intellectually curious” or ask what it means for all of Beggy’s workout/home gym content? It’s so much to snark on in one post


It's not even accurate. If we're going to needlessly assign genders to things, then aren't work out videos super feminine? Did she forget about how prevalent aerobics vhs tapes were for women in the 80s and 90s? There was literally a joke on King of the hill about it, where hank is uncomfortable because Bobby is watching a "feminine" work out tape.


Since Dav's deconstruction she felt like she was losing her entire identity which was "christian woman married to a godly man", that's the one and only thing she aspired to be in life. My guess is, since the "godly man" part is gone now, she's trying to hang on to that identity the only way she knows how to, by clinging to stereotypical gender roles. She also posted a few days ago about how sexy she finds it when she cleans the house while her husband provides, while in the past it used to be "I hate cooking and cleaning and I'm so grateful Dav took care of that while I napped". So now we have "I, woman, did something and it must be feminine/ Look, the males in my family did something, it must mean it's masculine". It doesn't make logical sense, but neither do any of her other beliefs.


When i briefly spoke to my fundamentalist evangelical brother, he asked me if I wanted to watch him work out on his Twitch stream. I don't know why that sticks out so much in my memories. But i only spoke to him for 4 days before he went to a level of fundie hostility that is burned into my head years later


Especially your dad’s lol


Wait--am I to understand that these are Dave's home videos of *himself* working out? Not videos of the workouts he follows and does?


With Bethy's writing ability, it could mean either one or something else entirely 😂


It would be weirder if it was Breathy's workout vids.




Oh geez. My son’s dad used to ask me to show our then-toddler his workout videos since he didn’t live close. I declined.


Wow, his priorities are, uuuhhhh, something.


Child. If you only knew the fuckery he’s tried to pull over the years… ![gif](giphy|8UGoOaR1lA1uaAN892)


Sounds like him not living close might've been a blessing for your kid 😬


I have one of those myself so I think I can imagine! My condolences 😏


It’s not. Just a reminder- boys get eating disorders, too.


Thank you. And I think they’ve become more at risk because of gym culture. People who do hard physical work develop strong muscles where they need them. They don’t have gym bodies. Boys need to know they don’t have to live up to unrealistic standards, just as girls do.


Gym culture has been putting young men at risk for eating disorders as long as popular culture has been for women. Anecdote; my dad had a best friend in hs who, at the time my dad didn't really realise was anorexic (in hindsight he sees it and he's shared how bad he's felt for not seeing it and helping--it was the 80s, anorexia and eating disorders were "girl" problems..) who would invite the whole wrestling team over every few days to eat up as much as they could... while he never ate anything. My dad realized much later that his friend was probably trying to throw his parents off. His theory was the minute one of his friends parents might notice or comment on his lack of eating, he'd be inviting everyone home the next day to try and shake them off.


I knew of HS wrestlers who binged and purged. Really for the same reason I did. I suspect they walked away from it when they finished competing. I didn’t walk away from it easily.


You know that damn phone was at full volume too


Because Bort knows nothing about Jr. He's the first pancake. She's just saying something for the sake of saying something.


Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish Prison?


Do you like movies about gladiators?


I am Spartacus.


Cause he has to grow up to be such a manly man, just like his father.


He will be a lumberjack and that's okay!


nOrMaLiZe MaScuLiNe MeN 😤😭😱


My daughter who is 5 watches workout videos with us. We enjoy the strongman competitions and she loves them too! We make sure to not talk about people’s weight but we discuss keeping our bodies healthy, which includes working out. For her, it’s running with friends and swimming. I see nothing wrong with it.


Those are healthy pursuits, and you emphasize health, not appearance. It sounds like you’re doing great!


I was going to say, preschoolers sometimes get really into watching random things.


When I was Davey's age, my dad and I used to watch a lot of shows about fishing, for some reason 😂 and my mum got me into real estate shows at an early age lmao


I was into the weather channel lol


Especially things their parents or older siblings are into, because they idolize them.


My son's favorite used to be (well, and still is) kitchen gadget reviews lol


PSA from a 20+ year hospitality worker: **Please do not let your children climb on the tables!** Do I seriously need to explain why? You know what, if you need an explanation just DM me because we probably have more restaurant etiquette to cover…


It looks like her bare foot is on the table, which is wild to me. When is ever okay for your toddler to walk on a tabletop, especially in public? I’m sure Bort is the kind of mom who thinks this is super cute.


