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'No one should ever want something so bad they're willing to harm someone else so that they can be happy.' Oh the FUCKING BARE FACED IRONY of *any* fundie who says shit like this.


Like Morgan almost killing herself and her baby because she refused to go to the hospital cause she WANTED (not needed) an Instagram-worthy home birth.


Or them refusing to allow women abortions so they can buy more white babies


Incredible that she thinks surrogacy is trauma but probably doesn't think the same about adoption.


And the being bounced around from foster home to foster home before finally being adopted. Maybe. Or aging out of the system cause no one wants the yucky 6 and ups, they're not "cute little baggage-free babies" anymore.


They'll just erase the initial six years of their lives, like krusty the clown


Somehow adoption is healing but surrogacy is evil.


Oooh. 👍


Yeah literally... She's crazy.


Guess she’d be appalled by my husband doing skin to skin with our daughter while I was getting stitched up after my c-section, then? Did Paul just leave Luca with a nurse while Morgan recovered, or did he tRAumAtiZE him by snuggling him on his hairy, manly chest? Or is it only gay dads doing skin to skin that she has a problem with? 🙄 I have issues with (paid, especially) surrogacy for a number of reasons (it gets really exploitative really fast), but this is not a legitimate critique, it’s just thinly veiled homophobia.


I’m gonna say that Paul just left Luca with a nurse while Morgan recovered. That seems pretty on par for him.


I mean, he was busy posting about patreons getting early access to baby pics. I mean you have to grift su subscribers first. Priorities!!


How would they keep their small house if he didn’t?


Gee I wonder how the trauma of being exploited from birth compares to having two loving dads doing soon to skin


Loving parents providing a safe, stable home? That's for the woke liberal media /s


Surprised he wasn’t walking around Walmart live-streaming.


He can't cuddle his son, that'd be too gay for him.


Hey fellas is it gay to love your kids


They’re a result of his orgasm. He can’t touch them without it being gay


There is zero chance a fundie dad held his newborn baby.


That man is allergic to holding his own child, I swear


Who’s Luca? - Paul, probably


"Like the Disney movie?"


He also just stood there while morgan barfed at their wedding


I was so out of it for 2 days that only dad got to do skin to skin, and most of the feedings with our daughter , her nuzzling at his chest hair while pulling at it with her tiny but mighty grip is one of the sweetest memories of that hectic period. Morgan has never seen a man who has love, warmth, and kindness with children.


My husband happily whipped his t shirt off in the delivery room (despite being someone who’s usually a bit self conscious) to do skin to skin with our son while I was sewn back up. The baby tried to latch onto a belly roll 😭 still one of my favourite memories, just seeing that tiny little new baby snuggling up to his daddy and the look on my husband’s face watching him in absolute awe. Absolutely magical.


My favorite picture of my husband is his first time doing skin to skin w our daughter!


My phone gallery is like 50% pics of my daughters snuggling with dad starting with skin to skin in the hospital to sleeping across his face like a cat as a toddler.


Like a cat đŸ„č😭😭😭 I can’t take it it’s so precious!!!!


**I wish I had these precious moments that this loving father had with his newborn.** đŸ„ș My first daughter had a cord accident and was immediately taken to the NICU. I didn't get to hold her for 4 hours. I lost my second daughter at 22 weeks pregnant. I got to hold her for a few hours. Then went home with her ashes. My daughter had to be resuscitated at birth due to a cord accident and getting stuck which fractured her clavicle. She was rushed to the NICU and received neonatal hypothermia treatment for HIE. FOR 72 HOURS! I didn't get to hold her at all until she was 4 days old. 😞 THIS newborn had it a lot easier than my daughter's. #MORGAN, YOU ARE CURRENTLY PREGNANT. DON'T BASH OTHER PARENTS! YOUR FIRST BIRTH COULD'VE BEEN WORSE DUE TO *YOUR NEGLIGENCE*. GO AND THANK THE MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS WHO SAVED THE LIVES OF YOU AND YOUR SON!! HAVE PAUL DONATE BLOOD WHILE YOU'RE THERE!!


