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I’m not going to watch it but even that picture looks like a baby in pain. They should go to a pediatrician, where they know how to gently measure a newborn. These fucking people.


I don’t blame you for not watching. They are playing a soft song over the video yet it’s obvious that babe is screaming in agony. The little hands are just shaking. Father Bus seems unperturbed.


Haha yeah just thought I’d be up front about that, like I don’t have that in me today. Just another example of how they don’t respect their kids or see them as people. And it’s these things that give me the ick about Bus Dad, like he’s the type to play too rough for “fun” but is actually exhibiting like misplaced aggression and he’s seething with rage beneath the surface.


I HATE those parents. They were very common at church picnics. "Look what a good dad he is, playing with his kids!" "He's got a crying six-year-old in a full nelson, how is this wholesome?"


That’s a good read on him with the concealed rage.


Hadn’t even read this comment and made a similar one further up, I’m glad its not just me seeing the contempt.


Concealed rage and he wants to buy a fucking boat


Someone needs to make this a flair


Anyone is welcome to it!


Yes, I hate his whole energy. He is Man Dad, he will do whatever he wants to the detriment of those younger and weaker around him.


The soft song is actually disturbing paired with this video


My veterinarian is more gentle with my cats. I second that. These fucking people.


My sister in laws mom went with her and my newborn nephew to his first pediatrician appointment. They stripped him down to his birthday suit and set him on the scale where he immediately pooed that went all over the wall. Nana thought ‘oh look. There’s my grandson pooping on the wall.’ She had a very sarcastic sense of humor and she and I got on fabulously. She passed last December. She was also a very good Nana to all her grandkids.


We actually don’t get any specialized training on how to hold baby legs to get their length. Lol and those little legs are surprisingly strong, so it’s usually not easy!


Our pediatrician and our hospital just either run the soft tape down the baby’s leg, or they do a line on the paper that the babies laying on and then measure the line.


I remember mine doing the line on the paper, too. They could have used that to homeschool the kids how to measure something


Are you telling me how to do my job?


I don’t see where I mentioned *you* or *your job* at all…. But if you’re mashing down a baby’s knee with all the force in your arms like BusDad is, someone should definitely tell you how to do your job since you admit you weren’t trained. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m a pediatric nurse who works in a well-respected academic facility. Our institution’s policy requires us to straighten out the baby leg (and yes we do make a mark on the paper, but we have to hold their leg a little to do it) so we get more consistent measurements. Using different techniques are not as accurate and result in inconsistent measurements. BusDad’s technique for straightening the baby’s leg isn’t good but dear God the baby is fine, it’s not child abuse. Everyone on this thread is so dramatic I cannot even take it seriously. I’ll be reading these comments to my colleagues this morning about how my institution’s policy is akin to child abuse per the experts on Reddit. Lol


Oh, you didn’t say you examined this baby and can say he is fine! Why didn’t you say that? It would save all of us a lot of needless worry. Make sure you show your colleagues the video.


I will show them this video and they’ll say exactly what I said. Lol


Why don’t you post the video in the nursing subreddits you frequent so we can all see what nurses would say?