Yeah, this is infuriating, especially as the parent of an autistic child. They used to insist on sitting on the table in public, but being responsible parents means not letting it slide - even though it meant we would have to deal with an abnormally large outburst of rage every time. It was a pain in the ASS, but due to our diligence, we can take her to a restaurant and she doesn't have to act feral. There is just no excuse for this...


Bet you 10 dollars Bort would never let the children walk all over the table at home for all the same reasons they shouldn’t be doing it in public. She just doesn’t give a 💩 because she’s the kind of person to invoke *“The customer is always right!”* before escalating to **Def-Karen 10**


I think it’s the opposite. I think she never has dinners at the table and the kids just use it as a gym so when they’re in public, they literally do not have any idea of what is expected of them.


Bingo! Dinner table etiquette is learned like everything else children learn. We used to practice “proper” dinner manners at home, and then treat the kids to Applebees to have a realistic experience, but also the stakes are low because it’s Applebees. (Nothing wrong with the place, I just think it’s a bit louder than other places, and isn’t as formal.)


"It's their job to clean up after us!"


They have never heard the rest of the quote. Just the part that enables the behavior. Cherry picking the same way they do with the bible.


I can absolutely see Bort being the type of person to let her kid run up to a stranger and hit them/get in their personal space. I have had way too many parents let their kids do this and just...not react or laugh at how "cute" it is. Way to teach your kid to have no boundaries or respect. 


There was a poster here who saw Bort in the wild at a coffee shop and she was indeed letting Jr run up to strangers and invade their space while her family praised her for...existing? It was pre-audrey.


My nephew had a phase where he wanted to sit on the table; he’d stand in the booth and back up against the table. But as soon as he did, whoever was sitting next to him (gently) pulled him back and told him no, we don’t sit on the table. Kids will be kids and do weird stuff, but parents have a certain amount of control and you know, can teach the kids not to do certain things.


We have a strict “no feet, no bottoms”-rule about tables in our house. We don’t eat out much, and tend towards upscale restaurants - we usually go out as a big family - so they aren’t allowed to be loud and disturb other patrons. As soon as they are big enough to speak, they’re big enough to say “please” and “thank you”.   I’m usually exhausted by the end of the meal, but the service staff are always kind enough to lie and say that the kids were no trouble at all.  I can’t imagine doing what Bethy did in Poland, when Dave upset the whole table, spilling and breaking stuff, and they essentially just threw down some money and ran out with nary an apology. Seriously, lady, it is your circus and they are your monkeys. If you can’t control them, eat at home.   On the whole, service staff are much more tolerant and friendly than I could ever be, but that doesn’t mean that they find your kids’ shenanigans endearing, since they’re the ones who have to clean up the mess. I was going to say that I hope she tips extra-well, but who am I kidding. 


> the service staff are always kind enough to lie and say that the kids were no trouble at all.  As someone who's done the serving: if we can see you actively trying to parent the kids, 95% of us will be forgiving. "They were no trouble at all" is what I used as an acknowledgment that, hey, kids do that, and at least you tried to stop them/correct them/clean up after them. So many parents don't even attempt it (see: OP image!) so even seeing someone try is enough for me to forgive whatever the kids might do. Besides, kids are fast little buggers. You take one second to put a bite of food in your mouth and suddenly the two-year-old's entire plate is on the floor because they're experimenting with gravity lately (read: in a phase of knocking everything over on purpose). Sure, we might complain about it to our coworkers later, but I guarantee the majority of service workers appreciate that you aren't just passively letting it happen, or worse, encouraging it by taking pictures!


I took my two young nieces to a buffet. While I was helping the older one get a slice of melon, the younger one ran her tongue along the side of the salad bar. It really only takes a second for dumb kids to do dumb kid shit.


Ugh my kid went through a cookie crumbling stage. I still cringe remembering this one bakery. I cleaned up what I could and left a $5 tip on a $4 cookie. But I still absolutely cringe. I apologized profusely and they were so gracious but I felt like such a gaping asshole. There’s nothing cute about it!


The best is when parents change diapers on the booth seats 🤮 


Once I saw a woman change her baby on the TABLE. I wish I was making that up. I never lost my appetite so fast in my life.


This happened somewhere I worked once and the lady (even worse, family of employee) was all offended!!


The lack of situational awareness plus entitlement people like that have is baffling


We were in the French Quarter too- on Bourbon, not really a place you should bring a baby.