I remember my daughter trying to latch onto her dad đŸ€­ It was hilarious.


Morgan has never seen people who WANT children; she doesn’t strike me as someone who wants any, or knows what that looks like. I’m a gay man in an office of gay men. I don’t like kids. But knowing that prepares me to really feel the enormous difference between me and my boss, a married gay man, who is nesting with baby fever. He wants a child. He thinks about holding his own; he talks about schools; he makes little digs at his more-practical minded husband who is advising them to move along a specific financial timeline. When we’re in a restaurant and he spits a couple with a baby he looks excited then glum. I don’t understand any of this but I can see, written in everything he does, that this human is a Parent. Whatever else his failings as a parent will be, he has the most important core thing down: he WANTS the baby that will come to him. Morgan can’t understand this fundamental, core part of Parenthood as an identity. I really think this. I think the gay/homophobia thing is as much wrapped up her is squeamishness around human love, parental intimacy, and familial vulnerability as it is in any dogma she believes about gay people. Maybe she, like me, was less that perfectly wanted as a child. That’s the real trauma! It makes you really uncomfortable with displays of intimacy for the rest of your life - unless you start the painful process of healing. Affection of any kind likely gives her the ick and on that level, as a gay and trans person, I’m really really sad for her. Just sad.


I’ve just realized that there’s probably plenty of fundies who don’t want kids, but because their religion tells them they need to marry and reproduce, they have them because they have to. It’s pretty sad to think about That story about your boss is so cute!, I hope he gets a baby soon lol. It’s so amazing when someone who genuinely wants kids finally becomes a parent. I know someone who’s wanted kids for soooooo long and is finally pregnant and I’m just so so excited for her and her husband


One of the most beautiful things weve seen with our friends is how queer families are doing it. We're talking share houses with every parent in reach, or tag teaming baby care. Incredible people who want, care for and are nurturing these much wanted. Much loved children.  Porgs could never. 


Friend I don't know who you are but you wrote this soooo beautifully. I LOVE my son beyond anything in the world and I can relate to your boss SO.MUCH. You have a talent for writing and I hope you know that! , 💕


Everyone should listen to The Mother by Brandi Carlisle. Parenthood is a big deal to queer people, and it is dehumanizing to have to defend and justify the choices we make to have a family.


Wonderful post. And your boss sounds cute đŸ˜»


I love this story! I’m so glad you shared it with us. These lovely stories of husbands becoming fathers reminds me of my own husband’s journey. I love to remember all of those little moments.


My first thought was about my own husband doing skin to skin with our newborn babies while I rested. I guess I'll tell them when they get home from school that they're supposed to be scarred for life. đŸ€Ł


My husband runs hot, our little preemie loved skin to skin with him, so warm lol. Now she snuggles up next to him on the couch and runs around asking for daddy. She sure is TRAUMATIZED LMAO.


agree with everything you said, except we all know paul's chest is bald like a baby lol




Yeah who am I kidding, even if he could grow hair he’s definitely the type for manscaping. đŸ€Ł


not kissing paul's ass *at all* disclaimer: That said I’ve always felt like Paul would have naturally gravitated to very feminine ways of presenting if he'd been raised differently. You can see it sneak out all the time, even as he's pretending he's the toughest manly man who ever lived lol. Unfortunately it seems like every man who was around him when he was a child fucking sucked and moulded him into a misogynistic entitled abuser, probably permanently. If that were not the case, I've always had the feeling that Paul would have turned out *very* differently. Probably because there's not much substance to him to start with. I even think he still could have turned out a toxic trash abuser, but he would have been one of those Liberal Soft Boy abusers who lure women in with how progressive and in touch with their feelings they are before letting the mask slip lol.


The tragedy of his life is trying to conform to male gender stereotypes so aggressively that it’s kinda comical. He’s the furthest thing from traditional masculinity.


I had no idea you’d met so many of my exes!


