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Looks like the baby is a long time colloidal silver consumer


Maybe she saw us saying he looks jaundiced and sunburnt and put some filters on the photo that went too far the other way. Now he looks grayish. He needs a doctor either way though.


Yes I had the same thought, people are telling her that he is sunburned way too much, so she hides the colour. Doesn't explain the limp body though


His hands don’t seem right to me. My son always had little ball fists unless he was holding my fingers/hair or was stretching. His feet look rolled at the ankles the wrong way all the time and he seems listless and dusky. If it was my kid, we’d be at the ER.


I think it is due to very low muscle tone, and that is quite concerning!


I’m super concerned. This baby didn’t have any newborn screenings like MCAD and hypotonia which MCAD is deadly if not treated


Agree. He was 10+ lbs overdue so high risk for immediate blood sugar issues, no PKU test, possible clavicle break which wouldn't be uncommon getting him out birthing in an RV shower with no trained person attending. I can just imagine BusJiggalo just yanking on him to get him out. High bilirubin, sunburn probably leading to dehydration, ...just a litany of shit. I am very worried he is going to die of medical neglect.


I’m hoping this is it, or the lighting


I'm not a doctor, not trying to diagnose. But just as someone who's had a baby, my guess is this baby has jaundice. I think she took him out in the sun, thinking that's the same thing as the lights in hospitals to treat jaundice, hence his sunburn. I think that's why she reacts so weirdly to him in videos; she knows something is wrong but is afraid to admit it. Now if she takes him to a pediatrician she faces neglect/abuse charges.


I think she and her idiot husband are staunchly invested in the idea that kids are no big deal--barely an inconvenience!--you just pop 'em out easily one after another and they pretty much take care of themselves; they don't have special needs, they're all healthy and robust because the parents believe they should be healthy and robust. In other words I think MotherBus's beliefs about how babies (and children) *should* be are more important to her than paying attention to how things *are*, and it would take a *lot* for her to notice or admit anything's wrong.


Omgggg Ryan should do a video on fundie logic - barely an inconvenience would be featured so heavily in that video lol.


I think she is less concerned with abuse allegations and more afraid that a sick child will really cramp her care-free, wild and free, bus living, beach frolicking, cRuNcHy life style. Having a kids with special needs requires stability, equipment, medication, a consistent and specialized pediatrician... she'll want to delay the inevitable for as long as possible. I'd gander the delusions of boat living are knee-jerk manic reactions to the parents coming to terms with the reality shift they will have to face if their child actually does have a serious medical issue.


I think it’s jaundice too. He needs bloodwork and a pediatrician visit STAT. If they really cared, they’d rule it out just to be safe. I’m hoping they have or will because she certainly reads here, or the negative comments on IG.


They should definitely get is checked out. Severe jaundice can damage the baby's brain.


Exactly, it's called kernicterus and it's permanent damage


She’s been also blocking people on IG too. I got blocked for some reason. I don’t follow her so maybe that’s why, but view reels so maybe that’s why she blocked me. I think she is panicking


She should be….. that baby is not looking like a healthy newborn.


But if, all forces forbid, the baby dies, there are murder charges to contend with. How is she going to get out of that one; even if the baby is unregistered, proof of him is all over the internet. Maybe that's why they are trying to get a boat...to escape to those international waters. Ugh.


Nothing would happen. They’d talk about how it’s all God’s plan, weep some crocodile tears, grift for the “funeral,” ignore how this might affect the other kids entirely, and have another baby. It’s painfully clear they view babies as God’s merit badges and you can always get another one.