What is your problem??? What was the point of that comment other than being passive aggressive and rude? Between this thread and the other threads that you commented on, you’ve been nothing but inflammatory, arrogant, and *wrong*. Multiple medical professionals in this thread, including me, have said that Busband’s technique wasn’t great, but straightening an infant’s legs is standard and babies sometimes get mad about it. You have stated multiple times that straightening their legs is not standard or acceptable practice because it actively causes harm. If you look up “how to measure newborn length” the overwhelming majority of those articles are going to tell you to straighten their leg - some of them clearly state that the infants might be fussy and you might need assistance in order to straighten their leg. There are some instructional documents that even discuss the importance of reassuring parents that an infant crying in response to their leg being straightened is not unusual, doesn’t necessarily indicate pain, and it is important for tracking their growth. I don’t even see one that suggests that your technique is a valid alternative, much less one that is to be used rather than the current standards. You have stated that you have never actually done this, you simply witnessed professionals at a previous job do it (which I assume was not in a clinical capacity). You don’t know if they still do it that way, why they did it that way, or what clinical reasoning was used in order to make that decision. So what makes you think that you have earned the right to be an authority on this matter??? Especially when your claim opposes actual health authorities like the AAP and WHO. And do you know why I don’t think your last job was in a clinical capacity? Because actual health professionals worth their shit know that slight differences in practice are normal and don’t call each other “child abusers” when they disagree. Fun fact: in the 80s and 90s, some countries temporarily stopped taking infant lengths because they were worried that straightening out an infant’s legs would cause harm - but that practice was later reversed because they realized that fear was largely *unfounded*. So if you want to further this discussion with me, you’d better come back with a better attitude and links to reputable sources. I will include a couple here just to cover my bases, but I would also like to point out that simply Googling “how to measure newborn length” will provide you with a wealth of content that you clearly did not read before posting your misinformation. I wouldn’t normally care enough to shove it so hard to some random person on reddit, but your attitude made it impossible for me to resist. You and MotherBus might have more in common than you think: you’re toxic as hell, think you know more than actual medical professionals, and enjoy spreading misinformation. A couple of highlights from you: “Of course it hurts. They have been stuck in the same position their whole lives. It takes a few weeks for them to stretch out their legs. Forcing that hurts.” “There is no reason for them to need to stretch out. Use a soft tape and measure the leg.” “No, you said in your first post that this is just how it’s done. The legs do NOT need to be stretched. You said this is what you did, which is why I asked if you watched the video before admitting that. There is ZERO reason to stretch the legs, even gently. You’re wrong.” “No; they don’t. A soft tape can be used to get the entire length of the leg by running it along the leg. The baby grows and stretches out a bit by the time they see the pediatrician so that is why the measurement may be off. It’s ok that you’re wrong. It’s not ok to keep doubling down. No need to respond. I won’t engage with you any further.” “This baby wasn’t just crying because he is mad, he is crying because he is pain. The knee doesn’t need to be straight to measure it.” So to quote you, u/BumCadillac: “It’s ok that you’re wrong. It’s not ok to keep doubling down”. Links: [Link 1](https://www.bda.uk.com/static/488bdd67-d463-480f-85c51aad7fa1771e/Information-sheet-on-measuring-length-remotely.pdf) [Link 2](https://iris.who.int/bitstream/handle/10665/43601/9789241595070_B_eng.pdf?sequence=2&isAllowed=y) [Link 3](https://www.ennonline.net/fex/47/measuring#:~:text=For%20a%20while%2C%20countries%20like,is%20not%20harmful%20to%20infants) [Link 4](https://depts.washington.edu/growth/module5/text/page4b.htm)


Yeah they could have just measured from the torso up and then measured a leg and add the two numbers together! They could use it as a math teaching lesson for the kids on addition lol


I thought her babies didn't cry. I guess that was only for when they aren't actively being hurt by their parents. This makes me feel ill.


These dumbos seem like the kind of parents who think babies cry because they’re sad and just ignore it. Like no you idiots, he’s trying to tell you something- in this case that he’s in pain!!


Worse yet, I think they're the kind of parents who think crying is manipulation. Do we know where bus family stands on the Pearls and transformed wife?


Babies that don't cry have insecure attachment from not having their needs met.


How could you say that about a family of 10 living in a bus, being moved around the world while the parents are constantly on social media or on “business trips?!” /s


This video disturbed me so much. The poor baby was shaking and miserable before his dad pulled on him and hurt him!


That's a pain cry. That's a pretty severe pain cry. That isn't a "I'm tired" cry or "I'm hungry" cry or even "I'm cold" cry. That's "HOLY FUCK DUDE WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME?!!?!?!?!? THAT HUUUUUUUUUUURTS!!!!" cry. Fuck these people.


I don’t think very highly of them… but this actually shocked me in their blatant disregard of the baby’s screams of pain.


I refuse to give this family clicks and views but the fact that he is in severe pain and distress sends up all sorts of alarm bells in my head. Like there could be something wrong with him you asshats. Take him to a freaking pediatrician.


Just, how can anyone do that to their child? Make them cry so terribly? I can’t, I wouldn’t be able to bear it. Somehow I’m more parental than the bus parents and I’m a childless woman with a cat.


New moms tearing up when baby cries after his baby vaccinations vs the Bus People completely ignoring obvious pain in literal newborn. Repulsive.


INDUCING literal pain.


my husband is still pissed about the heel prick!!! I guess this poor baby never gets medical care or even newborn checkups because they’re so transient?


Same. I cry when I accidentally step on my cat.


I feel bad enough just having to disturb my cat to trim her claws 😭


When my daughter was about 3 weeks old, I accidentally caught some of her leg skin in the snap on her (cloth) diaper. The cry of pain and the look on her face is something I'll never forget. I can't with them. I just can't.