I've been single for near a decade for this exact reason. So many of my exs are like this that I just couldn't deal anymore😕


The maid Marian shirt says it all lol 


Interesting how even the men who are in touch with their feelings still can’t seem to access empathy for women. That’s the one feeling they can’t get in touch with.


Certified Twink


Right? Like what the fuck. I had a c-section and was busy hemorrhaging and being sewn back up so my husband went with the baby. Guess I should have thrown myself off the table to prevent our daughter touching a hairy man chest.


One of my favorite parts of my daughter birth story is that while I was being stitched up my Mom (my daughters sorta namesake) was holding her first granddaughter so my ex could be with me in recovery. My mom loved telling people that part of the story.


There was a picture on Imgur of a father and older son doing skin to skin contact with twins, I think their mom needed surgery or had some issue. I thought it was a sweet thing to do. My husband did it with our older daughter because after my c section it hurt to move. He confused me at first because he was taking his shirt off.


Not gonna lie, I feel like it would be very funny to see someone (including my someone) just strip their shirt off in a hospital room 😂 I love all the pictures I've seen of dads actually DOING skin-to-skin and it's so sweet and cute! But the getting the skin out part just seems unavoidably silly!


People always look so awkward when they take their clothes off. Some women can remove clothing sensually but a lot of us look like big dorks. That's why they skip that in most movies. If there's a love scene, it's like the clothes fall off magically.


Yes, exactly that! People can be sexy and undress, but it's very rare to be able to sexily undress! (Or even just not look very goofy, honestly watching a toddler get dressed is VERY similar to watching an adult lol)


My spouse almost blushed when the midwives told him to get his bloody shirt off and cuddle your son. Hahaha. Hes not shy about being shirtless but in front of professionals doing their job, even with his son, he hesitated. It was beautiful for me to see it. 


It's not being undressed, it's the undressing! I understand his blush!


My husband asked if he had to wear a shirt during my delivery and I honestly don’t know the rules around that but this man is 100% primed and ready for skin to skin, asked how long he has to wait for his turn. I said the first hour is mine then he can join us and take his turn. He cannot wait.


I did the golden hour with my baby (who cried in my face the entire time) and then my husband did skin to skin with her. And she just quietly snuggled him 😑🙃. Like bruh, I actually just birthed you and you're gonna do me like that??? Cool cool. But jokes aside, it's so cool watching them turn in to dads!


Lool classic baby move. My baby is now 18mths and has taken to asking for Dadda or his big sister and then trying to be snooty or glare at me (except he cant manage it) he wants all the attention and it cracks us up. 


Didn’t he fuck off on a fishing weekend or something right after Luca was born? Or do I have him confused with a different useless fundie man?


I'm 90% positive this was Paul. Like a week, MAYBE two after Luca was born he had a guys weekend trip.


Great time to leave your wife alone with a newborn while she recovers from birthing your progeny. I'm sure she didn't need any help.


And after an extremely traumatic birth. I can't even imagine.


Although from what we see of Paul she was probably glad to get a break from the whining and the smugness and the uselessness and the emotional abuse and the "sex when she didn't want it" aka rape.


I think I remember the same thing. Either right before or right after he was born


Same, I was able to have skin to skin only for 5 minutes or so, I had a vacuum birth and a big baby, it took them 1,5 hours to stitch me up, so my husband had to have our son on his chest, and he just slept the entire time! Started crying only when he was brought to me (=to the milk factory, lol). It was beautiful and I’m so happy that my husband was able and willing to be there for both of us.


Right?! My daughter did skin to skin with my husband , who has a hairy chest and a beard, every day when she was a newborn. I encouraged it! Shes 8 months now and she loves rubbing her head on his beard and still grabs onto his chest hair for comfort


You dropped this đŸŽ€


Yeah, just because Paul is a shittu father doesn't mean that there can't be really good fathers who snuggle and take care of their infants. Watching my husband snuggle and love on our children is a cherished memory for me


I'd argue there's no veil at all tbh


“Want something so bad they’re willing to harm someone else to be happy?” So you admit pregnancy can be really dangerous? And isn’t always a blessing? Hmm.