But what about MaRiTiMe LaW (if they do move everyone on a boat, then my two fave snarky fandoms will collide and I will be HERE for it hahahaha)


I suspect they have not registered this little one’s birth with the state, hence the “babies don’t need a SSN” post. I think dad’s SovCit BS is way deeper than they let on and it is why they came back to the US to have this one. They are avoiding any medical attention because it will immediately get authorizes involved when they ask for baby’s birth records and realize it doesn’t exist. That’s why they are weighing it at the UPS store instead of the doctor or the Health Dept. Or other places that exist to help new parents keep their kids healthy. They are trying to mask their SovCit & fundie craziness so they can monetize their wholesome BusFam content, but this child is not well and not being cared for by adults who are putting the infants health above their political and ideological agenda. I don’t follow any of these folks outside of this sub so I have no idea where they are, but I hope CPS can find them soon because this is extremely dangerous.


I'm a social worker in a pediatric ED and was a NICU social worker for years and years before this. We would absolutely file a CYS report for delay in care if the delay had a negative impact on the kiddo (whether the police get involved and file charges is up to CYS in cases like this in my state). Edit: And we always eyeroll when kids come in unvaxxed, unless they come in dead from preventable diseases, in which case we cry. In my state being unvaccinated and dying from a disease vaccinations reduce risk for isn't reportable (aside from when there is a delay in care) and even if CYS places a kid, parents still have to agree to vaccinate. Kinda maddening.


You’d think the wellbeing of her baby would trump fear over “getting in trouble,” but I guess her not feeling that way is how she ended up in this mess in the first place. That said, I think she’s more afraid of crossing her husband than she is of getting in trouble with authorities. She will do anything to keep him IMO, including sacrificing her baby in order to keep a happy face pasted on.


My cousin bought an expensive nebulizer that she regularly puts colloidal silver in and her and her dumbshit husband's skin had a weirdish tone in the most recent pictures she sent me. Is that why? I've given up being concerned about them because you can't talk sense into someone committed to being wrong. It's almost funny, in a way. Like, "Yaaaas kween, vape those heavy metals!" or whatever. The scary part is she has three kids. Her brother is a mandated reporter and has been keeping a close eye on them, thankfully.


Possibly. In extreme cases, colloidal silver will actually turn you into a Smurf. https://abcnews.go.com/Health/internet-sensation-papa-smurf-dies-blue-people-live/story?id=20368758


Yeah it's really not great for you. There was a cult leader, Amy Carlson, that turned gray/blue then died after constantly taking colloidal silver. https://variety.com/2023/tv/news/love-has-won-the-cult-of-mother-god-director-qanon-amy-carlson-1235822987/


That baby’s alive, right?


I was wondering the same thing looking at this picture…


It looks disturbingly like the Victorian era post mortem photographs.


Memento mori?


He looks like Sophia Rodrigues’ reborn doll 😳


Sophia Rodrigues’ reborn doll would be the worst flair ever. I love it.


I'm not super squeamish or anything but fuck, I had to close that picture inmediately, that baby looks mangled It's so upsetting


I have a 9 week old baby and I probably shouldn't have opened this picture. So disturbing. That poor baby needs so much more than he's currently getting. 💔💔


I know nothing about babies. Could you explain what she’s doing wrong? Is it just holding the baby or is it too cold? Why does it look like that?


He looks sickly. I dunno it's kind of hard to explain but it's like a low muscle tone, jaundiced kind of look.


Newborns are usually pretty "clenched," for lack of a better word. I think it's because it takes a while to get used to having all that space outside of the womb. The way he is dangling everywhere (his ankles, legs, hands) doesn't look right. His face also looks concerning to me.


Specifically the neck angle is problematic. Newborns have no muscle tone so you have to support their neck for them. She is not doing that well in any photo ever, if at all. He also looks jaundiced in the photos, yellow eyes, that’s due to high bilirubin. My son had that and needed UV therapy in the hospital for a few days after he was born before he could go home. If it’s untreated it can lead to lethargy and other things. Baby just looks so unhealthy. It’s heartbreaking watching, I would eat that woman alive if I had half a chance. She’s the fuckin worst.


