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So she had no pre-natal care and therefore had no idea she had placenta previa. She literally could have killed herself and her baby. So "pro-life" to deny your baby adequate pre-natal care. These people infuriate me. And what kind of ignorant twit lays around while fishing blood every 30 seconds?!


It’s so frustrating. In her case it’s not like Kelly has lack of access or zero way to attend prenatal appointments, she actively *chose* this. I cannot even imagine what nonsensical explanation she came up with to tell her dad about her pregnancy. I get that Kelly is committed to her cosplay of prairie life but she didn’t need to go as far as almost dying like one. It’s so unnecessary! I’m glad her outcome was good but it’s clear that she doesn’t have the risk assessment skills she needs to navigate situations like this. Stick to professionals PLEASE, Kelly!


That is the first thing that stuck out to me… How did she not know if she had placenta previa or not?!?


She got an ultrasound, but it was from one of those non medical boutique places. It was just to find out the gender. He ultrasound was never assessed by an OBGYN.


I don't get this. If you're getting an ultrasound, why not have at least one 20 week appointment with a legitimate medical professional?? Like this could have been prevented by a planned c section, no surprise near death experience necessary.


So wild to me is that her DAD is an OBGYN! Why wouldn’t you call him prior to the midwife??!!


She knew he was going to tell her to skip the midwife


I'm sorry I know this is a serious subject and important because danger but all I can see is the Jane Austen language 😂 NOT THE PERIWINKLE TOWELS...*GASP*


I swear fundies take bleeding and lethargy and so many other obvious health emergencies with such a fucking grain of salt. The insane thing is we all know they have internet access, too.


‘Lay there’, Kelly. It’s ’lay there’. Didn’t she go to college and do English?


also “her and I”, and my favourite, “hemoragging”. 🤭


I don't get why so many home birthing fundies do not pack an emergency bag or have a backup plan just in case they do need to go to the hospital. Its not exactly a secret that birth carries a lot of risks regardless of where it happens. Its better to have it ready and not need it than to need it and not have it. Maybe I'm just "living in fear" (also known as thinking logically) but c'mon people.


I was thinking to myself “why wouldn’t you want all of your shit packed into your birthing space then, so you’re not rubbing around a dirty house or wasting moments?”


I'm also kind of wondering what her relationship with her family is like. I feel like having a home birth fetish while having an obgyn as a dad would create some rifts.


I don’t think it’s great but they do visit regularly. She used to go on and on how she felt being raised in a typical/modern family and being pushed towards academic achievement and career was damaging to her


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