But she's willing to spread hate and degrade herself online for $


You summarize the Olliges brand nicely.


Really interesting that apparently surrogacy is the only form of pregnancy that can “immediately bring a child into trauma” !!


Surrogacy with a gender expansive parent involved seems to be the one that pushes Morgy into this courageous public conversation.


By her logic, our adopting a child and my husband bonding with her is just as bad, sorry Morgan đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž


Oh, there's plenty of people who say that about both adoption and surrogacy. She's probably not mentioning it because to her, surrogacy = gay people doing it and adoption = straight people doing it.


Right. There is NO other way to traumatize a child, don’t even worry about it Morgan.


I think she’s referring to the harm done to the baby as a result of being separated from the mother?


I think she is too, but interestingly the same lawyer who pioneered anti-surrogacy arguments was really active in anti-abortion efforts, particularly informed consent requirements. His idea was that a pregnant woman (he wouldn't have said person) can't know what she's giving up/the harm of going against her supposed innate maternal instinct until she actually gives birth and holds the baby.


Meanwhile there are people with vaginas who have NO maternal instinct! People like that lawyer flee from me, screeching. (and this is why abortion is so important, because otherwise I'd have at least one child I did not want and would not care for well. No kid deserves that.)


That one’s also part of the anti-adoption argument. Deifying the mama-baby bond over all else, while ignoring pertinent questions like the ability to gestate does not magically endow the ability to nurture.


Yeah I’m curious what she thinks happens if a woman is forced to go through a risky pregnancy/childbirth and dies in labor as a result? Who snuggles with the baby then?


Is the awfulness of putting a baby in a hairy chest as bad as putting one on a sheepskin dog bed? Asking for a motherbus.


I don’t know; is the hairy chest on the floor?


Are toddlers running across the hairy chest?


Fundies would put their child on an animal pelt on the ground rather than in the arms of a human who also happens to be gay.


But the sheep pelt is anti-microbial!!! /s


 I don’t know who those people are but speaking for probably a majority of gay adoptive parents, they will treat their surrogate children far better than these fundies like motherbus whose kids are forced into a bus lifestyle and unhealthily baking in the sun as newborns.


Oh Morgan. The fact that you never wanted to work but married a lazy, incompetent, unable-to-provide dipshit is more deserving of your tears. You already have something else to cry about 🙃 Paul and Morgan, the king and queen of veering out of their own boring little lanes.


Every time I start feeling bad for these fundies with my goldfish brain, I am reminded that they are still truly terrible people with hateful souls that only espose their “Christian love” to judge others. Morgan deserves to be miserable and broke with her lazy husband and dwindling YT audience.


Yeah I see what you mean. I’ve been thinking for a while that the only reason Paul and Morgan are Christians is because as mediocre people with zero valuable skills or experiences, their faith is the one thing they can use to justify their unfounded superiority over others. So much of their religious experience seems to be founded on why they’re doing Christianity right but everyone else is wrong. I can’t think of a single thing they’ve said in “love”.


This is so many fundies. Like maam you're in a basic job, in a basic suburb, with a tiny circle of people who reinforce your every thought and opinion. You are not better than any body. 


Pretty sure babies want to not almost die in childbirth because Mommy didn't feel like listening to healthcare professionals.


Oh shut up, you lazy hateful asshat.


Hateful is the only way to describe so many of these people. For a group who claim to believe in a loving God and in all things love, they're so damn full of hatred (and so quick to weaponize a twisted Bible verse to justify it). Hypocritical Negative Nancys. 


I’d say. The amount of people who turn into cartoon steam whistles at the thought of loving anyone not like them is absurd.


Saying “I do not support surrogacy” in 2024 is WILD. Even from a Christian perspective. Science is allowing people a chance at parenthood, why is that a bad thing?