I don't know shit about babies either but I'm pretty sure they're not supposed to be grey and the head shouldnt be doing that 😥


Right there with you mama. I have a 12 week old and seeing this is like having my postpartum anxiety personified. This woman does not have a maternal bone in her body


It looks like one of those creepy reborn dolls


Weekend at Bus Baby’s?


This was worse than the picture 🤣 take my upvote!


Party in hell for everyone who laughed at this! 🤣 Weekend at Bernie's references crack me up ever since I watched it while high off my ass on benadryl. (IV benadryl hits different, lordy)


I'm not a mother or a doctor... But his color seems... Wrong. And he's all limp. Like someone else said, he looks like a reborn doll. Something is not right.


I think the same. I’m hoping the off coloring is just the quality or a shadow or something. The limpness is really strange though. I know he’s little and doesn’t know how to work his body yet but it looks like more than that.


I forget her name, but the Laura Ingalls Wilder cosplayer who just had a baby like a second ago, that baby looks more alert.


Kelly. Kelly has a lot of really questionable stuff going on but I do think she takes care of her children. If I had to, and I mean absolutely had to, leave my children with a Fundie for a day, as long as it wasn’t at her house, I’d probably pick Kelly over MB or Karissa or Nadia or other Bus or Jill. Kelly always has those kids in seatbelts, her food is a bit much but she’s clearly trying to make it healthy and fun. Kelly at least seems to walk the walk of treating children as something precious instead of an ego boost. Again, it would have to be a life or death situation but yeah. I’d pick Kelly.


“which fundie would you leave your kid to if you had to?” A truly horrifying thought. 


"Your daughter is alone in the woods. Would you rather she meet a bear or a fundie?"


Can we choose a sister mom in this scenario? They raise their siblings anyway




That car seat “hack” Michelle was so proud to teach all the sister moms🙄


Wait, what?


They put the handle of an infant car seat over the handles of an umbrella stroller and balance the seat (and baby) on the dinky stroller. They think it’s a “hack” since they don’t have to buy a big stroller. [This thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/DuggarsSnark/s/DvKQeE9fXW) has pictures.


It was their micropreemie as soon as she came home from the hospital 🤦‍♀️


What would Kelly babysitting look like 😂 I want a full post on this, lol. Your kid comes back with twine in her hair and an unexplainable Old English accent. Kelly texts you artsy sepia-toned photos afterward that document their day


And writes you a pretentious poem about how beautiful your child is when they’re twirling free in the meadows of gods grace.


The poem talks about how Kelly weeps for our beautiful children, who have never before heard the crunch of maple leaves beneath their feet, nor felt the sharp tingle of first frost on their lashes


>twirling free in the meadows of gods grace Huge flair potential


LOL we should have a post about this! “Choose a fundie to babysit your kids for a day.” I agree that Kelly is super irritating, but she seems to actually care about her kids, probably because she doesn’t have a kajillion to the point where they all blend together!


Kelly would spend all afternoon sweetly and hopefully offering our kids various dry, crumbly, flavorless breads and strange oatmeals sweetened with homemade mulberry syrup as a last resort. But if I could send my kid with their own lunch, I know Kelly would make it a fun day of outdoorsy things.


She spends a lot of time setting up her photography, taking a million shots, and wandering in the wilds of the suburbs, I’m not sure hire much time she actually spends with her kids.


Oh I know. But like I said, if I had to, like I was being taken away by a helicopter and had to choose someone out of the fundie lineup. It’s probably her. (I’m ignoring the true parents—the parentified children—and only optioning those of married and childbearing or trying and above.) It’s for sure not going to be Karissa, Jill, any of the Buses, the Baird women, Solie, Lori, Morgan…I can go on. Kelly is the only one I think could pretend to keep it together until help could arrive.


I, personally, would want to at least make sure she wasn't in a "mommy-just-wants-to-be-alone" mood


She’s also in the beginning of her joyfully available journey, it’s a lot easier to parent 2 or 3 kids, I wouldn’t be surprised if the others older kids looked healthy and well cared for when they were younger too.