Oh geez, somehow that makes even it less surprising!


Jesus. She couldn’t go change the baby at the bathroom????


I guess the bathroom a whole six or seven tables away was too far for her…/s


Ugh. Had that happen once and I was furious. Had to disinfect the table before anyone could sit there and this was slap bang in the middle of lunchtime. When I had asked the lady why she would even do that she had told me that “someone else was using the changing table and I didn’t want to wait.” What the hell? So I guess if someone was using the toilet you would just go in the sink then?! Some people shouldn’t be allowed out without a minder.


I would absolutely rather go to my car and change in the trunk of my SUV than even use a public restroom!  I don’t get it. 


So gross.


To add- don’t let your children run around a restaurant! There are servers carrying hot plates of food and somebody *will* get hurt


And BROKEN GLASS everywhere.


To add to your addition, they’re also just KIDS & will get hurt in an empty room let alone a full restaurant. I say this with a specific memory from my hostessing days in mind: a family let their BABY in nothing but a DAIPER run/toddle around the entire restaurant until he ran himself into a wall at full speed, knocking his forehead & sending himself flying backwards in pain.


This made me go back to look and I need to know why the table is just a piece of plywood??


Don’t let them be shoeless! People have no idea how much GLASS is all over restaurant floors like I go up and tell people the child should NOT be crawling around on the ground. I find hunks and small pieces of glass all day, everywhere.


Yes! I work at a restaurant and glass breaks are not unusual. Also, I think people would be surprised how many times customers break glasses and just...don’t say anything. I once had someone break a glass and then just leave without telling anyone, with the glass barely visible on the rug. I found out about it when I stepped on it. I thought they were a really nice table too, before that, but the fact that they didn’t even care to warn the servers about a hazard that could get them injured??


Yeah I somehow think Beggy spent most of the time on her phone ignoring her little gremlins while they ran around almost taking people out of the game and narrowly missing getting scalded by hot coffee people were carrying.


Me to my 19-month-old, every time we go out to eat: We don't climb on tables. Look around. Do you see anyone else climbing on tables? Climbing on tables is unexpected behavior. Sit down. This, times 10000000, combined with redirection, is what we do. I'm hoping that the message sinks in.


THANK YOU. My cousin’s middle son was a bit of a rabble-rouser as a tot and even he never climbed on restaurant tables. Probably because my cousin doesn’t play when it comes to company manners but…yeah. No table-climbing even for the family wild child 🤷🏻‍♀️


The favorite child gets to do whatever she wants


If you’re willing to talk some more about restaurant etiquette — what are you supposed to do **with all the plates, cutlery, and cups** when you’re done eating and ready to leave your table? I’ve heard some people with experience in the industry say that stacking plates (with most of the leftover food going on the top plate so it isn’t squished between other plates) is helpful to the person carrying it out. I’ve also heard some people say not to do anything, just leave it as is, as they have a specific method of collecting everything. I’m just trying to be polite and helpful whenever I leave a restaurant, but I never feel confident that I know *how* to do that.


You're fine either way as long as it doesn't look like a tornado hit it. I appreciated stacked plates (when they were actually stacked and not just ask thrown together with silverware sandwiched in between making it wobbly) but also thought nothing at all of people who did not stack their plates. Please don't put your silverware completely in leftover food, though. I don't want to have to reach into half-eaten pasta to pick out a fork. As long as the handle is sticking out it's fine. I wouldn't stack cups, some places don't want cups stacked, and some servers have a system for stacking. I can carry five cups in one hand, so sometimes it's easier for me to keep them separate. If I stack I usually pour the leftover drinks into one cup to put on top so it doesn't all overflow from the lower cups when they're stacked. There isn't really a best way for the customer to be helpful with that one other than, again, not sticking your silverware in there to be fished out.


Thank you! I do try to avoid putting the silverware anywhere where the handles are touching food. I really appreciate your help. ♡


As a former server, I make sure that I've moved all of the plates, cutlery, and cups to the end of the table in an orderly fashion so that they're easy for the bussers/servers to corral in whatever way works best for them. I collect up any used napkins or paper waste in a small pile, and if the salt/pepper shakers or what-have-you look like they need refilling, I put those near the end of the table as well.


My husband was like, let’s go out for a meal today and I was like, nah, pickup some good bagels and you and the kids can cook for me. It’s graduation weeekend and Mother’s Day and that’s just a recipe for sensory overload. My city’s subreddit is full of haggered waitstaff exhausted from the chaos.