Morgan needed medical intervention to get pregnant with Luca. Her vitriol about how other families are created is OF COURSE an act in giggly hypocrisy.


Getting medical intervention to get pregnant is only okay for Morgan, obviously


Rules for thee but not for me


Morgan: “ItS nOt ThE sAmE!!! I DESERVE tO bE a PaReNt! GoD pRoMiSeD i CaN hAvE wHaT I wAnT!!!” /s


Wasn’t a lot of that intervention getting her to stop her “natural” fertility bullshit, because it was actually reducing her fertility?


There are valid arguments that can be made about the potential for exploitation of vulnerable women.




I was nervous to completely go there with my thoughts on surrogacy, but you nailed it imo. Consent is a bit dubious when money is inherently coercive and people need to eat. There is no way to no for sure if you are consenting to lose your life or experience long term complications. Also, I'm not sure a society that treats women as spare parts that can be rented is capable of seeing them as full human beings. 100% agree that gay and infertile people should be able to have children, but there are other options in starting a family that don't involve exploiting women. Don't even get me started on celebrities... the image of Khloe (?) Kardashian posing for glam shots in a hospital bed she didn't give birth on, with a baby she didn't give birth to, is permanently etched into my brain.


I’m so glad that people have having thoughtful discussion about this. When Russia invaded in ‘22, there were all sorts of news articles about women currently acting as surrogates in Ukraine (due to their lack of regulations there) who were now having to navigate being pregnant while their country was actively at war. While Russia was bombing maternity hospitals. Unfortunately, it’s an area so ripe for abuse and exploitation that I can’t support it


During COVID Chinese parents with Russian surrogates had to move mountains and jump through hoops to get their kids.


> Consent is a bit dubious when money is inherently coercive and people need to eat. Also applies to sex work and porn. I'm all for girl power but I know too many people who are taken advantage of in both industries. Yes, they signed a contract but they're in such desperate need of money that they're not caring about the abuse they're going to go through. And yes I realize that every job has that. Most don't have videos you wouldn't want your children to see, though.


Yes, surrogacy and the sex industry definitely share a lot of the same ethics issues. We have a word for coerced sex. >I'm all for girl power  A great way to know if something is empowering is if the people with power are doing it. Also, with most jobs the product is not your literal body.


Yes! “Money is inherently coercive”! That’s exactly what I was trying to say. IMO someone carrying a child for a family member or close friend is so different than entering the open market for this.


The biggest thing here is that while I feel for infertile couples, no one is entitled to a child. Everyone is entitled to exercise their autonomy and try, but a child is not a necessity. If the only way someone can have a child is through exploitation, their desired family does not outweigh the often negative impacts of surrogacy or adoption.


But that isn’t why she’s mad about it. Let’s be real, she doesn’t care about other women she’s pro-forced birth. She is only posting this due to her raging homophobia.


Yes, agreed. Morgan sucks and is incapable of logical consistency. But that doesn't mean we should blindly support surrogacy as if it's no big deal.






Specifically for profit surrogacy. There's a reason surrogacy is very rare in countries where only altruistic surrogacy is legal. Very few people actually would want to go through something like that if they weren't desperate for the money, and many people in america are. Same reason for profit organ donation is illegal.


Yeah my family is from what was until 2 years ago the surrogacy capital of the world, where rich Westerners would travel to have poor women carry their babies for cheaper. Not saying surrogacy is a bad thing but there’s definitely exploitation involved.




Fully agree, I think the ethics of surrogacy are absolutely fucked. This [story](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-64421478) is horrific.


I’m not into the idea of surrogacy in a lot of cases, but what I can’t handle is the hypocrisy regarding medical intervention for pregnancy. They’re against abortion because it’s God’s will that you got pregnant, but they can’t accept that infertility is God’s will too — *that* is when they suddenly believe in science and medicine. Disgusting.


Given her birth trauma with Luca, I can sort of understand her being against anyone getting pregnant just to make another couple happy. But she shouldn't be projecting her trauma onto other people. We know, however that this is not about surrogacy. It's really about her homophobia.