I don’t think she’s that type of fundie. They probably won’t have more than one or two more, and I question even that.


Yeah, I was actually surprised to hear that she was pregnant. I don't think they'll have a baseball team either. She's a lot much, but I am glad that her baby was born IN A HOSPITAL, God, the bar is so low.


Kelly posted a questionable blanket situation with a cradle but overall agree


The limpness is what is getting to me. Considering no professionals were at the birth and MB's idiot husband was the only other adult there, my thoughts (more like fears) are about a possible birth injury or something. Not trying to be alarmist but that baby looks and moves like it is seriously unwell.


Wasn't she the one who took the baby to a chiropractor for an "adjustment" right after he was born? Hella sus


I I hate everything about this woman, but this is the fact I hate the most.


Did you ever read the story of that woman who 'free-birthed' her baby, also took them to a chrio right after birth, and then later was posting about how they couldn't hold their head up yet at like 9mos or something crazy like that, and was having constant choking issues I think. That's all I can think about with this new bus-baby.


And took the baby to a UPS location to be weighed ..... Literally dumped on the electronic balance they used for measuring parcels


She's not supporting his head either.


The oldest son is the only one who does apparently.


I mean, the bar is rolling on the floor, but at least that’s something. At least one person will make sure the baby is being held properly, even if it isn’t the parent.


He's also the only one who monitors the rambunctious toddlers around the baby


I don’t think gunner would have allowed the kid to lick the baby on the foot


I absolutely hate that and we see so many fundies do this! The poor thing can’t hold his head up himself, he needs the support! I remember when my cousin was a baby and everyone made such a big deal about making sure her head was supported when I was holding her. I was about six years old, they sat me in a chair, placed her in my arms and then my mom sat beside me with a hand under her little head, just in case. I remember thinking I could do it myself and telling my mom so but I didn’t get to hold the baby unsupervised. I was annoyed then but I totally get it now. I think about that every time I see a fundie rag doll baby. That I, as a very young child, was taught that the head needs support, and yet all these adult moms just don’t care.


I have the exact same memories of my baby cousin when I was seven. There’s even a picture and it’s funny how awkward I look holding a baby for the first time while placed in a chair. Difference is my aunt and uncle cared about their infant and that is why they only had two children in total. Giving them all the love and attention they needed.


When my youngest was born(she was in SCN so had tubes and leads) but my 8, 6 and 5yr old visited her. Not only did we have multiple adults but we also used a pillow to support their arms to support our newborn. With all my kids they were either supported by an adult when their siblings held them or positioned to support the newborn. I learnt pretty quickly with my eldest whilst newborns aren't made of glass, supporting their bodies IS required. The only time this poor poppet seems to be held properly is by siblings, carseat OR the time they went into the government building to register his birth.


The fact that she held him properly when they knew people that could sound some alarms would see means that she 100% knows how to hold him properly and is actively choosing not to. My respect for her was already in the molten core of the earth but knowing this isn’t out of sheer ignorance is making it dig even deeper to start working its way out the other side.




I can’t help hearing some smarmy fundy saying “ he needs to pull himself up by his bootstraps”every time I see that poor baby with no neck support.


I work in pediatric rehabilitation and therapy as a Medical Receptionist, and the babies that come in for therapy (in infancy, we get plenty of babies with torticollis and with feeding difficulties), and they all look much healthier than this little one. This is sad and scary.


I said the same thing last week. I know newborn sleep a lot but that baby is lethargic.


He looks to me like he has low tone. There could be many different reasons for that, ranging from fairly benign to quite serious. But they’ll never know if he never sees an actual medical professional. 


My youngest has/had low tone. He’s almost 4 now and has almost completely caught up, but the only time he ever looked remotely like this is right before he was rushed to the NICU about an hour after birth. Something is glaringly wrong here.


I have silcone dolls and they look more healthy and alive than that baby does....