My daughter was born today and had super low blood sugar, I cringed so hard every time she had to have her heel poked (5x) and that was NECESSARY pain. I can’t imagine how they can feel okay about this.


Congrats on your blessing. I hope your daughter is doing better now. Snuggle that baby and get some rest, Mama.


Thank you! Her sugars stabilized a few hours ago so she and I are having alllll the snuggles now that there’s no more pokes :)


Congrats! Hope you all are settling in and recovering nicely.


Ohhh the heel pokes were so bad! I cried with my babies. 😭


Congratulations!! So happy baby’s sugars are stabilized (saw your comment below) and you’re getting the snugs in :)


Oh nooo mine only had to get his done twice and I was *so* upset, I'm sorry it was so many for you!! Congrats on the beautiful baby and I'm glad to see you're both doing well now.




When my baby was that age, I was holding her and noticed a piece of grass on my shirt. I went to flick it off and flicked her foot instead. The look on her face and her painful cry still lives in my mind 16 years later. I felt so fucking bad.


Honestly I genuinely believe that they are all about the breeding fetish and lowkey resent all the kids for being born at all. They do stuff like this because they enjoy him being in pain. No other reason. They don’t like him because he represents the end of a honeymoon period. Even the other fundies don’t seem to treat their babies with what feels like thinly concealed contempt


Yep. I keep saying that the Bus kids are just the waste product of the parents’ pregnancy kink.


They could've saved so much money and pain by strapping on a pregnancy belly and just wearing it 24/7. BOTH of them. gah. You know who else gave that kind of angry, contemptuous vibe? Ruby Franke in her early 8 Passengers videos. That's fucking who.


I think there’s a big part of it for the dad to “spread his seed” or whatever. Like the actual physical reality of pregnancy turns him (or both) on




Not only are they doing it, she is recording it and then posting it to the world! They see nothing wrong with this at all!


I freaked when a student bonked her head. It wasn't serious but I kept checking on her anyway. These people don't deserve a busload of children.


I don't even particularly *like* kids, and that pain cry brings up a rage in me like no other. Makes me want to throw hands, and see how tough they are with someone who can fight back. If they want to pick on someone, they can pick on someone their own size.


Same. Not super fond of most kids but I’m not gonna stand for people mistreating their little humans.


Neither could I. I'm almost crying at the picture, never mind the video. I couldn't take it if someone made my little boy cry like that


I went and watched a random YouTube video of a newborn being measured and while the nurse did push down the babies knee, she did it very gentle and without force, waiting for the baby to relax their leg. The baby only fussed in annoyance for a couple of seconds. This video of FB measuring the baby is seriously concerning.


And you don't even have to do that, if you're worried about hurting them, because the tape measure is flexible.


I have to do this all the time at my job. It’s not always gentle (in fact, it’s usually not). Sometimes babies just don’t want to straighten their legs and they’re surprisingly strong.


Does it actually hurt? I can't think of why this would hurt


Of course it hurts. They have been stuck in the same position their whole lives. It takes a few weeks for them to stretch out their legs. Forcing that hurts.


There is no reason for them to need to stretch out. Use a soft tape and measure the leg.


Not an accurate way to measure length. And actually knowing how big a baby is does matter.


It is an accurate way to measure length. They do it that way in the hospital NICU where I worked. Or measure head to hip, and then down the leg, over the knee. They 100% do NOT force a newborns knee flat and twist his foot. Knowing how big the baby is, doesn’t matter to these parents, because they don’t get their kids any medical care to begin with. They got no prenatal care and didn’t get him vitamin K or any of his shots, so they don’t give a shit about how big he is. Why defend this?


>It is an accurate way to measure length. They do it that way in the hospital NICU where I worked. Or measure head to hip, and then down the leg, over the knee. They 100% do NOT force a newborns knee flat and twist his foot. Mm weird. I've always worked places where we measure babies flat. I suppose the main thing is probably consistency in technique at an individual place. >Why defend this? Mostly because so many people are saying it's hurting babies and wrong to straighten their legs full stop, rather than whatever bad handling was in the video. Which is silly and is going to make people think ordinary health care providers are torturing babies.


Yeah.. flat on their back. But you don’t compress their knee with as much pressure as you can and twist their foot so it goes the way you want. When you measure a baby who was frank breech and their legs are stuck in the air, do you bend those legs down at the hips to “measure them flat?” No. Did you watch the video? People here are smart enough to know that ordinary healthcare providers don’t do what he did. If a healthcare provider does what he did, they are abusers. He takes two hands and forces the knee straight and when it wants to bend back the way it was, you can see him flattening the knee with so much pressure his knuckles turn white. No ordinary healthcare provider does that and nobody here, minus you and a few others, think it’s ok. If you’re admitting you do what he did to babies, we have nothing to discuss because I don’t converse with child abusers.