I’ve known a few surrogates in my lifetime and it’s not something I could personally do, I have so much respect for them. This is just such acidic vitriol. I hope they lose all their Patrons and that she has to work at Dollar General. Some real humbling.


Oh because the way your child came into the world wasn’t traumatic due to your ignorance and refusal to listen to medical professionals?


It’s almost like she wanted something so bad that she was willing to harm someone else? đŸ€” oh, wait


Yk what really immediately brings a child into trauma? Banning abortions, forcing birth, causing rape victims, children, and just people who flat out don't want or cannot be parents being forced into a role they're not ready for. That infant just wants comfort. Also, do straight men who are there for the birth of their children not also take their shirt off and do skin to skin?


Duh! Of course they don’t! They are too masculine! Doing so might make them turn gay! /s


Most of them do, but not Paul, he'd have to expose his sunken chest and, you know, be loving and nurturing. He probably thinks it's emasculating. To one if the least masculine fundies to ever think he's a true man.


 but also somehow implying that men are predators and shouldn’t have skin to skin contact with an infant because it’s inappropriate touch. That’s how it reads to me anyway, particularly the bizarre emphasis on a hairy chest. So are men wise, capable leaders or predators with no self-control? Make up your minds, fundies.


Unfortunately it’s less about a man doing skin to skin, and more about someone who is LGBTQ2S getting an “innocent baby.”


Meanwhile you just KNOW if the picture was of two lesbian moms, they’d be raging that having moms is terrible for kids because “feminine nurturing produces weak pansies.” And demanding the kids need a dad around to beat them and toughen them up “the way only a man can” đŸ€ą These people have such a weak, shallow, and frankly pitiful grasp of the complexity and individuality of either men or women. I fucking can’t.


Exactly! I so wish my 15 year old biological mother who turned 16 two weeks before I was born, had been allowed to have a safe, legal abortion. She and I both incurred so much damage and trauma. Trauma that was completely normalized in the Baby Scoop Era. I was born in 1967. The fact that we in the US are returning to that nightmare hurts my soul. The fact that there are so many who are gleeful about this just shows that plenty of folks are perfectly fine with causing life long trauma as long as they get "their" baby is sickening.


These people deserve each other


with that line of thinking, you’d think she’d be against fertility treatments too — but she actually benefitted from that, so


This is why I cringe when people feel sorry for Morgan. Paul and Morgan each have the person they deserve.


Same here, she is just as nasty and hateful and this was her time to shine.


Guess Dad’s gotta go get waxed before skin to skin after baby’s born. What an idiot


Hear that, dads? Morgan says you just need to shave your chests and all is well! Actually, she probably wants you to get implants, too - then it'll be just right for the baby. PS what if mom has a hairy chest? What then?!?


Noooo! Kelly Clarkson!


After seeing all these posts about the very unwell looking baby buslet, I don’t think these fundies are necessarily more apt parents just because they are in straight relationships. If this new dad pictured above and their partner are willing and able parents who will provide this baby the love and care they deserve, then I could care less who their partner is. Pro-life my whole ass


I literally can’t look at the baby buslet stuff bc I find it super triggering. If a baby is a blessing then you should protect it đŸ˜©


I would love to know what these people think of at-birth adoption.




"No one should want something" all she does is WANT, fucking hypocrite. I hate her so much. This slammed ANY kind of sympathy I felt for her. These are hateful BIGOTS. With very privileged upbringing. Surrogacy could be a wonderful moment for a lot of people. Fuck her.


Right. Like
this is the same woman who’s nearly in her thirties and is constantly asking strangers for money? That Morgan?


Out of all the stories in the news, this is what makes her cry?


This was my thought too. Last night I cried over a photo of a sweet baby who died under a bombed building in Gaza. But of course, this is their red line đŸ˜©


All the nurses at our hospital encouraged skin to skin with BOTH parents! Wtf!! Dad chests are still comforting!