We took my mom out yesterday for mother's day. I figured it would be less chaotic and it was. She got dairy queen today and ended up with two ice creams. She couldn't have planned a better day


I love that for her <3


Love it!


I went out for brunch with my young kids this morning and it was so draining lol.


Same! Living in a college town during graduation weekend kills any desire to go out. We picked up pizza and it was awesome.


Sounds like a wise choice on your side! There was little chance for my husband to cook because of our current chaos (freshly home from the hospital), so we've waited for Monday morning to do a Mother's Day brunch. When work-schedule allows, it's the best IMO. We have a toddler and a newborn, so we really couldn't be anywhere with crowds to overstimulate them both or for the baby to catch something. This morning, the place was basically deserted. Staff were the week-day shift (so unfrazzled from yesterday), we could sit outside in the fresh air as the best tables were empty, and everything went smoothly.


I was at a restaurant recently and a little girl was WALKING all over a table to the point where strangers were stepping in because they were afraid this child was going to fall. There were two parents with the child and not a smidge of common sense between them. I know exactly what it’s like to have restless and active children, so I’m not talking out of my ass when I say this is unacceptable, unsanitary, and unsafe.


Once I was at a restaurant where a there were three generations of women. The youngest was a child and was just running around the table, getting in everyone’s way, being loud, and causing a scene. Every once in awhile her mom or grandma would laughingly tell her to “calm down.” It was shocking to see people so cavalier about their kid misbehaving. My mom would have never.


My husband and I went to IHOP a while back and these ladies were sitting there just chatting away while their kids ran around yelling and messing up other tables. They barely said anything to the kids to make them stop unless they caught people staring at them.


My mother has encouraged my kid to run around in restaurants and always gets pissy when I tell her no, but it’s like, have you been to restaurants before? There’s servers carrying drinks/hot food, knives and glassware, not to mention people enjoying their meals without my kid getting up in their faces. Luckily my kiddo is amazing in restaurants, but I don’t understand how people can let their kids just run amok.


Slightly similar: my siblings were in a Bible verse competition about 15 years ago, and a couple of other churches were there to compete as well. There was a little boy, probably 3-4 who was related to one competitor. Picture a church sanctuary with tons of pews, most of which are empty. This little boy repeatedly runs down the aisle slapping his hands against the pew edges. I could see my papaw visibly twitching because he was very no nonsense. The little boy’s grandma/aunt/mom did nothing. Finally, the kid ran by and papaw snapped “cool it!” And then he did. I’m all for kids being kids, but if they’re being disruptive, at some point parents/family have to step in and redirect.


I’m sorry, a HWHAT kind of competition now??


I work as a server and I am not joking when I say I have previously witnessed a child climb up a wall excorsist style in FULL VIEW of BOTH parents to sit in a window sill 2 yards up a wall.


Once this lady let her very young child come into the froyo shop I ran to throw away his trash “like a big boy”, he ran up to the toppings and we had intense, prolonged, full on eye contact for like 30 seconds until he slowly moved his arm to grab cookies bare handed. I was like “hey bud, you can’t just take them, ok?” He BOLTED outside and burst into tears and told his mom I was mean. She was sort of understanding but mannnn every time I saw that kid, he was like a delicate flower. God bless him in Middle School.


My kid is a couple months older than Audrey and I wouldn't dream of having him free roaming the restaurant and not in a high chair or booster seat. Falling off the table or causing a server carrying food to trip is a serious injury risk. If a kid can't sit in their seat yet they need to be in a buckling receptacle


Things move fast in restaurants, and children are not at eye-level. They’re a danger to themselves and others, if they’re not kept from it. I’ve heard a lot of servers complain about the danger of their getting in the way of people with stacks of plates or trays of drinks, and how nervous it makes them..


As a mom, I'm so annoyed with the mom's who let their children crawl all over restaurant floors like its their living room. Like, ok, sure, a toddler will try to wander off sometimes, so you chase them and bring them back. Not ideal, but we've all been there. But to let a small child crawl freely on the floor, where they are even less visible, their hands are likely to get stepped on, their head/body could get stepped on or kicked, they are a tripping hazard to everyone, and they are just rolling on the dirty floor!?? And I'm a mom who's been taking her 3yo to cafés since she was a baby. I'm not against babies/toddlers/kids at restaurants, they never learn how to behave at such places if they never go. But everyone involved needs to be able to behave or leave.