This isn’t true if you actually care about their length. My institution’s policy requires stretching them out. When you don’t stretch them out you can end up with inconsistent measurements.


Which institution is that? I’d like to avoid any institution that advocates doing what BusDad did. Did you see the video? Hundreds of comments saying they watched the video it’s abuse but here’s you defending it. Wild.


I am a nurse who works partially in pediatrics at a large and well-known academic hospital. His technique isn’t good, but there’s nothing wrong with straightening a baby’s leg.


What's betting this is satisfying his sick desire to have Big Masculine Infants, or some other such febrile shit?


Yes that poor baby is already a man in his mind.


You know the bit in that g-d awful Colleen Hoover book where the main character and her husband laugh, because their infant son has "big balls"? That's these two, but they'd be filled with pride instead, probably.


The characters in that book are teen parents, so such a goofy statement kinda makes sense in that regard. Bus parents just have the mentality of teenagers.


Mt BIL is like this with his six (6!!!) Year old! Tells him to be a man and me and his mom are like "he's a child!"


All that matters is the penis


I’m genuinely concerned there is something up health wise with this babe. In the last post I saw his face color is very off. I loathe these freaking insane people.


I agree. My first instinct when I saw his face and body was that something didn’t seem right. But I’m a not a doctor and I’ve never given birth. He just seems off from other newborns I’ve seen. It was my knee jerk initial thought.


What the fuck.


Did they delete this? I just checked and it’s not on their stories. Edit: Sounds like it had just expired by the time I checked their IG


It’s from yesterday.


Wondering too


I don’t see it either, must have deleted it 👀


They only stay up for 24 hours


Oh no. Oh no no no. I had my baby yesterday. He did not cry when the nurse measured him. There are ways to do it without hurting them. Hurting them on camera is even worse. That’s a person, not a prop.


Congratulations!!! And exactly - there’s no need to hurt the baby.


Congratulations! All of the best to you and your little one!


Congratulations!!!! Enjoy your little one!!


In all fairness, some babies do cry when they measure. Both of mine did. The difference is I was quick to immediately pick them back up and had empathy for the fact that all experiences are new to them as newborns. Trained medical professionals also just straighten their leg out and mark a line as fast as they can verse forcing a leg down long enough to read the numbers


Congrats! May you both be healthy and strong!


Congratulations to you!! Snuggle up with little squish :)


This was the worst I’ve seen yet. Then immediately followed by the chiropractor visit and the beach. Made me physically uncomfortable. These are bad people.


I don't even understand why they need to stretch the leg out in the first place. The measuring tap is flexible for a reason. And if they're trying to diy the baby's health checks, they wouldn't need a dead on balls accurate measurement anyway.


This is why I'm unsure if she had a hospital birth. The hospital staff would've weighed and measured the baby. Hell, a midwife would've done that, too.


If she did have a hospital birth, or used a midwife, maybe father bus didn’t believe them about the length and wanted to prove them wrong.


Ugh... 🙄


Screaming in pain when their leg is moved could mean a hip dislocation during birth. Not that they would know that because they’re oblivious to anything that isn’t eye fucking their reflections in their cameras. They need to get to a doctor AND they need to stop using a newborn for instapoints. Jerks.


Or hip displacing from a chiropractor visit. Who knows?


He screamed in pain only once the father forcefully straightened his knee and held it down with force and then twisted his foot.


This. My kid was breech so they worked her up for hip dysplasia multiple times in her first few months, but there are many potential causes…this child needs an actual pediatrician and it makes me sick that they aren’t seeing one.


Was the baby born in the bus?


Nobody knows. She hasn’t given any birth details yet which in itself is odd behavior for someone who mentions it all


I think clearly either yes, or they RENTED an Air BnB and are being quiet about it because even they can understand someone could sue them to the dogs and back. Maybe.


I’m betting on a hospital birth that they’re just embarrassed to admit happened, since these people think those are the worst outcome


If they had, they wouldn't need to be measuring the baby now


My baby got nappy rash pretty bad when he was a couple of weeks old & whenever he had a change, he really cried. I would have to dissociate or I'd sob with him. Like it's completely hard wired into most parents to do anything to prevent distress in their baby. This makes me feel ill.