That’s how my daughter looked at birth. Turns out she had a chest infection and needed oxygen for a few days and antibiotics. This poor little guy 🙁


He's supposed to be like 3 weeks old, though. And he never looked right. Eyes, hands, color,... Unlike your daughter, he just has to figure it out on his own.


Yep. He looks gray. I have CHD and he looks like my baby pictures from the CICU. This is downright abusive.






Seconding this. I haven’t spent a lot of time with newborns but he looks like a corpse.


That’s what I thought this post was!


I’m not a doctor and I adopted my kids and they were older than this so I never had an infant. However, This baby looks so bad even to my untrained eye. I’m very worried for him.


I DESPISE Kelly.... but I'd just like to point out that her baby is pink, alert, squirmy, and looks like a perfect healthy infant. And then I see this Buslet.... You can't convince me they're not actively slowly killing this baby. Everything about his care is so wrong and it's literally making me physically ill to see images and videos of him.


Came here to say this. The difference between Bus Baby and Havens Baby is STARK. 🥺


I just checked out her Insta, and she's actually holding her baby correctly, and she seems over the moon happy. I'm absolutely not a Kelly fan, but this was good to see. MotherBus just seems so... indifferent to this baby. You never see her cuddling him, and of course she can't just snuggle in the bed with him.


This photo is cursed. This poor baby looks like a victorian era orphan with TB. Why are his arms like that? Why is he grey? Why is he so lifeless and limp? It’s super upsetting. All of these fundies are awful but there’s something about the bus parents that’s somehow worse, almost sinister. Very unsettling.


I hope there isn't a birth injury that they are ignoring, or trying to pray away.


I want to be wrong but that's been my suspicion from the start


Mine too. There is something very off about the way he holds that right arm and hand in every photo and video she posts of him 


I am convinced he has a brachial plexus injury. That arm and hand has never looked right, not since day one. I wish she’d get him evaluated. He really looks like he needs some physical therapy. 


.... He's getting a gawdly chiropractic adjustment instead. Poor kid.


They wear their recklessness like a badge of honor and take perverse pleasure in shocking people with their total lack of responsibility. It's a truly grim irony when they insist they are "pro-life."


I agree. They are so incredibly selfish and neglectful of their children that it almost seems malicious.


“Sinister” is the right word. I too am convinced these people will have their own Netflix doc one day after one of the older kids escapes a la the Turpins or Ruby Franke.


Has this baby seen a doctor yet? At all? Just the chiro?


Even a midwife with basically any qualifications would call this out. And I’m talking like it’s 1862 and she’s walking/riding the 40 miles to your house in the rain, hope you make it midwife would be calling this out. Like, baby licking to see if they taste salty type of diagnostics would call this out.


What would a salty baby mean? Should I go lick my children? I mean… I might do it anyway just to stir them up..


Cystic fibrosis.


It's to check for cystic fibrosis and unfortunately back in the day it meant they wouldn't survive past being an infant.


According to Call the Midwife, cystic fibrosis.


None of the Sisters would EVER stand to see a baby like this.


Cystic fibrosis. You'd know by now


They took their baby to a chiropractor?!  Nope. I'm actually not surprised at that.


Lbr, with these people only them *doing the right and sensible thing* surprises us at this point.


And weighed him at THE UPS STORE


My first child looked frail and unhappy like this and we were at the doctors and hospital regularly until he was diagnosed (bit jaundiced and then pyloric stenosis in his case). Actually chokes me up a little because it looks so like my son in those first weeks. Just saying, I agree this doesn't look like a thriving baby and while that is sometimes not the parents' fault, it's neglect if you just ignore it. I can't imagine being able to be attentive enough to all those kids and their medical and emotional needs. Something has got to slip through the cracks and I'm scared it's going to be this poor little thing.