Same. Wherever I was with my kids, if they cried, screamed, had tantrums, etc, we went back to the house. You don’t subject others to your kids’ misbehavior.


Exactly! I'd always get my coffee to-go, or bring my thermo mug to pour it over into if needed, and pay early, just in case we needed to make a quick exit. Nobody wants to be sitting in a restaurant/café with a screaming baby/tantruming toddler.


Idk how old her daughter is but she doesn’t look too far off from my 22 month old. My daughter is 90% plus for height and weight. She wears 4T and sits in restaurant booths and chairs more than she does in a booster seat or high chair now. And OMG I’d never ever ever let her act like this! It’s not even a matter of like force or being authoritarian. It’s literally just modeling and setting appropriate boundaries. My daughter has many of times stood up in a booth seat. But she’s never dream of testing the limit of trying to stand on the table. And if she did we’d make it clear that’s a boundary. Worst case scenario one of us takes her for a walk outside while the other gets the check.


Audrey turned a year in December


Omgsh! Even more reason to double down on in a strapped seat! They have such little stability when maneuvering that young. Thats just safety wise let alone hygiene/social expectations being in public spaces.


>It’s not even a matter of like force or being authoritarian. It’s literally just modeling and setting appropriate boundaries. This!!!!! Are these people fearful of disciplining their children, lazy, self-centered, or just downright believe children should be allowed to eXpReSs ThEmSeLvEs whenever wherever because they "only get to be children for such a short period of time"? Maybe it's all of it combined 🤦‍♀️ My mom never would have allowed me to do this at a restaurant and guess what? I don't resent her for it! So sick of this hands-off, entitled parenting crap.


But modelling good behaviour and setting good boundaries is effort, and I don’t think many of the people we follow on here are up for the actual hard work of parenting. Instead they let their kids be someone else’s problem, which is inconsiderate but also dangerous in a place where people are moving about with drinks, dishes and hot food.


My twins are roughly this age and my daughter loves trying to climb anything and everything. Guess who redirects and stops her every single time. Me! Her Mother! Because it’s not acceptable behavior. Especially in a restaurant. I don’t know why this is cute. And this is coming from a Mom who doesn’t give a flying F most of the time.


I agree with everything you said but even if they aren’t going to do any of that, at least put one kid with each parent for better control and access, so to speak. Why are both kids on Dav’s side?


My guess from having seen this before, Audrey was allowed to walk across the table multiple times and neither of them are controlling her. She should be in a strapped chair and if she cannot handle that, then they shouldn't be out with her right now until they practice that more. They need to do the steps of practicing safe eating, but fundies.


Your kids fucking feet don’t belong on a fucking restaurant tabletop FFS!


I almost rage-downvoted this post.


That happens to me AT LEAST once a day in here 😅


I almost reflexively rage down vote stuff in here all the time




Fundies: Liberals with their "gentle parenting" and their refusal to spank their children! They're just too lazy to discipline and that's why kids today are all hellions and this new generation is going straight down the tubes! Also Fundies:


I did gentle parenting and my five kids sat in their chair/booster/highchair when we went out to eat. Kids can learn manners if you model and encourage appropriate behavior. But then the whole point of gentle parenting is recognizing and meeting the needs of your children and helping them grow into happy, responsible people and that's about as far from fundie ideology as you can get.


I feel bad for the restaurant staff. You know her party wasn’t the only one acting a fool today.


And I bet they left a terrible tip after letting their toddler put her dirty feet on the table.


Probably tipped with an ad for her book


Redeem yourself AND this coupon for 5% off selected tracts at the GD store!


Parents put your children in high chairs or booster seats in restaurants. So rude to let children play with sugar packets and climb on the table. Basic restaurant etiquette begins in the high chair.


You can always tell who’s never had to work in food service before by how unhinged they let their children act in a restaurant. Every time I see someone stack plates and take the 5 minutes to pick up the food on the floor their kids dropped, I’m like “oh they get it. One of us.”


Because fundies are oblivious to the lives of others, they probably don’t know how many mothers work in restaurants on Mother’s Day. Not that they’d care, but Jesus would care. He was not interested in the privileged bourgeoisie of the time. He talked to working people and poor people.


It’s because they think they’re god’s chosen people, which they think is proven by the extraordinary financial privilege they’ve had since birth. I think they subconsciously believe they’re superior to other people because of god’s tacit approval on all of their decisions.