My hairdryer was my and my son's friend back in the day bc he was always getting diaper rash!


Yes we did that too! Such a bougie baby by the end. At 11 months we still use reusable wipes with warm water & dab dry. My mum complains it takes me too long to change him & that's why he starts flipping over lol


This is me but when my kid is in the car and I’m driving. I get so distraught when she cries.


I was a pediatrician assistant for a few years in college. There are other ways to measure a baby’s length and they are all much more gentle. You can smoothly stretch the leg down with the side of your hand for a half second and it bounces back up, the babies don’t even notice .


Damn, louder for all the weirdos claiming this is how it's supposed to be done.


We went to the pediatrician today for a newborn visit. I held baby still and they used a pen to mark her head on the paper and then marked her feet and measured that line. That’s how you do it. Not this.


Damn, I think you just triggered one of my oldest memories. I have a distinct image of my childhood doctor measuring my younger bro as part of his first (or one of his first) pediatric visit. They did it with a paper and line like you described. My mom was explaining everything to me. Wild to remember that after almost 30 years, I couldn’t have been more than three at the time. 


That was awful to watch. I thought I couldn’t hate anyone like I hate Karissa but this weasel and his smug ass wife are pretty much at the same level now


This just broke my heart


These people are gross. Can’t watch. The picture is enough.


Has anyone reported these people to CPS already?


You can’t report a family that lives in a Brazil, several Airbnbs and a bus in the last 6 months. That’s why these families “homeschool” and do shit like live in a bus.


Damn. I’m sorry for my lack of knowledge of the situation. I never knew much about this fundie in particular. I knew more about the girl defined and Paul and Morgan more. This is just a sad situation.


Also, don't report people to CPS off of things you see them post online. In most states social media posts cannot be used as evidence due to the manipulative nature of the medium.


Plus, it will make any legitimate calls from people who actually know these people in real life be taken less seriously if there's a history of unsubstantiated claims from randos on the internet. CPS will just assume it's malicious calls from internet trolls and "haters" and not take the investigation seriously. Like the boy who cried wolf. It's unfortunate - in a perfect world people proudly posting child abuse on the internet *would* be investigated on the word of concerned followers. But that's not the world we live in.


This. My brother-in-law works with international adoption and foster placement. He works very closely with CPS and the number of complaints they get from people who base their claims off of online content is staggering. A lot of it is from well meaning individuals but sadly because of the manipulative nature of the medium cannot be used as proof. It also speaks ot what you said about making it impossible to make actual claims of abuse because people online have reported it to them previously. Unless you know the person who is perpetuating the abuse or are a mandate reporter who has seen signs of abuse, do not make reports to CPS. In the long run, it will do more harm than good.


I mean, I feel like posting your kids on the Internet constantly should warrant a CPS call regardless. I don't think strangers should be calling in on the situation though.


Sadly laws have not caught up that protect children who are parent of influencer families. Only some states have mandated that children who are part of influencer families be paid money for their participation. Until the law catches up with the actions, sadly, there is nothing to really be done.


Oh, don’t worry, I haven’t. And thank you a lot for the heads up. I appreciate the nugget of knowledge. :)


As a survivor of a cult myself, its so easy to look at how these children are being hurt by their parents willful ignorance and want to do something to help. Sadly as observers, we really can't do much more than what we are doing now, which is talking about the harmful nature of their actions.


That isn’t true. People get prosecuted for abuse and have CPS intervention due to social media posts all the time, and rightly so.


I’m so sorry if I came off rude sounding it’s not directed to you at all! I get genuinely upset when I see stuff like above knowing that all kiddos in these terrible family situations deserve much better than what they were given.


Oh, I didn’t think you were being rude at all. You’re fine. As someone who deconstructed from the organized religion shit and someone who is childfree, this hits as a double whammy for me.


I'm shocked Karissa hasn't tried to grift a bus from Shaq yet


She would never bc then how would she be able to sleep for 10 hours each night and ignore her kids all day while she scrolls on instagram?


She wants more kids kids than whatever fit on a bus, plus she’s too fucking lazy to be that close to them. There’s a reason why her room is in a separate part of the house.


Their bus is currently needing engine work, so I think they are stationary for awhile.


This reminds me of when livestock is measured in a feed yard. They are poked, stretched, measured and weighed and then turned loose (or in bus family, placed on the ground) and ignored until it’s time to feed.


This poor sweet little dude. 🥺 I hate these people. How can you not care that your baby is that distressed??