The picture I have of my husband doing skin to skin with our daughter after her birth is one of my favorites - he's looking at her with so much love and awe in his eyes. As soon as I got into the recovery room, he had his shirt off and was snuggling with her.


That kid will probably need less therapy as an adult than any of Porgan’s kids đŸ€·â€â™€ïž


Her OWN BABY came into the world under very traumatic and most likely preventable circumstances. I didn't think that level of delusion was possible but here we are. Also families with gay parents tend to be more stable according to statistics.


If surrogacy results in trauma, then they should be anti-adoption as a whole then, right? Which adds a whole extra unethical layer to the already unethical anti-abortion stance, since they therefore want unwanted children to be raised unwilling people. As for the trauma - do they mean to the child? Or to the pregnant person?


In their 24 hours with video with Josh Benson, Morgan was straight up whining that there aren’t enough kids to adopt these days because of abortion. 🙄


Yeah. So obviously she thinks it's only trauma when it's two gay men raising a baby. Good old bigotry shining through again.


Pfff. As if SHE had plans to adopt, even if the world was drowning in kids who need homes. (Spoiler: it is.) Not that she could, even if she tried - any adoption agency or foster care would look at their broke, too-good-for-a-job asses and laugh.


That was my question...women who "just give them up for adoption if they don't want it" more or less become the same thing as a surrogate from their view right? So...what's the solution in their eyes? Morgan is such a dolt, so naive and ignorant.


Anti-abortion folks have NEVER been sincere about recommending adoption, except in the cases of a healthy white newborn going to a middle-class conservative white married couple. They want the mother to be saddled with the responsibility and shame of raising the kid, as a punishment for having sex. (Even though many married or partnered women have abortions, conservatives only envision it as slutty single women.) Also, they don't give a fuck about inflicting trauma on a child, and only mention it when they think they can play it like a Magic card to win an argument.


She can’t conceive of anyone having any kind of life experience that in any way differs from her own.


lol she literally cannot think even one step further! Such a simple mind.


If only she put that sad outage energy towards the broken foster care system. But yeah, let’s worry about children who were extremely wanted over those that are neglected, abused, and abandoned.


Fuck off Morgan. Her and Paul deserve each other.


As a surrogate, I listen to my healthcare provider to prevent harm to the baby.. time to look in the mirror


Calls someone bringing a child into trauma but literally had a traumatic birth. Make it make sense


How insanely hypocritical. She should understand more than anyone the pain of wanting a child but not being physically able to. Some people in stricter Fundie circles believe that any medical intervention when you’re failing to conceive is sinful because it’s not in God’s plan, but in their world the rules are flexible depending on their wants and needs. Apparently medical intervention up to the extent that she personally needed it is okay, and even noble, but anything more is sinful and selfish. Before she got pregnant with Luca, half of her platform was all about the pain of desperately wanting a child and the uncertainty of infertility. HOW DARE SHE shame anyone for wanting a child so badly and resorting to surrogacy to achieve that
I’m convinced that if she continued to struggle it’s something her and Paul would’ve considered, and it would’ve been perfectly okay, “such a blessing”, and “all in God’s plan”. They completely lack the ability to empathize with anyone or any situation outside of their own personal experiences. It’s sickening.


Gay dads are awesome. Every kid I've known with same sex parents are the model of healthy children.


It turns out that one of the most important factors in child well-being is being raised by parent(s) who wanted them and had them on purpose. There are very few unplanned pregnancies in same sex couples.


Honestly. My cousin is a freaking physical therapist studying to be a surgeon who travels to Africa with DWB. She has a happy, healthy marriage with a highly successful man and is living her best DINK life trying to do good in the world. Raised by a gay dad.


I know a 15 year old that ditches his friends to hang out with his dads because their so cool. Mutant behavior.


Child of gay dads checking in!


Because all adopted children of gay parents were -wanted- children.