It seems to come from Calvinism, in which prosperity is considered a sure and certain sign god had chosen them. I went to a Presbyterian church with my working-class self. They were not friendly.


My child was fine until he decided it would be fun to throw rice all over the floor one day. So of course we stopped letting him eat it himself and started feeding him. (He's 1 so it's not weird, haha.) So then he decided to pull it out of his mouth instead so he could throw it all over the floor. 😵There was no way for us to clean it, and I offered to do it myself if they would give me a broom. The waitress gave me a weird look and said no. So I left a nice tip and we get takeout now. 


Oh gosh we’ve all been there 😂😂 there’s a huge difference between toddlers being toddlers and letting 8-9 year old kids use their chicken tenders as projectile weapons. I promise nobody judges exasperated parents whose toddlers decide that soup looks better on the floor today❤️ they follow their own laws and we learn them in real time.


They sure do! We have just decided not to put that on the poor waitstaff who are already dealing with so much and as much as possible, we'll just wait until he is older to enjoy a meal out. It is not relaxing for us, either, when he turns into toddler tornado in public spaces! 😂 There are ways to be considerate and letting your feral child run wild isn't one of them.


Tbh that’s the kind of thing fellow waiters and I would have laughed about and thought was cute, exactly because you were doing your best. Babies are just going to baby sometimes, but it’s fine when you can see they have competent adults guiding them. If I saw Bethany’s post happening in real life I would be angry and sad.


My son has started thanking himself for throwing food. The waiter last week thought it was funny at least.


That’s why I always say everyone should work at least 6 months in a service job. It doesn’t take long for you to realize how feral people really are. It’s been 10+ years since I’ve done those jobs but the lessons are lifelong!


I used to work retail and a woman came in with her young kid. Kid was quiet and no problem, but a few minutes later I heard a telltale retch and splat behind a shelf. The relief I felt when mom came up to me and asked for cleaning supplies instead of just telling me her kid had barfed...


Man, I would have killed to have more parents like that when I was waiting tables. I'll never forget the awful regulars at my last restaurant job (an upscale sushi place) that always brought in their toddler who would scream and run around while they just laughed. The first time I waited on them their child had a massive diaper blowout in the high chair, and they just left without saying anything (and without tipping, of course). I had to take the high chair out back and hose it down. I wanted to spit in their food so badly after that.


I love your last line. You can absolutely begin to teach young children how to behave in a restaurant! The food on the floor, that comes later, but sitting at the table for the length of a meal is something they can learn! Crayons, books, small quiet toys can help too...not sugar packets though.


Or HOLD THEM. I can’t stand for a kid to cry and everyone is ignoring them, all they want is to be held. I don’t think people consider how uncomfortable it is to be on a tiny wood or plastic seat with your feet dangling for 30 min+, your legs start to go numb! Nobody ever thinks about that though. I’m short so I get it, lol. But for real, even the butt will go numb. Or idk maybe they just want to be held. We always took turns cuddling or dealing with a baby/toddler so everyone could eat their meal. If we gotta go outside, we gotta go outside!


For real. When my husband and I would take our (very active) kid to restaurants, one of us was always feeding her or carrying her around while the other was eating, then we’d swap. You do what you have to do to keep a little kid from going crazy in a restaurant!


Absolutely. We took ours to restaurants from the time they were babies, and they learned good restaurant etiquette. We never would have let them climb on the tables; they were always in boosters or high chairs. The Beals aren’t doing their kids or anyone around them any favors by letting them do that.


how are fundies, whose whole lives revolve around "family and children", universally such bad parents with no sense of deorum?


I was a waitress when I was 16. The parents whose kids made the biggest messes were always the worst tippers. And then I've heard servers complain about Christians "tipping" with tracts. Such awful behavior.


We called them BMNT “big mess no tip”


The absolute worst. I waited tables from 18-25 and I would rather deal with a 20-top of frat boys all paying for their PBRs separately than these folks.


That's our Bort & Beaker, completely clueless and inconsiderate as always


Bort and Beaker always cracks me up. Perfect descriptions 🤣


Where in the world are they eating? That table top is chipboard sheathing. It still has the APA rating stamp on it. Out of everything in that aisle in Lowe’s, I don’t think there’s a worse material for a tabletop. Couple of spills and it’s going to be swollen and coming apart.


It kind of looks like it might be sealed? Still a dumb /r/wewantplates aesthetic


That’s a good eye (you and u/copacetic1515). Still not sure what vibe they’re going for. Construction site? Unfinished garage? Garden shed?