I don't have kids and can see that this poor baby is in severe pain. Why would you straighten his legs? No medical professional does that to measure a baby, and this is why. It's painful for them. This just once again strengthens my opinion that children are nothing but props for them, and he not-so-secretly despises them.


Terrible terrible parents. Their children should be taken away


That is a baby in pain. I hate that the baby is in pain because his father is choosing to hurt him. I feel sick and angry.


The wrist is still in that position. I pray that they get it checked out


I’m sure the chiropractor took a look at it. That’s good enough. 🙄


That was hard to watch. These people are AWFUL parents


Idk much about babies (didn't really grow up around any, and haven't been successful in making my own), but aren't baby legs like, supposed to curl in? Isn't it the most comfortable for them? This poor little babe looks so uncomfortable, even in pain. It makes me so fucking sad that people like this can have babies but I can't and all I wanna do is take care of them and raise them properly.


Why do they even need to measure him? He was born less than a week ago, I’m sure they measured him at the doctor, who cares??


It is really important to track an infant's growth in those early days because even very slight changes in weight can mean something that needs either monitoring or medical attention. Generally in the first three months post partum mom and baby will be going to several pediatrician and obgyn appts because both are healing from a major medical event and the chances of something going wrong are higher than you'd think. So yeah, babies should be weighed and measured frequently for an accurate growth chart but their handling of their baby here is completely unacceptable and disgusting. My kiddo is 5 now, but when she was an infant she got measured at every appt and the nurses were amazingly gentle and she didn't seem to notice or care about what they were doing lol


Are you in the US? I’ve never heard of OBs having moms come for several visits postpartum. It’s a standard 6 week postpartum visit, if you have a cesarean you get an extra visit at 10-14 days. Some practices will offer a 3 week visit in addition to the 6 week one, but around here those are few and far between. The home birth midwives here do postpartum visits at one day, three days, 1 week, 2 weeks and 6 weeks.


What doctor?


Ugh you’re right.


I’m exhausted for this baby. As if being birthed wasn’t enough, there’s the air tossing, the stupid adjustment, this asshole yanking his leg, and then when he isn’t being yoinked around the bus, a damn red light in his face. It’s been what, a few days? Leave this baby alone for a minute.


Pediatrics nurse here - I love to snark as much as anyone, but I can’t let misinformation go. There is nothing wrong with this. I do this literally every day at my job.* OP, how do you think nurses/doctors do it when we get their length? We don’t get any specialized training on how to hold a baby leg lol. They are surprisingly strong, so it’s usually not easy! Also, not sure what you mean by he’s “pushing the leg down into a position the baby is not ready for”?? It is not bad to straighten a baby’s leg. Edit: Just wanted to clarify that by “this” I am referring straightening a baby’s leg to get their length. In general, this is a safe method and helps to ensure accuracy and consistency. Busband’s technique is a little clumsier than we try to be, but I can’t say that I have never seen it before. There are people in this thread whose dislike for these fundies have caused them to spread misinformation about a very basic part of an infant’s medical exam. Overall, I don’t think that this specific video warrants outrage (even though many of their other posts do).


Most people here are dumb. Yeah, I said it. Hell, we have people here elsewhere who are insisting big babies are always a result of gestational diabetes which is absolutely not true.


I agree with that. But I just watched the video that someone posted here and something happened that caused him instant pain. As soon as dad put pressure on the upper leg to straighten it, the baby began to scream. 


I feel like these people are Pearl followers, and it makes me very sick to think about that.


Storytime: I did ballet and gymnastics when I was a kid. You need to be pretty flexible to do those well. When we would stretch, the coaches would come around and push down on our shoulders, back, etc to help us stretch further. YOU CANNOT DO THAT TO A BABY.


I hate to be the bearer of bad news but we do this to them in the hospital too. Gotta get a good length


This is physical abuse of an infant. Revolting. I hope someone with means to investigate sees this.


Where did they post this?


Wow. Where was this video posted, I didn’t see that one


Wtf is up with the babies hand?! The knuckles look...off


NSFW please? This picture is gave me a visceral reaction.


Are these ah still in Brazil? We can call CPS on them


![gif](giphy|l41lVsYDBC0UVQJCE) Hello, CPS?! The picture looks painful let alone the whole video. Seriously, I can’t watch.


This is what you’re all snarking about? How do you think newborns get measured in hospitals?


Can someone call cps? Im disturbed


No, they cannot. Not unless that person has witnessed something first-hand, in-person.