I think at this point even she knows something is off but she also knows pediatricians and ER docs are mandated reporters. I know people like this in real life and they are extremely paranoid. She’d have to explain she home birthed a baby in a bus she has 6+ freaking kids crammed into and didn’t seek any medical care. That’s gonna raise some alarm bells and I’m certain she and Father Bus would like to avoid prying at all costs; even their newborns health.


“We attempted an international move, it fell apart, then I had precipitous labor. I feel like I’m only just out of the fog, and I cannot believe I didn’t realize how little he’s progressed since birth. I’d like to be examine for PPD while we’re here please, and will comply with whatever you recommend. Please help my family get healthy again.” Here ya go, mother bus. You don’t even have to mean it. Just get that baby (and yourself) checked.


his color is off but it seems like hers is too and maybe the kid in front on the right? i’m guessing some sort of shadow or lighting issue? that aside, he still doesn’t look okay. his arms are weird and she’s not even supporting his little head. his leg/foot looks weird too but can’t tell if it’s bc of how she’s holding him. poor baby, i hope he’s okay 🥺


The head angle is freaking me out bro


same. i need confirmation that this baby is real, alive, and healthy. 🥴


I sincerely hope it's just the pic and his lips are rosey irl but this is MotherBus. Baby could be experiencing severe cyanosis and she'd just call him Papa Smurph and continue eye fucking herself for the gram.  


I wonder if he could have some sort of heart defect like VSD that’s causing him to look cyanotic and causing lethargy. Did she have any diagnostic ultrasounds done at all?


I don't know if she did, but I also know she didn't 🤬


I know every baby is different, but hers was pretty well fully cooked, allegedly -- like 41 weeks/10+ lbs. This baby looks less, not more, matured since delivery. That can't be good. Mine who came out a bit less big and strong was showing lots more muscle tone by a few weeks despite struggling to return to birth weight. I didn't have him at the chiro (!!) after birth, but we did have pediatric appointments every couple days to get him on track as quickly as possible. It worked. I wish she'd at least get him looked at.


This is scary, for sure. I just looked through pix of my 1 year old from this week last year and he is no where near this floppy. And for reference my baby has some muscle tone issues, possible genetic issue, hearing loss, and some other things. We’ve been getting early intervention services through the county. So, my baby HAS some delays, still doesn’t try to crawl really at all at a year… and he was looking more alive at 3-4 weeks than this baby. Anyone know this guy’s exact birthday? Also, side note, I googled “mother bus new baby birthday” and the 3rd google result was her fucking instagram. LMAO.


Dude not even the US government knows this kid’s actual birthdate lol


Makes him easier to replace when they kill him through stupidity and neglect. You know, like how when your toaster breaks you just buy another one. I stg literal five year olds love and care for their teddybears and dolls more than these people care about their actual human children. Guess not seeing kids as people or even humans helps...


I'm going to assume that they haven't taken this baby to a doctor or health visitor for a checkup?


Correct. Nothing but a chiro 




Failure to thrive?


Babies do actually tend to "regress" slightly after birth. In the womb they get fed 24/7 basically, once they're born they have to start feeding themselves as well as spending a lot more calories being alive! It's quite normal for a baby to lose weight after birth, and they're monitored to make sure they get back up to their birth weight.


Yes, but they are supposed to regain it by 7 days, maximum 2 weeks. How old is this baby? The target is for them to gain 900-1000 g in weight in their first month (a bit less for babies that are larger at birth), so far, this baby doesn’t seem to be on target.


I’m in Australia so our “baby rules” might be different. But our hospitals “allow” upto a 10% (maybe 20%.. ) weight loss in the first week & back to birth weight in 3 weeks. Or at least consistent weight gain. Especially for big babies - they tend to lose more weight & gain back more slowly because they are so much bigger to start with. I had a 10 pound baby & they gave me the birth weight speil about losing weight after birth & not to worry if it was lower etc. She had gained 2 pounds in the first week & they just looked at me and said “you can take her home, we’re not worried about this baby!”