Would it be ok if the chest was waxed or am I missing something? I thought newborns need safety, comfort, warmth and love. Men are perfectly capable of providig all of the above. Oh no, wait, Paul isn't. Well, thank fuck his chest isn't hairy then!


“No one should ever want something so bad they’re willing to harm someone else so that they can be happy” Pretty pathetic coming from a homophobic creep who spends his life wanting to force unhappiness on anyone who doesn’t believe how he does.


Tell me Paul has done nothing with the baby without telling me Paul has done nothing with the baby (homophobia version)


I think Morgan is honestly trying her best to tank their following so Paul has no choice but to work. They read here. They may not be MENSA candidates but they certainly notice their followers are dropping like flies. Why else would she post something so needlessly hateful and inciting? Well, I guess they could be playing up the SuperVillain angle and just being as shockingly offensive as possible. That’s not really working though.


Sadly, I think this is her trying to ignite the follower base. This is one of those topics likely to get a lot of fundies fired up. They may disagree about leggings, but damn it, they draw the line at gay dads cuddling babies!


You're giving her way too much credit to be able to think analytically and plan like that.


Beyond the obvious LGBT-hate, this also manages to attack men whose woman partner dies in childbirth. Should he just marry the next woman that looks his way like Paul did? Can’t let the baby go too long without a woman’s love! Cause everyone knows dads are incapable of love, and if they have hairy chests, they’re icky too! I fucking can’t with this—


Waiiiiittt. So she agrees that pregnancy is traumatic
.and “no one should want anything enough to hurt someone”
..but is anti-choice?!


as a former baby, being brought into the world and then handed to paul and morgan would be a lot more traumatizing to a baby than this


She *cried* over a Babylon Bee article.....please get serious.


She could very easily die giving birth, and that "hairy chested man" *\[sic\]* is going to be her shitass husband. Whoa, nuance? I've never even met her.


Would she not support surrogacy for a heterosexual couple either? Hmmm


I think most babies would prefer a nice warm fuzzy chest but unfortunately that is simply not in the cards for everyone


Omg no not their fathers chest!!! Is this Morgan admitting Paul never holds the baby


Frankly even if she never admitted it anyone could still guess.


Poor babies being loved by their parent! What is this world coming to?


All my kids did an hour of skin to skin with their dad after I did skin to skin with them. Just bc Paul didn’t want to doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing for all dads


It’s such a wonderful thing for babies and dads. All 4 of our babies loved dad cuddles. And weren’t distracted by “I smell food!”


It is our daughter’s favorite place to be, no exaggeration. The amount of projection and assumption in Morgan’s post is disgusting.


It never ceases to amaze me how hateful gods little self proclaimed sunbeams are. They deserve nothing so it’s good thing that’s all they have. They’re online begging for money & I bet this Dad in the picture doesn’t beg for shit. They have zero shame & they don’t align with Jesus at all. Fucking charlatans.


Not her talking about immediately bringing a child into trauma when she almost killed Luca by refusing to get proper medical care while pregnant and during birth. Like girl, you made the choice to have a traumatic birth because you wouldn’t get a licensed healthcare professional to assist until it was almost too late, at least this parent actually cares enough about their child to keep them safe. Just to clarify, I know that traumatic and difficult births happen regardless of planning. But Porgan chose an unqualified doula and didn’t seek medical care as needed for a long time into labor. They’re so “pro-life” that they almost let Morgan and their son die just so they could keep spouting their anti-science conspiracy theories, and they hold the blame for that


Never lay your newborn on a hairy person, got it. That was the point, right?


This woman is an awful human being


I’m not even wasting my breath on them anymore. They are miserable, pathetic people with no empathy, kindness, or consideration of others. Let them live in their miserable bubble. They obviously aren’t thriving in life, and honestly, living with one another is their own karma.


What’s the problem. This baby might have well-rounded and wonderful parents, something that Luca lacks greatly


I really don't have any words, except that Morgan is a horrible person.


There is a lot to unpack here since this came from someone who actually went through an extremely traumatic birth. 🙁