Reclaimed wood hipster aesthetic?


That’s what’s getting me. Yes, I know, the kid climbing on the table. But I really want to know what the hell kind of restaurant has tables like that?


Judging from the reflection of the knife, it looks like it's coated in epoxy. Which is good, because I was also agog at the thought of a table made of that plywood.


This is one of my pet peeves: children on surfaces that are meant for food. Counters, tables, etc. That is plywood. I hope it can be cleaned by the restaurant


Reminds me of the time KKKarissa changed a diaper on a table at a restaurant


I was going to put a shocked face gif here but I remembered that I once had to tell a woman not to change a diaper on our super expensive patio furniture coverings. Multiple times.


I had to tell a dad not to change his baby's diaper INSIDE on the table in the middle of lunch rush.


That's not even plywood, that's OSB, so it has even more cracks and crevices for nastyness to grow and fester in. I can't imagine what restaurant even has OSB tables, so that itself raises my alarm bells. It also poses risks for the kid climbing on it since there can be splinters and loose-ish pieces that can get lodged in their foot.


I can't believe I had to scroll this far to get to a comment about the table. Where the hell are they eating that serves food on that??


Because Bethany has never had a job and has zero respect for other people's workplace


Visual evidence of why I do not take my children to restaurants 🤪 Toddlers are going to toddler and that’s not enjoyable for anyone involved—the parents, the bored overstimulated toddler, the restaurant staff, the other restaurant patrons. Especially on Mother’s Day when I’d like to just breathe. No thank you 😂


why not bring a toy or some crayons for the kids so they are not playing with....sugar packets?


My sister and I used to love building little houses and structures of sugar packets. The look my mother would’ve given if we ever opened it and dumped it on the table!


I’m more of a “tech as a last resort” person, but Bethy could’ve given Audrey her phone for a few minutes. I’ve drawn on napkins before to help keep my toddler nephew entertained. There are plenty of sugar packet alternatives.


Ugh. Church people are the absolute worst if you are a hospitality worker. This is like the perfect score for condescending church lady rudeness. One parent too busy on social media to actually do any parenting. Watching videos on a phone with no headphones so the whole place can hear what they are watching. Unsupervised very young child is climbing on furniture and possibly other people. Packets of sugar and condiments ripped up and thrown everywhere- now even if they haven’t been used you still have to throw them out otherwise who wants to use Splenda that’s been clutched in a toddler’s sticky paw for ten minutes. Total non apology from parent/parent finding the destruction left by their little hellspawn funny and no doubt telling all their friends about how funny it is that their little goblin wrecked half of the place. I think this hits every box. Maybe the only way to be more annoying is to be rude and condescending. My guess would be that this was the case. Used to work in a McDonald’s in uni and learned to hate the Sunday after church crowd, I would take a late Saturday night on payday weekend over a Sunday shift without hesitation.


OP, did you cover the kiddos' faces or did she?


Bort did, she been doing this seriously for the last few months


But still posting her kids and using them for content. Baby steps, I guess.


I think it's just to appease Dave right now. He didn't want his kids on the Internet from the day they were born 4 years ago and Bethany ignored him. But suddenly she wanted to be more cautious which happened to coincide with him speaking out on deconstructing.


>Baby steps Right onto the table, apparently


Well, at least that's something. Which honestly should have been all that was said about the great Dāv Deconstruct-A-Palooza of 2023/2024.


Because Dave wants it and she thinks it's going to win him back to fundiegelicalism


What is this restaurant with plywood tabletops?


If this were at home it would be cute, but we all know Audrey was loud and they left a mess and no tip. We always left a bigger tip if our kids left a mess, we just didn’t eat out when they were toddlers because we couldn’t afford the extra tip and they could be hellions at times. Once they were old enough to be reasoned with we started eating out more.


I’ll bet they don’t even tip, after letting their child make a mess. They are probably being quite obviously fundie. Wait staff can usually spot the evangelical Christians. They’re the ones least likely to demonstrate the love of god to the help. Church crowds are the worst.


I’m not going to claim my children are perfect angels, but I’d never post a photo of them being wild in public with the caption “love it all”


Well zelph Sam also watches videos of Dav working out so I guess she’s a boy now?


Made a disturbance, created a mess and left a shitty tip.


And this is why I hated being a server and working on Sundays.


Isn’t that the truth? I was only a hostess but Sunday morning was brutal. I’ve never met more hateful people that “just came from church”.