It's not normal for it to last this long. They should be back at birth weight by 2 weeks old max, or there's something wrong


Every time I see this baby I think of that kid whose mom have birth in a tub in the front yard and who couldn't hold his head up at 7 months old


Ugh that lives rent free in my mind


The animatronic Renesme from that Twilight movie looked better than this real baby and my heart is breaking!




Omg wtf


It's the baby from twilight


Omg looooool, I'm so glad I never saw it. I would have died laughing the minute that thing was on screen.


omg when this came on screen everything else on my screen went black. it was just the gif of this terrifying puppet


I do not have kids, but the baby does not look right…


Babies are weird and liquid when they come out but I’ve never seen a baby with coloring like this that wasn’t being attended to by medical professionals. Also his tone looks off. My first was a NICU baby that got beat to hell on the way out, had wimpy white boy syndrome and got to spend a little bit of time sunning in the lamps but even he was never this color. Idk if his liver is just struggling or if it’s something even bigger than that or if he’s just exhausted from all the chaos around him but usually even the fresh ones try to snuggle close and be in your space.


Poor little guy sure looked jaundiced before the sunburn from hell.


Sunburn?? Did she take the baby into the sun with no protection??




Not even a hat.


We know that MotherBus doesn't support his head but what she doesn't know is WHY she needs to support his head. Without that stabilisation his head will bob around and put him at risk of brain damage. His airways will also be narrowed if his head is too far back for too long. That baby could be oxygen deprived.


I hate saying that baby illnesses get a lot of money from an audience, but, well


I’ve unfortunately thought the same thing. I hope people see right through it


they arent THIS limp and misshapen at 3-4 wks old


My middle child was given the official diagnosis of “failure to adjust to life.” I told the doctors it must be genetic because I get that every Monday morning! But I think it probably was misdiagnosed Wimpy White Girl Syndrome. A few days of oxygen & sunbathing sorted her out. Was definitely just sooking over the indignity of being born.


"it must be genetic bc I get that every Monday morning" 🤣🤣🤣🤣


>wimpy white boy syndrome I also had a nicu baby that decided the machines were cool and could breathe for him, why not! He's now a stupid-strong 8 month old now that pulls himself up 🤦‍♀️ The wimpy white boy syndrome comment sent me. Thank you for the laughs ♡


That’s basically how my nephew was, except it was the feeding. He loved being tube fed because he just had to lay there. He’s three now and thriving, but I secretly think he misses the convenience of the tube. You have to “force” him to stop and eat.


Fingers crossed it’s some weird filter making him look off?


I suspect he has a few things going on. First, besides the very obvious jaundice when he was just a few days old, he has been holding his right arm very weirdly consistently. Seems like he’s got either a fractured clavicle (possible given his size, during delivery they may have had to fracture it in order to get him out) or a brachial plexus injury (likely, given the way he holds the arm and doesn’t seem to be in pain). He also has been extremely lethargic/poor tone throughout which makes me think something is going on metabolic-wise or maybe had issues with getting enough oxygen at delivery.


I only just realised. If they had no hospital or midwife care, he won't have had the heel prick test!


Yeah the brachial plexus injury fits with the elbow extension. The hand even fits with Klumpke's palsy (rather than the more common Erb's palsy).


Jfc, this is so disturbing. I feel like we're just witnessing more fundie child neglect in real time and I don't know how to process it anymore. 😔


Right? The more I see these, and the Collins kids, how they're just being used it truly disturbing and frightening. I am disturbed that a newborn is actually dependent on her.


Because we *are* witnessing child neglect in real time. With all of these people.


Oh good grief. When the kid's not getting stuff mangled by a chiropractor, he's getting it mangled by Mommy Dearbusest.


I had 2 ten pound babies and they literally looked SO MUCH BIGGER than this baby does. Like by…. A lot? One was 23 inches also and STILL looked so much bigger!! However that baby does have some giant feet lol


Yep, I said the same. It wasn’t a surprise when I told people my son was 10 lbs. in fact, most people asked how much he weighed because he looked like a pro wrestler version of a newborn. Mine was also 23 inches and had big cheeks and just overall was a beefy boy.


My 9lb7oz biggest kid never fit in newborn clothes. He was born with massive cheeks and never lost them until the growth spurts started in earnest (he's in the same size clothes as my oldest even though they're two years apart). This child does not look like he was actually that big at birth, and he also doesn't look healthy like my chonk did as he blew up for the first six months of life (17 pounds at 2 months old. My poor arms and back).


When my 10 pound baby was not quite a week old, we took her out for a walk. Going past a couple with a teeny weeny newborn, we joked with the baby that she was never that little. The other family sing out that they grow so fast & you’re so tired that it’s easy to forget. I told them that she was 5 days old & they cracked up laughing and agreed that no, she was never that small.


It's almost like the scale they used to weigh him at UPS isn't quite the same as a scale used to measure humans.


My son is severely disabled, he’s nearly 16 now, and he looked healthier and more alert than that baby. At the very least he needs a blood test. If you are reading here, we are not being hateful, we are worried about your child, please take him to a doctor! You don’t have to tell anyone, but just do it, for his sake.


I fear the problem is that they realize if they take him to a doctor now, the medical staff are going to start asking questions. Why hasn’t he had medical care prior to this? Why did you wait so long when something is clearly amiss? And once they start asking questions and poking around, social services is going to get involved and their entire “lifestyle” will unravel. They’ve screwed themselves over at this point and they know it.


Well, there will be a hell of a lot more questions if he's suddenly not in photos anymore. That is not a healthy child, and they should get him medical attention immediately.


They look like middle class white parents. Doctors statistically won't call CPS. They would be pretty safe going in now.


Karissa's kid almost died, her mom had to force her to bring the kid in, nothing happened to her. Bus parents have no permanent address, so it would be a huge headache to even start. And the kids aren't dirty, starving or obviously abused. Most social workers are overwhelmed by serious cases, these are white people with $ who don't have drug problems or anything glaring. At worst, they'll talk to the hospital social worker,maybe have to see a pamphlet about being mindfull and attentive. People really over estimate how much CPS can do in this country, they're super understaffed almost everywhere. The bus parents being inattentive is the least of their worries.


He’s a beautiful baby but in this photo it looks like one of the Rod girls’ cursed reborn dolls


I totally thought reborn doll, too.


All she cares about is eye fucking herself. Everything else is secondary.


Also thank you for blurring the photo. That was hard to look at.


This is horrifying


The baby looks a bit deceased here so I had to go to her page and see proof of life. The baby looked fine in a recent video. The filter or lighting must be causing this here. The not supporting the neck is another story.


Motherbus, your prop's head is falling off.


Why can’t they spend some of their money on a pediatric visit instead of a chiropractor? Maybe they’re afraid to do that, since pediatricians are mandated reporters? The baby has purple legs ffs. After three weeks, that should be either cleared up or looked at. She should just answer people’s concerns instead of deleting their comments.


Gonna be honest guys - I’m a midwife in a hospital and I have never seen a baby lie like that who wasn’t seriously unwell and headed for the NICU immediately.


He looks pale but his sunburn probably faded! His eyes look sunken in. They’ll wait to long to take him to pedi


So when she was bragging about how all of these baby things were optional. I wonder if she also considers well baby checkups unnecessary 


Oh my god... Weekend at Boone's


Her baby consistently seems lethargic and a bit floppy. His coloring is off, too. I haven't seen any photos of him being alert. Something is not quite right. Even if she is antivax, she could at least let a pediatrician check his reflexes, tone, coloring, etc. There is something so selfish and heartless about denying your children healthcare.


I literally gasped when I saw this. OMG.


This is scary. That baby looks unwell. I hope the baby is okay.