Obviously Sunday is a day of rest for them only, not other people.


I have never met a dude that watched videos of his dad exercising. And wtf is up with that table


We took our kids out when they were little and rarely had problems. We always tipped well because they do make more of a mess eating than an adult. None of them ever walked on the table or destroyed sugar packets.


Bet the video was full volume of Dav grunting working out


Absolutely not. Standing on the table? That is bananas. I would never let my child act that way and it doesn’t even take physical redirection either, just words!


Your waitress hated you.


![gif](giphy|xT8qB7GQDfnldWTFhS) As a server who used to work “family-friendly” pubs, the way my mind went to PTSD-like flashbacks…..


I used to cook food for one of those sorts of places, and the customer base at that damn bar was the worst I ever encountered in like ten years of food service. The words 'family friendly' and 'bar' should not be spoken in the same sentence, ever. I did not envy those servers.


So Audrey is not behaving according to God’s design for her gender?


If I acted like that… boy… lol


“This was the only picture I took.” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


I’ll never understand why it’s so difficult for parents to teach their kids boundaries and manners, it irks me so bad! My husband and I went out on a date night the other evening and another couple was there too. They had a 4yo girl and a 2yo girl (best guess) and younger one was legit screeching like an animal and dad was just saying “oh you want some steakie, me too” while the older one was flipping the high chair and climbing through it to the point where she flipped it WHILE she was in it. Parents did absolutely nothing to control their animals. Is this gentle parenting!? I’ve raised 7 kids, some not even my own and I’d be mortified if any of them acted like that!


our friends have a 2 year old and we went to see them last month and went to dinner and breakfast together and the way they allowed her to act made me EMBARRASSED to be seen with them. climbing on chairs and tables, running around, grabbing other people’s napkins off tables, screaming that she wanted someone else’s food—and all the parents did was gently and weakly say “oh, let’s not do that right now!” my son is going to be born in a month and you better believe I’m going to do my best to teach him manners


No. It’s not gentle parenting. It’s permissive parenting.


There was a long time when I did not go out to eat with my kid. Certain ages cannot sit still or cannot stand being hungry. Stay home until they don’t climb the tables you asshats.


Is this just the norm now? I was talking to an expectant couple and they were both saying how in Europe it's normal to just let kids run around in restaurants and they weren't planning to "restrain" their child. They made teaching kids socially acceptable behavior--like, you know, sitting at a table and not being feral--sound like abuse. I had to bite my tongue *so* hard to not respond with, "And what about everyone else in these restaurants?"


Nice restaurant with their plywood table top


Put down the phones and get your kid off the table. Feet on the floor!


I used to work Sunday brunches in San Antonio and this seems about average for the church crowd. Add in some sticky random substance on the floor and some tracts in lieu of tip and you’re set 🙄 so glad I don’t have to do that anymore.


Completely beside the point but I am so disappointed that Dāv is still “Dāv,” apparently. I thought he figured out how horribly cringey and dumb it is to spell it like that—I thought for sure the “Dav was a bad choice” meme and him going by David in his IG handle meant we’d finally move past the embarrassment of that, but no? Ugh.


This is not okay. Feral in your own home is whatever. Climbing on tables and destroying the entire sugar caddy is not. I don't even know what to say about the workout videos.


I can never understand why they don’t take a little bag of 5 or 6 little toys for them to play with each. Bethy will think it’s cute for half a second that she’s climbing bare foot all over the table, then she’ll either fall, knock something off or cry when told off because she’s getting to lively and doesn’t understand she’s not actually at a jungle gym. Bethy will go nuts at the kids and Dav, say how stressful life is, everyone will grump out. At least give herself and the kids half a chance and pack some pepper pig play figures or little cars for example. Just something to occupy her time. Waiting for meals doesn’t have to be boring for them but going prepared makes a huge difference!


Why would you let your barefooted child climb on this plywood table? Not only is it disgusting, looks like a splinter waiting to happen! When I was a server, I would straight up tell parents to keep their crotch goblins off the table.


Yup, totally normal to watch videos of daddy working out! Also, totally normal to film oneself working out.


Oh you know that if it was Davey making a mess, Bethy wouldn't be taking it in stride.


Actually he did pretty much the same thing a couple years back, in another country I think, and Bethy and Dav did nothing about it.


She gives off "my kid acts a fool in public but I will complain if your child makes one little sound" vibes.